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RADIO TONI, April 7, 2021

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Guest, Kerryn Vaugh, Get off the Bench, Magnificent Kids, Making the World a Better Place

RADIO TONI with Toni Lontis

Talking Points Radio Toni – Every Day Business with Kerryn Vaugh

Today’s guest is international speaker, author, facilitation and podcast host Kerryn Vaugh.

In a former life Kerryn was living the rockstar life - partying, performing for screaming fans, staying out all night,  and basically believing I was the centre of the universe.  

“I am 35, my life is carefree, selfish, and somewhat reckless. I am performing at a leisure centre in the  suburbs, lapping up all the admiration. We take a break and I get a phone call. That call would change my  life forever…”  

Kerryn did everything within her power to keep her sister alive, but she failed… 

That event significantly changed her life. Kerryn was forced to think outside of herself and about the power she had to help others instead of putting all her energy into her own selfishness. She discovered how important and healing it was to live a life of meaning. 

Since 2003 Kerryn have been on a mission to build on this meaningfulness and have over the years propelled  herself on an upward spiral to make a better life for herself, others, and ultimately the planet. 

In 2014, Kerryn wrote the award winning book ‘Magnificent Kids!’ which showcases 23 superheroes who started  world changing projects before the age of 18. Some were as young as 7! In a strange but wonderful turn of events, it was this book that led Kerryn to found One Planet Classrooms in 2015. 

One Planet Classrooms is a Not for Profit which supports schools and communities in Africa with projects  such as clean water solutions, sustainability projects, women’s empowerment and adult education  programs, feminine hygiene solutions, as well as coordinating a sponsorship program that provides  education for over 180 children.  

In 2018 Kerryn became wildly accountable after making a pledge to ‘launch a female focused initiative’ in front  of 300 women at an International Women’s Day event. No backing out of that one! She co-founded Girls With  Hammers which hosts conferences and workshops aimed at empowering women.  

In 2019 Kerryn released her book ‘Get Off The Bench!’ which is about getting your project or idea out of your  head, on to paper and into action. Why? Because so many people she worked with, have brilliant ideas but just  don’t know where to start.  

In 2020 Kerryn launched the Get Off The Bench Podcast as a way of reaching and inspiring more people to  kickstart their idea. Kerryn’s guests share the journey of how they got to where they are today, and we dig deep  into what they have built in their lives and the challenges and wins they encountered along the way. 

So for Kerryn life has had some very impactful twists and turns, good and bad, and she has gathered a very  large bucket of tools and lessons.

Welcome to the show Kerryn

This show is called Get off the Bench

  1. Lets start with that phone call… what was the message, how did you react and what changed in that moment?

  2. Can you share with the audience a small portion of your sisters journey?

  3. Tell us about your life right at that point in time?

  4. The most powerful part of your journey stared with a book. Magnificent kids. What prompted you to write?

  5. I want to know about your work with people who have autism – what has that taught you? What did you discover about yourself?

  6. No found a NFP organization is no mean feet! Id love to know more about One planet Classrooms. What is the organization all about, how did you get funding, what do you hope to accomplish and what have you learnt along the way? What was the “pivot” for the organization?

  7. I know you are passionate about advocating for women across the world. This triggered a new challenge, didn’t it? What was it? What’s the purpose and what’s the big vision of the future for Girls with Hammers?

  8. That leads us to the latest book, Get off the Bench. I love the wisdom behind this book Kerryn, can you tell the audience all about the book.

  9. What workshops do you have coming up Kerryn?

  10. What does the future hold for the dynamic, passionate Kerryn?

These questions are just a guide – follow my lead and we will have an intuitive and insightful discussion. We will keep the conversation organic and it will flow where its meant to, Sharmin.

Some further information...


Radio Toni with Toni Lontis
Show Host
Toni Lontis

Radio Toni is hosted by Toni Lontis, author of Resilience – Memoir of a broken little girl discovering a women of strength and beauty. She is Australia’s rising talkback radio queen, who is not afraid to facilitate interviews across the more difficult conversations of our day, bringing her brand of social consciousness to the airwaves.

Radio Toni is a community of like-minded people who are dedicated to making their life journey inspirational, wanting to leave a legacy for others.

Toni is an inspirational woman who has dedicated her life’s work to helping women and the men who love them to find their passion, purpose and voice.

THE Radio toni PODCAST

Your go to podcast for a laugh, inspiration and just to feel good.

A series of inspirational women sharing their message!

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