Integrative Hermetic Health, February 23, 2019
Integrative Hermetic Health with Johnny Blue Star
How Do We Recognize Physician Nutritional Deficiency?- Part 2
In our last program, we dealt with three pillars of nutritional well-being. The first pillar was directly nutrition- as what you consume as food can critically affect your health. The second was the environment. And the third was relationships. The last two pillars, relationships and environment- as we have begun to demonstrate can critically affect the quality and quantity of nutrients in our body. Both environmental and relationship factors can force the body to give up vital nutrients more readily just to deal with environmental and relationship issues.
The role of the liver in regulating the metabolism of sugar unless over overwhelmed by an excessive use of sugar. Therefore, the liver functions, when normal, protects against pre-diabetic and diabetic issues. When inspected by ultrasound, the liver sometimes shows a thin layer of fat coating the liver. The dangers of this coating are often underestimated by doctors as it impedes the functioning of the liver. Although there may be some value in a liver cleanse, the most important area to attack active or potential liver damage would be to eat the right combination of vegetables and fruits, thereby empowering the benign bacteria in the gut, which represents the bulk of the immune system in the human body. A poor diet can damage the outer layers of the cell and prevent insulin from entering the cells of the liver (as well as other outer membranes of cells from other organs). Insulin resistance is a main factor in trapping glucose in the blood, which, if not used, can be transformed into fat. If this resistance occurs in the cells of the brain, it can be a major factor in various conditions alike Alzheimer’s and other cognitive disorders because the brain hasn’t enough energy to do its job. This condition is sometimes called, nowadays, Type 3 diabetes. The same sort of problem can affect erectile dysfunction.
Part of the problems which cause stress is that we are a left-brained society, very identified what might have been called hyper-masculine ideals- one of which is a combative mode of thought which emphasizes the need to conquer and subordinate others to your will- most dramatically expressed in war. Still, even without the conundrum of war, the stresses of our society, which often thrusts citizens into debt and an illness because of lack of abundance in their lives- can put inordinate demands on the adrenals. Also, marital or relationship problems can also provide too much work for the adrenals to work effectively. Adrenal supplements can sometimes be helpful. Sometimes being able to accept what is beyond one’s control, perhaps through faith in a Higher Power, can relieve a great deal of the stress in an often too chaotic world.
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Integrative Hermetic Health

New Galaxy Broadcasting proudly presents Integrative Hermetic Health with Hugo Rodier, M.D. In this program, we explore a powerful new paradigm for heath from the standpoint of Integrative Medicine. In his practice, Doctor Rodier integrates ancient hermetic art and the enduring role of food as medicine with modern nutrition but also allowing for the wide range of important health practices including truly valuable medical discoveries, chiropractic, acupuncture, homeopathic and herbal medicine. In this program, Hugo Rodier, an expert in intestinal health and nutrition, will help the audience discover an approach that focuses on actual cures, not the masking of the elegant, simplicity of many health solutions for the sake of profit. Profit too long has been an overriding motive of the pharmaceutical companies and sometimes sadly by many in the medical establishment today.
Some say that the history of medicine has been continually evolving since the time of the ancient Greek physician, Hippocrates. But today, some experienced and knowledgeable doctors, to differ. They clearly see, , forms of medical treatment that often serve to suppress symptoms with pharmaceuticals that have dangerous if not fatal side effects, recommendations for surgical intervention that place profitability over well-being of their patients. These doctors refuse to include in their practice the many modern and ancient health disciplines utilizing herbs, homeopathic remedies, acupuncture and, above all, the power of nutrition. Many of the most useful insights are grounded in hermetic science, developed hundreds of years ago. Hugo Rodier, M.D., author, broadcaster and practicing physician has spent his career focusing on nutrition and intestinal health. In fact, only now medical journals are coming to terms with guiding points of view he had realized decades ago. Please join with me, Johnny Blue Star, as I assist Doctor Rodier in his new program, Integrative Hermetic Health.
That so often provides drugs to cover up and suppress symptoms with pharmaceuticals that create dangerous, if over the last few decades, a relatively small number of medical doctors have begun to wonder, looking at the vast limitations of modern medicine to actually deal effectively with the rise of auto-immune diseases and the unfortunate dangerous and even lethal sound effects of pharmaceuticals, that perhaps we have truly lost more than we have gained- and we are glossing over symptoms.
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