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Paradigm Shifters, April 7, 2015

Jim Self
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Paradigm Shifters
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with Veronica Entwistle

Paradigm Shifters interview with Jim Self of

The co-founder of Mastering Alchemy, and an international speaker and author, Jim Self has been leading seminars and teaching healing, clairvoyance and personal energy management courses since 1980.
Since childhood, he has retained a conscious awareness and ability to recall his experiences within the sleep state. Over the last twelve years, this awareness has expanded into relationships with the Archangels, Ascended Masters and Teachers of Light. The tools and information presented in the Mastering Alchemy programs is a co-creation of these relationships.

Jim also walks well through the third dimension. At the age of twenty-six, he was elected to his first of two terms to the San Jose, CA City Council and later became Vice Mayor. Before completing his second term, he was asked by President Jimmy Carter to be an advisor and the Director of Governmental Operations for the Dept. of Energy.  Since then, Jim has successfully built and sold two corporations, and is the founder and current Board Chairman of a third. He loves to road-bike long distances and drink green smoothies.

Paradigm Shifters

Paradigm Shifters with Veronica Entwistle
Show Host
Veronica Entwistle

Shift out of the dog-eat-dog mentality and transcend to a higher paradigm of love, collective empowerment & global consciousness.

When we are having relationship problems, or lack of money or health, these are all expressions of subtle energy fields that hold programs, either our own or of the collective, or a combination of the two.

LISTEN TO: Paradigm Shifters. CALL IN: and feel the freedom as Veronica and her loving guides tangibly identify and release the energetic bindings that restrict your expression of self.

It is Veronica’s politics, maybe yours too, to move beyond the limitations that keep us poor, trapped in the social consciousness of war, power over, greed, hopeless politics. When we learn to live with the expanded consciousness of our higher selves, and the beings of the higher realms, we enter the potential of multidimensionality, releasing the binding energies from genetics to mental and emotional reactiveness and to - all ways - all ways feel loved.

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