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Project Review With Q, April 13, 2024

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Project Review With Q
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with Q

Project Review With Q

Part 43

Project Review With Q

Project Review With Q
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Project Review With Q

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Project Review With Q

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BBS Station 1
Weekly Show
5:00 pm CT
5:55 pm CT
289 Following
Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

alright welcome to brq thank you b b s r a d o t e r q q when I get to be like you play me riddles riddles riddles build thank you for coming back and and dealing with me and having so much faith in this information it's a credible honor and privilege in our natural state is going to be playful and so I do my best to make fun of myself whenever I can and us and show and prove to you that we're just really feel pop said why don't we just go back
and see if he catches salmon today I need to get a couple things done so I can be like a hyper Vigilant appreciate who and we're really excited one way or the other we're like we're schools of fish we go we feel you and then we go the direction and so forth and it's really exciting it's really fun we rarely do anything we don't want to do and then when we try and do things we don't want to do then we stopped doing that it's really fun to get a good bunch of people bunch of people and go oh my God I screwed it up again I love this and so keep keep sending in your project keep sending in all of your inspiration or where or working hard here on a couple items
and I want to talk about a few of them right now
so several weeks for the last several weeks I've been calling people anonymously and I called them and I asked him to do a task
if they want to and if they're excited too and I'm not going to tell you what the tasks are everyone has a lot of different outside I keep calling weekend we got to make sure when you send in your project and all of your material you give me a phone because I want you to feel me when I reach out to you instead of an email and so forth and which I consider counterproductive to our creativity when I talk to you we can actually get some quality work and I can I can pump up your tires too so let just me reviewing just our team reviewing your project gives your project more wind in itself so keep keep trying it on here as we go through some a some changes in our societies and I assure you that you're going to get some kind of stimulation to keep submitting to me you're going to get it is up to you of course but you're going to get a lot of a lot of help if you just keep us in the foals at least allow us to observe
but you're really excited about the tasks I requested I'd like you to respond through our BBS portal just respond with a quick message in the first the first statement you put in the subject matter is task that I asked you to do to write task and then the task I asked you to do and then give me your response in the body of the email please make it very short and neat just want to know how well you did okay that's all we want to know how well did you do and then and now I can follow through this also unfortunately proves that when I make a proactive timeline for solution I get to I get to see who attacks us and I chose some very strong people so if you were out the task is not to say you are not strong it's that I pick some that might be a position where they're going to
or not and so I get to chase the bad guys basically when we get attention on it and so I always want us to use me that way if you're getting attacked I guarantee you I'm going to destroy them and of story no I do not directly attacked that guy they have to do something for me to do that so that is not a threat by any means it's just how we can use me to to to make sure we're successful done it with the radio of many people how and what happens when we do something proactive so that's that's why I've asked you to do these things so now you can be a test bed for the rest of the people that we distribute resources to Andor help
this is a very exciting time and it's not you just stay with me
keep keep pushing towards me it's going to be really easy for me to get a mass communication out instantly or resources and so I'm sure you're starting to smell the smell the coffee what am I figure the
the other item I want to talk about we just exciting advancements in Hawaii and long overdue and I want to talk about thank you collars for calling and please don't I have forgot to mention the number again I should probably do that real quick just make sure we get a good population here today or what
please call in if you'd like to chat at 888-627-6008 for direct line is 323-744-1831 or 888-627-6008 or call me at 323-744-1831
the advancements on your awareness intrinsically in your intrinsic World here are starting to get real obvious in Sochi are cutie more working really hard to look at root cause analysis for a grander solution to many problems that I have the great privilege of listening to over the years of doing one-on-one work getting around Society being in four different countries in one year or two years I guess but so I get to I get to really see things because I get to talk to silly ass and you'll actually that solves a lot of problems if we can all have her own radio show me get all talk to everybody at one that that would be you can get this quickly
then we talked about North America and why Hawaii is so important to us on North America while and padding and North America is is so important to us
all of that start with a suggestion of information you start looking at so we talked about how propaganda work just steer society and reactive reactive reactive reactive information yeah the clintons are good people great so go pound sand and spin around circles that the clothes still run around somewhere in that you're not really saw anything you're just talking about these people were bad so I can actually look at if you go to the military and you go to your local government there actually a very similar position as is that statement is
you don't really know where their living breathing and working and they don't really know what their agenda is but the you can see them somehow someway in your political system because a TV told him hold that one right there somebody exist that's what you believe but you've never met them you don't know they exist you believe they exist and you believe their backup all right so here's here's how this has worked in h l p r cute in North America in the disco's previous question of Sweden in North America what's the people who invaded America did is they establish colonies eventually state and local government this is not to say that there's not beautiful people local government don't don't look at the the
the front side of this look at the the collective construction of a local government
local government was so if we look at the Hudson Bay Company we look at the Morgans trip up Morgan exam like the Rockefeller family in the Rothschilds actually not really the big game they're just kind of their their their their theater and but the guys are really engineering it who created local government to compliment your financial inflationary system and so so once you have inflationary system and you get everyone buying into taxation IRS winterboro you've you enjoy their you get to control the development of a City a state or County a country so as you can see your voting process doesn't work because you've lost control of the voting process at a local government level
you lost control of we we have someone on the call earlier I losing my house we are still well they undoubtedly don't own the house to get the IRS if it's you can't be embarrassed on you went anyway it was made to create a micro boundaries of Taxation to suppress your ability to go create whatever you want it soaked
you want roads you want to fireman you want a police officer well who's going to pay for that while you are in through the year your taxation system well as the government's bro they also start getting a little more in-depth as spending your money and how how it would work in inflation system and that is where we need retirement funds we need pensions and so forth and so it's constantly being waited a year after year after year and by the time your grandkids get your house their taxes are going to be $10,000 a month and then Jim the fireman gets his 100 $50,000 check year for sitting at home cuz he work 30 years of fire station and that's how against the cliff notes version as you know that's our local government was designed and engineered is very old technology off-planet to create a hierarchical system
here's how it works the US Military and other military what if each branch of the government will your local government and for the military what if I could put someone at the top of General Admiral could be many people but I can control them as someone outside military what is I had people in the military who can put people in the military to run massive divisions of business in the military but never ever were put through Boot Camp or what if I could control a general or an admiral at 11 that it doesn't matter if I'm implemented in there or not what if I can control how about a governor
you can see the game I would have got a counselor these aliens are very crappy and how they do it and so when you have mind control and black magic on your side technology and by the way I can blackmail you with your grandchild gets really easy really easy so when you can look at the world problems that you're assuming it exists through your machine
I can now play with which ones you're going to buy into and which ones you'll adopt and which ones you don't because I can just watch you on your your smartphone and I have gateways to do that I have also just offered to do it and it is super simple well when I when you start looking at if I can compromise the US Military and I can try this one what if I told you a sub submarine base in Washington state was run by some really bad guys call Bill Gately go how would they do that how could they do that if we have a military process to managing our house up until 4 because they put their guys and then they might think it's real simple if you do go look up that area go look up Indian Island on Google Earth go look at Indian Island and asked me why there's all those Mounds are those are all the ammunition.
and full of ammunition and so you can you can kind of see how high are fuel system to her not to knock them the military because I'm a huge fan of the US military especially mini mini and the working relationship with them you can't tell it made his Visions who's who in the zoo is what we're trying to say so the pull much of the political attacks you're seeing in in Congress and the Senate those are all designed and Engineers to just have fake teeth when they're pretending to do their job so they're they're not there either distraction there associating themselves with alien technology black magic and so forth or they're pretending to do their job medication they're not like you where you want to get something done you want to help its entrance again when your billionaire you don't really have to do anything but sit back and have a good day everyday
anyway why when they explain that to you is because why start to recognize that and the people in the elders there that have their knowledge are really starting to figure this out and they're big they may be a good models cleaning up all of our countries and they deserve it because those hayarkon systems as local governments have not represent of the people there may be great people in there don't get me wrong with a lot of heart but the systems that you've inherited in local government are designed and engineered to enhance inflationary systems lot of words there if you can't see the whole picture is the task was to make sure you got 50 countries in one country that's what America was going to be engineered for
and by the way I only one guy in the county and represent the United States Constitution and he's a sheriff that's the only one is going to or should I say I should say that's the only one that's got to be going to say I sign back up the United States Constitution and thank God my beautiful friends in Arizona and can't wait to get back with wearing your beautiful red hat that couple in Arizona can't wait to hear your words again the day know how a higher kill systems work and you can so you can kind of see that it's bottlenecks us from making decisions collectible and Taxation and so far it's a very big part of that so I'm saying that so you can see how the military is an inflationary it is is a conkling inflationary Financial system and you can see local government is is confirmation inflationary system do we need the US military I I don't know I guess we need we need a seat City
police officer we need a County police officer we need a state police officer When is National Guard me the FBI we need to see is not a nation we need the Army Navy Airforce the space force and we need the KGB we know there's your proof that this is an alien hierarchical system and some of the systems are absolutely a hundred percent honest fighting the alien agenda hierarchical systems so that's what I'm going to start with today but it's really to get that task was done and is a ghost for a bunch of use to you what we've accomplished this week is for standardizing a methodology to get you free in America so that we can help the others and in the proofing land pets
examples going to put it in a folder so you can pull it and I know you've heard this broken promise from me before but work we get so many digital attack work we're watching the attacks so we can take care of them anyway these project does this specific project is going to be something you can take regardless of your state and eventually regardless of your country and utilize it so you can be tax-free have your own water have your own food have your own shelter and never have to weigh to be out again and by the way happy on Power and so that that's a big disadvantage ask for the team and we were sorting it out really nicely in the end we've got several win and we want you to couple more and we're just going to turn it over to you guys so you can figure out what's the best way to implement in your country or state your county cuz you're going to know it's better than awesome have an appreciation for the politics and the people there and by the way
if it's it works it just works a local government would work if it would have mentioned the United States going to be the one we talked about wherever the Queen's law was homesteading will work so you can take a spiral in Scotland Canada America Australia and more so we can we can get everyone Sovereign that's fine but when we gave our rights away to the local government and didn't understand that we don't have title. That's where it went sideways because now they're texting you on something that's not theirs
and making decision that you didn't help make these decisions are not based on your phone I'm sorry to inform you because you didn't vote for pensions for police officers and anyway the short story is when you do look at the County recording process County assessing processing in America it was actually engineered by aliens to not be able to adopt the United States Constitution so I'll give you an example when you look it up as I've bludgeon the name enough Bill Gates has the largest
a landowner Farmland American he couldn't do that if he used United States Constitution as title that's the highest level title because you're only allowed 160 acres in American Homestead so you could transfer your homestead but you'd only be able to get one more hundred sixty Acres all right so if you used locally mints mints parties and finance and inflationary system known as much land as you want and I'd have fake titles so obviously you know we're going to go Homestead Bill Gates and let's do it say that stuff back because he doesn't have title that's what that's what we're kind of getting it out here as slaves and I'll be able to slip here not poking
poking the bear I'm just saying why if I wanted to control North America and own all of everything I'd make a system that you had to pretend you had ownership. That was what was created by a lie is to make micro government's internees Michael government into its own laws and I called out Snohomish County they're making their own laws and you live in that little County and and these people think they control you because they have some hierarchical system so higher kill systems in your states can have some potential but if you start looking at how it complements insulation our race and ways you can't make decision you're going to see this is all a lien control system anything that I articulate
forgive me feed so long-winded and in a little ominous Arabic my great love to you we've got a good we can work out underneath the house and and we got all the templates made we have all the steps made I can hand it over right now and get you guys real Savvy but if I feel like working will want some more examples if you guys have something that would be great and maybe it's already done for us and we're looking for different kinds of land cap ones where Legacy landowner
turn did not turn over the land patent to the siblings but they still living in the same dwelling so Grandpa dies and has land the kids took over the farm they didn't retire because of those and Grandpa's name then they got a loan for John Deere tractor top 10 million dollars couldn't pay it cuz it didn't grow enough corn and lost land those type of things I really want to know about because we can get your land back no problem examples I'm looking for Unique there's no way I can pass by and because I was in that guy I know that's not that's not true because the deceased does not have a successor so even the original land Pat D if it wasn't turned over to the successor and to work the family member they don't have claim to the succession statement there but that's how it works and everyone can Pat Landon there's tremendous amount of
in America that has not been tested and or homesteaded and I want to smoke I want to talk to be free as soon as you've dumped and so I think I'll start taking some calls but I'm not sure where to start because I was told I have to start over and I forgot where I left off on you, so why don't we start with
where can I get where can I get some cool stuff out of this one how about Nevada how can you heal themselves Shelly Shelly from Nevada schizophrenia in Las Vegas that does sound scary Shelly what's your question
not Las Vegas actually but so I I have a son who has paranoid schizophrenia and he is he's living in another state and 38 years old and he's ended up being incarcerated for a lot of survival crimes you know it's stealing a sandwich or breaking into a storage unit for shelter or whatever mental health system completely failed fountain
and so they end up in jail
and I've had several conversations with him he usually calls me once a month or once a week and some conversations are really hard to have them because he's just they have them on injectable medications and it's just really difficult so I try to do some commands with him and he can't even say it so I don't know how are they able to heal themselves if they're in that situation
great quests in Langley okay so what what territory is he in Boise Idaho Boise Idaho so I can show you plenty of work okay so the medical industry is misdiagnosed schizophrenia and I'm sure you know and so so you can prove it because it you called it a annoyed schizophrenia and soaked show me show me the symptoms and I'll prove what we're saying I'll show you how to spell this
well he starts talking about things that are the don't piece together and don't make sense but when he was a little kid when he was about ten years old, 11 years old Illuminati and reptilians and all of that stuff and back then he ate now so back then I thought where you coming from you know and I did not but
yeah so you let me show you how the engineering methodologies work in our DNA when all disease definitely all psionic disease is all engineer and so and so all of us have a type of bark if you don't remove it you have to like a it's a little bit it's like a clock and a Tumbler lock that has a program in it that when you get too smart and too much awake it starts working against you start working against it so that's what you basically claimed so when you get a genius a super superhero light being coming to the physical body this is what they did to me and they put an implant in you and if they keep that stuff wasn't with me they'll
re-engineering of DNA and or strut that clock and so that's the degradation program that I tried to explain the last couple hours but about 30 to 40 they have that program and just so they know where Hot Shots right in there 30 somewhere around 30 to 40 it to it it's berries if the time device to Legacy device flip the switch the authority engineered and his type of bloodline so if you actually look through the rest of the family members you'll actually find some more hot shots in there and I'll correct it yeah I would agree with that is easy to solve okay
trees in Boise Idaho okay so don't worry about him doing the commands with him so here's what I want you to do to make it really simple and be very confident will he allow you to touch him unless Hispanics don't like that
remind me to remind me of relation
he's my son
I already know that I'm just making fun of it okay to you love him because it's family so I'm not a huge fan of people touch the other people because it's it is dangerous and it nothing changes here either but because you have so much fortitude here here's what you do is you heard me say it a lot of time to remind you guess you lay him down on his back and you anchor the lights through and you stand next to him and you anchor the lights through your let's say you're on his left side he's laying on his back take the light from the etheric field of your planet and make us Invision Envision meant a light going through your right leg out your right hand and use one finger usually the middle finger is more powerful and put it on top of his forehead and the
all of his hand and see if you can take that light take it out your hand into his head out his hand back in your hand and back into the surface of the planet to give me if those words a little clumsy so I'm going to make a jumper cable out of my right hand on top of his the Middle top of his head very top of his head while you laying down and the other jumper cables going to go on his left hand in the palm of his hand and the light is going to go out you're into your hand back through your body back into the Earth and you're now you're going to make a circuit and you're going to keep that loser get running okay and while you making that circuit run you say this I command my spirit to heal and balance us now us Commander Spirit to heal and balance is now can't stay out the reason we start there and see if you can get a response see if you can see an improvement measure and then you can start doing some more comprehensive work okay
do I like to do just a 1,000 for the second touching the person but since it's your son maybe you'll do better if you hang on to the energy and the jumper cable longer not a huge fan of you doing a long time cuz you don't need to so here's what it looks like if I was doing it I command my spirit to heal and balances now I do it 3 times 5 4 3 2 1 and my jumper cables to jump on the hand jump on the head at the same time and I press some real firm and let go knowing full well that I Envision the light coming into him out of him back in me back into the Grouch just that simple now you can get if you can get if you can get so you don't need to have him doing it but you'll ask him permission and you'll get him to do it with you it won't matter because the spirit is in him don't worry about the verbatim that he gives you
all right so can't talk now if I do it you'll go like this I command I command our spirits to remove any hindrances Us in us right now 5 4 3 2 1 through 23 x Japan see what happens there and then we can get more Progressive I command my spirit to give you all of you back in you now 5 4 3 2 1 highlights of number 3 because those that numerology is built into a pretty firm haven't seen anybody without that alien technology and so I used alien technology to kill people time numerology Leo place cuz the calendar so strong it did that help
it does help with the only problem is I don't he do if he's not allowed to have physical contact with somebody so the only contact I have with them really it's over the phone if you want to make excuses I love you I love you but you don't pick up and knowing all right that's your son you get to do whatever you want. I mean yeah I know I got to push that
let me know if you need help call Gator get some help love you very much and I love you too thanks
alright let's keep moving on here today okay let's see what looks interesting. See I redo the call can you read those call us Thank you Bebe us radium forgot to thank you thank you thank you Christopher thank you Ronnie for work with me and the mermaid of course and many others Lauren from Virginia how can we stay in our hearts file at work that's my favorite Lauren please tell me about work
hi Lauren
I love you I love you so much love you I love you I love you I love you and the mermaid and happiness last night and I just cried is it you were talking to me I was just crying so I'm a little nervous but my question is I I work in a corporate America job for the medical health insurance industry and I do not like it however
it's awful it's fraud it's awful but it's the truth and so it's just me paying my bills and I'm working on a way of creating a way to get out of this job but it's just me q and so I am I really
I mean you know it it gets things it keeps things running how about that so I'm honestly like my project is just I've been in the wheel of survival I don't have like I'm not able to really I just want to be free to be honest with you I just want freedom and I don't know what that's like because I'm in the hamster wheel during the week and so when I'm working I'm having to be in so much mental energy to do the job so I'd say the command throughout the day to try to but it's like I just don't know what to do and I feel like it's this cycle so I'm curious
you know it's this a good it's really badly don't let me I could shop track your it's a very valid question because I got to experience it too and I and realized Okay so
how'd we get into this well if if if I you know I don't want to get in your business here but the reason you go to work is to survive correct
okay and yeah it is okay so there's a lot of different ways we can answer them and this is why we start prq is get you guys some fresh air so you can figure out what was really exciting for you cuz you never get a chance to get off the hamster wheel as you said so start start looking at it a little differently if you don't have this so when you lose paycheck-to-paycheck even if even if you do have some in a you do have some savings you're still in the game either way but we're what if
I put you little say I gave you a billion dollars right now and I put you in the middle of Wyoming or someplace and I got you a little like 12 months to think about things what do you think you would end up doing with yourself what would you do for yourself
breathe and run around in the field and squirrel okay so okay so what what would stimulate you each area so that's why we're focusing on the lamp at Snow's daddy if I can get you shelter food water cetera and power what do you do what do you do each and every day you're going to look for Jim the logger at your boyfriend right or after that even what are you going to do each and every day what stimulates you
I'm working on that I'm working I have ID I have but you're too busy or too busy working you're too busy working okay so what's the solution we got to get you out of here we got to get you out of this thing right
yes how about about stop
what if you let it hit the fan what it what if what if you just stopped
what is methadone
oh my God I love this thing but what if you stop paying your bills what would happen
she loved your bills I don't know why you keep doing it
that is the ultimate question isn't it nobody likes nobody likes me when we get on this subject so I I tested it out for you so I already did this with a family and everything and granted I had I had a special awareness but I guarantee you you were going to survive and guarantee you and I guarantee you another opportunity is going to present itself that comes from something more exciting than sitting at the medical death
cloning systems
yes you're correct so how do I get how do I how do I get myself how do I get myself to the point where that's that's why I mean how much how much how much money am I making today
why do I do this why do I do this
because I love you I love you so much and can see so much I realize I have to be a service you that's my highest excitement I realized I'm I have more horsepower than all of you out there and I am ashamed to say it at the same time I know I have more visibility and so I've got to get the message out I know I can see the aliens I know I I know I can be a help if I can just get it to proper words out there's something you can't wait to do
there is that this is the way Spirit Works your Consciousness works like this it just gets excited and that is your compass I'm excited about finger painting naked in the field in Wyoming already told me that so whatever it is
you know it's there you just just be patient just kind of do something change routine go ahead and take all the five you're sick days next week and see what happens
see what happens maybe there's a gap there maybe there's an opportunity there maybe there's an old friend you haven't called and they're into finger painting giving you until you actually can't prove that bad things are going to happen to you because you quit going and doing something you hate doing you can't prove it to me
it might happen is what you said if I do this is what you just said didn't you
forgive me for being frank lot of people in your soon so I'll be your test dummy this level of where we're at in the Ascension cycle some some form of opportunity will come to you that will be way more Bodacious than what you're doing if you can trust that I'm excited about filling the Gap guarantee you just make your choices slower and less of them like I'm really it is my mind telling me I'm hungry is my body telling me hungry cuz my spirit does need things like that so what would I eat the mine wants me to eat breakfast lunch and dinner but my body says I'm full after breakfast why do I need to eat again watch those little decision and now do it in your personal life and professional life
it's really fun to do is like why did I choose a cheeseburger when I could have granola who's telling me that was telling me that is it need to tell you that little things like that will get you stimulated for what you desire more and more so just look for Desiring things I desire this is that help little bit thank you so much thank you thank you and I love you
love you you have a beautiful day
thank you
I never could buy BBS I want to go to Edo
from Israel how do we do what we prefer we have to do things we don't like to do in order to survive maybe that's redundant but let's hear from the strip from Israel
all right no problem actually I would like to refine it I may thank you call I have the privilege of living for 4 years without work and I still haven't figured out what that was always in the mind energy off okay my time is running out and if you figure it out I need to figure it out then and today I don't know how to find what's my true calling
I would really love to hear you your insights about it
well should we just commit suicide just call the day what do you want to do
it was fun.
Early China recipe for so many beautiful question I don't mean to be flip
when you get up in the morning
why is it that you get up in the morning what is it what motivates you
no idea oxygen oxygen
so okay so now what's the next what's the next thing you do when you get up
after the bathroom
linking my king I don't know just opened a computer and see what's new or what I need to do all day all the needy called me right there hold me right there okay so now I'm going to look outside myself and I will get on the computer and see what's new with should be called Old okay so I'm going to go outside myself and try and get inspired and excited outside myself catch it on yet
okay so I'm always looking for something that's going to help me or or stimulate me or educate me outside myself when I guarantee you it's all right inside you right now every book in the universe is inside you right now if you start working with it so 11 suggestion is make it see make it tea on a piece of paper and forgive me if you've heard me say this before so take a blank piece of paper or college-ruled paper straw line right down the middle and cross it at the top and at the top I want you to put on one side of the tea the past 40 and on the other side of Team put f for future and then in the middle of the tea I want you to make an end for neutral everything you do not like in your life put on the past row on the left side of the team that's in the past and everything you want and desire put them all on the right side
all right so inevitably most of the times I do the exercises with super soldiers and so far their left side is NASA's of the massive list of things they don't want and they only have two things on the right side what we're going to do is we're going to make sure none of those things on the left come into the future that make sense
so every day when you wake up the list on the right side is all you're going to take one step toward so it doesn't matter if you accomplish the task make it really simple I can't wait to raise a chocolate lab dogs maybe that's the only right side don't put anything over there that says I don't have enough money to race chocolate lab that's on the left side and I don't have enough money. All right so on the right side every day make another tea and in another week 2 weeks a month watch how the the advancement of the future start showing up in your life
she probably can do a tea like once a week
and then by the end of the month I guarantee you something you wanted to have happen will happen I hope that helps you
thank you beautiful day to you I'm going to go on another call and I am just not going to be able to pull this one off I have a bios from Germany how to stop debt-to-credit Institute how to stop debt-to-credit Institute from a German that's this should be fun please do I have bios hi hello cute can you pretty please
I'm so if if you wish it starts with a P
thank you very much you give me how can I help you no problem but I am looking at a time jobs for years now and I Am Understood all of you and I only have it done by morning and I'm sending all of that money about being up my bills or what I can do it just doesn't make sense anymore I understood that it's not my fashion anymore and what I wanted to get rid of the of the current job I want to get rid of my siblings that sounds like a tough life that I took some institution and
what is bothering me then if fear of what if they bother my family with the whole be faltering the thing that's what's bothering you but I really want to leave my job and leave everything and go back to India from India I really I really want to make my spicy every morning for myself and my life and play music and if I go to the beach and give that the fee that's all I want to do
so what stops you if you don't mind me asking
of course not so what stops me is my is my fear
I think I have feared I might my family would be bothered about this whole own thing and they're going to bed after I leave Tax Collectors are going to go up on my family
probably we should probably stop making Dad huh
yes something like that looks so I'm a huge fan here's here's my favorite practice in North America is go to open a credit card Berry the saying and then throw it away
do you know why okay so I want everyone to go get a credit card for 10:20 Grande right now spend every single penny on it and then throw it away and what is going to happen is the debt is now going to go to a debt collector and the debt collector is now going to chase you for more debt it money and he's going to check on me but what you're also going to do is prove FICO the credit system are all the banking system you can actually bankrupted that way if everybody would do that so they would start giving us resources instead of asking us to enslave us and in debt so that's what that is. Just says it right there it's called that for a reason right all right it does not use you though from loving what you're doing not because the means of exchange enhance your lifestyle you are you just said to me I cannot wait to do all these other things then pay off debt is that correct
okay I don't know how do you get how do you get to trust and faith in yourself to do that is what I'm doing my best to teach I command my spirit to increase my life force energy will give you the space in yourself to save this is crazy land I living it could could totally got it I made some choices that have now a resulting in my lifestyle now so just you don't have to blow things up to start making advances to what you prefer in your life just like I told the last caller where is that line of Tolerance you're going to stop and then move in advance for work you have to find it I'm suggesting you make a list once a week once a day whatever you need to do what is it I don't prefer is the solution if you can identify what you don't like and make a list of everything you do like in the future that solves the problem not to excuse the fact that you have debt
but look at how it will change if you quit doing something
after statement maybe if you start another employment that is fun for you that maybe ends up giving you far more capacity for resources you can't cuz if you don't have the space than yourself the resource won't show up now we're very powerful now so if you don't like guess what's going to happen
things you don't like me that's how powerful we are now so please have faith in yourself and my great love to you thank you for the call
thank you thank you very much you thank you very much thank you thank you
how to see if you get paperwork
on folks from Florida so sorry I'm going to move on to the end of the show our respect and appreciation for BBS radio they are incredible it's incredible how well they take care of us thank you all keep descriptions coming people renewing in contact you my love to all all of you great great day love you bye bye