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JD Rucker Show, November 27, 2023

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JD Rucker Show
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Globalists Using CBDCs, DNA, Climate Change, and ESG Against Us

Title: Globalists Using CBDCs, DNA, Climate Change, and ESG Against Us


There are so many tools in the Globalist Elite Cabal's toolbox, it's seemingly impossible to keep up with it all. It's important that we tackle each issue one at a time while also knowing that efforts to fight one may help us to fight several.

On today's episode of The JD Rucker Show, we look at some of the many machinations that are ramping up in real time all around us. Central Bank Digital Currencies are getting the hard push by the IMF. Our DNA is being collected whether we like it or not and can be used to literally kill us. Climate change is being positioned as a "skeleton key" through which the World Health Organization can control literally everything. ESG is shifting to include oil companies so they can usher in the new "green" initiatives.

It's a lot to take in, and that's just for the first hour of today's show.

Recording: November 26, 2023

JD Rucker Show

JD Rucker Show
Show Host
JD Rucker

News and Opinions relevant to Americans today in the realms of politics, culture, and religion. Host JD Rucker from NOQ Report delivers truthful and intriguing commentary from a conservative perspective with co-host and wife Tammy.

We tackle issues that most won’t touch. Even conservative and many “alternative” media outlets refuse to talk about “taboo” topics for fear of losing money from Google, traffic from Facebook, or sponsors who are “woke.”

We don’t take on woke sponsors. We don’t get traffic from Facebook. We don’t take money from Google. We know we’ll get canceled by some, but the truth is the truth. We won’t hold back.

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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

hello my friends and welcome to another episode of the J D wrecker show I'm your host JD Rock her and it is a it's it's great coming out these long weekends he's had these holidays especially if they are not loaded with too much crazy stuff and I know there's a crazy stuff everywhere so I shouldn't even even mention it it seems it everyday we're faced with more and more and more craziness and that's that's just just the new normal I guess ever since really dated back to I guess you could say around the time that that Barack Obama really started destroying America and then of course the the 2016 election and everything that happened after that the left going out to eat insane for 4 years and culminating and basically the destruction of the United States of America with the installation of Joe Biden as president today
it is what it is we're we're we're big boys and girls here we have to to deal with it anyway we can and will the ways that I deal with it is by praying staying hopeful continuing to fight the good fight in the best way that I can which is get the word out talk to you about some of these crazy things and some of the good things that are happening it's not all crazy some of it's actually kind of good
but not not a lot of it we are very blessed to be able to do this show and see what to bring this show to you all as we do Monday through Friday 5 a.m. Pacific time it's it's it's crazy that we're actually on shortwave radio I know that that my good friends are over at wwcr and my my producers over BBS radio God preciate you are as much as I do because they really drive me to to continue to put up these shows to continue to wake up at an ungodly hour to to do it because it's necessary that's what we got to do to fight the good fight
and if we're going to continue to do today we're going to be talking at least in the first hour a lot about globalism and then there's this
there's just need to to continue to bring it up and I know that many of you are tired of hearing about pandemic treaties and and DNA collection and Central Bank digital currencies but we can't we can't grow sick of it we can come too numb to it because if we do then then the globals will win you know I am a big fan of of having having actions ready talked about I want to I don't want to just offer right so I want to to offer Solutions and its it is challenging because this isn't like you know fighting fighting a local politician or even DC or or some Corporation or some criminals or whatever when we're dealing with global as many of us just do not have access to be able to try to fight to try to take the the fight to them they are not here that is not like we can just walk up to the class Schwab's mansion He had to plan a trip I don't even know where he lives just to plan a trip to work
he is and where wherever he's going if you want to try to make your voice heard and we as we know chance of that making any Dent or our minimum maybe maybe 0 so I got to changes his mind changes Direction change anything that he's trying to do to destroy not just the United States of America for the world as a whole
so what do we do and we can go online we can inform people I'm a big fan of making sure that everybody is is very well taken care of by themselves not dependent on government if if you can get one take away from my shows it said do not rely on government for anything anyway that you can break away I don't care if you're receiving assistance from them that you get from government try strive
to detach yourself from it because that's going to be used against you if if I'm correct things are really heading in the direction towards totalitarianism here and abroad as it seems to be the case then you don't want to be dependent on them because they will control you they'll try to control us even if we're not dependent on them I always said get out of the city's why you can get out of get away from even the suburbs get to a place where you can can start taking care of yourself without a assistant do you know I take care of myself just fine but do you really I mean are you are you off grid do you rely on on government subsidized and often government controlled energy what happens if the government were or even their their Partners within the the various companies supplying the grid what if they decide hey you know what no water no electric
no internet no whatever whatever it is you need are you ready to be able to handle that situation and if you're not if it's time to try to get ready and I know a lot of the other like it it's just impossible that I just I don't have the money or not the resources I'm too young I'm too old and I'm too many friends here that need me to Mireles the need me before I need my relatives I need my friends there's plenty of reasons why you can't I understand I'm not trying to sit here I am I'm being a hypocrite by saying that because I am actually in the suburb City suburb or whatever it's not a not a major city but I am smack dab in the middle between between Los Angeles and San Diego you know it is like okay and I know because I have a situation very very specific situation familial that that prevents me from going moving to a a homestead in Montana or something I would love to maybe Lord willing I'll get there I'll be able to take take my phone
show me there but we just can't stay so I'm not try that please don't take it the wrong way when I take it out of the city's no matter what it's for some of us is not possible but if it is possible for you if you have the ability to attach any way you can from government do so be ready for the various ways they're going to try to control you in and we already know the Playbook okay and relay The Playbook to a many many years ago when he said that that who controls the food supply controls the people that's us who controls the energy can control entire continents Racine that already happening
and of course he said who controls the money can control the world that's a good segue into this the first story we have today
this one comes from reclaim the Nets reclaim the net. Org if you're not reading them on a regular basis if you don't have them bookmarked please do so now great site great insights they cover important topics I would say you know I'm like allow these conservice sites including my own you know they don't really mess around with with the stuff that we don't need to know about Kay and listen to say they give you everything you need because obviously they're very specific about things that pertain to privacy to the to online security to our rights freedoms they they focus on that but they do very good job of doing just that in this this article by Cindy Harper titled I am a director says cbdcs could replace cash and Kris quote Financial inclusion is that conclusion word that inclusion where that's at that's very very much a part of the whole d e i b r n Door is as my good buddy over at the Liberty daily Matthew Burke likes to say the d i e trend
diversity inclusion and Equity is how are you want to put it the e i d i e it's all bad in this is just it's got to be to the ball it's got to be inclusive everybody should have the same thing no it's not Marxism is communism socialism with it's just it's just inclusion you know don't don't let me bless you right-wing bigot as they label a right-wing bigots of course with crypto or decent white script I should say whose purpose can be summed up as a way to keep Financial power firmly cemented in the hands of governments and their central banks in the digital age unsurprisingly has a staunch supporter in the international monetary fund IMF is between them and the World Bank bis
you got the the central bank's of course then you got the the asset managers like BlackRock Vanguard State Street these these organizations their their separate okay but they're not they all all of them invariably point in the same basic directions specialism points does Central Bank digital currencies and has Cindy Harper here points out that is very different than trying to sell it as if it's very similar to bitcoin or etherium are other cryptocurrencies it's the exact opposite the whole idea of Bitcoin is to be decentralized just means we're we're government sand central banks and other organizations cannot control it that's the idea that's how it's supposed to work now they're trying to and cover this in the past not sure I've covered in the future you're trying to do everything they can to regulate Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies because they want to direct us towards Central Bank digital currencies which again are the exact opposite another showing like it's like like a crypto-currency and technologically speaking it's very similar still use blockchain and most most scenario
it's just doesn't the way that allows them to control it
meanness is the exact opposite decentralized versus centralized
control versus versus autonomy
I do dabble in cryptocurrencies not I don't do nearly as much anymore cuz I don't I just don't trust them I know they're going to be regulated but there was a time when I was a lot more engage with it and I see I understand the appeal
clap for me suffer for a lot of people not again not because of the idea of it I love the idea I'm just beautiful that this is something that since they can't control what they're going to find a way to control it so it's just like you mean it it's it is what it is I'm not I'm not RIP by the way if you're into cryptocurrency praise God for that I pulled out mostly simply because of what kind of looking down the road today crypto good tomorrow crypto may be very bad and if and when that does happen if they do regulated to the point of of the sense of having control then they will be crashes and they won't care okay you might think all they would never be able to try to regulate Bitcoin because then he'll drop them like $37,000 per per Bitcoin down then to like hundreds
I don't care I should have just put your money in in Bank of America gotten your checking account with your with your regulated cards and get the money right there for us to see him to take whatever we want to hear you shame on you for for trusting Bitcoin decentralisation that's why I'm at but I do I foresee this tomorrow know if you're in cryptocurrency today heavily mildly moderately whatever you know I'm not not not bashing Bitcoin by any means or or cryptocurrency for that matter both cdc's and the IMF our Global Darlings and here they come they come together with the ladders top officials like managing director kristalina georgieva talking up the benefits of the former and I've covered her before this is a very evil cuz that's kind of assumed
concerning you know she stays under the radar she's not George Soros she's not Klaus Schwab or or Yuval Noah Harari or any of the you know Brock Obama Bill Gates she's not even known Daddy's but she's she's up there behind the scenes may be over them over these people as far as her actual control over the globalist leak Ball address the Singapore fintech festival and according to her keynote speech cbc's are capable of replacing cash another longtime dream held by Financial the weeds but also for those who like to keep a close eye not to say surveil the activities of the population and that is really at the end of the day what what is the advantage for them with such Bank digital currencies they can see what you're spending on they can control which you're allowed to spend the night they can even localizing that's one of the big biggest concerns when we talked about 15 minutes cities you know how are they going to enforce 15 minutes
is through Central Bank digital currencies that make sure not only where the probably be gates with guards but they're also if anybody is able to escape their money is gone that the other money will be relegated okay you got you got here's your money here's your here's your whatever it is you're you're Universal basic income check that you get while you sit around and do nothing because we don't want you to do anything except for beer slaves but but here's that and I know you got this money and you just spend it anywhere you want as long as for this 15-minute City that you're in we placed you here for a reason this where you going to be Cantina once you leave this area of your your currency your money's no good there anymore
so good luck with that again but can't stress enough to become as self-sufficient as possible anyway
the desert that other benefits are supposed to buy Georgia ever are better resilience of developed economies are more convenient cross-border banking which they are already working on the technology is already in in in testing mode okay they're already working on cross-currency in cross-border banking so that's the Central Bank digital currencies can can talk to each other and eventually if you want to get into my real conspiracy theory about all this eventually there's going to be all these various Central Bank digital currencies and it's going to be something that happens and then they're going to be okay you know what we can't do this anymore let's just have one currency one economy one economic modality and that will be the one the one CBC to rule them all so to speak but again hopefully we're we're years away from that decades will be nicer never would be even better but hey it is what it is
safety in terms of being alternatives to what is referred to as private money is not going to be anything private about cbc's speaking of George you have a claim to that high-quality personal data protection can be achieved you know it's funny how they say the exact opposite of reality and you know I always do that can be safe from any of the bad guys not us we're not the bad guys we can see everything and we will see everything will control everything but not the actual bad guys like you know any of those crazy right-wing conspiracy theorist they won't be able to get to it
it would be funny if it wasn't so sad
anyway blow this is never remoting scheme and by top Global Financial industry bureaucrats like Georgie of it isn't happening by chance by her own admission implementation of the cdc's is still far from a done deal even if according to IMF data 60% of countries are exploring this possibility and some Foreman's actually close to 80% as if they're talking about exploring I would say over 50% currently are in in the process of developing like this isn't just an expiration they're not just saying hey let's check this out there actually let's do it by the world and that is why I never less optimistic Georgia ever admitted that CDC adoption is globally speaking nowhere close to the same time urging the public sector to keep preparing to deploy this type of money prepare prepare prepare
so they want you to do but they're they're trying to normalize the trying to get it to where you go from hey that's doesn't sound very safe I remember the truckers in Canada are remember how they can control that money of this gives him even more power to control what money we can send what money we can receive what we can buy what we can sell well by golly I'm not interested in the no but no it's going to be safer and it's going to be be more secure and you'll have more of a little spin better and you don't know is how dirty it doesn't hurt the environment throw everything out okay everything is a sales pitch
for them but is this Global as the elite cabal
halogen shop bi I love this part also has a virtual handbook on CBC the Seas out who ye I don't want to click on it I'm going to click on it on purpose is to serve as a reference guide for policymakers and experts at central banks and and the ministries of Finance you know what I'll keep this up and I'll cover it later but this already looks horribly horribly bad
yeah yeah we'll talk about that later I'm going to take a short break cuz I did not mention my sponsor so let's pull that up Play that video then we get back I'll be talking about again more. I think it should come in the first hour and then in the second hour will be talking about more fun stuff I love having fun that's my goal here at the J D wrecker show
what are you concerned about ESG funds being pushed by your financial advisor or Central Bank digital currencies that are rising across the globe is Spain cluding here in the United States of America or dollars a shins push to remove dollar as the world's Reserve currency the petrodollar people shipping two nations are shipping to other forms of currency to do their business why because they don't trust the dollar and neither should you can I'm not a financial advisor but I do understand that when it comes to return when it comes to wealth protection to saving your life savings and self you should be working with a Christian company one that's going to treat you fairly when it's going to be honest with its focus on customer service and one that's not trying to push a $5,000 or $10,000 in free silver on you because that's just not real check out Genesis Gold group at JDR that's jtr today
first article over at off dash Guardian. Org you can find it on if you don't want to search for it over there you can always find it over at the CERN. TV / w h o d n a w h o d n a and check it out it's very long article generally speaking when you have these comprehensive articles such as this one which is titled how your DNA is being used against you I usually just leave it as it is I don't I don't have commentary to it because there's really not much for me to add normally but this time there's something that I definitely must add to this particular article because they they get so close to offer Karen hunts you really Nails it's very comprehensive it's against like three or four thousand words nice long read definitely worth reading has so much information that is super relevant to us today. But then she talked about the collection of DNA how how are DNA is not only being collected but how it's being weaponized in multiple ways
yeah they obviously the one that I'm thinking a lot of people been talking about lately is utilizing being a collection to be able to analyze it in a way that enables foul players whether it's the the Chinese Communist party or Rush Hour even our own government how they can use these these DNA information to be able to craft biological weapons against us weapons that Target specific groups specific races specific individuals this is Devin possible anybody who saw who saw the last James Bond movie that the guy was kind of the premise behind the entire weapon was based around DNA and then you can encode basing this poison that would kill people pretty much instantly and it would only kill them it wouldn't kill anybody around them because it was coded to their DNA this all sounds like science fiction and in that case it is but but it's real I mean this is this is Devin possible today and I don't know what stays there in we would never know by the way I mean if they do have this master perfect that they have
the ability to Target a specific race a specific type of person you know it doesn't just have to be racially motivated they they can use DNA indicators for just as an example for people who are obese or have you no genetic disposition towards obesity maybe they want to get rid of all the fat people you know they could do that maybe they found genetic markers that are inherent in in the majority of conservatives I don't know I mean really dismiss the possibilities when it comes to science today because it is far more advanced than we know they aren't telling us everything they can do and that should concern you but then again I mean there's nothing we can do about it anyway other than pray so I guess I really shouldn't concern you just if it happens it happens point being so that's just one of the ways they can use for tracking and it's not just for the people that are actively giving their DNA over to these
yo DNA places not just the people that are taking the swabs and sending him off to be analyzed and have their DNA collected that way and it's not just prisoners they're they're fighting passive ways of doing it actually goes into what's called a DNA ancestry DNA environmental DNA this is where they collect waste water and any for water so they can collect water in your DNA is everywhere around you KSU breve you're spreading your DNA as you walk around anywhere you're spreading your DNA a very underrated movie underrated in that and had a great premise but it was it was far too many ways but it was called Gattaca I believe those what is called Ethan Hawke Uma Thurman in it but the premise was strong in the not-too-distant future they they're able to to use crispr technology to make perfect babies and those that aren't perfect they don't give the good job there use the other ones
it don't get modified are the ones that are janitors whereas the the pilots and detectives and whatever politicians and doctors those are all the but genetically perfected people that's what is that so they're pushing for except they're sort of not they're not really trying to do this for mankind they're trying to do this for themselves they being the global League football article also into the WHL in the push to give The Whole30 diet that ad nauseam for a long time but one of the things that that it doesn't noting here that I've seen recently they're talking about something that I've been talking about for over a year now which is it's not just about giving the WHIO ton of power it's also about associating climate change with Healthcare K you did those two things make it to where to where w h o s super powerful climate change is considered part of their scope part of their of their Charter then all the sudden they have the ability to do pretty much anything to control
every aspect of Our Lives because climate change is the skeleton key to control that you can associate climate change to literally anyting clothes you wear the food you eat near where you live how you live who you're around who you're not around and of course then if they want this all tied into the to the passports they want to give us that will control everything that will say where if you can go and travel here to travel there shop here shop there and probably also at some point have control over our money through Central Bank digital currencies there's a whole lot of different rabbit holes we can go down that are parts of parts are there at their plans and machinations
we're not going to do that today I just want to focus in on one thing that this article
and I only read a little bit of it so you get a flavor for were talking about this in in particular is talking about the collection of e DNA which I think a lot of people don't realize it's happening but this is how they were able to take for example polio New York City wasn't that they weren't going around and checking people with polio they were collecting Wastewater and finding it there are doing this in major cities across the country across the world
what started off as to monitor violent criminals are sex offenders is now way to collect the DNA of any Person of Interest that isn't all over the years scientists have been perfecting their methods for collecting DNA and turned their attention to environmental DNA or Evie in it and inexpensive tool for ecologists E DNA is everywhere floating in the air water snow food your last cup of coffee me DNA Technologies used in Wastewater surveillance systems to monitor covid another pathogens Wastewater surveillance systems who would have thunk it ten years ago chicken and poop in your pee to see chicken to collect your DNA study demonstrated that scientists couldn't recover medical and then sets and ancestry information from my new fragments of human DNA lingering in the environment DNA of specific individuals can be recovered from spaces such as Office Buildings apartment buildings airports restaurant recently researchers I descended on the small town of St Augustine Florida and from a soda
in size sample of water from a creek they recovered enough mitochondrial DNA passed directly from mother to child with thousands of generations degenerative snapshot of the genetic ancestry of the population around the creek one mitochondrial samples even complete enough to meet the requirements for the federal missing persons database they also found key mutations shown to carry a higher risk of diabetes card issue or other or several eye diseases in other words so not only are they talking about this is as far as what they would thus can do those are also trying to sell it to you oh yeah this is when you put it in the missing persons database so so kid gets kidnapped me to 10 years later we detect that kids that kids DNA in the waste water and and Omaha and now we can start narrowing it down and then find the kid and I know it says it's all good stuff and we can reduce your risk of diabetes
that's how they really pushed these these technologies that can have very very detrimental effects on this I've already mentioned what they can do as far as being able to to use by a weapon that are specifically tailored to us or to our particular group or to what end does have to be off any buddy want with this and none could be the wiser if you think of this technology is is decades away it's either years away or months away or it's already here again we won't know about it until it's actually out there know the D-backs the article knowing the DNA of an ethnic group means that they could be targeted with biowarfare she goes into a very long explanation of why this is the case but I want to get this part all of this leads to the leases to the cdc's announcement of its new traveler based genomic surveillance program
let me repeat that traveler based genomic surveillance program International Travelers arriving at participating airports can volunteer oh yes and volunteers to self collect nasal swab samples which were then shipped to a laboratory Network samples that test positive for it so I was going to undergo whole genome sequencing to determine variance however do not think of this is any as is in any way just about covid covid was the excuse to set up a tracking system this is a tracking and monitoring ordinary citizens CD seeing Jean Co Ginkgo bioworks are leading the future of disease surveillance and they list of a press release and they going to do you know what is jinko fireworks in again I cannot stress enough go to discern. TV / who DNA to read this article as soon as you have time because it is going to take a little while
choose your time and that it's well worth it but I want to focus on what's not here okay
what's not hear what you're not talking about and that's an they are talking about it but they're not calling out by name and that is transhumanism this is a move for the transfusion this is Jen. Those who are not familiar transhumanism is all about okay it's all about being able to to take your you know you are your body your mind not your soul
God forbid but take care of your body and your mind and enhance them in ways that will allow you to be better to be stronger to be smarter to be faster to live longer which is the ultimate goal of most most active in and engaged transhumanists like that the rakers Wells of the world they believe that through technology through technological interfaces through mine ships and through proper supplements doesn't hundred a supplement to take in per day through chemical changes that you know not just within our own bodies went in our local environments but the environment as a whole again this all ties back to give me the WHL the power to be the the action arm of the globalist delete the ball
they will use all this with transhumanism they are essentially trying to create you and chimeras are trying to make it to where we are no longer who we are there trying to change our DNA they're trying to change and connect us through computer systems are waves in a very the 5G and all the sudden I know you're not into conspiracy theories all this sounds crazy but all of this is very very real that's what they want is why you on musk is working on a neuralink neuralink but literally putting chips in your brain to connect you to the internet this is why you see this technology that's able to you to put it right in front of your your eyeballs and eventually inside your eyeballs connecting directly to the optic nerve there ain't going to be able to to allow people to have direct connections to the internet and not the internet this will be a variation of the internet that is far more powerful than we know of today
this isn't about going to with your eyeballs this is about having access to too vast a razor information especially through social media and being able to connect seen variations of that so you've ever watched Dark marry you seen variations of this these future ideas something similar to what they're talking about is the goal but here's the thing
what they don't talk about in most of these that we stay don't you know they'll get people to do willingly but the loss of forcing people to do it the idea here is that if you are not engaged as a train few minutes then you are Anti Trans you and your anti-human because they will try to eventually replace Humanity itself
then we will again as as we've grown accustomed to in recent years we will be further puts as outcasts in our own world this is why I'm so adamant about
denying this I'm not encouraging anybody to engage in any form of violence or terrorism anything to try to stop at this is above our pay grade is it's out of our hands we can stop by warning people at least stop at locally and within their own families and friends we can make sure that we expose the truth but even then all we're doing is is delaying we're not stopping it only God could stop this if he so chooses cuz that's how advanced they are that's how far they've gone they have the money to have the power they have the Press they have Academia of the doctors and I'm not saying that everybody in Academia and I all doctors and all politicians and all members of the press or evil they're just controlled in some way
this is why it's so important that we are aware of the stuff that we avoided do not do whatever you can to have your DNA giving it all don't you I know that it's very popular I know people who aren't you using your whatever or any of those brace places are willfully good giving their DNA they're they're swapping to to test for this that or the other and they're sending it off to China to doing everything they're collecting the DNA and it's bad bad star folks bad bad stuff don't do it get ready to get out of the Cities do whatever you can write that's my that's my I my conspiratorial rant of the day he's learned with great great understanding in the most recent years that the climate crisis is a Health crisis and already we see seven million people a year dying from air pollution for example that's more than we saw the entire covid pandemic over 3 years and that's one person every 5
set up by the time I complete my next sentence someone else would have died and we see this in every aspect of Hell the way climate change is impacting our our lived experience and so there's a very real opportunity for us to have a health center to protest the climate change and to be able to ensure that we're protecting how we live how we breathe how we walk in and and what we can do and lives and so the appointment I think is truly just an opportunity to continue to really flag the urgency of what we face that Vanessa Kerry is in the daughter of climate zone John Kerry you can hear her talking about how climate change needs to be a health care issue and and how climate change affects our how to make sense this is all part of the same sales pitch that we've been hearing for for quite some time now it's been creeping in to the I guess the the globalist talking points over a glass
few months but it's really starting to get a fever pitch and there's a reason why as I've noted multiple times before and I'll say it again and again and again until it finally sticks with everyone climate change is the ultimate skeleton key is the is the way that they are going to be able to control us this way they're going to be able to to say oh that's a health care issue because it's a climate changes in the climate changes she was literally everything whatever you eat whatever you wear wherever you go whatever you you would car you drive or if you can drive a car at all hey go cop on your bike and it's it's better it's not safe and explodes a lot but hey you know it's better for the environment than that gas-guzzling Prius yes they're going to eventually start going after the hybrids and everything else they just want us off this doesn't matter by the way if sciencelogic and finances tell us that the these quote-unquote green initiatives aren't very green they
what state they if anything they can oftentimes harm the environment more than their their own green counterparts we've seen this with with electric vehicles in particular that's what they don't care about that they don't care about logically that don't care about the climate they care about control and other said multiple times including in an article in this video that I'm posting over at the stern. TV you can find this at the stern. TV / Kerry k e r r y is in Vanessa John pick you up I don't care pick your bag Guide TV / carry you'll find this short article that I wrote explaining is in brief about why why they want climate change to be considered a health issue as I wrote during a recent interview Vanessa carrier explained why she believes climate change must be classified as a public health predicament as founder of see global health and daughter of climates are John Kerry it makes sense for her to
harping about this but there's much more there's a much more nefarious reason carry and others are calling on climate change to be included as a health issue the push to make the World Health Organization the Supreme ruling by Over All Nations through multiple agendas including the pandemic treaty is the globalist ultimate play for worldwide control centralizing Health decisions through a single Global entity is bad enough giving them the skeleton key of climate change at their disposal is Checkmate against freedom
what time you change the globalist can bring literally everything under their umbrella every decision from the food we eat the cars we drive the clothes we wear will fall under the rules set by the World Health Organization and enforced by governments after they willfully giveaway sovereignty Joe Biden is among those who are pushing extremely hard for this there are some some Nations out there some freedom-loving Nations that are that are pushing against it but the momentum seems to be on the side of the World Health Organization the United Nations the wef the council for inclusive capitalism
that's my article is already in motion we must pray that God intervenes we must spread the word but second only the prayer we must prepare ourselves by becoming as independent and self-reliant as possible we must do whatever we can to protect ourselves and our families by removing any dependence on government regardless of the situation get ready now so don't forget to pray along the way look a lot of times you have one of the first things that you learn are you supposed to learn as a prepper is that you do not talk to people about your prep that's what they always say you don't keep it hidden because the theories is that if if you start talking about your preps telling your neighbors or friends or relatives in after the crap hits the fan they're going to come knocking on your door like Okay so this guy prepared and done you it's like all we can do that but here's the thing
if and when this all does come down we need as many people as possible to not be beholden on government we need allies when you friends when you people that we can trade with people that we can work with people who can fight for free the people who are not going to be standing in bread lines or Cricket lines or whatever they are they're going to try to force us into so I'm so adamant about going against the grain amongst peppers and say no tell people don't just tell people that you're prepping tell them why they need to prepare and show them how show them how to prepare this one of the reasons you know I am over at the Liberty it's been a great blessing and my company hotels in works with the Liberty daily to help people get prepared you can go to throwing it a quick ad but might as well as we are talking about getting prepared to go to Whole cow's TLD that sings for the Liberty daily whole cow's tail use promo code to get 15% off at checkout and you'll get you can get ribeye
New York strip these are all freeze-dried sous-vide so they're cooked it's freeze-dried so today it has a shelf life of up to 25 years they say 10 + but it's up to 25 years shelf life on this food is beef high quality All American beef check it out and use promo code JDR at whole cow's TL and get ready because here's the thing you know we can say this is one of those things where we can just go out and say okay well let's go protest the WHL let's go let's go write letters to wear congressman and tell them to oppose the pandemic treat folks and then see that's beyond our reach we can do now you can say well we can vote for Trump and we can vote Republican most Republicans are when I sing most I mean literally 99% of Republican lawmakers are doing absolutely positively nothing about this
nothing let's face it yes Trump did a lot of great things and then I could see if anybody will ever finally get us out of the United Nations it would be somebody Trump or somebody like him but I just don't know if that's enough and we can't we can't trust that we can't we can't assume that if some comes into office that he's going to be able to single-handedly single-handedly fight the global still leaking ball he's not he's got enough problems with a deep state which is an arm of the global Sleek of all he's got enough problems with Democrats in the uniform of the globalist ball you can fight on those levels would be able to fight this to stop this
I just don't see it
I just don't see an I can imagine that we will be locked up if it does appear if they if they think I'll my gosh we're not going to even be able to cheat her way to prevent run from me being president they think that then they're going to accelerate their plans they're going to get this this pandemic tree and all of their other machinations they're all going to get all that rolling in 2024 ahead of the election so plan on this being the case will find it we'll pray against it total sooner we're going to win we can win on the individual level you can get ready you can get your family right and you can even if you're very very blessed you can you can start to get your community ready get people localized get people prepared help them to be educated help them to learn this stuff
just don't sit back and say hello hello work out in the end is that probably going to work out chances are slim we can hope it and we can definitely pray for it on a on a constant basis
but I would imagine if we are in the biblical end times in this whole WHIO climate change Global sleek and ball thing that we're seeing forming around us show me toys in
the Bible
take from that what you will
I do a lot of these stories make me seem like I'm a chicken little a doomsayer fear-monger guy but but I do have helped a lot of the reason that I I don't get too affected by any of this is because as a bible-believing Christian I obviously do you have have a certain level of the password for it tolerance for the bad news I've read the book I know how the story ends I'm looking forward to it but there's going to be some hard times between here and therefore for many of his most of his props all of us unless you're one of the global Sleek ball in which case things will seem hunky-dory for a long time until well Suddenly It's it's not but we'll get there but there is no and there's a story it was over the weekend over at Gateway pundit that highlights at least a positive trend we seen it in the past couple weeks we've seen in the past past year or so they've been a lot of Elections worldwide that have been
it says you're gone the way of a freedom gone the way of you can say conservatism but it's really there's a little bit of libertarianism you can't really say oh it's just the right or the far-right as as core media likes to say it it's not just victories for us in in the conservative World it really is about Freedom it really is about changes to the yeah I guess you could say that the puppets now I want it before I get into the store I want to be very clear I'm skeptical of everybody okay everybody I don't give some of these allowed to get in the office I often times I wonder if you know how good are they really going to be we've seen some people that that are made some tremendous claims Ki what's her name Maloney her name over in Italy
but hey I don't want to downplay that and as Paul Sheeran over at the Gateway pundit calls it a is it a worldwide Trend New Zealand's conservative p.m. Christopher luxon bastard cut taxes rollback citizens gun restrictions revert oil and gas exploration ban and I think what he's saying is reverse but either way so it is starting to get it quote unquote right haha developments in the worldwide realignment to the right that concerned a New Zealand New Zealand national party finally sealed agreement on a new third three-party coalition government took drawn-out negotiations over a ministerial rules and policies including indigenous rights tax cuts and changes at the central bank that sounds familiar it's because we've heard of promises at least they're the central banks are going to get booted out of Argentina as well
see the center-right Nationals led by incoming prime minister Christopher luxon will return to power alongside the populist New Zealand first party and libertarian act New Zealand New Zealand this comes after six long years of rule by government led by the left-leaning fiercely globalist Labour party Reuters reported we believe is in this country we in this is a quote from election we believe in this country we are ambitious and no I'm not going to do an Australian accent we are an ambitious for it and we know that with the right leadership the right policies and the right direction together we new zealanders can make this an even better country the Coalition agreement outlines plans to roll back the use of of Maori language review affirmative action policies and assess how the countries funding sounding treaty document is interpreted in legislation however a controversial proposal to have a referendum on the interpretation of the document the Treaty of waitangi will
not happen during Labour prime minister Chris Hipkins successor to covid crazed Jacinda ardern said the changes in policy we're going to turn back progress new p.m. locks and said the government will a manly Reserve Bank of New Zealand act 2021 in order to remove the dual mandate on inflation and employment and the focus monetary policy only on price stability they're also ambitious plans to reveal reveal a ban on offshore oil and gas exploration introduced by the previous labor government according to Coalition documents now I'm always skeptical New York Orleans ride or anything like that and I was right center center right all that stuff that always just smells like you in a party swap Mitch McConnell spell stuff so we'll see I'm straight-up I know nothing about this guy okay I've done a little bit of research on the new prime minister's new presidents that are are getting elected I don't
nearly enough I wait to see how they act because you can do a ton of research and see all the speeches and all their promises but number one I'm in America first guy so I don't really care too much about it but I do have certain that cares as I mentioned previously Lori you regarding the World Health Organization in the the pandemic treaty we do need people to stand up people another government to stand up and fight it because unless unless something crazy happens you're the biting Regina's probably going to be still in power by the time they do roll out in and try to get the the pandemic treaty fully ineffective he will in my humble opinion probably try to give away as much if not all of our sovereignty before he's out of office work and I say he isn't he's making any actual decisions which is not his handlers who are beholding to the global Sleek ball will make those decisions for him but again not trying to poopoo on good news this it seems as if we've had election after election after election
across the globe where the cortical right-leaning or in many cases the far-right people are out there making moves and then getting in the office
when I say that we have to pray it's not because I'm going to pray that God is going to reach down and and kill Klaus Schwab or anything like that we don't know what God is going to do he can do whatever he wants he will do whatever he wants with it said a lot of times when we've seen this throughout history throughout the Bible he will take action and those actions will not be apparent as Divine of you all the time sometime they look when he wants to make sure that we get the message he delivers it okay ask Egypt ask Pharaoh cuz he was trying to to keep the the Israelites that the Hebrews keep them as a slave that that didn't work out but his heart was hardened and he got the an ambiguous message didn't didn't work so I can help him but that message wasn't necessary for him it was for us it was for the world
and so we will see but isn't that the point of trying to make is that often times this is exactly what we are what we're seeing in the world could be I guess a reprieve may be a delay may be the end times are are hundreds or thousands of years away who knows I feel like we're in the end times but maybe maybe this can be reversed maybe it can be fixed the sex story
is X Tory what is it all this is how cay you can find it over at the CERN. TV / ESG drift that's one word discern. TV / ESG grift is titled o h c e o c i o s s oil companies have a place in ESG funds let me report of the article because I do want you to get the get the gist of it it's it's real too long article did you go with the long one and I'm not going to sit here and read the whole thing to you I will tell you what's missing from this article that's the important part of the group I guess you could call is Tyler Durden over their head at the end of the days to come and sense and and the investing World Alpha I disagree but hey
so that's what has Marcus Mueller Chief investment officer DSG and Deutsche bank's Private Bank admitting this week that if you want to make money no matter what your you label your fund you'll you're likely going to need some exposure to energy and Big Oil he also noted the obvious that big oil companies have in fact been making strides to reduce emissions despite being labeled as serious polluters and more money than God and having more money than God by the by the administration in their cronies Raiders drop a bomb last week when they reported that Mueller had stated on Tuesday that sustainability funds should include traditional energy stocks arguing that not not doing so the prize investors of a primary opportunity to invest in the transition to renewable energy
that is a key point is it's both of your that's very important and I'm going to repeat its sustainability funds should include traditional energy stocks arguing and not doing soda prize investors of a prime opportunity to invest in oil 9 gas man cold out of anything like that in the transition to renewable energies and and therein lies the lies the real play hear the real grift this isn't about helping you make money okay it really isn't. Like I do you know my my funds are our heavy in the air in my retirement accounts are heavy and ESG in the end but it's okay because because there's they're going after more money by getting into the energy energy industry that's just not true I mean it's true temporarily but that's not saying oh well looks like we're going to make more money for our our retirement accounts are our customers or clients by going through and investing in energy know it's the other way around
what they're saying is hey guys hey energy companies you got two choices you either get with the program and help us to lead the charge
for climate change being this the Supreme Scream interest the Supreme whatever you want to call it the the ultimate skeleton can you help us make climate change a thing you help us make climate change happen
as you can as only you can uniquely do and we'll make sure that are investors are investing in you will make sure that that the money keeps rolling you don't have to fear the end of oil does whales not going to end by the way that's never been the goal of the the opera house I'm not talking about the little minion called me cultist I'm talking about the new people that are actually pushing for climate change to be a thing or nothing don't care about about the money they don't care about the climate they don't want to stop a little they have no intention of ever stopping use of oil or any fossil fuels that was about it's always been about control as I said and as we move into this Brave New World we're going to see more of this we're going to see these companies that are supposedly the worst when it comes to environment a social and governance and we're going to see them embracing that last part of the government's aspect of it who better to engage in a public-private partnership with governments across the country.
Globe then the energy companies they're the ones that can lead the way in this is what all this is about starts off as a threat to you know get with the program and go green or you won't get your ESG rating and you won't get Investments and you won't get this and you won't get that and you'll get all you know what will will take are cultists will send them to the blue their hands on your building and then throw red paint on it and that'll that'll teach you a lesson and he's like I don't know but then they they hit you up with that so what if we were first that what if we really grease your palms what if we make you guys instead of the bad guys what does it make you guys did really good guys could you imagine if Exxon was leading the charge against climate change could you imagine if they were the ones that are saying hey you know we were developing this were developing that and by the way if you watch television I don't but if you do watch television I was told recently that there been a lot of ads by oil companies showing how they they're going green
it's all tied together folks it's all part of the same exact agenda and when we look at this when we look at stories like these
the number one we learned two things so we first we learn that as I've said this whole the energy companies are going to be leading the charge and the public-private-partnership under the guidance of the global so we can ball to forest climate change into every aspect of Our Lives number to people have no idea what is jeevan is and I was actually took story but it's actually part of a quote here who is this this was but there was a survey in 1759 mostly European responds and let's face it the Europeans generally know a little bit more about what's going on there if they're not good at interpreting it and they they're very blind in certain areas but compared to two Americans they generally know what's going on better than we do and I'm not talking about you know worldwide I'm just saying as it pertains to for example in this kcsg they have a better understanding we do
but the coincidence with 1759 mostly European respondents revealed that just 15% have a solid a solid understanding of USG and a mere 3% consider themselves experts what is an expert in the ass she just curious but 15% have a solid understanding
against its last year in the United States that means that we can be out here and I am often out here harping about ESG issues bad and yes she is is is a lie it's a scam it's a great gift and yet most people don't seem to know very much about if you are one of those people I would recommend looking into before they change the name because they've already who was it was it that wasn't Jamie dimon it was it was a fink Fink Mary Fink over at the Black Rock who said you know I'm not really crazy about this whole ESG thing is is it's been preferred in and we're going to get people educated about it yesterday before they change it to something else
with Central Bank digital currencies rearing their ugly head with the banking crisis in progress with the push to to cause massive amounts of inflation attack true ESG on your retirement funds it because you you have a retirement account of any sort of behooves you to move part is not all of it over to a self-directed IRA backed by physical precious metals know there's a lot of companies out there that offer you know whatever get $5,000 $10,000 $50,000 and free silver if you sign up in the cat I can assure you your business is not so important than willing to give you free stuff in other words you're paying for it that's why I work with a Christian company Genesis go to Genesis precious they are Faith driven we will treat you want to see they will help you get into a self-directed IRA backed by physical precious metals and you'll be happy that you did because your money will my humble opinion not a financial advisor but in my humble opinion your money will be safe
you know I'm not sure if I like that I don't know if I like having it that long I want from it from add to the station identification which is required for radio with wwcr and then into the 30-second intro that's a long time that's that's why I'm sitting here you know didn't have to use the restroom so
I don't like to wait on one of those super impatient guys when it comes to to talk I just want to talk a lot which is why I do to her show and I can very easily and maybe someday we'll start doing 3 and 4 and 5 hours shows but for today my time slot is limited to just two hours from now that we're in the second hour I want to do some focusing on politics you know again
over and over again until Jo's the case there's only two scenarios here it's either the Donald Trump is the GOP nominee or the Deep State takes him out a fair something else if they can prevent him from being the nominee or be on the ballot or whatever then that's kind of the only thing left you know that's the only other option there's no way that anybody can catch him none of the other candidates have a shot I don't care what he says I don't care what they do it's not going to happen you know that's why I think all of them are positioning themselves for the they hope that that you know he'll he'll fall off and they will take him out that's the that's the plan you're either Donald Trump or you're hoping the Donald Trump is taken out as far as being a a candidate there is no other option I would say that the Vivek ramaswamy who I am funny it's it's I'm so torn about him because I like what he says but then again
trust don't trust him at all that's all there is to it he's he's he's likable you know I could see him participating in some way and government that probably like to have a beer with him I don't think he's a very good rapper even though he doesn't seem to know that but hey
to each his own I definitely can't wrap I've never tried to wrap and that's a good thing
so I don't know but but he's effing positioning himself as the other Trump you know he's the use the America First guys fighting in the yukon's yada yada yada you've got the Santa's house anymore you got Chris Christie has the anti Trump he's just the man his entire presence has been to try to attack Trump and it's works at all I mean it's it's failed its failed worse than I expected and I had very very low expectations for Chris Christie and his ability to do this when Trump didn't didn't go to the debates and which he should never go to because it's pointless there's no reason for him there's no reason to have the debates at all when he didn't go to the Bates all of a sudden Chris Christie's purpose whatever they're paying him to do is lost its luster so now he just tries to go on on whatever shows will have him you know it's like a crap you know we we we had we had a some Hollywood actor you we have that we had time to
schedule but he had to cancel so we'll see if Christie is available he's always available he's just sitting there staring at the phone eating his doughnuts and hoping somebody will call and say hey do you want to come on we had a cancellation and be like yeah yeah yeah of all of those though of all the non non Trump's there's one in particular who who really chaps my khakis and that is Nikki Haley I would let you know it's funny I've never in my entire life I've never ever once voted for a Democrat that I I can't foresee ever voting for a Democrat but in the unlikely scenario things go really South for Trump when he gets taken out of the deep State and Nikki Haley is the assisting nominee God forbid, I still would vote for a Democrat but I don't know I don't know if I would
how to support her at all and I don't think I could okay I think that she might actually be in many ways as bad if not worse than some the Democrats out there she is definitely a global she's as she's as Neo Neo conservative as they come
in any way impress the biggest reasons this story from Daily Caller from last week it was it's been a little while but I've been holding this in my back pocket until after Thanksgiving cuz I I really wanted to to talk about this so by Kate Anderson / Daily Caller title Wall Street lines up to back Nikki Haley's 2024 B let's be clear this isn't just Wall Street when I just talking about how do you know you got some got a couple Bankers you got you got some people out there trying to trying to get her elected know this it's definitely far far worse than that she has the global she's talking the Black Rock she's talking to whoever we don't know cuz she's talking to OK Google to JPMorgan Chase she's probably talking to Klaus Schwab George Soros Barack Obama Bill Gates and all those bad guys they really want her to be to be the one and then of course she's also starting
a lot of the the never trumper's who are seeing her as a as a more likely alternative to Trump that's you know they're they're leaving the DeSantis Camp lot of people left Lee Tim Scott can't most of them I would say they are starting to realize hey it's either a bust and so they're they're heading in that direction but some of them are still thinking okay Will trump goes down maybe we'll we'll get some some action with one of these guys and Nikki Haley seems to be the person Street financiers are looking to Nikki Haley as the candidates pull the 2024 Republican nomination away from former President Donald Trump going to the Wall Street Journal Haley is currently placing third in National polling at 9.5% behind Ron DeSantis + 14.3 + 59.7 Wall Street is considering Haley as a viable alternative to Trump in the 2024 primary with some saying that they are desperate to keep the former president from becoming the nominee according to the Wall Street Journal
let's be clear they're all desperate everything you wanted every never Trumper out there right now with your never Trump voter and every Trump trump banker and they were from Canada. They're all thinking the exact same thing there is no there's no way out of this unless something massive happened such as again the Deep State taking out Donald Trump otherwise there is no campaigning over the next month and a half or it will say oh you know who you got super Tuesday and that's over 2 months okay so let's say it was given three months give him 6 months if they had 6 months if they could take Trump and force him to pull up Joe Biden and stick him in his in his basement for for 6 months and they're still out there campaigning and and doing everything they can and dropping bombs shells and dropping whatever they want to drop about Donald Trump getting support and getting into Richmond from the bushes and and all that stuff it's still wouldn't make a difference they still cannot win their all knowing that they're all thinking that but they are getting desperate
looking for who can we who can we get who can at least have a Fighting Chance
and this is worse than David vs Goliath we know how that when I did this is this is like like David having for stones and and he's faced with 1,700 Glitz and God is Not on the side and there's no way back to the one senior executive said there is there's a desperate desperate for anybody but Trump if she passes the Santa she's the backup another find Sierra told the wsj in the same and it's not completely crazy that she could ultimately win well actually it is it is completely crazy that you can win without again the deeps they doing their part Haley is set to meet with other Wall Street Executives on December 3rd in New York and then attend another meeting with your UBS banker Mike centini litigator Eric Levine as well as several others were linked to Elliott management a 60 billion dollar hedge fund funded by founded by Republican make a donor and CEO Paul singer on December 4th according to the Wall Street Journal September 4th
these are now I know that soon soon I will be meeting with with Bankers should we meeting with with hedge fund manager should we were meeting with Wall Street will probably be meeting again with the with the global sleek and ball she's going to be meeting with them because she needs a ton of money and then again it won't make a difference if they gave her two billion dollars to run a 2 months primary campaign and Blitz everything and go after that she's not going to move the needle she might be able to pick up 10 points she might do do terrible damage to Trump and they might be the purpose here this may not be about all we need to get a republican they can win maybe I we need to get some of you can go out there and attack attack with a lot of money in ways that the sand to send Chris Christie and not been able to vape won't do it he's not going to touch them he wants to be the the The Heir Apparent in case Trump is taken out so so it's my guess is Nikki Haley
call New Foundation that the news sucks for us that's a quote I didn't say that that's a quote it sucks around the Santa Santa does his best chance his best chance was to was to do that so we will see about that
got it listen to phone real quick just in case hello
Bill Gates no I'm not speaking to Bill Gates it's actually somebody else asking about Bill Gates I don't know but I'm live so what would you like to say to the audience
we appreciate everything that you do. Okay.
Okay I love you too
so I got a rule I don't care where I am I don't care what I'm doing
I don't care if I am talking to you guys if my wife calls or any of my kids I pick up the phone sorry okay if Donald Trump called me right now okay I probably got up to but if if Donald Trump jr. call me right now I would hold off and I would call him back after the show so so there's that but it does matter what was the only advantage of cell phones cell phones are are horrible in my humble opinion except for in emergency situations where they're often extraordinary life savings so always got to check always got to answer the phone even if you're not back to the article though and I apologize for that she should have known
back to the article Wall Street Executives Tuesday at several events with guests including Larry Fink see your black rock and Gary Cohn former president of Goldman Sachs the all the big money dudes Stanley druckenmiller drunken Mayer a billionaire hedge fund manager endorse Haley Monday while Ken Griffin found her Citadel said he was actively contemplating supporting the former United Nations Ambassador Jamie dimon JPMorgan Chase had a private conversation with Haley this past week with diamond noting that the 2024 Canada appears to have a solid understanding of the economy
listen if they thought this is no exaggeration okay if if they thought that that an eight-year-old could beat Trump was will say a 35 year old stay within the Constitution they thought that that is 35 year old American citizen who is an absolute moron and just has no no qualities whatsoever to be present if they thought that that person could beat Donald Trump never come out and say you know I'm scared of the peers have a solid understanding of the economy in the relationship between business and government
they'll say whatever they can they hate Trump
they hate America except for the blessings that they gets from America and Americans
they don't want us to succeed they don't want us to flourish they don't care about you
they just want somebody other than Trump because Trump represents something that they don't like Trump can and because it will be his second term very likely will shake things up in ways that they don't like
this is this is personal for them this isn't about politics this isn't about policy it's personal they will personally be hurt the Jamie dimon's the Larry thinks of the world
will personally be hurt their their money train will will come come crashing crashing down
they know this
that's why they they despise this man and they will do anything you know it's funny that my name is hasn't been you haven't heard it a lot of lately
and it's it's funny because I'm glad that you're having but it's friend on for a reason you haven't heard my gosh he sees you cuz it's cuz I don't remember his name that Glenn Younkin Younkin and the reason for that is number one I don't think that he was really ready to run I think he's got his eyes pretty pretty well fixed on 2028 I think he does I think that's what he sees as his he doesn't have the the Nationwide name recognition Virginia governor doesn't have in the Nationwide name recognition he saw what happened to to the Santa Santa personal support and he knows that anybody who enters the race anybody who becomes a threat to Trump will get attacked by trop and Trump's true supporters they will get attacked all of them
K me look what you've got you've got a row going to Hanley DC draino now they're attacking the Vikram swamy said anything negative really about Trump he's been very very very nice about him as far as a candidate can be used as an opponent like Trump or Trump hasn't really said anything bad about him but you got Trump supporters like like Rogan I only going after going after of a curly heart the same reason that I would go after the bank today I would go after because I do but I don't trust him I don't trust that he's truly American first because he hasn't been in the past he has denied 2020 voter fraud he is he is you know I don't know what is he is he claims that he doesn't have an association with World economic Forum he sued to try to get his name off the world economic forum's website I mean he's he's trying to ring you can examine it kind of seems like he probably did and he doesn't anymore but at least he did I don't hold people's back past against them if I did I wouldn't spoil.
hey Donald Trump has it was for partial birth abortion Donald Trump was for assault weapons bands hey Donald Trump supported the clintons so if you want to say oh if they have to be completely pure their entire lives no ideological you know fallacies are or wrongness if you like that then shouldn't like Trump because he's got he's got a whole bunch of negative against them but you did when I do at least like Trump because of what he did from 2017 to 2020 was a perfect actually not I was very critical of many of his decision for lot of his policies I did not like I still don't like I still do blame him in some regard for the lockdowns
do I think that he could have stopped the lockdowns I don't think so I realize it's funny because he should have distance himself from them but he was concerned or he was advised by his team that if he did so that it would it would ruin his chances of a real action
so I'm not making excuses for him cuz he did are you pushed operation warp speed he's still has not come out and said that the that there's any dangers there
you know we know there are
but anyway
what is Young heard much about Glenn Younkin and it's unfair because the losses in Virginia
I drink during Virginia's election was 23 weeks ago they weren't his fault there was I would argue that too once again was going down to the voter fraud I think it's demonstrable maybe not as demonstrable is Arizona in 2022 or or seven states and in 2020 I but it is that there are enough question marks in Virginia to say no it wasn't about abortion K and Portion did not turn the tide and plenty of people that were Republicans that would have voted or didn't vote for Republicans voted to
codify abortion within the constitution of the state
so anyway point is that it wasn't I don't think I can fall but he is his name has been tossed out there and he was saying that I was going to say before but he was the only one that kind of the concern me a little bit concern me not because I think that you would be good not because his policies are great his policies aren't very different from Ron DeSantis
because he's rich and he's got a mean he's he has he has access to more money than any of the other candidates other than Trump okay he's got Democrat levels of money available to him if he were had entered that I think that he could have been challenging but I think he could have been challenging at about 20% maybe he might have been able to peel off of the Santas most of all the candidates and then maybe 5 to 10 per cent from Trump that's about it you know so anyway that doesn't matter it seems as if he's not gone he's got his eyes set on a 28 you saw what happened to to the Sands to add more name recognition and a higher approval rating he saw what happened and what is continuing to happen in the sand us move on after this but I want to say this is the sad part for anybody is paying attention
Ron DeSantis just not enter the race
immediately endorsed Donald Trump and and said nothing about the presents he focused on Florida focused on on supporting Trump to win to an election the election he would have been essentially guaranteed to be the nominee in 2028 regardless of whether Trump won or lost in 2024
Rhonda Sanders would have been the fact of the guarantee the airplane that guy that nobody would he I mean he would have probably been fewer fewer primary challenges legitimate primary challenges against the Saints in 2028 and there have been against Trump in 2024 or for 2024
so count your blessings now we got to see how awful of a candidate Ron DeSantis is would it be a good politician would be a good present probably means he's been a very good I would say and the legend of the Santas in Florida is a lot better than the reality of the stamps in Florida but he's been good been better than most most Republicans and we wouldn't have known how awful of a candidate he was until he if if he had done that we would have just assumed it out he's great and let's just get him in there he's he's the next Trump you know continuation will go to the Sands is that mean that Trump is not anywhere near truck is not like trump it all very different and some would argue that many of his policies and the only reason his policies have been successful that's a fact of being in Florida and having supermajority and I in the legislature he's got a mean he can do whatever he wants some I could argue but he hasn't done enough as Florida Governor not considering all of the
do the winds all the you the potential that he has there he can do a lot more and he hasn't said he's campaigning and losing badly and he has ruined his any chance you ever had at being present in the United States so
yeah that that happened for you this next door I got to say there's a reason why we fix them two sponsors here obviously I've got my gold sponsor think I played what to add so far you can check the checkout janisko group and JD are Christian company move your retirement / to physical precious metals with a self-directed IRA back by then and be great okay and of course I've got beef and go to Freedom First its freedom first to buy freeze-dried sous-vide beef and then there's a symbiosis that are 15% off at JD are going, okay there's there's a connection there obviously you know I've had other sponsors selling I sold a prepper medications before K start to see the trend here it is yes I'll admit I do prepper
I am a prepper I'm a late prepper wasn't prepping for the like I started in 2021 K right around the time we buy gold my food up on Preppers okay I was that guy I used to rip on the people who sing by gold you know because of Obamacare knows it'll be fine you don't need to buy Gold stock market rebound once we get get somebody good in office will be fine and we saw it happen so that I was never never about that anyway point is that now I have a full-blown preferences reason why this is actually from Josh Wicks a week ago November 20th so I saw this on Fox 5 Atlanta and I just want to really really spooked me a bit I can use that word it spooked me it really did
popular Dallas markets were closed after worried owner built unpermitted bunker unpermitted bunker and Dallas marks is Dallas Georgia that's actually the name of it is Dallas Market so essentially this guy visors warehouse and says hey you know let's start using this as a market cool we took this thing doesn't work right by the space she got people there that they needed a venue through which to sell their their bracelets their paintings their food whatever it was I don't I don't know what they had in there they had that about 200 family-run businesses now they're scrambling they have been scrambling since before Thanksgiving because they shut him down they being being the city why cuz he was building an unpermitted bunker behind it got turned in
get turned in by the electrician I believe okay there you know having having like a militia training or anything like that but he had some he had some storage containers you have a big metal storage containers kind of stacked on top of each other and forming like a wall in case of zombie invasion yeah he did have to be a sniper apples but again this is all for for protection this isn't for like he's I'm mobilizing to go out just like hey you know anybody who's had money or dreamt about having money if your prepper you've always thought world my bunker look like a maybe you're building your bunker praise God for that if you you have the resources we all want a bunk or some sort we all want some some sort of safety it and if you have that preparing this mentality I shouldn't say all of us tell me you would never want a bunker
but those of us who do you know it's like OK Google doodle underground we going to the forest we go buy a leg we go by the river where do we go
anyway so this guy he decided to put by his Mark I just make sense I think he was doing dishes right way other than that he obviously didn't pick the right to contractors cuz they turned them in the article Market open two years ago in a Poulan County area Warehouse Shoppers flocked to enjoy and impressively impressive variety luckily design arts and crafts food trucks even live entertainment all in one place for many of the vendors the upcoming holidays holiday shopping season was to be their most successful time of the year then Dallas Market owner Andrew Rodriguez started building is Bunker come to building a bunker it's an unpermitted bunker you do not get permission to build a smoker
Craig Stark one of the displays better says nobody could go in the back because he was keeping it a secret
okay but was it really why would they want to go back on this guy's property anyway I'm 1 and number 2 baseman these pictures you could tap to the late me and you can see it it's it's not like he was hiding in their building underground those above-ground everybody was whispering what's going on what's going on the down start fire marshal had the same questions that was the what was that weird structure going up in in building 3 near the main Dallas Market location what's with all the shipping containers stacked on top and why didn't anyone pull the proper permit when we get the permit why didn't they dress though the bureaucracy and say hey I need a permit what do you need it for well I'm going to build a bunker no
I mean it's you in trouble if you do for the permit you get in trouble if you don't go for the permit that's the bureaucratic state if you're doing anything that doesn't align what they think is proper you're going to get in trouble just as mr. Rodriguez is getting in trouble right now we were very surprised that as to the extent of what was going on at the start of these my my Sirius was we were very surprised as to the extent of what was going on man I shouldn't say it was because it's this isn't a quote this what they're thinking there's a guy who wants to defend himself
it's not loud not in not in Dallas Georgia by golly on October 26th City inspection Field Report detailed a series of unpermitted work done at the property stretching back to August including several a multiple electrical code violations going to Keaton Rodriguez promise to have his architect send a letter explaining to work instead on October 27th The Architects out of the alarm was the Arctic not the electrician who was the architect
according to the Arctic I am here by notifying you of conditions I-5 and potentially dangerous to public health and safety
that's a Galen Lurch The Architects he wrote to the Dallas fishel's insisting his client had not consulted him on the true extent of the project under way building 3 which is I wonder why I wonder why this guy was concerned about his architect or electrician or whoever you know why you didn't want to talk to him about it why he was building this in secret even though it's out in the open building is Bunker in secret why would he think that his fellow American citizens would turn him in
because I did he said Rodriguez describe the new construction as a boss oh okay good tell him it's a bunker and support facilities with an Armory Panic Room Pantry bunk room and a septic field something that's not allowed in the city doubt you cannot have a septic field that's against the public health
I'm sighing because this is so ridiculous they're also concrete walls 12 to 16 inch thick with v style doors self was 2500 square feet
Suite 100 let's have a big folks that's that's the sound a lot mean this is bigger than most bunkers I would say that's not like a like a huge facility or anything
and I'm down to spend the business license for Dallas marks inside a Rodriguez for for violations including zoning rules and ordered him to remove the shipping containers within 72 hours he is due in court December 1st we can't let people know this is the important part we can't let people wander around or be on that property if we don't know that it's one hundred percent safe what you know what how many other people have properties that are 100 safe it's their property people running around on it without permission and get hurt that sucks for them
but it's still just a a private property I don't understand how this is hard for these people to grasp
but the decision could not have come at a worse time for vendors Yeti Yeti I do feel bad for them but but the worst was Guy paid Rodriguez for under $40 a month plus a portion of the sales to set up his blade Works knife sharpening business in the Dallas markets may I mean where else are you going to set up a knife sharpening business and I've had a knife sharpener before it's not cheap so four to $40 a month plus some of the profits sounds like a steel sounds like a steel this is Allen's like it like it was good for local businesses and entrepreneurs family businesses last month he was forced to borrow money from his children to quickly rent a small building in Hardy Street so he could stay open this is my livelihood and he explained this is my business is what I do to feed my family so then why is government coming in stepping in and doing this
but Rodriguez told the Fox 5 i-team family is is what he had in mind to
that's a terrible sentence but Rodriguez told the Fox 5 i-team family is what he had in mind to
Modern journalism is horrible I just wanted to know that's got to be 7
anyway he said I don't understand why this has turned into something other than me trying to take care of my family in the community let me repeat what mr. Rodriguez says because this is the reaction that most of us believe we have another similar circumstances I don't understand why this is turned into something other than me trying to take care of my family and the community I think a lot of us just I think a lot of this is just getting into a conversation and getting permission still in the months leading up to the unauthorised work or drink is made a series of bizarre post on social media uh-oh he's free might be an extremist most of them are re-posting other warnings about impending doom in the United States and wonder if you posted this show since we always talk about impending doom in the United States and ideas on how to survive what's certain to come I prefer mentality God forbid like making your own penicillin out of plants oh my gosh you mean he's not going to go through big fart I don't understand
why is this guy still running the streets
how's this guy still allowed to be a part of the community they shouldn't have shut them down they should arrest them and prosecute him and execute them
cuz he's he's he's thinking about making penicillin out of plants
one vendor showed us a handwritten note Rodriguez shared on their group page warning about about the FBI and that spies were installed at the Dallas markets and everything was hacked and I'm sure he probably was okay I'm sure once questioned everything goes I I know why do you sound so I am I a annoyed I do believe that we're being watched or being being listened to what we're being monitored if you are listen to the show I'm here to tell you unfortunately chances are you're being monitored unless you was taking the proper precautions to be completely off grid and hidden then you're being monitored one way or the other and there's just a report it was came out the other day how they're monitoring literally literally over a billion cell phones you might think it was only like 30 30 million people in United States yes but there's one that number cell phones apparently and they're monitoring him
without your permission
don't get me started we'll talk about that story probably tomorrow
here is I'm going to read you this letter that was given to me by a me by a vision from God God has called us to be Warriors and we are going to take this country back in his name there you go
the dude's mentioning God that makes him an instantaneous threat and he must be shut down by the state
where's Rodriguez if he was preparing for the end times and he says I don't think these are the end times it depends on what you think the end times as being he would not explain those odd messages he sent those vendors but he said he felt horrible for what they've gone through and wished he had sought permission first before building anything
he says I don't think I don't I don't know that I broken anybody's trust I think I've always pushed the envelope I don't always know all the rules and regulations to do things I've learned things the hard way sometimes let me look at me a reasonable here he's saying hey I didn't know I was barely breaking the rules but let's fix this okay just wanted to protect my family. My bunker give these people the small businesses the family-owned businesses of venue we're taking sell their stuff nothing wrong with that tell me what I need to do who do I have to write a check to what documents do I have to sign what permit do I have to who needs to inspect what show me what I'm doing wrong and I'll make it right that's what he's saying is that being unreasonable he's not you know
I wish Andrew and his family all the luck in the world to get it up and running since start the knife sharpening vendor forced to move honestly I don't think he can if he does it's going to be extremely hard to get it back to where it was they have done probably only permanent damage to his business and his businesses of others doesn't crash hundreds of small businesses in the Atlanta Georgia area that Dallas mayor of Dallas Georgia there will be chaos and disorder the people can't think for themselves they can't govern themselves Smiley impose bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger government
we're currently working with the business owners to help get them in compliance that's good okay and mr. Rodriguez is able to to get his his shots back up able to get his warehouse Dallas markets backup able to get his his bunker built you know and with with minimal heartache and great Victory it shouldn't have even been a question again because this guy is not attempted to hurt anybody
but if he doesn't this is this drags out if the bureaucracy prevent this from happening or fate they water down to make it to where you owe you can't have this what you have an Armory are your guns legal in checked have the have the serial number has been filed with the state you know
no no
everything short of that anything short of we're sorry we're glad that you got all your paperwork in order to build what you need to build to protect your family anything short of that is still over reach I'm sorry folks I know a lot of you lot of you out there would be concerned about somebody building a bunker near you the way that I look at it just like with a I don't get scared when I see at an open-carry or concealed carry guy walking around in fact I feel safer because I know that 99.999% of those people are not going to try to shoot me or my family they're just out doing what they're doing in there they're protecting themselves and that personal probably protect me and my family to if things go south so I don't get scared by that I wouldn't get scared of my neighbor was building a bunker if you have the business owner if I had if I had a booth or whatever it is they had in these established markets if I was there and and I saw them building a bunker in the back I probably ask him hey man thanks goes
got room how much what do I need to do you know I build me a little mini bunker behind your bunker take advantage of all those the who's zombie defending containers or shipping containers you got stacked up there I mean it's but again
we're different we hopefully many of you and I differ from from a lot of Americans and Americans become indoctrinated with the idea that we have to rely on government you know you don't need a gun you just need to to call the police I will we wanted to defend them as well so I don't get it you know trust the police have fewer of them
oh okay so the old saying goes when when when you're faced with with a Criminal and seconds count the police are minutes away now it's minutes maybe hours maybe never I laugh
but as usual it's not really funny at all
Freedom First folks stock up get your get your before you still can speaking a Preppers here's a story from wnd again this was also gosh I had saved up a lot of stories didn't I had all these stories wrapped up and ready to go Peppers identify these three items as a top threats to the US these are folks who watch events and read up on threats so really good judgment okay if you say so this is it says wnd staff but but if I work all I think Joe Kovacs participate in this over at let's just go with it don't worry a super volcano in Yellowstone that's not a major concern
I'm just mildly it's just the thought of you know there is a supervolcano there could blow and take out you know most of the Northwest and a my wife hey we would we would be pretty busy being pretty instantaneous and then we be with the Lord is like maybe that's not the worst way to go. Maybe that's what you did and I read that wrong what does cause major concern is the uncertainty of the nation's electric grid especially in tandem with Joe Biden's agenda to explode the demand for electricity with his electric vehicle demand and the political Civil War With The Deep divisions between pro-abortion Pro transgender pro-terrorist ideologies in the Democrat Party and the rest
the nation I'm glad it's funny because it really isn't Democrat vs Republican its radicals
which accounts for today for whatever reason most Democrats versus everybody else cuz even look I know some Democrat friends I spoke to a Democrat friend just last week to who's against all this that mean he's that rare Democrat is pro-life it still he's against other than that he's a terrorist but he's against the other aspects that his party has has embraced and you can look at Independence there they're flocking to vote for Republicans they don't like the workers they don't like any of the stuff that's happening around us there against it all
so I'm glad they worded it like that and so we got so far we've got the electric grid Civil War and they worry about any MP attack which could render what electric grid the there already is impotent
can I see is it just a poorly-written story that's two in a row bad English and within their stories we need better editors
video Paul Bedard in a column of the Washington examiner explains the results are from a survey of Preppers who's those who lead that movement with that Advocates being prepared for even the unthinkable the survey was done by fortitude Ranch part of a growing network of similar minded people and groups and I need to actually talk about 42 ran it some point but not today are they are not average Americans who did the who pay no attention to risk these are folks who watch events and read up on threats so really good judgment going to Drew Miller to see Yo told the dark for his Secrets, it already has was a full decade back that a congressional panel warned about the EMP attack multiple enemies ranging from North Korea to China to Russia could launch a nuke to altitude above the US and detonate it causing Electronics within three staff to fail valuations at the time estimated such an attack
cause the deaths of tens of millions because Electronics no longer would function leaving Vehicles delivering food at the size of the road pumps for fuel inoperable In Those ever-present computer systems to run Banks retail outlets and more dead a tech is something look it's one of those things where there isn't much you can do if a nation or even a non nation into T we're to want to take out the United States with an EMP attack there isn't a whole lot that we can do that we know it's possible I guess it's possible that no continuation Star Wars under Ronald Reagan that it actually did he have fruit and maybe we do have defenses since I've always thought I should have always I started thinking along those lines when I talk to a an anonymous source because he doesn't like his name used but he is a general
I'm in the United States military and he said that that and he didn't know for sure but he said he believed that it was there was a defense that nobody knows about and how do you know if it's under the control of the CIA like what they're going to defend this whatever anyway but let's say that that's not the case let's say we don't have a defense against a high-altitude nuclear blast that would kill tens of millions not the glass itself again this will be over time it should be over at any of Sammys back to the Ice Age causing you know what they would I mean in that scenario The best scenario would be martial law because if you couldn't establish martial law it would be would be pandemonium it would be absolute and utter chaos Silo collapse in the postman read the book
a very underrated Kevin Costner movie movie from I believe the 90s that's the scenario okay you mean they would be you have roving bands of of of hooligans out there Marauders taking what they can take me to be very Mad Max ish if you will
and a lot of people wouldn't survive that you know that the machine the movies read the book see the Articles done it in their own imaginations with a post-apocalyptic America look like well that could be generated very very very quickly does electricity not only lose the various grades are people that water. Very quickly they will find ways to get the water they'll try to find ways to get to water for sure they won't be able to drive their cars or their electric bikes or anything else it's a very nightmare situation scenario and there's not much we can do about it okay if you're if you're on the grid if you're not off the grid completely then you would be affected even if you are on the grid you would still be affected because people try to find you
let's face it that they're out they'll try to take over the cities and then those who do take over the city's will will do what they do in the cities with those who don't get smart I guess you could say and go out of cities and try to find people that have have resources people that are outmatched and people that maybe they are off-grid maybe there's just not enough of them to fight off 50 Marauders or whatever I don't know there's all sorts of nightmare scenarios here these peppers are concerned about that and I would be too
what are noted over the past 20 years the movement to prepare for a domestic disaster has exploded and was super charge by division and Washtenaw racerise the covid-19 pandemic and a surge in youth crime groups like fortitude Ranch has stepped in to offer people a place to retreat to in case of civil unrest he noted Miller confirm the 2:00 spotted to a survey were dismissive of ideological ideologies like climate change which was called global warming until then the warming quit medical errors but I do like their their wording this the right way I like articles that are properly worded that would thank you I just feel like a good size or come in very nice very nice people people are listening and going to Freedom First using promo code jtr in and ordering up some beef
Bernard noted that noted that the concern over Civil War because of split politics also was cited by a battle ground pool and Miller noted how the top five threats the most unusual is probably 41% listing domestic Civil War due to the Deep divisions in our country and a potentially violent to visit presidential election coming up as a grave collapse risk Miller pointed out that Ray dalio founder and CEO of hedge fund Bridgewater who makes a living predicting events said that he believes we Face a 30% chance of civil war with are divided population with a divisive election next year global warming said probably will be eliminated through a hugely damaging event like a bioengineering pandemic global war or famine or something similar so
and people say silverware I think you'll be more Kendall Revolutionary War was Civil War it's hard to have an actual legitimate full-blown Civil War at not anymore. The way you know after after the Civil War things changed in America they made a very challenging for a potential Civil War 2 take place because if you will no longer / by Geographic boundaries with no longer / by lines on a map where divided ideologically and it can be a man you could be thinking one way and literally the guy standing next to you is thinking something different and you might be enemies you and your neighbor case I like this city is going to be on red team and this city is going to be on Blue Team or this state or the sound like that in the Revolutionary War is probably more like likely they would start with a Crackdown that Crackdown will come after me and you
can I get a Crackdown against antifa and I'm going to crack down against Palestinian supporters that going to crack down against transgender supremacist not going to crack down against BLM they're going to go after you and me going to go out to the people, good stuff there lots of P4 is coming in today it's been crazy with these notifications when they're starting out so that's good I could stop anyway yeah they're good they're going to come after us and will turn into my humble opinion more of a a revolutionary war scenario than a Civil War battles battle strike First Strike tyranny tyranny there are there variations of it there's different levels of course and I think the one we're going to face going to be pretty pretty darn pretty darn bad
I'm going good I'm by any means but it is what it is speaking of pro-palestinian I got one more store I think we have time we do got one more story here
this is obviously going to be controversial because I'm talking about the Israel Hamas War
everybody has their opinions I've got I've got viewers and listeners that are pro-palestine and push for a two-state solution or even even in one scenario a a one-state solution solution which basically is real becomes a secular democracy and everybody is treated equal with other Palestinian or or a Ronnie Anne or Jewish you know Muslim Jewish Christian everybody's the same similar to what it supposed to be here in the United States that's a pipe dream you know and I asked that person that I was debating at a time if you felt the same should be true for at least fifty Muslim nations out there well you know is how I knows it was fun fun debate wasn't fair
I'll admit I had way too much evidence on my side but regardless where you staying there are you hopefully my show pro-palestine pro-israel doesn't matter you still hate the United Nations you should because they hate you and me going to American Thinker air cutter over there you and adopts eight resolutions condemning Israel and Hamas or anyone else getting back to the controversial aspect to this if you are pro-palestinian that doesn't necessarily mean you're Pro Hamas your problem boss what are you doing listen to me okay I just got to know I am very adamantly opposed to Hamas or any terrorist Muslims not opposed to Islam on the post I mean that from a religious perspective I am I want to teach everybody and show as many people as I can the correctness and the Brilliance of the of the Bible right but as far as you could I be friends with and have been friends with Muslims before absolutely I've got nothing against the Muslim people
I meant nothing against the Palestinian people with a lot of pain and there's like oh you there they're wrong and I'm not I don't think along that lines I think they have have grievances can't they do. They do have legitimate grievances was going to take it too far they do have perceived legitimate grievances will say and those should should be addressed and not through so let's be clear about that
that I don't expect
any condemnation against Palestinians from the United Nations but I do expect we should all expect condemnation I guess come on because they deserve it and said we get kind of nation hate resolutions condemning Israel human rights violations yet no condemnation of other nations or groups including her mom has this afternoon boss slaughtered nearly 1,500 innocent Israelis during a surprise attack on October 7th and at a time of inexplicably rising anti-Semitism this tells you all you need to know about the worldly by the world body it is nothing more than a wretched Hive of scum and villainy I will nor an hour no more than you want to watch said via press release the un's assault on his real with a torrent of one side of resolutions just one
after the largest Massacre of Jews in the Holocaust and on the 85th Anniversary of kristallnacht is surreal
and morally repugnant
the only purpose of these eight left side of count of Nations is to demonize the Jewish State the world should not be deceived that these annual resolutions Advance the cause of peace or human rights in any way again if they had said okay so so we condemn Hamas for their terrorist activities week and M is real for going too far if they want to say that I disagree okay I do disagree that Israel has gone too far but at least that could make sense at least an argument could be made
they can't make an argument for condemning Israel and not condemning Hamas Hamas went into into areas unprovoked
they went into areas where they knew there would be vulnerable civilians
they beat
kidnapped raped and murdered these people the civilians
many of them unfortunately we're beating then kidnapped then raped then murdered they got to experience the whole gamut
I'm evil give me the Bahamas we have video footage of this evil it's not like you and can say it didn't happen it happened they know it happened and yet no condemnation for that whatsoever
if they wanted to stay out of it and say we're not going to pass resolutions against Israel or or Hamas or anybody else we're just going to let them figure it out and then we'll come in and maybe offer some made you know when it's all said and done I have been okay with that I'm not saying they have to condemn it as a matter of fact the last the United Nations ever does or says the better if they did nothing I be like Yay they did absolutely nothing
Anthony touch can be done better through private organizations
or even through state governments
sleep guards can't do anything better than anybody except for the United Nations and that's the only organization that actually boxes things more then then like the US government or the Russian government or whoever
United Nations even worse
but instead they decided to pick a side as we knew that they always do okay they always pick the side against Israel whatever it is if Israel were to cure cancer K and offered for free to the entire world the United Nations would find some reason to condemn them for it that's what they do
I see article the un's second committee which focuses on in the passage of three such resolutions including one demanding that Israel sees the patient damage cause of loss or depletion and endangerment in the Golan Heights region of Syria what really now now you you want to condemn the only the only portal code occupied area and Israel that prevents them from being wiped off the map
you think gave if they do not control the Golan Heights with today's technology they would not exist they could not exist that is it is a the ultimate strategic point in Israel
I just don't understand that surprisingly Buster outside Syria drafted and co-sponsor the resolution which passed with a vote of 151 in favor to 6 against only Israel can of the Federation are the Federated States of Micronesia got to love them, and United States opposed The Measure 11 members abstained from voting 151 voted in favor of this and this time
Pixel Gun
I should we should we use this the globalists aren't necessarily winning for the devil not losing when you keep finding it harder and harder and harder
that's if the show that guys like time is up is Joe Biden with saying I will see you all tomorrow Lord willing I will be back tomorrow with another episode in the meantime you'll stay strong stay safe and God bless

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