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Reaching For The Gold, October 8, 2013

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Life Cycles and Raw Foods
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Guest, Donna Henes & Jennifer Cornbleet

The two guests on this show both work to help people obtain well-being. But they strive to accomplish this goal in very different ways.

Donna Henes calls herself an urban shaman - from exotic Brooklyn no less. And she works to help people connect themselves with the cycles that turn their lives. However, the ceremonies she conducts are tinged with humor, so even persons who are unacquainted with new age modalitis will find them enertaining at the least. The woman manages to mix together the best features of a 1960s San Francisco eath mother and the friendly house mother down the street.

Jennifer Cornbleet, meanwhile, works to acquaint people with raw foods - fruits, vegetables, grains. But she lets them gravitate towards them at their own pace. If they want to begin their journey by simply adding some aples to their breakfasts, that is great by her. Not a nutritionist, she maintains that the process of preparing food and enjoying its deliciousness is a wonderful experience in and of itself.

Guest, Donna Henes

Guest Name
Donna Henes
picture of Donna Henes
Guest Occupation
Urban Shaman
Guest Biography

Donna Henes is an internationally acclaimed spiritual teacher, popular speaker, and award-winning writer specializing in multi-cultural ritual celebrations of the cycles of the seasons and the seasons of our lives. Her joyful celebration of celestial events have introduced ancient traditional rituals and contemporary ceremonies to millions of people in more than one hundred cities for thirty-three years.

Queen Mama Donna is the author of four books, The Queen of My Self (Monarch 2005), The Moon Watcher's Companion (Marlowe & Co. 2004), Celestially Auspicious Occasions: Seasons, Cycles & Celebrations (Perigee: Penguin/Putnam 1996) and Dressing Our Wounds In Warm Clothes (Astro Artz 1982) a CD,Reverence To Her: Part One: Mythology, the Matriarchy, & Me (Io Productions 1998) as well as an acclaimed quarterly journal, Always In Season: Living in Sync with the Cycles.

Guest, Jennifer Cornbleet

Guest Name
Jennifer Cornbleet
picture of Jennifer Cornbleet
Guest Occupation
Educator, Nutritionist
Guest Biography

Jennifer Cornbleet is a firm believer that raw food - the complete opposite of the fast food that fills so many American's diets these days - can benefit people. But she is more inclined towards a gentle approach than a doctrinaire one. Being preachy is not her thing; talking openly to people is. So, she delivers her message through easily-digeted - sorry for the pun - books like How To Go Raw for a Day. And she has found a very receptive audience.

Reaching For The Gold

Reaching For The Gold with Harriet Tramer
Show Host
Harriet Tramer

A publishing journalist and a college instructor Harriet finds that these two careers have much in common as they both demand honing communication skills every day. Harriet instructs her students almost exclusively online and her writing is published in print and over the web. Times change but the need to speak to your audience by being concise, yet intriguing, is key.

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