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New Realities, December 23, 2017

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New Realities
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Guest, Neil Gaur founder of Portal To Ascension

New Realities with Alan Steinfeld

Guest, Neil Gaur founder of Portal To Ascension 

Guest, Neil Gaur

Guest Name
Neil Gaur
Neil Gaur Director of Portal to Ascension
Guest Occupation
Neil Gaur Founder of Portal to Ascension
Guest Biography

I: A message from Neil: How it all started…

I was raised in a Hindu family and I pretty much considered myself an atheist Hindu. I say this because I would do all the rites and rituals that my family told me to, but I never truly believed. I just did what I did because it was expected of me. When I graduated high school in 2000 and went to Cal State Fullerton I began interacting with a variety of different people and exploring a range of music. I began writing poetry that, in turn, became spoken word pieces that I would present at open mics in Orange County. My poetry portrayed a lot of confusion, questions and a spiritual connection to life with an underlying feeling that something is missing or out of place. As a freshman in college I discovered a series of videos from 3 individuals: Nassim Haramein, Jim Self & Jordan Maxwell. I started watching a ton of videos taking me down all sorts of rabbit holes. I found out about the Sumerian Civilization and the ancient Extraterrestrial race known as the Annunaki. This led me to Zachariah Sitchen and Erik von Danken’s work with the Sumerian Scriptures.

II: Transformation

This awareness took me back to the religion I was raised in, Hinduism. I looked at this faith from an entirely new perspective… dissecting all that I could. The information on vibration and connection to quantum physics and the universe that was portrayed in the Sumerian Scriptures were very similar to the Hindu text. The Hindus speak of vibration and frequency and how this connects to meditation and other holistic practices. There were too many coincidences. I then began to realize that a lot of cosmic truths of our existence were hidden within the Hindu scriptures.

My mind was blown. I was reading translations of the Sumerian scriptures that were the exact same stories found throughout other religions in the world. However, these scriptures dated back 1000’s of years before the world bibles spoke of the same stories. I also discovered that these similar stories were talking about a race of Extraterrestrial beings. The Annunaki who came from a planet called Nibiru, which is the 10th planet in our solar system that has an elliptical 3600 year orbit around our Sun. This information lead me to the notion that either the majority of major religions in the world are inherently wrong because they are taken from these texts, or all the world religions are actually talking about Extraterrestrial beings.

This made a lot of sense to me and I went down the rabbit hole of information and awareness. I delved deep into the conspiracies and the corruption. I felt that there was a disconnection in the world and that we as a species are wandering aimlessly allowing ourselves to be manipulated and controlled. I was so angry, feeling that I had been lied to my entire life. That everything I know was wrong; however, I also felt reassured that I had always known something was not right. I stayed in the darkness for a while, a bit scared and very confused. I wanted to do something and help shift the consciousness on the planet.

III: Breakthrough

In 2006, after 6 years of intense research, I created a Facebook group called “2012 Consciousness, Mind, Evolution and Presence”. I created this group because I was interested in knowing who would join and sharing all this information with my friends. Within a matter of months 100’s of people began joining and within a year we had a few thousand members. In 2007, I had a download in which I was called to change the name of the group to “Consciousness: Evolution and Presence”, and then a few months later to “Cosmic Consciousness: Presence”, until eventually in summer of 2008 I had a dream in which I was told that the name of the organization will be “Portal to Ascension”.

That was the same exact Summer I was laid off as a financial analyst and I met a group of individuals that became my soul family. Summer of 2008 was when Portal to Ascension was born in spirit, in physicality and with direction. Soon after we conducted our first event at a holistic center in Costa Mesa, California called “Ginger’s Garden Wellness Center”. From that moment up until today we have been creating revolutionary events that ultimately lead to two conferences (Cosmic Reunion 2012 and Cosmic Reunion: Fourth Density) in 2012 and then into our state of the art online webinar platform we are currently using.

It has been an amazing ride of self-discovery and adventure creating and evolving with Portal to Ascension. Every time I change direction in life and move away from creating events and putting my energy in Portal to Ascension, I am always lead back to this ‘work’ through synchronicity. I now know more than ever that this is my life mission. To bring together great minds and revolutionaries to inspire and increase awareness all around the world so we may shift our reality to one based on the principles of unity and love; as well as create a platform to show everyone on the planet who they are and what their true potential is.

New Realities

New Realities with Alan Steinfeld
Show Host
Alan Steinfeld

New Realities has been the leading edge, new Consciousness cable program broadcast from New York for the last 12 years. The series is hosted & produced by Alan Steinfeld. I firmly believe that – ‘A mind stretched to new realities never returns to its original dimension.’ - Alan Steinfeld New Realities is dedicated to exploring evolving human potentials in an evolving world. This series explores the idea of how to become more conscious beings. We present programs that invite the viewer to look at automatic behaviors and take free reign of their body, mind and spirit so that we can hope to inhabit and create a better world.

This program is constantly on the look out for new and different perspectives in achieving a greater and more peaceful reality for the planet. It is about embracing a synthesis of rational understanding with mystical awareness. We must continually be on watch for ways in which we may enlarge our consciousness. We must not attempt to limit our slice of the world, which is given us, but we must somehow learn how to transform it and transfigure it.

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