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Paradigm Shifters, April 14, 2015

Lavandar Eyes
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Paradigm Shifters
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with Veronica Entwistle

Paradigm Shifters interview with Lavandar of

Lavandar has long been using her unique abilities to successfully assist people on their life's path. While maintaining a full time "waiting list only" psychic counseling service during her time in Las Vegas, she has been sought after by celebrities, politicians and people from every walk of life for her sterling advice.

Her powers of perception, mastery of astrology and connection to extraterrestrial masters through her double pineal gland add to her highly developed psychic abilities.
If you are in turmoil, conflict, depression or just feel lost, it is because you have been out of alignment with your Natural State. When you stand in your own light, and "to thine own self be true," everything comes easily. It's only from this Natural State that you can receive your Rites of Passage, and this is Lavandar's specialty. And because her perceptions are so accurate, her guidance can accelerate your achievement of life in your Natural State.
Lavandar's discovery of the Star Marking Codes is just one part of a journey so profound that it is the subject of an upcoming book and movie called "Crack Between The Worlds" Her expertise in guiding Star Seed, Walk-Ins and Light Workers is unparalleled.
Take some time to wander through Lavandar's World. You'll find channeled information, chronicles of adventures, photos that will leave you speechless and...see for yourself!

Paradigm Shifters

Paradigm Shifters with Veronica Entwistle
Show Host
Veronica Entwistle

Shift out of the dog-eat-dog mentality and transcend to a higher paradigm of love, collective empowerment & global consciousness.

When we are having relationship problems, or lack of money or health, these are all expressions of subtle energy fields that hold programs, either our own or of the collective, or a combination of the two.

LISTEN TO: Paradigm Shifters. CALL IN: and feel the freedom as Veronica and her loving guides tangibly identify and release the energetic bindings that restrict your expression of self.

It is Veronica’s politics, maybe yours too, to move beyond the limitations that keep us poor, trapped in the social consciousness of war, power over, greed, hopeless politics. When we learn to live with the expanded consciousness of our higher selves, and the beings of the higher realms, we enter the potential of multidimensionality, releasing the binding energies from genetics to mental and emotional reactiveness and to - all ways - all ways feel loved.

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