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RADIO TONI, April 27, 2022

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Natasa Denman, coach & mentor, 14-time published author, creator of game changing business model Ultimate 48 Hour Author

RADIO TONI Every Day Business with Toni Lontis

Natasa Denman is The Ultimate 48 Hour Author. A highly sought after professional speaker (CSP accredited), coach and mentor, Natasa is a 14-time published author and creator of the game changing business model, Ultimate 48 Hour Author.  She has helped over 600 solopreneurs become first time published authors in 15 different countries around the world including Australia, USA, UAE and Canada.

Three years ago, Natasa also founded her own publishing company, Ultimate World Publishing and her authors are now writing their second and third books. 

Appearing in all major media outlets across Australia including The Sydney Morning Herald, The Financial Review and The Age, Natasa is changing the way people do business in Australia and the world.  She now runs a multiple 7-figure business, with her husband and 3 children from home having pivoted the business from an offline to a highly successful online model during the coronavirus pandemic. 

WELCOME to the show Natasa! I have to confess that I am so excited to chat to you today and I have such gratitude around the fact that we met. You taught me so much over our 12 months together.

Questions for the Guest: these are a guide only and we will just have a conversation and go where it goes.

1. Let’s start at the beginning, how did you get into publishing? Franchise, coach, wrote a book, 7 figures for last 7 years.

2. What prompted the move from outsourced publishing to in-house publishing?

3. From your vast experience in publishing and writing, what’s the biggest challenge to writing a book and why don’t people end up writing that book?

4. What's the difference between self-publishing and traditional publishing?

5. How does Ultimate World Publishing differ from other publishing houses?

6. How do people become involved in your programs?

7. Where can prospective writers connect with you? What exciting events have you got planned?

8. Sometimes it’s not about the book is it Natasa, care to comment?

9. What’s the big mission and Vision – where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Guests Links:

Aust Seminar Booking Page - registration

USA/Canada Seminar Booking Page -

Guest Name, Natasa Denman

Natasa Denman
Your Pitch

Meet The Mum That’s Helping Everyday American Women Share Their Powerful Stories and Become Published Authors In 48 Hours


I started Ultimate 48 Hour Author after having written my very first book called The Seven Ultimate Secrets to Weight Loss. This book was written because I wanted to get a life coaching business off the ground, and I had no clients and no ability to generate leads or
prospects. So I thought my big marketing idea was to come out with a book which I did. I wrote the first book in a matter of 80 days and had it published within six months. So that was also a fast way of getting a book out. And ever since that book came out, I became a six figure business owner within the next 12 months. I got speaking opportunities, media coverage, and grew through the business to a sustainable level where I could quit my part time job.

After that I wrote two more books and one of the books that I co-authored, I suggested to my author to go away on a weekend and write this book, over that weekend. Um, Iworked out that if we were to speak out our chapters, that we would be able to get the content done really quickly. And we actually only took three hours each of speaking to speak out that particular book. And that book came out in less than 72 days after the whole publishing process. And then a few months later, the idea was born that if I could write half a book in just three hours, then others could do a whole book over a 48 hour retreat. And I announced that I would run the first retreat in October, 2013. And that's where it all began. I had the pilot group of people who already liked me, and trusted me. And my whole idea was to come up with something that was end to end and not just a book mentoring or coaching. I wanted to include absolutely everything which meant taking people away, feeding them and having the whole publishing and all the details sorted out from start to finish for them and that where it all came about. 

Shut Up And Write Your First Book - Natasa Denman


Radio Toni with Toni Lontis
Show Host
Toni Lontis

Radio Toni is hosted by Toni Lontis, author of Resilience – Memoir of a broken little girl discovering a women of strength and beauty. She is Australia’s rising talkback radio queen, who is not afraid to facilitate interviews across the more difficult conversations of our day, bringing her brand of social consciousness to the airwaves.

Radio Toni is a community of like-minded people who are dedicated to making their life journey inspirational, wanting to leave a legacy for others.

Toni is an inspirational woman who has dedicated her life’s work to helping women and the men who love them to find their passion, purpose and voice.

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