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LetterZ From the Pen, December 4, 2020

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LetterZ From the Pen
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Guest, G. Fields

LetterZ from the Pen with Nikia F. Hughes & Radiah Johnson and guest artist, song writer and Saxophonist G. Fields, G. Fields Music Group LLC,

LetterZ From the Pen

Show Hosts: acclaimed book writer star Radiah Johnson and RnB singer Nikia Hughes 


"Music and rhythm find their way into the secret places of the soul." From a young age, G. Fields has experienced everything the world of music has had to offer. Signed to Warner Bros. in 1995, G. Fields has gone on to work with some of the most prominent figures in the music industry.

After years of making music and producing for artists around the country, G. Fields decided to focus on his passion: the saxophone. He first picked up the instrument at just 12 years old, and has since continued to perfect his craft. In 2019, G. Fields was invited to play at the Annual Mayor's Ball alongside the likes of Jermaine Dupri and Charlie Wilson.

With his debut album "Soul on Ice" set to release in early 2021, G. Fields is ready to serenade the world with his smooth notes with a modern twist. Welcome to G. Fields Music.

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Guest, G Fields

Guest Name
G Fields
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Guest Biography
"Music and rhythm find their way into the secret places of the soul." From a young age, G. Fields has experienced everything the world of music has had to offer. Signed to Warner Bros. in 1995, G. Fields has gone on to work with some of the most prominent figures in the music industry.

​After years of making music and producing for artists around the country, G. Fields decided to focus on his passion: the saxophone. He first picked up the instrument at just 12 years old, and has since continued to perfect his craft. In 2019, G. Fields was invited to play at the Annual Mayor's Ball alongside the likes of Jermaine Dupri and Charlie Wilson.

​With his debut album "Soul on Ice" set to release in early 2021, G. Fields is ready to serenade the world with his smooth notes with a modern twist. Welcome to G. Fields Music.

LetterZ From the Pen

LetterZ From the Pen with RnB singer Nikia and Hip Hop artist Dee
RnB singer Nikia and Hip Hop artist Dee

LetterZ From the Pen with RnB singer Nikia and Hip Hop artist Dee

Letterz from the pen is a variety show touching base on new up and coming arts, entertainment, music, fashion, give relationship advice and analyze your letterz from the pen.

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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

I'm looking in the mirror I'm so afraid

I can have the world

so thank you for tuning in two letters from the pain I am your host Nikia and I'm young

so we have an amazing show tonight and I think you guys are going to love it what do you think star of love it super super awesome yes we have an amazing letter tonight I have to make myself some teeth list of this letter

what you got peppermint you know I got mint tea I drink mint tea I'm a singer so you know I'm not

oh my goodness thank you for joining us you guys right here on lettuce from the pain I hope everybody's excited to hang out with us and mr. G feels this evening we do Spotlight on Magic Moment just for this evening and we just going to chop it up so I don't know if y'all ready yet but let's see if my sissy ready to get into this letter

if we got some more stuff to tell the people right quick


before we actually get into this letter we have an early call her online 1 let's take this call and see who this is

all right call on number line one who is this

live Manchild I'm calling in

Magic Moment

yes ma'am

this is a Magic Moment from Atlanta you guys he is going to he is doing amazing things in Atlanta I know he's a coach he's doing amazing things in the community with kids

with his guest I mean with his arms up the kids and stuff out there so we just wanted to highlight him and I think he's got a few names you wanted to shout out really quick so tell us all about it man child

yeah so what it is I got it about a nonprofit called project 32 when we do is we try to help at-risk you get out get out of the street we try to get them help for mental abuse and we tried to just give them other options other than being in the streets man and it's just a great opportunity to do something different and give back to the community because I was one of those knuckleheads got me out the street so I would I just want to do the same thing

all that is super awesome telephone number they can reach you at with your social media handles and all that good stuff

so you can meet you can reach me on Instagram Man Child Support 47 s m a n n c h y l d on Facebook you can reach me just check search Project 32 you'll see me there also on Facebook you can search me for sir manhole child I know that's a long name but that's my nickname cuz back in the day I used to call me hope so that's how I guess where you can find me on social media also I want a spotlight my brother's Fred Sturtevant he's got them or nonprofit called fathers and what he helps his father's raise money for child support so they don't be locked up in locked up for something they can do you know for sure cuz a lot of times it's It's Hard Out Here Right Now

yes shut up shut up the hymns project 32 or are you amazing Brothers hopefully we can get y'all come back when the show where you can actually be a guest and not my spot light for the day but I so appreciate you guys calling up man's how y'all look up a project 32 Google it and check him out at the Atlantis he's doing amazing things and do things in the building Heller

so nice platform y'all got here thank you for for joining us so for those of you who don't know G Fields well he's a great guy but he feels I'm going to let you introduce yourself and tell everybody who you are

okay hey world what's up this is G field do quite a few things started off in the music industry as an artist producer when it's a little engineering career Kearney now and executive back to my grass roots with music at the jazz artist to pick up the stats by year ago I played in high school in able to put out two projects over a 12-month. With working with the horn and practicing one of the projects I put out, so practice I want to ask you put out a project while I was practicing so I'm going to show my growth so the next album my debut album which is hopefully soon 2021 that I'm going to release that people can see my growth from Aldi's to scales or whatever I'm also currently the president and CEO of my own music group as well as AMS music

amazing I have been on the amazing journey for the last 13 years old price at this some work with that fly exterminator my guy you know to this day still working on some things in the background some projects with Eric engineering for him learned a lot over the years even working with yourself you know over the years project so recording studio and turn me in Atlanta and still doing distribution for some of the upcoming artists and as well as working on some legendary projects with some legendary

so we've been following your music for a while I've been following me for a while we've done some projects together in the past what do you say the transition from being an artist to being a CEO what have been the biggest challenge

the biggest challenge for me is letting go of the artist mentality we know where we want to be pushed this artist but we may not know what's best for us as are his because when you are an artist you don't see the other side of what the machine is doing for you and what it takes for the machine to do it's kind of like the blue selfish type of mentality to have so I think my biggest challenge was getting rid of that because I kind of always been in charge of what I was doing because I start early on controlling my home music but when I was signed to places and companies it was very hard for me to let them navigate me because I was so used to navigating myself and it radiates but that was my biggest challenge is getting rid of the mentality of the boss mentality as an artist

because I was just afraid of putting my career because I saw so many fall before an artist is still a kind of an independent artist what would you tell the Independent Artists that are out there now that are trying to come up in the game

well my perspective on the independent audits now is a little bit different than when I knew what it depends boss wanted to break down the word independence for me and dependent means that you have your own stuff Independence made to be self-sufficient so sometimes people not self-sufficient so the independent word really doesn't work a lot of people trying to get pushed to the background and then the person of artists become this independent figure and that to me technically not independent because there's a machine so that kind of bothers me so I would just like to say new Arts independent means something else to me because a lot of them don't have it that's because they took away one thing that we always had with labels and it's artist development

Riedel artist don't get developing more than you'd like to come out of the frying-pan ready to go you know I'm saying when we always had to be served two different places now that I'm starving themselves the music that may not be marketable the best look that may be violent that may cause problems they just a lot of the artist liability themselves and not only plant cells but investors or the managers whoever that may be involved because we're not at a level right now where is this about labels like Coca-Cola can have it labeled spray can have labels like anybody can have a label and say that there are they have already so a lot of these artists are coming from so many different sectors that is hard to determine

mysterious and who's not, sometimes people just wake up and become who they are and you don't know if you got character based on his now that I wanted that for I want to use and nothing against 6969 I really did not know one familiar record and I have my ears this music in the streets all the time I've seen more blogs and what problems and more negative stuff about him but he ended up being number one on Billboard

so I'm trying to figure out you know is it just the character now that can bring an artist to the Forefront or is it the hard work and dedication or is it just the money that people make do and you know in this indication I won't speak on this too much but you know making those type of moves to become who they are when I came from a more of them

that's a respectable for what you wanted

money I mean anybody just smoking come off the street and and have a project that sounds like trash and if they have some money and guess what is going to rotation see if the word trash now we have to redefine the word trash because trash now means hit records sometimes so I can take to the next level no matter what it is so you can write anything to the pipeline now if it's got enough validity to it and some type of way someone was going to take it to the next level and capitalize on it and we're not going to be able to do nothing about it when I say if we as the passionate artist the people with planning notes and learning the craft with engineering the board to putting up the money who's working the 95 to push but none of these people have that factor but the artist has that fact that you don't say that they're all right and that's all that matters

it still gets to the top I want to say the cardi B movement how she was able to come from television and grab a core fan base right I didn't have something to serve to those beds

do to me that was genius and that movie was genius now throughout that whole process I kind of was intertwining some of the shows and then my partner doing concerts in seeing the movement of her coming from doing $100,000 shows on her own getting up to a hundred grand and you know, that they may trade new artist should be able to create more of a demand vs. just being let in right little bit about your about your acting career you know throughout the years I know there's a couple of movies that came out this year that you are in and I know that you were in All Eyez on Me so how was that

how is that helpful to your career as an artist

send a separate it to the acting thing is pretty much something

I think it's just because I was always involved with music and some of the music people are always always involved in movies or films played Biggie in Notorious Jamal Woolard and I are really good friends and I kind of caught the bug with emphasis being with him and manage working with stuff certain things that he was doing let me two different sets and I can't just became interested in some of the things that I saw because the it was very intriguing you know like you know being an artist is somewhat because sometimes you have to play a certain role on a song you may have to do a certain role in the video so you know that that was something I was always doing what I was doing to the degree of acting

the first role that I got the movie I think was turned about a few years ago and I was just managing him and you know we just I just be friends hanging out some lines in older pickups the director of the neighborhood I was playing Jamal's Uncle Rich's character name was really make a long story short I had a lot of fun do you want in I became interested in acting at that point it's another surprise took me by surprise we were doing we went to do a reading for

and during that time we get to reading for all eyes on me Barbershop has come around the corner so I was managing tomorrow again we're going through the channels Up barber shop reading for Puck some refreshment to repot they have a director by the name of believe his name was

I'll get it in a few minutes but the first of our actor that that we re for did not really take to the mall because of his size and everything they want him to gain or lose weight for the role we came back and they had a new director was Benny Boom know we always went back with a Gold Toe videos and concern and he just going to go get them all the road for Biggie and Tupac and we just want to set every day I was showing up instead every day and one day I come into set and I'm going to get a coffee and I came back and I'll just say no point fingers and it was calling for me to come into the room and I walked into the room I need you to go to hair and makeup

him and his son that was you know I mean I appreciate that you know a lot of things happened during that time the movie was being filmed Afeni Shakur died during the time we were totally different movie than what they put out and I I believe that the director wants County more hundreds to Afeni Shakur so they went back in the cut a lot of things and I ended up getting lost in the shuffle with quite a few speaking lines but I understood the movie and go pee so at the end of the day

it was a great experience humbling experience so acting is something that I could continue I do have a couple other roles coming up so you can leak test too much on that side because I'm fairly new in the acting World LT Hutton was told me so I would like to just make sure that when the movie is going to drop though you come back to letters from the panel we get their group to be exclusive

all right so we're going to take a little bit of a break and then we're going to come back and we're going to we're going to read the letter that a young lady send it to us we're going to dig into that letter when I get your opinion on that see what you think and then we will talk more about your projects and we will listen to your single so right now we're going to we're going to listen to truth serum

wait a minute wait a minute

I guess I was something that you did feel like I need to know

just tell me how did we get here

come outside I'm going to look at the hurt look at the pain look at the text are you prepared to throw away the pain in the eyes Niger

welcome back

that was a really really really nice that was really nice right there like that for the letter that we're about to read we're going to drop a little bit of Truth spinner okay


let me get into this letter

missed are you back in town. This girl okay I'm just I'm just making sure you cute up and ready to go I'm ready all right my husband has stepped outside of our marriage and as a result has fathered two children with two different women I found out because the woman found me on Facebook and reached out to me we've been together for years and have one child of my own we've tried in the past to have more children but I've had several miscarriages all of this happened while in the process of IVF if I walk away and not complete the process we lose all of that money we spent on treatments if I stay I may do something drastic so ladies Nakia start letter from the pain please help me understand what I should do

all right calling you guys heard it here so we need to help this sister out and see what she's got going on with this IVF and all these baby daddies and Stacy Mommy's coming up so y'all call us when you can the number is 888-627-6008

that's that's the heavy letter that's that's a really nice and that's something that's some heavy decision making that this young lady has to do you field so you are the letter from a man's perspective what do you think she should do

just knowing just very little bit about the situation from what I can hear I'm confused to see if she's trying to save her and she married

so I gathered their married stepped outside of the marriage had fathered two children with two different women while they were in the process process of going through IVF am I correct start trying to have a good day to have one child already have their own OK Google show me not knowing what the ultimate goal is for the young lady that talked about the guy we talked about the young lady she seems to be the one with the pain so I would say you know if her ultimate goal is having a child may be having a child with her husband may not be the best thing for her to do our goal is to save her marriage and accept that they do have a child and they may not be able to have other children I mean it's pretty subjective at this moment like you know for four of the listen to anyone from the outside I can just give an opinion and in my opinion as a man I think she should work on her relationship with her husband and

pretty much probably put the baked child thing on the side if there's something that she's looking to salvage because it to me it would make any sense for her continue to have children with someone who she feels that. So I'm a little confused with what it is that she she wants out of it and what is her goal from what I'm hearing

I think that in itself I don't know if a marriage can can can handle that especially in the process are doing IVF but she saying if she walked away from him they lose all of the money and I know that IVF cost a lot of money that she wouldn't be worried about money for a marriage or something like that cuz the money to me you don't get no children in about this about money you know I mean if they naturally supposed to be here they'll be here you know in the end in my opinion so I don't think that she doesn't have the ability to go have sex with someone else or maybe your next relationship if she doesn't choose to be in this relationship and if she does choose to stay in this relationship I don't think she should be worried about money or not wanting to leave because she's going to lose money so if you don't leave you're still going to have the problems and you still may not have a child so I'm a little confused with what she wants so can we

the young lady on the phone maybe you don't see what she wants to 76008 I said the same thing that I don't I think her main concern seems to be the money where she started off talking about the adultery and the babies and then her and game with about the money so I would like to hear it Too Faced call us up unless you just want to have a child with this man you know regardless of the situation and if she should accept it have a child with him keep trying and they move on but not know any other perspective we don't really know you know it's hard to the judge and what she saying and versus what really happened I don't know that I would choose the world's truth and the truth

call on line one

call on line one with the name where you calling from

that was my mistake Fox that's the board off mistake forgive me that was the same color she still with us and I thought it was a new collar so forgive me

okay well patch you through

aren't you all right you're still online one

now she's gone


so maybe she didn't want to be be heard so significant for you and I didn't hear you to say that repeat that again

get three DS determination dedication and discipline

my dedication my discipline

if you had a couple

that I wanted to ask you about this one said you will be dead longer than you will be alive so live your life to the fullest because Death is certain going to have the 3DS determination dedication and discipline so tell me why they're so significant to you for most of that statement was basically a lot of people don't realize we say you know you only live once but you really live everyday you only die once so I think that that that is not the right there too so my reasoning for that statement was to just let people know if your dedicated you know and you want to live your life you know what you just continue to live your life because some people are in a rat race for certain things because they feel like eventually I'm going to die you know we know it's certain for all of us but I think if you focused on living everyday and every day that you

accomplish everything that you want to do is your dedication should be for that vs yuno feeling like I got to do everything now and I guess now that you know time waits for no one and I hear people putting all this stuff up and you don't focus on the time that you actually have here and some of us have many years I'm 49 years you know I'm very proud of my age and the longevity and I'll be able to be here and see my grandkids I'm here it's amazing and also sometimes I think that people don't understand that it wasn't so much of a deed that was more of the statement that I was trying to you know

got you okay awesome call Leslie still waiting for you guys to give us a call we have some trivia questions today and get a prize and if you want to talk about this Anonymous where you at call one 888-627-6008 what's next for you mr. Fields what's next on the agenda and inspiration I have so many different saxophone people I want to start with John Coltrane you know how to speak from the heart I would say his melodic Melodies in groups of scales mostly a lot of people didn't realize he was playing scales and all of the songs they were all built on the scale pattern with your lot of the other songs are but it was to critique Circle scales and melodic Milotic Twisted what he was doing and then he was at a time where it was just a swing mode so what you was able to do with them

on a swing mode with amazing so I would say John Coltrane is legendary but as current I like a few people I like Kirk Whalum I like a Sherlock right I like Boney James I like this. The list goes on and on and on and on on a business so many great saxophone players out there just asking some very early age and I fell in love with the Curve be honest with you first and then it became a situation everybody wanted to play different instruments in the band teacher was holding up all these instruments and everybody was choosing the drums and trumpets and drums at first and everybody instruments saxophone something that seems to be very complicated to most of the students and saying I'm going to do that

because it's the same two more challenging and in the end I accepted the horn in that fashion and I ended up falling in love with it and that way so that became my passion other than the curb of it and it was shaped like a woman so I like it and once I start listening to it and I realize that so many women it was like they were going crazy over saxophone it was always in a romantic setting is always had something to do with a woman and then I realize the curves what men look for in women that men love curves so I was like you know what the saxophone got to be a woman you okay yeah so that's the way I was in power corrupts how was that experience for you

tell crust is a different type of experience I was playing someone's husband Top Notch which is my home girl. She's doing her thing out there on Instagram she's in a bunch of sitcoms has been explosive career and I was just glad to be a part of it and actually I wear as a co-star still waiting on the release date and everything but it was an amazing man Robinson another great filmmaker out here in Atlanta from Detroit he gave me another improvident more lines and to learn in that particular know

he's not single ladies don't pull up here on the radio station don't want you to scream his music but he's taken that's right

so let's talk about your you're one of your new singles called Energy what was the inspiration behind that song writing another song and I come up on the energy of like my vision got blurry to be on these like. And it was more like. To look like atoms of protons or neutrons so it was just I was having a blurry moment and I couldn't have writer's block and I close my eyes for a minute and I start again. So you know what feeling the energy some type of energy with almost made me feel like I was in a spot

and I was thinking about being relaxing massage have been in the spot where you can take the worries of the world away from you and to type of energy they insert and you know as far as your you know them massaging you in the music that you listen to when you're doing it I want to make a song that has something to do with this energy so I went into the booth I put on the track I have been pondering with that track 1 minute and I put on the track and I actually just close my eyes and I see recorded myself that day with no engineer nothing I just went in there and press the down when in the booth put my headphones on my stacks and that's what came out I went from beginning to end I didn't do any stopping going that that whole song has to do with front to back not one stop I didn't plug or patch anything and everything was straight play and that's what came out so when it came out

I loved it and it wasn't one of my favorites at that time and that's why I kept doing other rackets and I couldn't get back to that energy energy Stephanie something I want to do and then shut up and track my producer who's here with me now captured me in the way that I want to be captured as far as the visual of it so once I got to visit with you what I really really fell in love with the record for the energy was because of energy would like to know if seals where can I purchase your music and what can I expect listening to the album

I'm didn't go to GPS you can find a site any of the MS platforms are dreams distribution, what can you expect from Sol practice the album Sol practice again like I said it was working on the face I felt like I wasn't ready for my album so I said I want to practice some more people could get from this is I'm practicing scales and most of the songs and I'm stuck on maybe two or three of the major scales which was a B-flat c c c major scale and I pretty much developed this whole technique or around those three shells so if anybody out there is having a struggle or

listen to the album and you can get those three scales and all of those songs just about is this like a sexy album is it how it was a little bit and I felt like okay I'm comfortable doing my own practice I want to let me pull out everything that I've ever wanted to do so I grabbed on it I wrote on it I've had some things on it I've had some great videos done with it so it's just a fun project you know how I did really sexy mean that baby some songs if someone feel like it's sexy sexy what is it going to be really really nice record so I just want to leave that up to the fans or how whatever they want to receive or the perception of my music but this music was put out just so that people

could see my growth you know what's up what you going to get from this is growth in your position

okay so we're going to get into your single called Energy and when we come back we're going to give away some cash and prizes so people keep your ears tuned and she feels introduce your song energy hey guys are listening to Chief Fields energy off the album Sol practice

yeah I'm back. Right eye right energy energy cannot be created cannot be destroyed it can only be transferred so quick before we eat before we get into some other things she feels we're going to give away some cash so we are giving away right now $100

gift card to supermarket cuz we want to put here a little something we want to put some Christmas dinner at somebody's table if you can name two characters from the book wet that is Rydia Johnson wrote you will win that hundred dollars for minor open call in and see if you're going to win

let's get it

what's TLC

we got a call and we got to call it in there okay Margaret from Los Angeles online one hey Margaret how are you thank you you know some characters from West yes I'm going to give you some characters you have Claire Lisa and Antonio

I want to see clearly read the book yes you did

to be truthful my favorite was a very beginning because it's intro relatable to a lot of women and he's taking another woman out and she just followed them my type of woman

do you like this all right so what did you think of that song by G field that we just played

loved it great appreciate that we need more music like that by Hot Rocks in my right Margaret will thank you for calling and go to our website ww.w. Letters from the pen click on more information and you can leave your in your information and we'll get that gift card. Thank you so much for being a loyal to say thank you

all right well we're putting dinner on somebody's table for Christy Wilson

make sure you invite me over for dinner Margaret and me to another color and we have another giveaway so the next court trivia question is

let's see how how well the fans know me

what song what was what it was one of my songs that me and mr. G feels collaborated on like 4 hours ago

Lexi Shana from Los Angeles

hey Donna how you doing from Los Angeles

hello hello did you want to answer the trivia question

I'm sure

okay go for it

what was the what's the song

Dream dreams dreams dreams together. The Royalton right there from LA to Stout what did you think of the g-field low energy

I loved it and I love the music

thank you thank you

did you get the list

I did what you think about this situation

I hate to say it but I think her husband probably to go their own ways and she does have to take that as a loss

okay thank you

what thank you for for calling up and go to our website ww.w. Letters from the pen click on more information and drop us your name and address and we will get a gift card out to you because we love putting dinner on people's table for Christmas

thank you so much love you guys thank you we love you too we love you Beth thank you bye bye bye

I really hate to eat yes right somebody invite me over for dinner

you know I don't like cooking but I will if I have to if you want to like cooking cooking cuz we got some cooking shows coming up and I need your help I know I know I don't want to get my nails dirty how about a coyote while you're cooking

I need the help we don't get somebody to do that while we sit there and give directions to me you know you know how the cookie sales for Christmas dinner tell your wife I'm coming but extra plate on the table okay alright so we're going to get in till one more trivia question and we're going to get another gift card to the show and was so named one of the movies that g field played in

but my eyes are open let's go let's go 1888 6276008 * you look like I'm not promised

hi let somebody else win this time

what do

I would like to tell you. If you got no anybody suffer from domestic violence please reach out to the National Domestic Violence helpline at 1 800 799 see that's one 800-799-7233 there is help available

silver why we're waiting for some callers that trivia question we're going to shout out tomorrow sponsors Amor Dior designs for all of your heat press needs photography got next let him shoot your next wedding or he can shoot you star since you going to go over there to even like LHS home care for your loved ones and a new sponsor that house on board GoPro alright GoPro so we have a caller

call I what's your name and where you calling from

Bethel Connecticut

okay baby

Marissa from Connecticut Marissa

Beretta with Abby do you know the name of one of the movies that g Fields played in

All Eyez on Me Turn and power corrupt gray research


I like to thank you for reading my letter

that was yelling today's letter with your letter

yes awesome amazing

what is it that you really like to know

I would like to know the end game what's your goal what's your endgame

right now I'm trying to decide whether I don't want to lose all that funny so me not wanting to move to all that money that I read about finishing what I started and I don't know where to go for what's the situation with the dragon taking care of these kids that get is he still seeing these women have you met the kids how older they like what what tell me that

okay so first off one of the kids came back that it's not even

you fit them

and the other kids like we went out you know I don't want to be mean I'm a little kid and it's just I can't seem to grip or understand like I I can't it's that it's hard for me to accept

I'm sure and that's basically what I'm going to do now

what audience you can call us up and give us some advice or what she should do with this situation are you adamant about having another baby are you still going to continue with the IVF treatment yes I'm going to continue with that cuz

it's a lot of money but

as far as staying after I'm not too sure you know maybe I'll just turned him into my sidepiece okay

all right Marissa will thank you for calling that we appreciate your medicine we appreciate you sitting in your letter and tell us the station that's going to keep us all up in your business

how to send a 10 please everybody if you have something going on anything that you want to get off your chest you don't think anybody can get absolutely thank you so much

go to the web go to go to our website ww.w. Letters from the pan and just drop your information in there so we can kind of touch base with you and keep up on what's going on yeah we would love to thank you thank you thank you

yeah so G feels it has been an amazing hour with you were here so one more time for the listeners give them your social media handles and where they can find you at where they can get your music app and where they can get your stuff from sexy Grandpa well everything on the website right now is Gregory G Fields and everything on social media is Gregory Fields Jr or at Gregory Fields Jr everything is underneath my name my government name and grace us with your presence I think you really amazing and can Inspire some of these young cats out here so we can appreciate that

we still being able to do this has been able to do this to reaching to leave seeds here in the plants eat there so they can grow you're not I mean you everyone

Sol practice on the way

Feather River

you don't have to I'm asking

this is not the time

where you at work for you

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