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The Kathy Lee Parker Show, June 17, 2020

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The Kathy Lee Parker Show
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Guest, Sarah Ceo, reiki and yoga teacher and trainer for healing, transformation, and wellness

The Kathy Lee Parker Show

Guest, Sarah Ceo, reiki and yoga teacher and trainer for healing, transformation, and wellness

Sarah's first personal experiences with Yoga began in 2000.  At that time, she simply knew that when she did Yoga as an exercise she felt better, less stressed, more relaxed and her state of mind, emotions, and body felt more grounded and stable.  At the time, she did not care about why.  In 2008, she got an idea to attend Reiki level one class.  The teachings of Reiki in this class motivated and awakened her curiosity about self-healing and transformation, so she went on to Reiki level 2 certification class.  Her perception was that Reiki was now helping her to replenish her energies and with more positive energy from Reiki she could conduct her physical life with renewed revitalization and empowerment.  At this level, Reiki can assist the physical, emotional, and mental balance of a person depending on the person taking action to facilitate the improvements.  

After taking the Reiki Level 1 and 2 certification courses, Sarah was approached by the teacher to ask her if she was interested in continuing onto a private class of Reiki Master Practitioner.  Sarah's reply was "Who me?"  The Reiki teacher replied, "Yes You!"  Sarah laughed and said, "let me think about this."  

The Usui Traditional monastery style of Reiki at the Master level can assist with deeper transformation and energy cleansing at the spirit and soul level.  So, yes, Sarah's decision had to be a very personal decision motivated from within.  It is a calling and not for career and business purposes.  

After taking the time to think about what the Reiki teacher had said, Sarah decided to take the leap into the unknown. She chose to receive one on one lessons in advanced Reiki teachings, face her personal demons, negative energies, and shadow self. The path of her personal transformation and healing was never an easy one.  After 3 years of study, practice, and even going deeper using the Shaman's Way of healing for her personal healing and transformation, Sarah became certified as a Traditional Usui Reiki Master Practitioner. 

She decided, with all the obstacles and situations that were still a part of her life, to keep going.  Her thoughts were "why stop now?  I have come so far and I have taken action to purify so much, it is easier to keep going." And so she did.  Sarah decided to participate in even more healing to improve past life in her soul/spirit records, Yoga Teacher Training Certification Programs and Reiki Advanced classes.

Before more Reiki, advanced certifications, Yoga teacher training, and after over four years of Reiki training, Sarah's Reiki teacher thought she needed a break after one year of Reiki Master Teacher training, to digest, and think about how much she had accomplished, review her life as it was,  and if she really wanted to do what it would take to move beyond where she was.  The teacher suggested that she should take a break and go to start her journey to be a Certified Yoga Teacher.  Sarah reluctantly left the Reiki training path, to dive deeper into Yoga.  Sarah started her Yoga teaching path and became a certified Yoga teacher at all the many different levels and styles of Yoga.  

Then after all her Yoga Teacher Training Program Certifications, she chose to return to a rarely taught Traditional Usui monastery style long-form Reiki Master Teacher Certification Program.  Upon Sarah's request, the Reiki teacher took Sarah again as a private student.  At this point in 2015, she chose to create and direct Bliss Yoga Academy & Wellness Studio to support her own continued personal growth and transformation, as her life's purpose, and to help other people with their personal journey of transformation, using the tools of Yoga and Reiki.  

Yoga and Reiki are tools that can assist people to awaken to other deeper tools of healing, transformation, and wellness.

Sarah, after 9 years of intense inner and outer of personal healing, transformation, awakening, growing, transcending, studies, practice, taking action, and letting go many people, places, and things were certified as A Traditional Usui Reiki Master Teacher, Holistic Life Coach, and an Advanced Yoga Teacher.  

Even with doing and being so much as a spiritual teacher over the last 11 years, Sarah still chooses to travel on her spirit's journey using the assistance and help of a guide, teacher, mentor, coach, and healing practitioner. This assists her in rebalancing and keeping what she has accomplished.  Spiritual balance is an every-day practice, especially when assisting and helping other people.  In a student and teacher relationship, there is always a transfer of energies from student to teacher and from teacher to student.  To keep and give the highest quality of positive energies, the teacher has to maintain a positive balance and attunement.

Sarah's choices of training, learning, transformation, healing, the path to wholeness, and wellness, speaks for itself.  She awakened to her choice of leaving no stone inside and outside of her "unturned."  She also grew to know that in order to be the most effective teacher practitioner she had to be forever; a student open to being teachable. In other words, to become a great teacher someone has to be a great student.  Sarah's passion, aspirations, being self-motivated, and inspirational, shows in the effective, and efficient, quality of service she gives to her clients and students.

The Kathy Lee Parker Show

The Kathy Lee Parker Show
Show Host
Kathy Lee Parker

Kathy Lee Parker is talking about in Real Time meaning what happen Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. 

Kathy believes in a more positive outlook on the airwaves. People will listen outside the box when it comes to her Guests. They must think beyond issues of jobs, products, services, music, politics, business and so much more.

Kathy Lee Parker's success is in helping her guests bring the highest levels of business, entertainment & enlightenment to intrigue her listeners. Today's media advancements provide listeners and advertisers with more choices than ever before.

Kathy Lee and her Guests will turn Airwaves into a blend of Relationships Advice, Talented Artist, Music plus Health and Environment issues and so much more for your listening pleasure.

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