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JD Rucker Show, December 11, 2023

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JD Rucker Show
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The War on Globalism, Nikki Haley, and an ICBM Upgrade

Title: The War on Globalism, Nikki Haley, and an ICBM Upgrade


Globalists are starting to feel the heat. Some say they're accelerating their plans so they can squeeze everything in before the people revolt. But as we've learned more and more recently, the people are reacting more quickly than the globalists expected. It seems as if Pandemic Panic Theater woke up more people than the globalists thought possible.

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There's still fighting that needs to be done. On today's episode of The JD Rucker Show, I went over some intriguing stories that not only reveal the plot, but also offer hope of positive things to come. Whether we're in the end times or not, the powers-that-be are getting sloppy.

Here are the stories we'll be covering:…………………;

Recorded: December 11, 2023

JD Rucker Show

JD Rucker Show
Show Host
JD Rucker

News and Opinions relevant to Americans today in the realms of politics, culture, and religion. Host JD Rucker from NOQ Report delivers truthful and intriguing commentary from a conservative perspective with co-host and wife Tammy.

We tackle issues that most won’t touch. Even conservative and many “alternative” media outlets refuse to talk about “taboo” topics for fear of losing money from Google, traffic from Facebook, or sponsors who are “woke.”

We don’t take on woke sponsors. We don’t get traffic from Facebook. We don’t take money from Google. We know we’ll get canceled by some, but the truth is the truth. We won’t hold back.

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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

you're listening to the j.d. Rucker show up again<br> we are strongly considering moving the time of the show so this is where are we getting the stories I want to make sure that I get your all's perspective go to JD talk kjd talk and let me know right now we're airing at 5 a.m. Pacific Time Monday through Friday we're looking at moving up to 8 an icer time zone or Eastern Time 11 a.m. Pacific so that would be be 2 p.m. eastern time and whatever it is mountain in Central and all that stuff so do you like 5 a.m.<br> Pacific or 11 a.m. Pacific go to j.d. talk let me know when you're hearing from please and and then then let me know what you think got a lot to talk about today so let's let's go to get started I mean all the first story<br> I vividly remember back during the 2016 debates he's in the primaries are still going on I don't remember which day it was because one of the GOP debates where I believe it was Hugh Hewitt who asked first he has Donald Trump about the nuclear Triad and then Trump didn't give a very good answer he was in the politician you know he didn't you could tell that he was even really know the nuclear Triad was and then of course you would then turned same question for Marco Rubio and he wanted Marco Rubio to come out and do you know what the submarine who got the plumbers in even though he didn't know what the nuclear Triad was he did he did know Kate job of of expressing his concern about the nuclear and it's so devastating all the stuff whatever Rubio said I have no no<br> recollection of a but I do know this that our nuclear Triad is aging it is a movie this will date me as movie back in the early eighties I love the war games with Matthew Broderick and Ally Sheedy in. It had a what's the name of Dabney Coleman was the semi Batman not really bad guy but he was tagged in this for a little bit until he came on board anyway that movie really really struck home as far as how our system and nuclear system at the time of this again the early 80s how nucleus system at the time was was outdated and needed a a computer upgrade for sure there was too much with the whole purpose of the movie was to to say Hey you know there's manual control over it and there's some flaws with that but then of course they give the give the nuclear Arsenal over to a computer and artificial intelligence that would have course through wanted to start World War<br> World War 3 Russia anyway like 40 years ago and nothing's changed our our nuclear Sentinel is that is not not upgraded not not yet not even four years after that was the first movie that really pointed the how outdated it really was how's the story of the weekend a Newsmax that caught my attention the gigantic new ICBM will take us nuclear missiles out of the Cold War era but add 21st century risks as I didn't say you was from<br> I didn't know you noticed that there's Max doesn't doesn't put who who wrote the story I wonder maybe it was written by artificial intelligence who knows but according to this mysterious article to control stations for America's nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles have a sort of 1980s retro look with computer panels in seafoam green bad lighting and and chunky control switches including a critical one that says launch<br> oops these other ground capsules are about to be demolished and the missile silos that control they control will be completely overhauled a new nuclear missile is coming at gigantic ICBM called The Sentinel oddly enough it's the largest cultural shift and in the lamb leg of the Air Force's nuclear missile missions in 60 years with our questions as to whether some of the cold where are aspects of Minuteman missiles by The Sentinel replace should be changed making The Silo launched missiles more modern with complex software and 21st century connectivity across a vast Network may also mean it's more vulnerable. Let's just stop right there then we'll meet it's more vulnerable right now you couldn't hack the system is there on a hackable are they clunky yes are they I'm not an advocate for not replacing them I mean again we need to make sure that I mean what is it if somebody that said a couple years ago and said that it will have like a 60% success rate<br> if we were to have to launch nuclear missiles at point I'm not a fan of launching nuclear missiles at all okay I'm really not but if the time comes we need to be able to watch them and pressure plate we need our adversaries to know that we do have the ability to launch camera right now I don't know if they think that I think that they're they're not too worried about it maybe they're a little worried but they're not they're thinking along the lines of<br> USS Roy men upgrading 60 years I wonder wonder if they're even going to work at all who knows maybe but anyway but they do need to be upgraded but then again throwing them in the 21st century technology which has proven to be extremely hackable that's against her that's a big concern<br> since you don't want me to be well protected from cyber-attacks while its technology will have to cope with frigid winter temperatures in the western states where the silos are located the 96 billion dollar Sentinel overhaul involves 450 silos across five states that control centers three nuclear missile bases and several other testing facilities the project is so ambitious and has raised questions as to whether the Air Force can get it all done at once and overhaul is definitely needed the silos lose power their 60 year old Master mechanical parts breakdown often are four screws guard them using helicopters that can be traced back to the Vietnam War commanders hope that the modernization of the Sentinel end of the trucks gear and living quarters will help attract and retain young technology minded service members who are now fast ways to keep a very old system running I would actually see that as a pie<br> hey you know they're always going to need me or no chance I'm going to be be shipped off to a rocker or wherever Joe Biden puts us be fighting or the Chinese or Russia or the Venezuelan sword that pop up and hey it's there that I would keep it up and running and I'm making a joke and it wasn't funny at all as you know for years because the United States the first spending on new missiles bombers and submarines in order to support the post 9/11 Wars overseas now everything is in the work is one leg of a larger nuclear weapons enterprise-wide 750 billion-dollar overhaul that is replacing almost every component of US nuclear defense has including new stuff bomber submarines and icbms and the country's largest nuclear weapons program since the Manhattan Project for the work could be under<br> play by lead contractor Northrop Grumman as soon as 2025 that is 80 years after the US last use nuclear weapons in the war and the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan which killed an estimated 100000 in and instant and likely tens of thousands more overtime for the Pentagon they are I'm going to go this is written by a I am just a verbage seems very artificially generated from from a combination of of press releases and Wikipedia for the Pentagon there are expectations and if I'm wrong and if if the author of this is actually sitting there<br> I'm sort of sorry not really good at least a little bit sorry for the Pentagon there are expectations the Modern Sentinel will meet threats from rapidly evolving Chinese and Russian missile systems the Sentinels expected to stay in service to 2075 so desires are taking an approach that will make it easier to upgrade with new technologies in the coming years but that's not without risk us just about to say that does not having too many hands too many people coming Technologies to me anything with her hands on the ability to kill hundreds of thousands or even millions of people in an incident that's not very comforting is it more comforting than not being able to kill them in having your enemies know that we would not be able to watch her muscles if if it came to that yes so I don't know I'm torn by one of them grade I don't know it sure doesn't sound like this is a this is a very good one it's almost like this being done by Apple and they're like well you know we need to make a modular so the weekend we can upgrade it better over and over the next 45 80 years<br> the weather<br> Courtney GAO the government accountability office has a software intensive program with a compressed schedule never never ends well software development is a high risk due to its scale and complexity and unique requirements of the nuclear deterrence Mission Air Force secretary Frank Kendall has acknowledged the challenge that program is facing, said it's been a long time since we did and ICBM so this in November the biggest thing is the biggest thing in some ways that the Air Force has ever taken on Sentinel I think quite honestly is struggling a little bit all right so they're rushing a program that has the capability of ending life on Earth<br> they're going to make it modular they're going to make it up Gradyville they're probably going to connect to the internet okay going to have young technicians like we're able to attract a whole bunch of technicians you know most of them are American<br> now you got the you got the Air Force Security saying secretary saying it's struggling a little bit<br> yay by far the biggest cultural shift the sense in the will bring is the connectivity for all those who secure maintain operate and support the system cultural shift okay it is a i n again if this is not a I do. Whoever you are writing this stop writing like your AI cultural shift let's talk about the cultural shift of our inter-continental ballistic missile systems near World touches touches almost everything even including new equipment for military chefs who cook for the missile teams that sounds good. The changes could improve efficiency and quality of life on the base but may and I don't want to downplay their cuz it is true if you do want to make sure that you're keeping your military military men and women with their fingers on nuclear weapons keep them hungry and very happy. Okay don't skim a Snickers bar get him real food Change could improve efficiency and quality of life on the base but they also created<br> least at the analog Minuteman missiles have never faced and again it definitely will create vulnerabilities there's no way you can't OK aspects more points of Entry I mean right now there's basically no point of entry other than other than to you know a a military attack you can't hack it okay it is analog I'm sure there's probably somebody to hack it but I mean you can't hack it easily that's for sure because it's I keep having to shake my head if you're listening on radio is this is the sound of me shaking my head<br> since the first Silo basement man went on alerts at Montana's Malmstrom Air Force Base on October 27th 1962<br> 61 years ago for those who let me back out the day she was shot telling you to spy plane and the height of the Cuban Missile Crisis the missile has talked to its operators through thousands of miles of hardwiring okay now we got now it's now it's the vulnerability okay yeah<br> hardwiring and cables buried underground okay so they are still vulnerable for all we know they're already hacked<br> it's gets better and better these hardened intensity Cable Systems or Hicks cable carry messages back and forth from the missile to the missileer who receives these those messages to a relatively new part of the capsule firing control system called react for Rapid execution in combat targeting that was installed in the mid-1990s okay we're getting better and I need technology and I was like what it was when the first Halo came out or maybe as Doom<br> this is me shaking my head it's a closed communication Loop in a very secure one that brings its own headaches anytime the Air Force wants to test one of the missiles it literally has to dig up the cables and splice them to isolate the test missile wiring from the test<br> I really wish I hadn't read this article I'm so sorry folks over Decades of testing there are now hundreds of splices in those critical loops<br> what's this it's a spice that's how we we get in that so that we can isolate only one nuclear missile don't worry only one but it's also one of the minutemen's best features they would need a shovel and a lot more to try to hack system will you know what I feel a lot safer knowing that there's somebody wanted to hack the system they would actually have to go and find some help somewhere by the shovel<br> I mean who has access to shovel<br> he won't missile Crews take targeting codes it is a mechanical manual process when a man is a very cyber resilient platform said Colonel Charles plagued The Sentinel system program manager cyber resilient<br> Plex in cyber security for the software-driven Sentinel has been a top folks of the program one that has all their attention from Colonel Clegg Minuteman Sentinel will still operate within a closed Network however to provide the defense in depth we will have additional security measures at the boundary and inside the network enabling our weapon systems to operate effectively in a cyber intestine virus good news I want to be clear you know I am a tremendous supporter of our military and I do believe that of all the various things that our government does the military is one thing that has gotten mostly right only because they put so much emphasis on it's not as far as from an efficiency perspective the military's is absolutely horrible okay but they just don't so much money added over the decades that it's kind of it's got quality by default<br> the systems within the military I'm sorry about the human systems are generally pretty good where the inefficiency come in and it's where you know that up and down the chain of command when you got cars getting involved when you have this program starting stopping and getting shuttered being reopened and that's when we start getting into two billions and even trillions of dollars of accumulated waste with that said<br> if you know we can should have I mean we don't have a choice but to have at least a certain level of trust that they are going to take into account the hackability that it would he call it a the crypto.<br> Georgia cyber cyber resilient platform okay that's good news and more willing that they've taken everything into account and have have safeguards and redundancies that will allow this to never fall into the wrong hands and to allow to to actually work again I'm not saying I can't wait to launch nuclear missiles but I want to make absolutely sure that anybody who would want us to not be able to launch nuclear missiles but they never have that that option that they they will never have knowledge of whether or not our missiles were launched which means that if they could hack them then that would mean that they would know with a near certainty that we wouldn't launch and then they could attack us so you know the fear of nuclear war the fear of the fear of mutually assured destruction once one side is down the other side can and probably should attack I'm not saying that that that's a positive thing or that we should<br> I would do that but I would be shocked if China wouldn't do that if they could hack into our nuclear missile system and they felt that they could attack us even if they were just attacking the missiles themselves<br> I wouldn't put it past and we'll just say that<br> is a little bit more the article but I'm not going to read the rest of it it's bottom line is<br> they're trying I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt I know I've been shaking my head a lot but but it's it's still positive news are there risks absolutely are there greater risks if we do nothing in this case we speak I'm a big fan of status quo right okay if it ain't broke don't fix it in this case it's probably broke mean it's definitely breakable<br> we are talking about ancient technology were talking about technology from the 60s with minimal upgrades in between then that's not good now we're talkin about thermonuclear weapons that can travel across the other side of the world so I shook my head I'm cynical but overall I say this is a positive story self<br> as I've said for a long time never trust polls there are only two types of pulse okay there are the poles that are wrong in the wrong because of a Vias the wrong because the sample size wasn't sufficient or even if it was sufficient the actual sampling itself was was flawed in some way generally speaking Democrats are more likely to take a poll than Republicans for example are their flawed because the questions were designed to steer people into one direction or another very similar to push poles but perhaps a little bit less less direct will say and I would say the vast majority of poles fall into the category of being wrong the other type of pole is a type of pole is the pole that is directly manufactured in other words it's an outright lie there are a whole lot of those generally speaking to polls try to avoid that they're their only whipped out under emergency situations and guess what according to the unit price swamp we are in an emergency situation<br> why they put out a poll last week by a through their wonderpot mouthpieces The Wall Street Journal to to promote Nikki Haley and this pole is so over-the-top wrong so over-the-top obviously manufactured that I'm I'm shocked that that you don't see a whole lot of others in conservative alternative media already calling out but hopefully she share this video share the show today and maybe we can get somebody else to talk about it because this is a joke it was floated around I think Friday Saturday I'm going to take the one from from Sunday because it's Daily Mail and and even though they're they're pretty bias as well they are actually they did a good job with reporting on this because they they highlighted one of the most important facts which we'll get to it in a minute. New poll has Nikki Haley trouncing Biden by 17.17 points in a head-to-head for the White House but still Trails Trump and primary contest by 40 points<br> we clear the narrative that they're trying to create is that Nikki Haley is the the gop's best bet to be able to beat by then to win the White House okay that's that's them there they're trying to 4 and yes Trump is ahead of my little bit but Nikki Haley is a sure thing she's a sure thing you know if you really love America if you really are a republican if you really don't like Joe Biden the Nikki Haley's your man or woman as we like to call her in the real world<br> Dick Cheney in high heels for the article US ambassador to the UN that Nikki Haley came out way ahead of President Joe Biden in a general election matchup by much larger margin than against the current president Haley the former governor of South Carolina be a formidable general election opponent to Joe Biden coming out 17 points ahead of the city leader as compared with the trumps four-point lead against him zero chance I mean for the sake of the fact that I don't like to get into absolute certainties other than as they pertain to the existence of God in the fact that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior outside of that this<br> is a ninety-nine point nine nine nine nine nine percent it's it's just it's just a flat-out lie okay be that far ahead in the general election this is somebody who is Embrace Brett Black Rob let's say after she took the money that she's getting from Wall Street from from JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie dimon is in Dorchester and pushed his cronies and Wall Street to to go after 2 to back her and you've got you got the Larry Fink over and black Rockies you don't know where he's sprinkling is money in the in the money of his his his cronies his Palace is good but he's trying to make sure that Donald Trump is not the nominee because they believe the Republicans going to win the presidency so they think hey Nikki Haley we can control her let's go let's go ahead and and get behind her and have her when the novel<br> that's that's what's happening but the thing is that this is only been recently up until very recently Ron DeSantis was the was the chosen one people started showering on him a special and then I guess it must be Nikki Haley you know we can't get Glenn Younkin to run you know so I guess Nick he's our guy girl whatever<br> but it hasn't been enough time<br> there hasn't been there that's why we know with a near certainty<br> this pole is manufactured<br> it's that time again there's zero chance that she can jump up that fast wasn't like she had a great debate performance she was embarrassed<br> 10 + 4 million people watched it anyway so no chance people that are Trump supporters especially Trump supporters would not vote they wouldn't mean they would Interpol if you're a trump supporter in a pole there's a good chance that has given the choice between Nikki Haley and Joe Biden you lie and say Joe Biden's because you don't want to to make Nikki Haley look good then you wouldn't really vote for Joe Biden but there's a good chance that in a poll which is meaningless an anonymous you would say yeah I vote for Joe Biden over Nikki Haley she's terrible she just got into a bike by Paul Ryan of all people and he's a scoundrel you know where you might look to see Mitt Romney's now getting getting behind Nikki Haley Nikki Haley travel fast enough yet so in other words you know if you want to say Well it must be working it's not because people don't react as quickly polls can't respond this quickly that's Miner Miner Miner<br> minor news now if let's say is an example let's say Rhonda Sanders dropped out and then endorse Nikki Haley maybe you could see some sort of junk there maybe but I couldn't see any anything else anything short of of an endorsement to pay their Ron DeSantis or Donald Trump himself could Propel Nikki Haley to be at 51% of the vote against Joe Biden which is what they're claiming 70 point lead vs light and we can see this we know this for sure because you can say well but there's a lot of anti Trump spent of it you know he only he only has like 60% of the party that they're still about 40% is that were the case if this is just the never trumper's chiming in and propping her up then we would also see well be in the same pole if I would vote for Nikki Haley over by then I would definitely vote for Ron DeSantis over but there's no way you would have to coordinate some people say okay so I say say yes to<br> and note to Ron DeSantis otherwise you wouldn't see him actually tied with with Joe Biden in the same poll<br> 45 to 45 it's not possible okay it's just not possible they're pushing really really hard to get Nikki Haley as lead the Republican nominee folks don't buy it okay you're going to hear it from somebody somebody comes up to you you know I don't know if you saw the pole but she's at 17% ahead of Joe by this is where there's an old men wear Batman Robins in the middle of saying something stupid and Batman slaps him not endorsing pilots and telling you to slap the the person's consider Nikki Haley but but if you think you can get away with it you might at least emotionally and end and intellectually slap a Nikki Haley is a disaster that no I would not vote for for Joe Biden over Nikki Haley<br> is actually worse than worse than I believe it or not his Embrace of climate change has his adoration though he's he's toned it down a bit but his former adoration for the green New Deal against intervention and I would still probably vote for him when I say probably I would almost certainly vote for him over Nikki Haley okay I can say the same thing about obviously Trump support I wouldn't even say the same thing about as much as I don't like and don't trust around us and serve a promise Mommy I still vote for either them over Robert Kennedy Jr and definitely were Joe Biden or whoever they put in a Michelle Obama Gavin Newsom whoever whoever ends up being the Democrat nominee deathly wouldn't get my vote in Arcata Junior would only get my vote is Nikki Haley's the nominee gay<br> you you have to understand why Nikki Haley is up there is it because you know there's a lot of rumors out there that they're pushing her because she would be better for Wall Street that's not true that's far from the truth k mean while she was doing just fine under Trump it's not that the Wall Street in general dislikes in there's something about the elites K the Paul Ryan's Jamie dimon's Larry thinks of the world they're the ones that are getting behind<br> her<br> Mitt Romney getting behind her<br> what is what is it about her<br> okay I'll go and tell you the answer of all the Republican candidates she was the one that is most aligned<br> with the global so we could ball when it comes to one topping one topic only only one topic where you can say with the whole whole transgenderism issues she's she's more more milk toast and Luke one than the others but that's not enough that they don't worry about what year the president can't really do anything in that regard that's not that's more of a state local unit institutions education system stuff like that it's not really much the president can do that the sway of a Governor's can get it obviously but local city mayor's legislators can even in in d.c. doesn't have a whole lot of that he can do to slow the spread of the lgbtqi plus Supremacy agenda sorry I mean people may disagree but that there's certain powers they have in their shrimp hours to do fall in the states pretty much everything to the lgbtqi plus Supremacy agenda goes after he is at the state level so anyway so don't care about that but they do care about is<br> then when she is further to the left of any candidate any Republican candidate for for a long time as matter fact and that is<br> climate change you guess that I knew you guys could get it she is the the greenest of the of the candidates she's the the most green-minded climate change cult-like candidate that for the Republican party that is I think the as far as major can is that we've ever seen there have been some some green Republican candidates for president but not not as as embracing of gay she believes she she checks off the one very extremely important box she does believe in manmade climate change Trump has called to the house so they promised Swami his death and called it a hoax Ron DeSantis is has avoided the topic for the most part but he's he's skeptical sort of Lady B Nikki Haley's like oh yes the the climate change is is man-made and we've got to do something to stop it now I won't go as far as my my Democrat Brethren to<br> stop it but I do know if they put some legislation on my Dash that needs to be signed I'm probably in the siding so we really need to save the environment cuz or else we're going to be dead and in ten years we are all going to die in 10 years we don't address the climate issues now or at least 10 years ago or 20 years ago thirty years ago in the last few times we said that we only have 10 years lap<br> that is Nikki Haley she is the the Republican climate change candidate and she's the closest one to be able to to have it even a shot at Trump and they don't really think that she can defeat Trump the real Target is Ron DeSantis their real Target is to get rid of Ron DeSantis in the lake ramaswamy They Don't Care About Chris Christie okay because they know if they can get rid of those guys then she is the de-facto safety-net if and when the Deep state is able to take out Donald Trump mother through life are were some of the means they want her to be that Canada thought it was Ron DeSantis but you noticed that that even when Ron DeSantis was seems like the the only alternative to Donald Trump he didn't have people like Larry Fink or Aura Jamie dimon or even really for the most part I think a lot of you have thought that Paul Ryan was behind the Santas but he never really did what he's doing now<br> they're going hard just in the last couple of weeks for for Haley<br> that should tell you something<br> all part of their plan and unfortunately their plan is not only evil and destructive but it just might work if we don't stop them and the only with the easiest way to stop by the way is to the pray that that's the Deep State isn't able to take out Donald Trump he's the one that can defeat Nikki Haley he's the one that can defeat Gavin Newsom Michelle Obama or God forbid even if if Joe Biden is still still in the running at that point that is Donald J Trump is the person that can beat all of them<br> what are you concerned about ESG funds being pushed by your financial advisor or Central Bank digital currencies that are rising across the globe it's like losing hair in the United States of America or dollarisation push to move dollars the world Reserve currency the petrodollar people shifting two nations are shipping to other forms of currency to do their business why because they don't trust the dollar and neither should you can I'm not a financial advisor but I do understand that when it comes to return when it comes to wealth protection to saving your life savings and self you should be working with a Christian company one that's going to treat you fairly one that's going to be honest when it's focused on customer service and one that's not trying to push a $5,000 or $10,000 in free silver on you because that's just not real check out Genesis Gold group at JDR that's JDR today<br>it will come as no surprise to any of you my wonderful readers listeners viewers that the global delete of all the elite among them absolutely hate us they despise us they they think we are literally useless eaters and that's that's how they categorize us and I know that not everybody does it won't stay that say it out loud but some do and the others just quietly grin and just you know they nod recently they had that the cop 28 climate Summit those last week and technically the weekend but whatever the 28th climate Summit where you have a whole bunch of super-rich people super powerful people fly in their private jets into the by staying in in luxurious hotels being pampered throughout while they're eating steaks Burgers BBQ some of the items that were on their menu and of course I ignored it conservative media and just<br> French media call them out for their hypocrisy but I don't think anybody actually caught that is actually this was a message this was an important message that was being sent by the global Sleek evolve to their of their lower members I guess you could say the ones that are skeptical of what what the the powers-that-be you're wanting to do in this was a message directed at them will explain that message but I want to turn to an article that that's you can find over to discern. TV meet for me but not for the why the climate Summit menu hypocrisy was by Design<br> I'll get into the details a little bit later but I want to to start off with Paul sack over the blaze who described exactly what happened says the United Nations has been lecturing everyone not to eat meat for years and is expected to soon release a report calling for reduced meat consumption yet in hypocritical development meat is prominently featured on the menu at the United Nations cops 28 climate some Fox News reported monthly food options offered by attendees are the hungry Hub which offers beef and meat Philly Philly John by Ghostbuster which offers burgers and Philly cheesesteaks Swagger's which offers smoked ribs and smoke wagyu burgers and met our farm live cooking which serves unbelievably unbelievable Smoked Meats and melt-in-your-mouth barbecue sounds really good<br> despite having a bevy of meat options at the United Nations climate Summit the un's food and agriculture organization is set to publish its first-ever Global Food Systems roadmap during an upcoming counseling session which will demand countries like the United States to eat less meat the business standard reported the global Food Systems road map to 1.5 degrees Celsius is expected to be published by the United Nations food and agriculture organization during the top 20 until next month Nations that's over consumed meat will be advised to limit their intake while developing countries which under consumption of meat ads to a problem nutritional challenge will need to improve their livestock farming according to the FAO I don't want to drag this out the reason that their shirt all these wonderful food to keep my two-thirds of the shirts were vegan or vegetarian so it's not like I do they weren't just totally ignoring they weren't they weren't that they had to take into account that a lot of these these climate hoaxers are actually<br> the True Believers and they are vegans or vegetarians but but for the those that maybe Skeptics those are the who are flying in they have plowed they have an interest from a business or or political perspective to get engage with climate change in the end to help to leave the climate change called the maybe they're concerned about this whole mate thing or or reducing electricity or going in at getting rid of cold here was intended for that keep in mind this wasn't just your normal your normal light up climate change meeting summit we're in San Francisco you got real True Believer activist the end of the soldiers of the climate change call pick the people that our hands on him and these people are true believers they are the ultimate tree-huggers they've got their Birkenstock they've got there they eats straight up vegan and they make sure that they are the plants aren't aren't harmed or that they were not emotionally scarred during harvesting and and all this other stuff and get you know the type that are stupid enough to glue their hands to roads okay I mean<br> either what they're eating or how they are raised or how they were brainwashed to make them do something that stupid because it doesn't endear any of us to their cause it just makes us despise them even more but you know they're told to do this so I can buy the source gangs and all that stuff but I digress if you were to go to one of those meetings with the actual True True Believers me the the soldier level then there you wouldn't I guarantee you you wouldn't see a chicken bone or a barbecue rib anywhere it would be all just straight-up anti-meat anti fossil-fuel they would be doing it all by K Campbell fire candle light rather and that it would just be ridiculous but this year this was the elites meeting this is the top 28 United Nations climate Summit where where only the top Echelon climate cultist hey guys don't worry the roles were making their not for you they're not for us<br> Above the Rest of the people we tell them what they're allowed to eat what they're allowed to drive how long they're allowed to have their lights on how high they can put their air conditioner if they're allowed to have air conditioner at all how much they're they're allowed to consume<br> that's for the lower people for us we get to live in luxury we will still have Herberger's in Philly cheesesteaks and regular steaks and great steaks & barbecue ribs and whatever we want will be flying her private jets while they're told they're not allowed to leave or they can only limit be limited to like three flights in a lifetime will still be living in luxury they won't don't worry stick with the plan stay with the program and will be fine this is why folks I've said it a million times but this is why I am so adamant about preparation it's not because I think that we're going to be hit by Massive earthquakes tsunamis or anything like that or asteroids or whatever those may happen by the way and I guess if you read book of Revelation you might be expecting some of that stuff. My biggest concern is course the the global silicone ball with their own government is going to do what other governments are going to do what corporations through public-private Partnerships are going to do to try to<br> this is why I want to become as unbeholden to government as possible and I encourage you to do the same thing get out of the Cities get out of the suburbs if you can make yourself self-sufficient chickens if you can build a gar Zar grow a garden Grove something bigger than a garden grow enough food Get Off the Grid do what you can while we still have time<br> unfortunately this next story follows that last one perfectly<br> I hate doing so it's like this I have a a certain tolerance when it comes to bad things because as a bible-believing Christian I do believe that you have read the book I Know How It Ends things going to be things are going to work out<br> very very well for for believers but but it's still sad as me to read stories like this because I know they they represent suffering that is completely unnecessary certificate comes from Michael Snyder over at the economic collapse blog you find it over at the stern. TV or just turned or the Liberty daily we put it up everywhere we can because it's important this information gets out that Michael Snyder great writer and he does give us permission to publish his work one out of every 5 at u.s. children does not have enough food to eat as the global food crisis continues meanwhile course the cops 28 Elites are eating steaks and burgers and ribs and all that stuff and it is true there are vast hordes of impoverished people that are desperate for food in other areas of the planet right now because hunger is spreading like wildfire in poor countries but the truth is that hunger is spreading rapidly<br> United States as well according to a report that was just released by the USDA a whopping 44 million Americans now live in food insecure households that comes to us from this information comes to us from good at organization what they say is the number of people living in food insecurity households in food insecure households in the United States in 2022 increased to 44 million including 13 million children according to a report released today by the US Department of Agriculture this is an increase of 31% for all individuals and 44% for children from the previous you were not looking at a 31% increase over a decade or over two decades or even over 3 or 4 years this is year-over-year data folks<br> tires rates in number of individuals and children since 2014 in the largest 1-year increase in food insecurity since 2008 so exactly what are food insecure households that is just a politically correct way of saying that they don't have enough food to eat as you can see from the overall rate of increase in the rate of increase for children hunger has been absolutely exploding in this country is new report one out of every five children in the US dollars in a food insecure household and I'm not going to read that you can understand what that means 1 out of every 5 though think about that after eating that how can anyone out there possibly playing the we are not facing a food crisis and it is important to keep in mind this new report reflects conditions in 2022 how much worse will the numbers be this year and we can or I mean I can already tell you the numbers are going to be much much worse<br> whether we want to admit it or not there are people that we know who are facing this could be you who is facing food insecurity that the cost of food is going up the availability of food is going down and there is trying to add more restrictions more regulations on top of them telling us that we're not supposed to eat meat me while they don't have an alternative for aspirin working on that and unfortunate those Alternatives whether it's lab-grown meat or veggie burgers are crooked burgers or whatever it is they want to shove in their faces these are not actually Solutions not only not necessary not only his probation officer we have the food on top of all that they're trying to make it worse and that should really concern you because at a time like this with the technology and with the abundance that we we have set aside covid-19 K people the one that's a covid-19 you know that that made it impossible for us to be able to recover it did not we have not done what it takes to recover<br> when is truly unfortunate truly unfortunate that the Democrats were able to take over immediately after covid-19 just before being right as the vaccines were rolling out that's when when the Democrats started coming in on this is all again by Design I would argue. Make this argument on a story little bit later but I would argue that the whole reason that they stole the 2020 election the first place was for this was to make sure they had somebody in office that would embrace the climate change hoax that would have bracelet that they would Pander to the climate change cult that would Advance socialism and globalism here in the United States of America in this is the result<br> unfortunately this is only the result in the early stages it's going to get worse folks I hate to be a Debbie Downer I hate to sound like a fear Monger but just as I like to point out prior to the last couple of years I was the guy that was saying everybody chill out okay it's not that bad we're going to recover I was the guy that was saying there's not going to be in economically options not going to food prices like in Amino Energy meltdown the grizzly going to fall apart stop watching Alex Jones stop listening to Michael Snyder Cinepolis listen to all these people I was that guy okay I was wrong and maybe I was right back then but I did not foresee this and I don't think anybody could have Alex Jones could have apparently has an inside track to all of the sorts of information we had before the rest of us I'm sorry but this is a surprise OK Fink<br> maybe you did I don't want to if you're like Alex Jones and and somehow prescient to all the stuff I don't want to love you have the vast majority of us did not think that we are going to have a government actively working against us that was trying to destroy not just the nation to the people within the nation<br> starvation is a direct result of what they have done and what they continue to do I'm not just talking about Democrats this is the unit party swamp under orders from the global Sleek involved. And be very difficult for anybody to convince me otherwise this is by Design and we've got to stop.<br> I wish I could say is easiest way to stop it is to just we just got to do this this this in this there is no simple solution so I always go back to take care of yourself first<br> I mean it's sort of like those you know when you get on the plane and year they always tell you if you're traveling with a child or whoever you put your mask on first before you try to put the mask on the child ride the idea there is if you don't want to be in the middle of trying to put the mask on the child and all of sudden you pass out because of of oxygen deprivation and then now neither of you have him asking you both die me know just in case you would have survived a plane crash that's the same thing here get yourself get your food water ammunitions Bibles don't forget those<br> meds energy everything that you can try to be as self-sufficient as possible don't wait don't wait don't wait<br> it is no secret that I'm a huge fan of his precious metals especially as they pertain to retirement accounts but there was an article over at the epoch times that caught my interest for a slightly different reason just because it's something that I don't think many Americans what maybe some a lot of them do but but not enough Americans take into account with actually being done with their retirement whether it's an IRA or 401K the other various State and National Pension funds and that's the the topic today in the segment nation's largest pension system faces an uncertain future with multibillion-dollar deficit and I want to be clear I don't care where you are okay this take me to California and things seem to starting California then spread some time does New York sometimes Florida or Texas sometimes it's even Illinois Pennsylvania there are you're the bigger States tend to be the the where the cracks in the system are most visible<br> easiest way to put it so just because this is about California itself please don't don't take that as a sign of oh no need to listen I don't live in California or I don't have a pension fund in California just this is think take this is general advice for the article with 20% of what it owes to members unfunded California state employee pension system a 46 Ford or 65 billion dollars in assets is facing significant headwinds changing demographics and a weak economy are threatening the future California state employee pension system according to some Economist some are asking questions about systems structure and why Investments have performed poorly in recent years is a quote from Meb Faber co-founder and chief executive officer at Cambridge Investment Management all the time and money spent by investment committees debating sourcing and allocating to private funds Consultants hiring new employees and putting together endless reports to track the thousands of Investments<br> all of it absolutely wasted<br> it's funny because as I'm sure you know I'm not a fan of bureaucracy whether it's whether it's at the in the government level whether it's with in private organizations bureaucracy is where where the worst parts of government and corporations that's where they died that's where it where where death comes to these these various institutions and it's because of too much bureaucracy I'm not I'm not offended by bureaucracy about offended by bureaucrats I do believe there are certain times but we've we've become a bureaucrat stayed in many ways and that is extraordinary dangerous because the accountability Factor just isn't there if these people go when they lose all the money for all these people chances are the worst that could happen to them if they lose their job and I'll just go find another quick job somewhere else doing base of the same thing or maybe though but go live all the dream of becoming a French French cook who knows but it's not like they're going to lose their life savings as a result whereas other people<br> thousands tens of thousands hundreds of thousands millions of Americans can see their life savings decimated as a result of poor decisions by people that are not otherwise held accountable anyway and that's not just with this that's across the board with the the bureaucratic state but I digress let's get back to the yard, California public employees retirement system better known as Cowper's manager for 65 billion dollars in assets and is the nation's largest public pension fund is responsible for managing the retirement income of more than two million members and a minister ministers retirement and health benefits with about 20% of one of those two members unfunded as of June 30th the system is facing significant headwinds according to experts this is a quote here's a quote from from Meb Faber again their structure is so complicated that for a long time Calpers couldn't even calculate the fees it pays on its private Investments nowhere in this Mission does it State the goal is to invest in loads of private funds and pay the inflated salary<br> do camels private-equity and hedge-fund managers but that is exactly what calipers does in fiscal year 2022 and 2023 the pension fund pay 31.1 billion dollars in benefits to about 800,000 retirees an increase of two billion dollars from the prior year according to the agency's annual recent annual report so they're going to go in and I'm not going to read the whole article I'll post this article over at some over its will put it this way this one over in America first but it goes into the cost of living aging Workforce declining birth rates it comes out of the bad management if you think I don't have anything to worry about I'm done with a private equity in with a private bank you know I've got my 401K with whoever not going to name names but I've heard the same exact course they just don't get as much public attention because they're not it's not any it has nothing to do with with the government has nothing to do with a state but believe me they are<br> facing the same exact things in the middle case is worse because they are often times more more beholden to ESG for example their their funds are basically directly tied in with what's the world economic forum and other Global since he's wanted to be tied in with and that is environmental social and governance ESG funds are designed specifically to entice for retirement accounts cuz they know they can't get individual investors to say hello let me just throw my money away in this this for the sake of Klaus Schwab's dick that's no they won't do that but private firms that are managing again other people's money such as yours as well as state-run firms they can fall victim to this vacation and efficient strategy was plugging system that's what it one of the experts said and that two again is in public public and private retirement accounts as well as just investment portfolios in general unfunded liability<br> but the gist of the whole thing you get the idea and there's a reason why I have always<br> at least the last two or three years I should say always in such a short. Of time but ever since I started seeing the writing on the wall as a result of the installation of the binary fusion I have change my tooth I was against go okay I was against silver I was against all precious metals I thought you know what just Trump's got this keep your money in the stock market it's just going to go out don't worry about Nina don't don't buy into gold or silver I didn't I didn't think that there would be a neat now obviously I do now obviously we're seeing the results in this article if you read it you'll notice it barely even touches on the ideas of actual other strong economic headwinds that will affect people's retirement such as central banks currencies the dollar zacian and the rise of the brics Nations these are things that there is a very very good chance that we're going to see<br> some some will call him he can honestly challenging times ahead Beyond just inflation stagflation recession all the things that that people have been talking about recently we could be on the verge of something more cataclysmic and of course I am talking about the rise of a central bank digital currency if and when it happens and it seems like it's almost inevitable but when it happens it's going to be not they're not they're not there and then all the sudden it will be there it will it will be a a quick and frantic push you will be triggered by something probably some sort of economic class which is why I always say I look you know that you can't say that they're failing you're not failing the biden-harris machine is not failing their composition their goals<br> you have to understand that if you use this analogy too many times but I'll go ahead and use one last time then I'll I'll put on the shelf for a couple of weeks if you're taking a multiple multiple choice test and you got a hundred questions if you don't know the answers and you're just putting in random letters you know where where you got a 25% chance of being right you're probably going to get about 25% of the answers correct OK somewhere give or take 5% in either direction<br> for you to be able to do with the Biden Harris regime has done which is to get exactly all one hundred percent of their their questions wrong that means they have to know the answer may have to be intentionally getting it wrong that's why they're not failing failing miserably they're succeeding tremendously they are accomplishing their goals which is why they're pushing us towards this District owning future where the US dollar is is replaced by Central Bank digital currency they're already laying the ground work with fed now okay these are all the stuff that if you just look at the writing on the wall and understand what it's saying you'd be like oh crap yeah no no no I got to get my my retirement moved over to go to the store that makes total sense<br> this again look this is not a sponsored segment okay I didn't get this this I didn't have Jonathan over to Genesis gold groups of hay do a story about this I wouldn't have never do anything like that he just comes on my show when I wanted to but this is one of those instances where the news is important enough in the topic is retirement that's why I tell people go to protect wealth now, that's protect wealth you'll be able to get information about your retirement switching it whatever it is to a self-directed IRA backed by physical precious metals do that and they won't use those stupid gimmicks like $5,000 and free silver $10,000 in free silver you know he's totally free we love you so much and we're just going to give you a free silver and I was just right here we was we had Surplus play next on the truck<br> they mistakenly delivered extra we're just going to give it all to you I'm sorry I laugh and I know many of you probably have have fallen for the the tactic in its that's it's unfortunate but it is what it is those of you who have not falling for that tactic if you do have a retirement account hold new doesn't matter if you have a retirement account you wanted to be back for physical precious metals go to protect wealth now. Calm and matter-of-fact<br>welcome back J D wrecker show if you did miss the beginning you missed my my very important question of the day I don't really do questions the day so I guess the question of now and I might ask him again tomorrow but but definitely today should we move the time of the show right now we are scheduled to go live Monday through Friday at 5 a.m. Pacific that's 8 a.m. eastern time and it's it's great you know I don't mind that I wake up early I've been that weird guy that wakes up at 2:33 a.m. everyday so doesn't matter to me whether we do a 5 a.m. show or an 11 a.m. show but for the sake of audience you know the question is do you guys like the early show or do you want something in the early West Coast it would be 11 a.m. to 6:02 p.m. eastern time so either late morning or early afternoon depending on where you are<br> just a question and it's important you know we're going to be taking both and I want to be clear it's so don't know who we did this once before it's been a couple years but there are a few people that did they went through and voted multiple times you know just different names different email addresses but yeah I can see the the IP address whenever I don't think oh my gosh he's tracking I don't track a lost or anything it's just whenever you fill out the contact form and Shady talk JD record, talk because my car whenever you fill out a contact form or send an email or do anything it registers the the IP address so I had noticed it that's a few people where we're trying to vote multiple times to get their perspectives her bottom line is just but once tell me your perspectives and it's not like a survey thing it's just a way to contact me at JD Rucker. Calm talk<br> be sure to have to tell me where you're hearing me that way I know you know wwcr short radio says this and Friday Oz dad and Rumble and apple podcast and whoever you know if there's a space for other I know they were picked up on on some radio stations were picked up on other podcast in network so<br> they were actually ever been in there I just let me know where you're hearing me that's important and what you prefer 5 a.m. Pacific or 11 a.m. Pacific and that we'll we'll we'll see what what the people say in based on that we will make a decision whether or not to them to keep the show at the current time slot or to move it by by 6 hours 6 hours later in the day so and there are those who will Who will say do both do a 5 show and at 11 a.m. to and I wish I could you know I would love to I would love to do four hours a day of radio but I just there's there's too much to do otherwise or I would do it I really would those have been listening for why you know that I could do it pretty easily I almost never get to get all the way through all of my stories in a day and sometimes I can go on for multiple days on a single story as we've found out multiple times<br> so this next this next story is one that we're going to read together I intentionally did not read this because I wanted to express my my reactions to his list so it's a title 30 population control quotes that show that the elite truly believed that humans are a plague upon the earth and the only reason this comes from 7 w o p home. Blog I've never heard of it I mean it's it's literally list this site title that's the name of the only reason I was able to see it is because it was over at Lew Rockwell will often republish post and it's a great the others about 10 or so, so articles a day always popping at about 10 p.m. Pacific time and I'll pop up like 10 or so articles then over half of them are going to be repurposed articles<br> post articles and so I'm able to find alternative sources this happens to be one of them I never heard of Madge Waggy before that's the name of the author but we're going to give it a shot because I do believe that we are obviously in a scenario where we are in a population control and end reduction scenario or controlling the populations you like and that's what the global Iqbal want from us the the powers and principalities the powers that be the new world order the global world order the liberal world order whatever you want to call anyone whether you are a bible-believing Christian or some other religion or maybe your secular you might World talking about the same bad guys hear okay we're all talking about Klaus Schwab George Soros Barack Obama Bill Gates Mark Zuckerberg even Anthony fauci<br> we were talking about the same general people as being the bad guys usually known as the globalists but we view them as minions of Satan maybe you don't get this matter is still we still identify them as as being bad so I'm going to bypass the actual article itself and just go straight to the list for the sake of brevity and again I have read this list yet so so we're getting to to read it together number one UK television presenter sir David Attenborough who is a confirm Global has the quote is we are on the earth it's coming home to roost over the next fifty years or so it's not just climate change it's your space places to grow food for this enormous horde either we limit our population growth or the natural world would do it for us in the natural world is doing it for us right now and I actually have heard that quote before and it's absolutely ludicrous we're not running out of space<br> not by a long shot without running out of their ability to for the earth to provide food of any sorts we have plenty we have abundance if we treated right now I have said many times and obvious he's talking about it from the front of the fire Mentalist perspective that's how many times I am an environmentalist I do believe in clean energy in the long-term once the technology makes it a fordable that's it okay and from people have talked to expert but I've spoken to the outside of nuclear which is available now if we just just tap into it a lot more than we are outside of nuclear to be able to properly properly harness hydrogen solar wind ended in geothermal and oceans and all these other the all the various ways that we can produce energy<br> it's going to be anywhere from 50 to maybe a hundred maybe 200 years so it's hard to predict especially we're talkin about the rate of improving technology could be 5 years or 10 years but it's not now we know this we know with certainty that it's not cost-effective it's not human effect of it it takes too much with toll on and we don't have the technological understanding to properly harnessed all these quote-unquote green energies we do have the technological understanding the harness nuclear and that's why they don't that's why it's become the the green boogie man it's it's super low emissions safe effective can produce a whole lot of energy with very little downside to it very little and you say what about Chernobyl what about Fukushima fine. Okay so we had to Major instant incidences in the last with 40-50 years<br> it's not enough to dissuade me I assure you so bend Reason by the way in case you didn't know the reason that they don't Embrace new clears because it's about it because it doesn't it doesn't enable them to promote their their radical agenda don't get Charlie was was well on its way to being a century of completely nuclear nation and they reversed course the reverse course to go towards towards destructive green energy to to him to have the they famously embraced Russian natural gas there's a whole lot of bad decisions made by Germany they work they went from trendsetter to to Stone Age essentially in the energy world and now they're paying the price quite literally so back to Sir David Attenborough and we are not a plate on the earth I mean I guess you could say technically we are busy because based on the idea of a play but but this is this is our Earth<br> we are the oldest was this is a gift and I am not don't even get me started the biblical nature of who's actually the controlling the Earth right now yada yada yada I get that what I'm saying is that we too to say that the Earth is striking back at us as he says to say that we don't have enough space we don't we don't have enough places to grow food that's it's totally ludicrous we use maybe maybe I was shocked we use more than 1% of the available potential Farmland we don't have to in any it's funny that he says that's in yet then they're tearing down entire forests to put up wind farms give me a break<br> talk start right off right off the bat without with a winner good job 22-match Waggy<br> whoever you are number to Paul Ehrlich a former science adviser to President George W bush and the author of the population bomb his quote was to our minds the fundamental reducing the scale of the human Enterprise including the size of the population to keep its aggregate consumption within the carrying capacity of Earth is obvious but too much neglected or deny this is that an academic approach through the whole idea that hey we got to be late<br> has he says that's keep its aggregate consumption within the carrying capacity of Earth again<br> this is the most unscientific talk ever make ants make Arguments for the population from from other areas are from other other other points that make more sense than hey we're going to consume too much<br> it's just not happening it's not technology allowing us to be able to to consume more efficiently that's good that's good now don't get me wrong I'm not hey don't start the hell are you talking about GMOs we can far better and there they can make the pumpkins the pumpkins the size of an elephant and and the the cows that can make him twice has been out and I'm talking about just good old-fashioned you know, clean cleaner clean water clean lands it's funny because it for those who are unfamiliar with the regenerative farming regenerative ranching it is it's the past it's the Future Okay it really is the the the future if we're smart with regenerative farming you get the highest possible quality food and you do it in a way that is as green as humanly possible and it requires is little human very little human interaction from a technological perspective is still requires farmers and ranchers that automated buy it<br> nor should it be but it's done in a way we're basically it is trying to get back in the harmony between what we need and what the world can provide and I'm I'm a big fan of it at least what I've seen so far all right number three yeah we got Paul Ehrlich at this time on the size of families nobody in my view has the right to have 12 children or even 3 unless the second pregnancy is twins know we need more children do we have a popular population problem across the special across Western Society we're not producing enough children to be able to replace those that are dying<br> so damn it Beyond being directly anti-biblical people should and they should in both directions have the right and that should be encouraged to have as many children as they can and I'm not in when I say can I'm not saying physically can okay it's like okay well you're healed now go have another child of saying as far as you can from a social Financial space-wise you know within your own family again and again it really comes down to what are you made for you know we were made for 5 for children<br> Lord please don't let that have been a slip that we're going to find out so yeah it's funny I've had children we had your children every decade I've got a little one and I've got a one is almost 30 so it's like and everywhere in between we we just we just keep popping them out you know over time but we know we're in a good space if if God were to grant us more children when I actively pursuing any more I can assure you that but if it happens it happens before Dave for Monday co-founder of Earth First of these people are we humans have become a disease the human pox<br> the only disease is basically the satanic diseases These Are Spiritual diseases these are demonic they are the only people that we do we do at diseases do anything wrong as far as that are plaguing the Earth no I'm not talking about covid-19 long or anything like that I'm talking about about spiritual disease psychological disease if your a secularist we we see the craziest things happening in Ennis somebody who's as the editor at the Liberty daily that, as the owner of the term to conservative news aggregators I have to read a ton of stories every single day<br> and as a result I get to see a whole lot of evil in this is evil that is getting more and more so just in the short time and I've only been doing this for a few years but during that time I think I've got a very good recollection of Trends will say because I read so many headlines in so many stories much so many videos 7 days a week unfortunately I am immersed in the good and the bad and it's mostly bad and it is getting worse for sure I blame that on on a Supernatural on spiritual demonic Reasons I'm not saying that every single person does crazy things in their nest so he possessed by a demon<br> are they might be now there's some pretty bad starting look at what Hamas that on October 7th okay look at what they're currently do nobody talks about this it's funny how the the pro or the book on the anti anti Zionist protesters they demand the ceasefire they never demand that Hamas released the hostages they're keeping hostages in a good chunk of those hostages happen to be girls women between the ages of like 10 + 30<br> okay they let him go grandmas and and and babies and and men are there keeping those girls it's been over 2 months now folks it just I just weep<br> play I pray that God gives in the strength<br> turn door into to heal<br> if and when this madness doesn't number five CNN founder Ted Turner a total world population 250 to 300 million people a 95% decline from present levels would be ideal we've all heard that one before old Ted Turner depopulation of the populations open about it for longer than most of them and the<br> I mean what can you say he's Ted Turner number six pans Deputy Minister prime minister Taro ASO about medical patients with serious illnesses now we're getting into different topics here you cannot sleep well when you think it's all paid by the government this won't be solved unless you let them hurry up and die<br> yeah I know and I've Got Friends I do have friends that are that have hold the same basic opinion-based and they say you know once you get to a certain point you just become a burden on society of burden on your router as you should just die you know there should be a limit to the amount of care<br> there is a limit it's not the amount of care there's a limit to the length of a human's life and it is our duty and responsibility to help those who can survive even if it comes at Great cost just as we should help those who are babies or even pre born reborn babies who have challenges ahead is our responsibility as humans to try to care for them you know what whatever children was born when we were at the doctor after the first ultrasound the doctor approach and I told us the news that this particular child would have made your heart problems he had he had the transposition aorta and pulmonary artery so basically they were going in the wrong spot so we're supposed to be pumping out it's pumping in so they said like he's going to have to have<br> an open heart surgery soon as he's born he's going to have to have another open heart surgery some point probably another one after that and even then their chances that idiot he's going to have a difficult life and she asked me if it's your it it's very common for people to have an abortion knowing knowing this and of course it's like in praise God we had our doctors are thanks thank God we're very happy you know this where we're on the same page here but I have to offer because you know here here in commiefornia we got off of that we were blessed with with some of the best doctors out there when this is your people ask all the time you always say that you're stuck in California why that's why because we we have very specific doctors and there's the surgery itself when we we opted to do which is the same surgery that that both Jimmy Kimmel as well as Ben Shapiro had done with their children exact same doctor that tells you how unique it is<br> we all have the same Doctor Who from the same exact surgery on our children with the who had the same same issue and there aren't very many in the world who are willing to even try living on capable of doing it that's why we're here that's why we're still here I would have left commiefornia years ago okay but I can point is back to the nothing about me back to Prior Japan's Deputy Prime Minister Taro ASO I don't know if it's a male or female not familiar with with who that is but again that they're wrong as usual when I say that basically once it once it gets too much when she get old enough just died you don't need medical care just just do not resuscitate on anybody over 70 say you know is they they they have a disease they get paid whether they want to live or not just let him die there if they've lived their lives are old enough<br> 47 David Rockefeller ft sort of globalist list would be complete if we didn't have David Rockefeller quotes the negative impact of population growth on all of our planetary ecosystems is becoming a pain only evident and look there's nothing hold on hold on hold your horses<br> there's nothing technically wrong with what he said okay the negative impact and there is a negative impact when their population growth and negative impact does affect planetary ecosystems so so it's not at least of the facts Woody sing are not incorrect with that says the application here so we should reverse population growth we should depopulate that's not what I'm saying by any means it does mean that we do need to figure out ways, this show we can do so much better with our planet we could use we could be such better stewards of this blessing that we've been given a no not talking about from the tree-hugger perspex I'm just saying talking about and definitely from a Marxist or social perspective not talking about you know giving it all up whatever but<br> like we can do better just even within our own families we can do better by eating better I'm being healthier by helping other people<br> this is where you know we get into truthful anthropy and truthful a p I always say all the time if you listen to my show before you know I am 100% a hundred percent against foreign aid to pretty much any kind of boring emergency okay major tsunami wipes out 220,000 people okay me and we should probably help okay and not send the Clinton foundation for sure promise in Haiti we should probably help and definitely not send the Clinton Foundation but with that said outside that I should say we should help from a government perspective is necessary I always say you know I don't want to send it to Ukraine I don't want to send a penny to Taiwan I don't want to send a penny to Israel I don't want to send up any anywhere okay not for Wars effort not to really anything but I'm a humongous fat<br> of philanthropy in the form of of organizations trouble charitable organizations I think that people who are blessed with plenty should be using that to number 10 Americans into do you know if there's a need for the Red Cross or organizations there's any to to participate outside of the United States so be it doesn't say not government it's almost not taxpayer-funded as long as this is all you know by the I will in other words we choose as individuals whether we're rich or not to participate charitably philanthropic Lee to make the world a better place if that was more encouraged if that was more more even even incentivized if we became a people of philanthropy those who have the means shoes to use those means to help others<br> having you might say well but most people wouldn't I agree so let's fix that okay let's fix that let's see if you really want to find a place where lobbying should be that's where it should be really want to find a place where I guess you could say cancel culture I'm not a fan of cancel culture in any form and it is really is I mean by Muse in that wrong<br> we should be able to courage corporations individuals everybody in the private sector who have the means to be able to participate in that they choose not to they choose not to so be it but I'll bet you to lower taxes there was less government interaction interventionists a lot fewer regulations less bureaucracy less government in general that we could perhaps do better by not only Americans for those outside of America<br> what's up<br> so far away I took that down distant past from where David Rockefeller was trying to take it let's move the number eight environmental activist Rodger Martin quotes on a finite Planet the optimum population providing the best quality of life for all is clearly much smaller than the maximum permitting bear survival the more we are the less for each fewer people mean better live wrong on literally every count okay literally wrong on every count you can say that he's technically right when he says when he says<br> so so best quality of life is clearly much smaller than the maximum went when you have the the minimum I would argue that's technically correct but we're nowhere near the maximum I would I don't know the exact number but I've seen I seen the projections of of the type of consumption that would would be as a true strain on the earth we're not even close folks again because their technology because of of our ability if we do it right get into a whole bunch of regenerator regenerative farming get into consumption that doesn't require constant manufacturing example plastic you know if we started reusing our plates reusing Heinz bottles were using your cups and how often do you get a Starbucks and whatever happens to your Starbucks cup right it's just the industries were designed as consumers were designed to to make landfills we need to reverse that it was<br> always like this<br> combine some of the ways of old with some of our technological advances of today and definitely have tomorrow<br> just cherry picking the right ones and yes we could feed everybody clothe everybody how's everybody that's not to say that everybody will be fed and clothed and housed and clothed and housed I'm just saying that it's it's possible it could be done we're not even close to getting to that point to where we are too much of a burden for the Earth that's all I'm getting and everything else you saying this is also just completely factually wrong. Okay so we are finally Planet but again it's like saying oh my gosh you know the equivalent of Bill Gates saying my gosh you know I just lost $1,000 I am it's over okay I can't spend another penny<br> we know that you would never do that anyway number 10 HBO personality Bill Maher I'm pro-choice I can't do my Bill Maher impersonation of pro-choice I'm for assisted suicide for regular for whatever gets the freeway moving that's what I'm for it's too crowded the planet is too crowded and we need to promote death and is built to look at the scene first one on the list that I disagree with it it's not enough of a he's just he's a leftist shock-jock essentially it is what it is I know a lot of people a lot of Libertarians are getting red pilled you know he had Roseanne Barr on his show the other day and now that you know he's he's against all these certain aspects that doesn't say that mean he's red pill that doesn't mean he's right about anything it just means that he's not insane<br> okay<br> is that really the bar that we're sending somebody is a Democrat or a left us is red pilled if they're not insane if they can crack jokes about about whatever know it is and I don't dislike them are as a person I just hate his politics a lot I hate his his militant opposition to all religions in particular Christianity that's that's the first one out of nine so far is not one that I agree with being on the list no big deal real trick is in terms of trying to level off at some place lower than that 9 billion is to get the birth rates in the developing countries to drop as fast as we can and that will determine the level at which humans will level off on Earth so here's an MIT professor<br> who said something so insanely stupid it would have required indoctrination for I'm assuming penny is a girl versus white Penny Hardaway or bucks four point guard has a girl and a mighty professor and like truly legitimately stupid it's like one of the dumbest things I've ever ever heard okay we need to do to get the birth rates in the developing countries to drop as fast as we can again no we don't need to get Bill Gates Out of Africa and let's get actual scientist agriculturist people that that can take the abundance which is even in Africa OK Google turn off properly week one of the things that there doesn't need to be this level of starvation and poverty anywhere on the planet<br> is because of our inexpensive and rapid means of transportation we can take we can move anything to pretty much any small thing I shouldn't say anything we can't move like the pyramids that they could build a we couldn't we can move food water the Necessities we can build anywhere pretty much<br> we have the ability to to take land and change it in a way naturally changing in a way that is becomes more fertile and again not there are obviously with the Sahara Desert there parts of Africa where this is challenging but there are also plenty of parts of Africa where it's not challenging we have rapid and inexpensive means of transportation nobody should be starving<br> nobody should be at least I am again nobody should have to start I guess it's the better way to put it<br> we won't we won't get around that stuff after always gets shafted you know the news of hundreds of people being slaughtered<br> in an African village gets zero attention K1 girl in Hoboken<br> gets killed Okay let's listen to even go outside of the United States so 11 girl in Paris gets brutally murdered in the same fashion as 200 get murdered town in Nigeria or wherever and we don't look at all at what happens in Africa in the whole world to be like oh my gosh that poor girl I met anybody that doesn't deserve attention when we willfully turn our backs on Africa for whatever reason and I frankly I don't know the answer to that one I don't know why that's the case<br> that was number 10 on the list of 30 I'm going to Scott and take a break and then I'll decide whether I want to continue with this it's a good list maybe I might break it up into two or three days I will make that decision over the next 60 seconds let's just let's play an ad<br> whether it's bugs or lab grown meat or whatever they're pushing for the sake of climate change to replace good old-fashioned pasture-raised beef they're pushing it they're pushing too hard and it's time for us to wake up it's time for us to realize that that we need to start stocking up on long-term storage beef you can do that by going to Freedom First that's free the first and using promo code JDR you'll get freeze-dried ribeye freeze-dried New York strip Tender Loin and of course their original steak product in with 15% off its time is there is a sous vide so it's already cooked it's freeze-dried it's got 10 the 25-year shelf life without Refrigeration course so go check it out for UniFirst and start stocking up on long-term storage beef today from a code JDR don't forget that part<br>so that wasn't hard that wasn't difficult I looked at the clock and thought holy crap I just spent 30 minutes on the first 10 so clearly we're going to continue with our list not today will continue it tomorrow later in the week at some point in the first 10 I only found that one out of the first time that I didn't care for didn't feel like that and it fit so we're in good shape but that does not mean that we're going to stop talking about globalism we're going to continue talking about globalism it seems to be at the theme to The For Today Show seems to be a theme for a lot of my shows your notice that I did for now we're going to turn to even half over natural news we have the article host of that the CERN. TV see if are Waging War on anti globalism everyone who opposes enslavement must be subdued now before you ninjas so we are seeing and I<br> I wanted stated clearly because sometimes I do tend to to be on the line on the negative side we have seen a lot of pushback a lot it seems as if more and more people are waking up every time I think man there's just not enough of us then I see great things happening and every time I start thinking hey we might we might be actually turning the tables and and have a chance to win this battle tonight we get slap back down I always refer back to the the standing understanding standing understanding of what's really happening here it's all up to God if God's will is for us to to win to defeat the globalist and he will make it happen if it's God's will fit the globalist the powers and principalities are going to usher in the end times were about to go through a whole lot of bad stuff and there's nothing we can do to stop it our role is now<br> to try to decipher whether we can or can't do it we just have to fight the good fight. Whether we can win or can't win doesn't matter our job is to fight fight fight that means sharing the truth that means trying to wake people up that means getting off their butts and actually getting engaged whenever we can when the adversary is near when the adversary is is approachable or I guess what we can have meaningful change and then be part of establishing that changed and we need to when it's something that's above our means for example when I always use this as the as the ideal example of what we have challenges finding that would be the world economic Forum there's just not a lot we can do at least not here in the United States not like oh let's go let's go boycott<br> call Schwab K know what we can do though at least this helps a bit is to expose them expose what they're trying to do call out their idiocy and try to make it to where as many people as possible as many of the people that we can talk to who trust us and maybe we need to make more people trust us but we need to get those people to say hey you're right or somebody's right JD's right Alex Jones Is Right Mark Dice is Right whoever they Van Dyke whoever or or just you you're right you're right when you say that we have to stop these guys in here is how we do it or you're right one when you say we're not going to be able to stop these guys lets you know get fire Homestead and and and be prepared for whatever's coming and then hopefully Lord willing I'll be there to either fight them off or to help rebuild Society if that's what we're called to do but the bottom line is is that we still<br> because again if we're going to win then it's a foregone conclusion it's already done if we're going to lose a foregone conclusion it's already done that people say well unit free destination in regards to events of the world if you're saying that we're at the end times that I'm not saying that seems like it certainly does seem like it<br> but I can't say definitively that we are in the end times at the the end that's described in for example The Book of Revelation it could be a thousand years from now for all we know it does tend to seem as if we're there or at the the maybe not even the beginning stages anymore maybe the beginning stages of already been going on for a little bit and maybe we're close to the middle who knows I'm not going above my paygrade okay my my focus is on here's the evil let's expose it let's try to defeated<br> there's more evil must expose it let's try to defeat it hears evil that we can't expose we can't do or we can expose we can't defeat it let's give people the way they need as far as the gumption to get out of the Cities get out of suburbs get off the grid of possible get your chickens get your your garden get your ammunition get your water get your meds get your Bibles get your gold and silver hey now it always down the same same basic pad be ready<br> spread the gospel<br> pray and be ready and then spread the gospel and then pray so see if our Council on Foreign Relations form back in the 1920s involving Rockefeller Foundation involving the original 20th century globalists I'm not going to go into their history with this article by Ethan have talks about what's happening today with a c f are you know I'm like a lot of the the global celebrities that are kind of coming out of the shadows and be more more vocal publicly these guys aren't they have their they've been on kind of an even Keel even scared because there's their role in all of this has less to do with what they actually try to accomplish I guess you could say I don't know in the rest of the world their goal is to guide America's what will say Western societies leaders that's that's their intention<br> military leaders of diplomatic leaders government leaders bureaucratic leaders all the way corporate leaders they are there the I guess you could say that the advisors the counselors<br> who have a lot more power than just advice and counsel but I I could take her somewhere we will do a show on them here eventually I don't want to set a date because it's it would be probably at least one if not two shows because they are in his monster not just not just the story but also then they are a monster so let's see what he's enough has to say there's a growing public and even National backlash against globalism so much so that the globalist control Council on Foreign Relations which boasts members like former Saddleback Church Pastor Rick Warren is making me choose to crack down on these anti globalist Sentiments of all the people have to pick highlight Rick Warren and I'm not a fan of Rick Warren by any means that I used to actually live near Saddleback and and yeah not a fan not a fan<br> but I think it's just funny there's there's plenty of super super bad guys letter of does what he's enough wants to do back to the article in case you did not know the see how far is America's foreign policy think-tank it is a long-established deep State king pin that holds an obscene amount of power over National and Global Affairs including of the US state department and it is true if you ever notice any of the secretaries of State they always have to to bend the knee and go over the CFR and make an appearance and have tea and crumpets or whatever they they have over there adrenochrome or something and then they they tell us what to do Clinton Hillary Clinton famous for that also works on in tandem with other deep State and see such as the Bilderberg Group and the trilateral commission this past week to see if our post a video in which Peter trubowitz discussed what he believes are the reasons for the current Rising anti-global ism<br> Western countries and what it means for both the current and emerging World orders Truett's is a professor of international relations and the director of the the failing us Center at the London School of Economics as well as an associate fellow at Chase's house say the mouse is also known as the Royal Institute for international Affairs and it plays a key role in the United Kingdom is deep State apparatus recognizing the current turn to economic nationalism James Adam Lindsay senior vice president director studies and Maurice are Greenberg chair and see if our see if our ask true with why he believes it is important to try to salvage the current International order also known as the rules-based order and there's a quote from True blood's in the nineties when the Us and other Western democracies Embrace what Economist call hyperglobalization they made a huge bets on super nationalism in opposition is<br> frustration with the sovereignty cost that supernaturalism entails we're not going to be able to go back to the postwar world war liberal International order and those who are paying for it I think our kind of barking up the wrong tree what we need to do is to reimagine the relationship between foreign and domestic policies what does all that mean<br> there are those that are still pushing for the the liberal world order this is a concept that developed that from when we were to have it was actually discussed quite recently by members of biotin hair solution but that was short-lived that's that's a brief discussion thing is brought up three or four times during interviews in about a two-week. It was quickly Shelton that shocked me I thought okay here we go here we go I mean they went so far as to try to Define what the little world order means that they went on to the social media and they were debunking Flames that it's just a push for for One World Government of globalism even though it's just to push for one world government and globalism but that stopped they would quickly quickly reversed course and then talk about now it appears that we know why rather than trying to push for the straightforward approach to to take us to as they call it super nationalism which would be nationalism<br> Google is what it is supernaturalism do you know where all nationalist in one nation of the world as he puts it reimagine the relationship between foreign and domestic policies in other words hey if you like your country you can keep your country it's just that your country and our country in this country in that country are all going to be United sorta like it's kind of like the EU or think about it, like the United States you got 50 different states doing their own thing but also working together that's the same thing guys it's just the same thing we're going to have a 50 or 193 Nations that are all sort of working together, like to have the United Nations has except with teeth<br> except with actual power and as I said multiple times I believe that they're going to try to achieve this power through the World Health Organization through the pandemic tree and by attaching that into the climate change has a health care issue what's climate change is considered a health care issue in the World Health Organization has dominance super super sovereignty so so to speak over the nation's where they can say what goes with anything that pertains to their purview you throw climate change into their four of you and all of a sudden they control the world okay. That's it and that seems to be able to see how far is hinting at they're not coming out and saying it because they won't come out and say it<br> why would they their their deadly coming out of Shadows lately a lot of these Global's are coming out and in expressing their desires we've heard you know you will own nothing in it and you'll be happy you're trying to normalize the concept of globalism at an individual level trying to get the people to think that wouldn't be so bad but maybe I'll be okay if they're just trying to minimize the push back that's all that they have plans to roll-out have certain group certain aspects of the organization that are designed to try that to placate their other than to try to sell it off okay I cover the story earlier one of the reasons that the that the cop 28 white lace shirt before they let them fly in on the private jets why they they have them staying swinky swinky hotels in to buy where they gave him a treat them like royalty is because they wanted to establish that hey we're going to be saying some crazy things we're going to be saying nobody can have beef we're going to be saying we got to get to NetZero by 2029<br> or something we're going to be saying all these things but don't worry it only applies to the little people you guys your special you globalists you Elites you guys are special so don't worry help us push it help us bring it to the filament and now only when we promise that you'll still be able to live here your lifestyle the way that you are they'll be even better because there's going to be fewer people eating up all of the high-quality wagyu beef mean literally I'm sure that they're they're literally selling the idea of you guys get to walk youth they don't they'll be eating crickets suckers<br> it's all a sales pitch<br> it's all normalization<br> and then once they can minimize the number of people like you like me who will oppose them who will fight back then we could be in trouble again it comes back it comes down to God God's will is for us to be strong enough or if God strengthens us to be able to defeat them then we will if he does not then we will we will fail by being on the right side will fail by fighting the good fight I would much rather fight the good fight and fail than become a slave and live a little bit longer<br> backyard of globalism is destroying the world there you go I can just end the show right now and it won't one day after the interview this interview with Lindsay and it's to play kristalina georgieva and I've covered her before I'm managing director of the international monetary fund talked about the same subject at the CFR Stephen C Friedman the Symposium on global economics was a president Michael Froman<br> before joining the IMF Georgie ever I think that's how you pronounce it worked as CEO of coral bank for that she was European commission vice-president for budget and human resource during which time she played an instrumental role in developing the agenda of the European Union go figure no shocker there stating that she believes the global economy is performing much better than Economist at the IMF and elsewhere expected for a Time such as this Georgie ever denied that there are any problems economically at least for the rich<br> and just as the see if our does their thing the Bilderberg Group does their thing the trilateral commission does their thing that counts for inclusive capitalism does their thing and all these various Global Group do their thing they have to portray two different messages and I do both probably by the way that message number one is similar to you will owe nothing you will be happy in other words submit you're going to be slaves at least make the best of it by doing what you're told to make the world a better place and you'll be rewarded if you are compliant you will be rewarded with an extra 25 grams of meat animal protein of some sort but still better than crickets write better than crickets<br> I would almost rather have crickets then lab-grown meat by the way<br> but they have that side I have the public side of hey you guys need to do your part and listen to your betters and where you're better to do what we tell you don't do don't try to do what we're doing a private jet and staying a Swanky luxury hotel and eat eat wagyu Burgers oh no no no no no that's prized we need it we need out this week we need all this in order to do you know to to spread the good the goodness in the televangelist was like oh please help me to send me send me your life saving so that I can get the a new 50 million dollar jet because I'm it so important that I got to fly around the world to spread this word and to try to collect more money so I can buy another chat so I can get my $7,000 I can bugs me these guys are like that okay he's the modern-day climate change of televangelists<br> since when have you publicly but they also do publicly is to announce to their fellow Global Sleek Impalas that hey it's okay we're going to be fine you guys support us and we'll we'll support you if you guys are in The In Crowd you're not opposing us then you'll be fine if you try to oppose us that we're going to do everything within our power to destroy you so I fear for people like Elon Musk use the funny part here's the thing back to the to the Salem Witch Trials okay you know it's like a wizard a they throw which in the water and if if she drowns that she wasn't a witch it's kind of how I feel about Elon Musk the way that he is he go to court attack in the global attacking all the stuff while he's still trying to push neuralink it's kind of like I'm not going to trust them until they destroy them<br> because if they don't destroy him<br> then that means that he's with them I know it's unfair it's a catch-22 of some sort it's it's really it's an awful way of looking at it but I just don't trust him I like him I don't trust him I don't trust anybody that wants to put a chip in my brain okay I don't trust anyone who is launching dozens hundreds of satellites and giving the world internet that she completely and totally controls<br> I don't trust I don't trust that guy don't trust somebody who who had was one of the world economic forum's original one of the very man before I was even called young global leaders he was one of them way back in 2004 but he was systematically scrap from there that lost it without it and you know all the hoopla of it the Vic ramaswamy had to go through he was from the only evidence we have through Google is in the archive Bloomberg article okay they usually a lot more written about a losing battle Fair others there were a lot more than they're going I wish I had I was stupid enough to not the thing go on there and brownie first I got to take down their article they did Bloomberg is still up available through archives in Bloomberg confirms that I can't believe those two thousand four that's Elon Musk was participating in the precursor to the to this world economic forum's Global young leaders<br> young global leaders sorry they are closed they are whatever<br> the only one that I've ever found who got scrubbed and they got scrub systematically and you got scrubs early so point of trying to get at is there seems to be at least that either will say a 40% chance that he's he really is just an eccentric rich guy who's also conniving and and the manipulative but he's able to be really is in the long long time trying to fight for free speech or whatever okay or he's the shell he's the she's the Trojan Horse he's going to get all the Goodwill from those who might oppose globalism and then he's going to turn around and say you know what this isn't so bad try this a little bit of this you know who by the way did you get your neural link are you connected to the zoo starlink through your brain chip yes and I am I controlling I mean that my communicating with you now telepathically<br> trust him if he fails I don't trust him if he succeeds it's terrible okay it's terrible I'm tossing the fossil Elon Musk and the river ideologically or at least in my own mind and Dad and if he floats and then he's a globalist If he if he drowns and he wasn't too bad it's not like my opinion affects whether or not he's successful so so that's I don't have delusions of grandeur at least not that's a day but you get the idea so<br> remember where I was in the article stating that she believes this is again this is<br> I already passed that part I woke up over it again apologies I I went to too far too fast back to kristalina georgieva stating that she believes the global economy is performing much better than the economist of the IMF is elsewhere expected for four times such as this George Hamilton IV there are profits right I didn't read all that stuff that part yes there are they they are denying it for the rich and we've seen that inaction okay with as much hardship is as your average American an average World citizen is going through right now financially speaking the rich are getting richer it's the it's the funny because it's the whole thing that they were talking about that I didn't think was possible the whole thing they were talking about in the other protesters against cab was in the pro pro communist people started emerging wore in the 80s and 90s and 2000 how with capitals of the richcreek going to get richer and the poor get poorer and I was like no no that wouldn't happen it has<br> thanks in large part to covid-19 that's what's been the Catalyst recently the reason that it's it was happening you in a little bit for me not to a lower degree was because of crony capitalism different Corona capitalism is alive and well and needs to be stopped crony capitalism is taking over Ash will capless it's going to get to the point to where they're the socials are going to get their wish that the Communist Marxist they're going to get there which we're going to either have to abandon capitalism Purge it because it won't work that was corny kabbalism leading the way or we're going to have to embrace modern monetary Theory which will eventually destroy capitalism anyway or are you in the process of embracing modern monetary Theory once we start getting over a trillion dollars just an interest to the point the point the actual point of no return is when the interest is greater than how much money we bring in we're getting closer and closer and closer<br> that should concern you<br> so bad is a quote from Georgia by we have gone through on thinkable events covid then rushes war in Ukraine then the cost of living crisis now a very serious crisis in the Middle East and yet and yet we are not experiencing a dramatic economic shook Shucks reading reading is fundamental centramatic economic shock which they're not again we are they're not there are those things that keep georgiev up a night including the prospect of slow global economic growth over the medium term right now grows prediction in this timeframe are stabbed what are estimated to be around 3% which is lower than the 3.8% pre-pandemic average secondly this is another quote from George secondly what worries us even more than that is a very dangerous Divergence that is taking place in the world economy some countries including the us and we were forming a lot better than other countries<br> collapse the Divergence accumulates what we should fear is not only economic trouble but also security trouble sounds like a threat to me you feel threatened by this Council for for Council on Foreign Relations relations Is oddly is as evil as they are they really do fall under the I guess you could say the middle tier this stage there was a time when they were talk to you right now I think they have they've basically reduced himself now it's funny that in that he brings up the IMF and he being easy enough brings up the IMF which is not associated by the way. At least directly with the Council on Foreign Relations the IMF does they are a top to your bad guy right now they are heavily pushing for Central Bank digital currencies and that flows is will save two steps below the end<br> it's a necessary step for them being able to consolidate and digitally control what we spend their money on where we spend it on how much money we have it all comes down to getting away from the regular fiat currency bills and getting more into the centralized non Bitcoin non-emergency will enable them to do whatever they want to those who are dependent on them<br> Lord willing I will be back very soon with another episode of the meantime you'll stay strong stay safe and God bless<br>

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