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Meta Mondays, October 9, 2017

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Meta Mondays with Adena Bannick
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Guest, Gale Glassner Twersky

Meta Mondays with Adena Bannick  Gale Glassner Twersky was with Adena Today.  Gale is a Hypno Counselor and Top Selling Nightingale audio CD Book Author and Best Selling 2016 Gildan Seminars  Audio/Book author. Gale is the original author of her  Nightengale 9-CD program in 2005 Re-program Your subconscious. How to Use Hypnosis to Get what you really want. Since then, Hundreds of professionals Have followed her lead.Gale discussed so many goals hypnosis helps us reach and gave us wonderful case examples,  We discussed re-programming our " subconscious" computer, and how easy it is to help us get over fears, medical issues, emotional wounds and more.Gale also discussed the brain waves we use when under hypnosis  giving us a very realistic idea of what is involved.  For more info on Gale,  contact  

Guest, Gale Glassner Twersky

Guest, Gale Glassner Twersky

Guest Name
Gale Glassner Twersky
Gale Glassner Twersky
Guest Occupation
Author, Hypnotyst, speaker, trainer, Life Coach Re programming
Guest Biography

Gale Glassner Twersky, A.C.H. is a HypnoCounselor/hypnotherapist, Motivational Speaker and President of Glassner Associates Hypnosis for Personal Growth and Wellness since 1999. Gale's HypnoCounseling practice was in Montclair, NJ from 1999-2009 before being relocated to Los Angeles, CA area in 2010. Also in 2010, Gale was the honored recipient of the International Hypnosis Federation Award for Excellence in Communication. Besides being an experienced certified teacher of English and Oral Communications, Gale is certified in Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapy and has several specialty certifications including Past Life hypnosis, Hypno-anesthesia and Spiritual counseling. Additionally, Gale is a certified instructor/trainer of hypnosis. She heads the Glassner Associates Hypnosis certification training program.

In 1993 Gale founded Soul Sisters, a personal growth and spiritual development group that still is active in NJ. For seven years Gale served as a columnist writing articles about hypnosis for the Montclair Life and Leisure newspaper. In 2005 she authored and recorded in partnership with Nightingale-Conant, Corp., her 9 CD program, Reprogram Your Subconscious: How to Use Hypnosis to Get What You Really Want that quickly became and still is a Top Seller for seven years. In 2006 Gale published her single CD, Relax, Release and Dream On that has been #1 mp3 Spoken Word Download on In 2010 she completed the updated and greatly expanded paperback/eBook edition of the 9-CD Series: Reprogram Your Subconscious: How to Use Hypnosis to Get What You Really Want that is a culmination of over thirty years of her dedicated life's work in the personal growth and spiritual development field.

In 2012, Gale created the Reprogramming Hypnosis Specialist certification program that prepares and also certifies hypnosis professionals as Reprogram Your Subconscious Practitioners. In 2014, Gale began offering a One or Two Day Intensive Care Retreat. The Retreat is a unique and highly effective, one-on-one, individualized approach. This format is especially conducive to activating comprehensive Reprogramming Hypnosis goals of self-improvement.

Meta Mondays

Meta Mondays with Adena Bannick
Show Host
Adena Bannick

BBSRadio Host Adena Bannick of Growing up Indigo brings her top 2016-17 top 25 best spirituality podcasts (podcast chart, Player FM, Mix Cloud) back to Monday's on Meta Mondays 9 AM PT.

Adena is a Certified Psychic Medium(®) an advanced Angel Practitioner(®) and a Reiki Master.

Although I knew from very early on, that I had unusual abilities that other people didn't seem to have, and didn't respond well to, in me, I spent the first 25 years of my life in the dark, searching for answers, blind to the prophecies and miracles I had been give . I insisted it had all be a figment of my imagination. I believed whatever gifts I had, were now gone. I had squandered my life and I was of no use to anyone.

It took many years of doing intense emotional work, years of learning and finally accepting that my lifetime was about service to mankind before I opened up to the light and answers all around me.

I have been graced the last 18 years to have been able to work with people from all walks of life, from all over the globe, in many different capacities, and underneath it all, we come from the same place.

I started doing a Radio show for "us". For everyone and anyone, no matter where you are in experience or life. It is all part of our puzzle. Every piece of new knowledge or tool fits into the whole. No one knows more than you do. They may have more experience with confidence in believing and recognizing how to get guidance, but that is something we all have been born with. I do the show with topics from Angels to Zen for just that reason. At any time you can find yourself rapt or captured by something that helps, illuminates, and assists you in the search for your true North. Our guests are the best in their field and will inspire you. I will do Free Readings Every 3rd Monday. Just send me one question by email to first names please. I will edit personal information. Tune in to BBS anytime for music, topics and the best in internet radio. Love adena

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