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Integrative Hermetic Health, June 8, 2019

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Integrative Hermetic Health
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Integrative Hermetic Health with Johnny Blue Star

In this show, we discover how new research has unveiled the ability to change white matter in the brain. We discuss the implications of brain training in this New world of medical discovery, including the helpful science behind biofeedback. This methodology of identifying brain wave activity has led to the ability to monitor changes in that activity in various ways. It has long been known that brain wave activity can produce alpha waves by meditation- but now there are actual treatments for various disorders such as PTSD, depression, anxiety and even epilepsy. Another form of brain training is related to visualization, widely used by athletes for many years. Its new uses in handling some situations involving partial paralysis are simply amazing. 

There is a crisis in men reaching appropriate levels in their sperm count. This has been going on for some time. Doctor Rodier explains how toxics environment and eating the wrong diet. He explains what is needed to be done to effect a change in the sperm count issue but also in the blockage of testosterone, am effect of insulin resistance. 

The relation to diet to sperm count has been exhaustively revealed in a Danish study with 3000 men for nine years. We discuss the details of this study in this program. 

We further present a narrative from the Mayo Clinic on the Mediterranean Diet in older people and present Dr. Rodier’s clear approval, in general, of this diet- for various reasons explained in this program. 

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Integrative Hermetic Health

Hugo D Rodier
Johnny Blue Star

New Galaxy Broadcasting proudly presents Integrative Hermetic Health with Hugo Rodier, M.D. In this program, we explore a powerful new paradigm for heath from the standpoint of Integrative Medicine. In his practice, Doctor Rodier integrates ancient hermetic art and the enduring role of food as medicine with modern nutrition but also allowing for the wide range of important health practices including truly valuable medical discoveries, chiropractic, acupuncture, homeopathic and herbal medicine. In this program, Hugo Rodier, an expert in intestinal health and nutrition, will help the audience discover an approach that focuses on actual cures, not the masking of the elegant, simplicity of many health solutions for the sake of profit. Profit too long has been an overriding motive of the pharmaceutical companies and sometimes sadly by many in the medical establishment today. 

Some say that the history of medicine has been continually evolving since the time of the ancient Greek physician, Hippocrates. But today, some experienced and knowledgeable doctors, to differ. They clearly see, , forms of medical treatment that often serve to suppress symptoms with pharmaceuticals that have dangerous if not fatal side effects, recommendations for surgical intervention that place profitability over well-being of their patients. These doctors refuse to include in their practice the many modern and ancient health disciplines utilizing herbs, homeopathic remedies, acupuncture and, above all, the power of nutrition. Many of the most useful insights are grounded in hermetic science, developed hundreds of years ago. Hugo Rodier, M.D., author, broadcaster and practicing physician has spent his career focusing on nutrition and intestinal health. In fact, only now medical journals are coming to terms with guiding points of view he had realized decades ago. Please join with me, Johnny Blue Star, as I assist Doctor Rodier in his new program, Integrative Hermetic Health. 

That so often provides drugs to cover up and suppress symptoms with pharmaceuticals that create dangerous, if over the last few decades, a relatively small number of medical doctors have begun to wonder, looking at the vast limitations of modern medicine to actually deal effectively with the rise of auto-immune diseases and the  unfortunate dangerous and even lethal sound effects of pharmaceuticals, that perhaps we have truly lost more than we have gained- and we are glossing over symptoms.

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