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JD Rucker Show

Title: The War on Globalism, Nikki Haley, and an ICBM Upgrade

JD Rucker Show

Title: Globalists Using CBDCs, DNA, Climate Change, and ESG Against Us

The Jim Benson Show

The Jim Benson Show

Title: Updates on election integrity battles, Chaos and totalitarianism in China, Is the USA next?

Subtitle: Don't buy the lie that  Arizona election audit confirmed Joe Biden won, no fraud. Emperor Ji Jinping cracks down on freedom and capitalism--globalists wake up!

Tags: Electron Fraud, Election Integrity, Chinese Communist Party, Oligarchs, Globalists, Deep State

The Jim Benson Show

The Jim Benson Show

Title: Arizona Election Audit Reveals Election Was Fraudulent

Subtitle: Democrats, RINOs continue to bitterly oppose full forensic election audits in AZ, GA, other states; what could happen if we don't win this fight

Tags: Election Integrity; Arizona Election Audit; Globalists; Capitalist Elites; World Government, World Economic Forum


The Jim Benson Show

The Jim Benson Show

Title: Pennsylvania joins Arizona, Georgia for full 2020 election forensic audit battle; Rudy Giuliani's law license suspended; world elites' plan to enslave the world; rumor of top CCP spy defection

Subtitle: Pennsylvania legislators begin efforts to launch their own full forensic election audit. Trump Lawyer Rudy Giuliani talks about leftist attacks on him. Evidence mounts that a high-level communist Chinese spy master has defected with a treasure trove of data.