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Lets Find Out, June 6, 2021

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Lets Find Out
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Elizabeth Joyce Teaching - The New Spiritual Chakras

Lets Find Out with Elizabeth Joyce

Elizabeth Joyce Teaching - The New Spiritual Chakras

We can raise our consciousness to higher levels by developing an overall worldview and by embracing a world that transcends illusions. Doing this will overcome the final hurdle of inner consciousness...its first shock of separating and the split. This is the first duality of the whole of consciousness and manifests in our right/ left hemisphere split. How do we transcend that highest of inner rifts? By putting the wisdom of the right hemisphere—its connective consciousness—above the left brain’s lower separation consciousness. The former evolves from realizing, accessing, and opening our new spiritual chakras; the later evolves from a purely mathematical, mechanical, dominating worldview. We really need to make accessing our higher self our second consciousness, instead of the other way around. Then we can connect what is most separate and harness the mechanical Third Dimension reality for the benefit of our life and those around us. Thus we grow and our consciousness expands, as well as our spiritual gifts.

We are now immersed in challenging the root and core paradigm of modern science: that nature functions essentially mathematically. The world is at war on many levels:

Chronic disease is on the rise. Violence pervades the Middle East. Animal agriculture is taking a devastating toll on ecosystems everywhere. Economic exploitation has become business as usual. Earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, and other symptoms of climate change are becoming common occurrences. The extinction rate of plant and animal species is becoming alarmingly high. And although millions of children die of malnutrition and hunger every year, the proponents of genetically modified foods claim that they can solve this crisis, while hiding data about the destructive effects of these elements on the human body, health and environments.

Lets Find Out

Lets Find Out with Elizabeth Joyce
Show Host
Elizabeth Joyce

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Let’s Find Out  brings to its listeners illuminating and enthralling exploration of the connection between our minds and our bodies. This show brings a series of fascinating interviews with experts in the field of metaphysics. Some shows will address your personal concerns, with some of the best intuitive advisors, energy healers, higher vibration music, experts on angels, dreams, and the out-of-body experience. The listener can call in to ask a question on the air. We move into the moment — bring in kindness, acceptance, and love. Let’s Find Out always finds out! Each show ends with a guided meditation.

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