Inalienable and Free, July 26, 2018
Aired on Saturday, July 26, 2018 on BBS Radio Station #1
9:00 AM Pacific, 10:00 AM Mountain, 11:00 AM Central, Noon Eastern.
Interview with Donald Newsom, President of BBS Radio
This is the third show of a new series, Recipe for a Perfect World- A Geopolitical Perspective, a series intended to look at the old and current geopolitical perspectives and then produce paradigms that would change the results. These results would retain sovereignty among nations but produce co-operative solutions- economic, political, cultueral0 that would be beneficial to the planet. In this show, Don Newsom (owner of BBS Radio and entrepreneur) and I began a new set of programs for the serious- called Informed and Awakened Part I- Deprogramming the American Electorate.
There is no question that the only sure guarantor of success for any type of new geophysical perspective would be that people throughout the world become informed and awakened so that they can take part in the electoral processes in their own countries, whenever possible. There are, however, problems standing in the way of becoming so informed and awakened. The first problem is that things are immensely complicated these days and one has to commit time to do this. The second problem is that the proliferation of online activity offers a challenge to selectively find enough information to act on responsibly. The third problem is the selectivity itself in finding information- because of the deliberately deceptive information extending from both governments, corporations and media. Fake news abounds, even from people or organizations utilizing that phrase to characterize most everyone else.
Since our goal in Inalienable and Free is to produce a paradigm consistent with core spirituality, which we feel involves the mandate of righteous behavior for all people and is present in all true forms of spirituality and religions, we view the goal of being informed and awakened as partially a spiritual goal. To quote from the program itself, we are reminded of the words of Thomas Jefferson-
"Convinced that the people are the only safe depositories of their own liberty, and that they are not safe unless enlightened to a certain degree, I have looked on our present state of liberty as a short-lived possession unless the mass of the people could be informed to a certain degree." --Thomas Jefferson to Littleton Waller Tazewell, 1805.
It is clear that, by now, after all these years- we can safely say that our safe depositories are being locked up by the bank, by which I mean, metaphorically, the government. People’s ignorance, apathy and self-concern- have given us a democracy that is being locked down by forces that do not believe in liberty. But we ourselves have voted for those resources.
Eleven years later, after that first letter, Jefferson wrote to Charles Yance, "If a nation expects to be ignorant and free in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be."
Yes, though the timetable is more than critical- and we have lost so many of our rights, this edition of Inalienable and Free explores the steps for getting them back, asking the question- How can we become awakened and informed?- the very first step.
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Guest, Donald Newsom

I am an entrepreneur and have worked for myself, and with my family, since 17 years of age. I have started several companies, joint ventures, public & private, and helped finance, operate and manage some of those entities until they were successful. I have been an original participant in all ventures I worked on, tending to many of the tasks required for a corporate structure to operate, from inception to its fruition. This involves numerous skills and abilities that are quite diverse and encompassing. These ventures were mostly in areas of new technology, product manufacturing, internet media, natural resource mining and oil drilling.
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Inalienable and Free

How can we, the people of Earth, take back the power and privileges granted to us by God and addressed so significantly in the United States Declaration of Independence? Our rights are inalienable for citizens of all countries, not just America. They are, indeed, given by our Creator and “incapable of being taken away from or given by another.”
Our program, “Inalienable and Free: Voice of the Coalition,” hosted by Johnny Blue Star, addresses the grave challenges to these human and citizens' rights in America and in the rest of the world. These rights are the basis of liberty, the foundation of all life and happiness. The Coalition of Planetary Empowerment, is an emerging organization, serving to empower individuals personally, spiritually, and politically through a new social network, dedicated to this mission.