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The Hostile Zone, May 27, 2024

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The Hostile Zone
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Eric Cinotti & Bianca Sea: Dynamic Duo, Memorial Day Weekend Special

The Hostile Zone with Eric A. Cinotti and Bianca Sea

Eric Cinotti & Bianca Sea: Dynamic Duo, Memorial Day Weekend Special!!

“The Hostile Zone,” hosted by Eric A. Cinotti – also known as Eric Andrew Cinotti – stands as a pinnacle of syndicated talk shows, offering an electrifying mix of intelligent debate and engaging discourse. Alongside Eric, the show features the insightful Bianca Sea, whose expertise adds depth and perspective to each discussion. This dynamic duo tackles a plethora of topics, ranging from the intricacies of global politics to cutting-edge social issues, ensuring that no stone is left unturned in their quest for the truth. Their razor-sharp analyses, combined with a format that encourages open and often spirited exchanges, make “The Hostile Zone” a beacon for those seeking a deeper understanding of the world. It’s more than just a show; it’s a cerebral journey that challenges its audience to think critically and engage passionately. With Eric Cinotti and Bianca Sea at the helm, “The Hostile Zone” is an intellectual tour de force, captivating listeners who demand both substance and style in their auditory experiences.

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The Hostile Zone with Eric A Cinotti
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Eric A. Cinotti

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“The Hostile Zone” where Eric pulls back the curtain on corruption, waste, abuse, and fraud; especially public dollars and services. 

Eric A. Cinotti a legal scholar & professional academic, a professor, investigative journalist, commentator, who analyzes the U.S. Constitution, must know legal issues, the government, social issues, and MUCH-MUCH MORE. 

ERIC Speaks the TRUTH-JUST THE FACTS- Get Ready “That’s Life, Our Government, Our Society!”


IMDB The Hostile Zone:
IMDB Producer:

Eric Andrew Cinotti Navigates the Juvenile Justice System 

BBS Station 1
Weekly Show
6:00 pm CT
6:55 pm CT
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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

the Hostile and dangerous and much lot about Eric aasen on this is where public corruption abuse of power and Miss abuse of public dollars and ultimately using your personal physician for gaining power is pulled over all this is is Max free hostilis otherwise everyone else is welcome welcome to.<br> Welcome to the Hostile Zone you're with the Eric Andrew sinoti sinoti lyrics to naughty of course that's right right here on the hostiles on yet another day another week and a holiday weekend it is Memorial Day weekend in 2024 so I would say I don't want to say happy Memorial Day but I hope everybody is enjoying their memorial day and they are paying if you see I got my nice tie on here we get a little little shell for our viewers I'm opening my jacket and my red white and blue<br> I'm going to leave it open for the tide to be up so anyway it's the Memorial Day special here on the Hostile Zone and we got our flag we got our United States Constitution and I am your host the one and only Eric aasen ID here in the flesh live with you celebrating and memorializing Memorial Day Weekend remembering those that fought for freedom who are no longer here like I'm holding in the stocking people like me that served our nation people like Miss Bianca's father that serve the nation and many a mile long generational history of people serving our country in my family or your your internet dial or your iHeartRadio wherever you might be in joining us today Memorial Day Weekend 24 I'm accompanied by the on-air vocalist Miss Bianca CSE<br> hey Bianca see that's me and thank you for your service and going on going to sit back and remember it's Memorial Day weekend yes it's about BBQs yes we have a good time yes it's about family and friends and it is about them be friends cuz you don't there are many people that don't get to see their family and friends right now as we speak cuz they're deployed or people that never came home from a deployment or people who have physical and mental ailments for the rest of their life that they are trapped in that combat theater they are forever at War so let's give us on what we got<br> have a America or God bless you<br>we've been traveling far<br> call home<br> Republic Lowe's<br> hang on<br> on the phone, please<br> America<br> Coming to America<br> do the TV show far away<br> I would travel if you like today<br> the eye of the storm<br> and The Eye Of The Tiger song<br> 21 deshane place<br> wake up in the morning<br> freedom is light.<br> Everywhere around the world<br> America every time<br> America<br> got a dream babe.<br> Play Coming to America<br> sick time and fuel America<br> my country<br> read land of liberty<br> the icing<br> well that was a great song folks and you don't we're just going to roll Rite Aid cuz you don't wear in that American mood so let's play a little Lee Greenwood God bless the u.s.a.<br> you have too much at work and I had was just my children<br> does the flag still stand for freedom and the cancer<br> then I'm proud to be<br> Rihanna gladly<br> cuz they already know<br> God bless the u.s.a.<br> from the lyrics of Minnesota<br> the girls of Tennessee<br> will it rain<br>had alcohol<br> call Sarah<br> God bless<br>what can I say what can I say what a wonderful song Miss Bianca that was a good selection there we are in a happy happy Memorial Day I'm happy for the sense of we are we are happy as a Memorial Day not because of it being Memorial day but because we are happy that we had people who continued to wear the flag on their arm and continue to put that uniform on and serve our country we've had people that serves and gave their life and that's what we are happy for please don't confuse that that's funny I have a personal story on that I want time on a years back I had to put a Facebook post that Miss Bianca and on the post I said you know happy Memorial Day obviously and at the time I was active duty military so I was active duty and I'm so<br> obviously I wasn't trying to offend anybody and I got comments from all kinds of weird people how dare you happy Memorial Day I lost my friend and blah blah blah blah blah you know what I lost friends to okay and my friends lost friends too and I have damages that will last the rest of my life so it's not happy Memorial Day that we're happy I'm happy that I'm here I'm happy that I was able to put the uniform on of this nation and and to support not only are our nation but I support our allies or friends or are there other countries that wore the uniform I created another responder I never say happy Memorial Day on on these things as in yeah you let's be happy but be happy that our flag still stands about our flag still stand in the stands for freedom and you know I was watching I was watching before he was a quote-unquote and don't get me a hundred percent cuz I don't remember but I played it back<br> times and it was something I've used before but somebody had a little twist on in it somewhere else but it was like what it help me with it was like freedom freedom yes people people will die for Freedom people will kill for freedom to get Freedom they will kill to be free and people will die to be free and those pendra matter what you do you cannot kill Freedom you will bury the people that gave up their life or those that killed another life for freedom and we'll bury those bodies and say thank you for your service but we will never bury freedom freedom is the very Fabric and Foundation of our nation it's not going anywhere okay everybody says Rome has fallen every everybody falls at some point well I don't see that any day soon Abraham Lincoln says<br> that it's a and you everybody that knows show I love Abraham Lincoln got to throw him in there and you know what he said America will not fall it will now fall from outside it will fall from within people folks if you're listening to me hear me is Memorial Day weekend some of you have friends that are deployed people on my staff here at the show are not here cuz they're on a deployment Reserve members<br> please don't think that understand that we will not fall from outside we will fall from within and this is what China Russia Iran North Korea that it's important and we need to pay attention to it we have it I just need it I need to say that cuz the quote was basically it was it was it was eloquently said but basically it said people will kill people will die<br> for freedom of Freedom doesn't I remember that freedom doesn't die what are we going to write life and death is temporary temporary life and death is temporary but freedom is forever thank you Miss Bianca to you on that he's Toby Keith you know singer and mercy of the doubt to everybody that wears the uniform and has worn the uniform and folks if you're out there and you see somebody wearing uniform this weekend understand one thing to I want to give you a putting my lawyer cap on quickly a a combat veteran who was honorably discharged and low<br> an honor can wear their uniform for life<br> they will we can wear our dress uniform for life so when you see somebody in that they we've earned that right and they earned the right for you to give them the respect when you wear so whether they're active duty today Reserve National Guard State guard whatever they are if they served honorably and and they are they are a true battery they can wear that uniform and if you see that please give them the honor and respect okay so let's hit that song up<br> alright Toby Keith coming at you<br> I'm just trying to be your father raised a dog listen to their mother everything is everyone up and Adam Brian early I'm all business sending us to yeah I'm dressed up for Success from my head down to my boobs I don't do it for all the money that I can't see I don't do it for the glory I just do it in my responsibilities yeah I'm real sorry I can't call in sick on Mondays when the weekends been too strong I just work straight through the holidays and sometimes all night<br> Stan already window wolf growls at the damn solid and I'm sitting down to the Core<br> what's the price of count it up the calls<br> I don't want to die for you<br> turn it on.<br>anime<br> we got some great song Bianca you did really well there it really well another another fine American song coming our way coming at you right here on the Hostile zone so you know we're going to keep doing some more songs because it's a holiday all I do actually have my my my my military pin on here too<br> yes it's this is the lapel pin of the wings that you wear on the uniform they give you a look at 12 is screaming in my ear hold on I got to turn it down okay so America sure let's do we have we are a nation sadly that has been a conflict for the duration of our existence did you realize that you got to be sadly I did but sometimes I I just change the channel or on my social media because I just don't want to look at it cuz if I look at it and you know I do all over today I know what you're talkin about what I was trying to say is we are a nation has been<br> Reverend conflict we started our nation in a war with the crown with England those of you out there that don't know your history we we we we we declared our independence is in this book you're the Declaration of Independence which led to the Constitution but we we we had our first fight for Freedom taxation without representation also you know the Patriots that were here George Washington our founding fathers Benjamin Franklin you know we can go down there talking to do all that today but they were in conflict and when they stood up and we became the United States we were at war with the crowd we were at war with England and then when we yes we've defeated anyone whose now are one of our best friends we defeated England and then we ended up into another stripe and another strike<br> and then a Civil War and then the War of 1812 and then World War World War then you had Korean War Vietnam War and then you have the Persian Gulf the in the 1990s the first Persian Gulf then you have 911 Porsche at the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1991 and then we had 911 then we went to Afghanistan then then we invaded Iraq then then we're involved here and there and I'm not going political with you both we are a nation that somehow seems to be involved in strife and conflict but the biggest strife and conflict that I fear is us fighting ourselves from within because out there looking into the cameras they know<br> they know that they can't beat America in a fair match not going to happen I don't care Russia obviously I'm wrong I'm sorry you lost your present to the people of Iran I never wish that on anybody so I'm not going to speak ill on that situation I hope that that helps with this out that that net that bad experience with the helicopter crash maybe they'll be a little bit of a regime and the people and maybe maybe things will get better there for them I don't know but when I'm not going to talk negative on that but there's always some kind of conflict everywhere and in out with we have is we have little small conflicts going on all over the world in the Horn of Africa is Djibouti Somalia we got the houthis who are or who are around proxies they were going after Merchant ships we got we got little explosions going all over Africa we have to worry about China invading toys<br> and Taiwan is our Ally and if China takes into our Taiwan now they're becoming a larger Empire Rush's moving into Ukraine trying to rebuild the Soviet Union and then we got Rocket Man as former President Trump called them who is still continuously shooting practice missiles and there is an international courtesy<br> that people that have icbms intercontinental ballistic missiles by their nuclear warheads are not if you're going to do test launches everybody notified each other hey we're going to be doing a launch it's going to take off at this time this is what we're shooting and this is where we intend to shoot it so this way you are enemy doesn't think we're firing on it we are we in the United States we have sensors in space that can actually beat sense from space over every country that when something is launched that's sensible grab the the heat signature from that and translate that quickly to NORAD which is in Cheyenne Mountain in Wyoming and we share that with Canada that Norad is the Central Command that watches everything everything that flies in the sky anything that's coming into the United States they even monitor space junk<br> everywhere and I like always being hit that's why people notify and even even a random even during the Cold War in the 1980s and 90s but moving its it like not 80 but let you know into the 98 Russia you know when they will practice with contact President Reagan and say hey I'm doing this but I'm not shooting you because if not we're going to go is a threat and all we need is some clown to shoot off a missile and it somebody to even accidentally think that it is being shot out of there is no response from the responses we shoot them back then we have intercepting missiles that are the actually trout an intercontinental ballistic missile a nuclear missile coming from North Korea would get here in about 26 to 28 minutes that's how much time we have from a launch if it was coming from Rush<br> maybe I think Russia's 26 minutes 28 minutes and North Korea's 31 minutes 3:30 1230 Freeman that's how much time we have from the second that our sensors get the Heat Signature send it to spend space grabs it and they send that to NORAD NORAD has that amount of time to figure it out and then they contact POTUS POTUS p o t u s president of the United States they contact the president and say what's your pleasure in that actually it doesn't mean like what you what what makes you excited it's a term mean what is your decision what's your pleasure with the present and do we want it back or do we not and he and I said hey we could everyone present he at that time make that decision and says ship fire left at 1 and 90 I mean you know this Russia and now to take another step Russia is now talkin about nuclear we've been talkin about that on the show a lot recently but Russia has actually talked about testing some weapons again<br> a field-grade nuclear stuff I mean this is just insane what are you thinking about Amir what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing I don't know I don't think they should ever use those type of weapons at all I think that is like major evil what and it is disgraceful like if you want to like launch a missile and that's all that's why you're on the show cuz you're the average person and you don't do this you don't study this for a living you don't you don't write I'm working on another book and you know and you know that I just did a briefing on nuclear proliferation of chunky dunky qpublic in the in the administrative world I'm taking my lawyer head-on and putting my mp a master of public administration cap on recall. John<br> qpublic and I'm sure somebody that wants to know I like my my brother and my answer is you know why do we have because if we have and we have safeguards in our nation that yes the president can do this but your needs to be protocol and there are additional steps that are taken so nobody can randomly just start launching things for fun and also Nations know that and when I have one and you have one Russia has one and then whatever if you're not a nutcase like like rocket man who I really don't think you're that bad probably North Korea I think maybe somebody needs to have a good conversation and maybe your you know I don't know we need some diplomacy with you but anyways if the Terminator first movie of The Terminator you know<br> oh my God I would really wrote a couple hundred pesos briefing on nuclear proliferation which I don't I'm sanitizing out what is good for public consumption and it will be out on my my column but anyway so the purpose of it is honestly not for us to obliterate our our enemies because each nation that carries these mines is only a handful Nation to have nuclear weapons and the majority of them are here in the are our American or American and we have our nukes out all the countries we have relationships with countries Poland has been recently asking for us to put in there for their protection and you know and we have them in submarines all over the place and you don't know where they are at any time and they can watch the purpose is everybody knows that if Russia were to fire one off at us they know that we're going to go<br> one after another and they're going to do it to us and then the other countries are going to do it to their it's just nobody wants to do is kind of like a suicide mission so it's kind of like it's kind of like you<br> I'm going to bring it right to my one of my favorite movies Karate Kid Miyagi I studied I studied in Okinawa and I actually started traditional can I pay in Okinawa Karate Kids one of my favorite movies and what date and what was Miyagi would always say the Danielson they would say karate for defense only write so the nuclear missile defense only the fact that we have them is defense enough it's kind of like a guy going to the gym and building up muscles and wanting to look strong because he doesn't want to fight anybody so he gets a good posture he goes to the gym broad shoulders he may be a scaredy-cat tail between his legs kind of guy but he looks strong and people don't want to mess with him if they don't know what he's going to bring people don't want to mess cuz they don't know what you're going to bring we don't want a long from launch nukes on anybody and I don't want to talk but there are real people that would do that then we get into the whole dirty bomb thing but anyway<br> cute up next we are at the parade so I'm coming from another movie but my fans out there are Rocky movie shout out to you Sly I'm looking forward I know Tulsa count waiting for my part on Tulsa Kingston anyway so it's also a great song<br> is it going to write nice<br>Humanity<br> wow wow wow wow wow wow I'm feeling patriotic now that's for sure folks I hope you're feeling patriotic Club in your country cuz I'm I'm loving my country that's for sure so folks let's talk a little bit more about about this rate nation of ours with Bianca to step off a set for a moment but how many of you out there have actually taken a trip to Washington d.c. right it doesn't sound you know like you know like going to Hawaii or one of the islands or whatever but it is the name of the capital of our nation and there is so much to be seen there there is so much honour there's the Vietnam memorial the Korean War Memorial the World War I mean it is it is my happy place obviously you know we film the show there it is my happy place I have to admit my favorite place is a<br> play the Lincoln Memorial I was I gave him food at the light wondering if anybody at home was wondering what it would because you knew it was going to be like in Royal but anyway dump it is worth a trip this these things because when you see the amount of time that went into building these memorials to thank our members of the Armed Forces for what they have done for our beautiful Nation it is just it's heart-wrenching it's internally moving it's a spiritual moment almost it if you are not if you are not a religious person when you stand in front of the Vietnam memorial or you walk down to the Korean memorial they're all in the same area by the mall not not a shopping mall the mall by the Lincoln Memorial reflecting pool it is a reference moment it's a spiritual moment it's a come to God moment whatever your God is is it come to God moment that<br> when you see that and you see all the names on the wall and you see what it is that those statues and all the things that are there what they represent the represent this flag that I'm wearing as a tide today they represent that and they represent all those that went before me that wore the uniform my family that wore the uniform on both sides of my family and you know it's just easier Traditions that have families and that is a very important thing also<br> you wanted pay attention to the fact that you have all the veterans organizations out there LOL miss Bianca jumping back on set Miss Bianca dipped out there so you know it is just to look at all of the veterans organizations that the VFW which I'm a lifetime member of the American Legion I'm a lifetime member Disabled American Veterans I'm a lifetime member and that time a member at lifetime I don't know if not reach out to me and Beth I'll do a lifetime I belong to you I say I belonged to they are the long to but I mean I support all of them and even though that those organizations are for me people like me that sir I support them because when I can give and I am able to move in do<br> I can do to help them then I'm continuing my mission and my mission is service my mission is love of country the role of the military has changed significantly over the years and our military is ever-growing as you know we have space force now and you know people made a joke about space force it is very important because when you see Russia made a threat to use a nuclear weapon on one of our satellites we need to be able to monitor our satellites not ours just our spy satellites are satellites that are providing Communications for your phone to your TV for this show to be broadcast to be recorded in DC and and fill in erding filmed out of La that requires a satellite shot out the starlink Elon Musk blow those are out there and they are providing services that we require on a daily basis are First Responders please military EMS the government<br> office of emergency management all of these people require these tools to operate on their on their on their mission the military requires these tools it did you know back Garmin was actually the Garmin was the name of the first like the TomTom in your car but there was a Garmin the climate is the first and then maybe you can throw them in the situation room or the Pentagon wherever they're going to be in the situation room in the Pentagon or one of the other locations and they keep track every vehicle Milford across the world and know where it is now we are all I want an Apple Watch I want a Garmin watch I want a Garmin watch I'm still waiting for my Garmin become a sponsor of the show I'm going to reach out to you<br> I really want to come and watch I want their garment I just you are the best technology out there you're their satellites are great and we had in future shows I can explain where satellites are placed there are different levels in space and there are certain satellite like our TV feed right now if you're washing us our TV feet is a further out satellite then others do it's really around further so they may not get an interruption from a solar flare or they may get an interruption from a sore throat when your phone and other stuff doesn't it could be either way you know your XM radio may still be going I heart you might be listening to me and I heart and that's going great but the TV goes out well that's good that's a delightful for any weight on a tangent here to see who I was going into Stevie Hall but you know what my call to action for you folks and then we're going to wrap up the show and I'm going to tell you how much I love you for watching us and listening to us<br> how much I love my country and people that are no longer here<br> so I call to action folks we're Americans all right at the end of the day whether you have any notice right I have Italian descent we are Americans I was born here and I'm proud of it I've never had a what's a what's my nationality is the Roman era and Italian Roman Italian cetera but I am trueblue true-blue American I want to take a moment now to be reverent and shout out to those that are not with us I served on the honor guard for several years I've done more than more than at least and at last we saw him record was more than three<br> hundred missions are on the honor guard that was weather going with a deceased soldier's remains whether it be from the plane to the funeral home or from the funeral home to the Grave War 2 the grave doing the honors and every one of those meant the world to me that was probably one of the greatest things and I did a lot of things in the military I've been a lot of places I've done a lot of things I've been involved in a lot of stuff you'll be seeing more stuff about about things that I've been engaged in coming out over the over the next year I'd say that was probably the most important part of my life ever and if I miss anything the most it is that moment of laying. Soldier or Airman ring or whatever but I mean Jen with your own service so being nice or I serve both in the u.s. Navy boats and the army<br> so there you go. She didn't know that and I served on the honor guard in both I had to learn it to different ways to defeat uniforms to me and it is really heroic because there is nobody seeing you know and I'm going to give a shout out one thing that happened to me Paramus New Jersey okay Grammys Police Department I hope you're listening I don't know the officer's name but I we were doing a funeral at George Washington Memorial Cemetery right by Bergen Community College in Paramus Road in Paramus New Jersey and after the funeral we were pulling out in our in our GSA government issued vehicle normally I drive even though I was the team leader and I actually had ranked on the other people I just like to drive and as we were pulling out there was a Paramus police officer at the traffic light and now the corner of his eye he saw what car was<br> he knew the plate and he saw us in full dress uniform he put on his red lights blocked the road off so we can pull out this is not protocol this is respect this is my call for you to do this if you if you have the ability to do this he saw rough pulling out he blocked the road with his police car and then you know what he did he got out of his police car and gotten stood up in. Loot until we drove away and I saluted him back as a as the driver and the team leader I don't know who you are I promise officer but this was back in the mid-2000s maybe 2005 oh no I was deployed 2007 maybe I don't remember you remember who you are and if somebody knows who you are please reach out to the show the Hostile Zone at BBS talk radio. Calm Ericson Rd at BBS talk<br> Eric at everything's recent producer or a tribute to the finest that America offers we just laid to rest one of America's Finest we were leaving there and you proved to be the reason why Liberty lives forever why freedom is River on that note folks I'm going to end it I'm going to say enjoy your weekend really spend time with your family don't burn the cheeseburgers don't drink too much don't drink and drive no illegal substances love your country we have one miss Bianca is going to do the national anthem don't go anywhere right after that we're going to close it out with proper respect to our military thank you for coming to the Hostile Zone I appreciate you every week I hear you and I hear you a reference God Bless America shout out to Derek Bell and to John Newman<br> shout out to Thunderman shipmate always here always here forever brother I wear this one for you all right Miss Bianca what you going to do with the new animatronic you that up<br>we're so gay<br> not going anywhere Star Spangled<br>all the military member thank you so much for your service<br>

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