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The Hostile Zone, April 22, 2024

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The Hostile Zone
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Eric Cinotti & Bianca Sea: Dynamic Duo

The Hostile Zone with Eric A. Cinotti and Bianca Sea

“The Hostile Zone,” hosted by Eric A. Cinotti – also known as Eric Andrew Cinotti – stands as a pinnacle of syndicated talk shows, offering an electrifying mix of intelligent debate and engaging discourse. Alongside Eric, the show features the insightful Bianca Sea, whose expertise adds depth and perspective to each discussion. This dynamic duo tackles a plethora of topics, ranging from the intricacies of global politics to cutting-edge social issues, ensuring that no stone is left unturned in their quest for the truth. Their razor-sharp analyses, combined with a format that encourages open and often spirited exchanges, make “The Hostile Zone” a beacon for those seeking a deeper understanding of the world. It’s more than just a show; it’s a cerebral journey that challenges its audience to think critically and engage passionately. With Eric Cinotti and Bianca Sea at the helm, “The Hostile Zone” is an intellectual tour de force, captivating listeners who demand both substance and style in their auditory experiences.

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The Hostile Zone

The Hostile Zone with Eric A Cinotti
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Eric A. Cinotti

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“The Hostile Zone” where Eric pulls back the curtain on corruption, waste, abuse, and fraud; especially public dollars and services. 

Eric A. Cinotti a legal scholar & professional academic, a professor, investigative journalist, commentator, who analyzes the U.S. Constitution, must know legal issues, the government, social issues, and MUCH-MUCH MORE. 

ERIC Speaks the TRUTH-JUST THE FACTS- Get Ready “That’s Life, Our Government, Our Society!”


IMDB The Hostile Zone:
IMDB Producer:

Eric Andrew Cinotti Navigates the Juvenile Justice System 

BBS Station 1
Weekly Show
6:00 pm CT
6:55 pm CT
1 Following
Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

the Hostile Zone at Woodmen and dangerous and much lied about Eric 8 tonight this is where public corruption and abuse of power awaits and Miss abuse of public dollars and over the using your personal position toward gaining power influence over others in this match with a free possibly otherwise everyone else is welcome welcome to the hop.<br> welcome to the Hostile Zone you're with the infamous and dangerous and always in your face Eric Andre sinoti sinoti with a real big guy who I am the one and only Eric Sonata Eric a Sonata, accompanied by the on-air vocalist as always miss Bianca sea sea like the old man swimming away Bianca see that's me hello everyone how are you I've been celebrating the day of Earth Day what are we celebrating on a corner that every every day on Earth is a celebration every day that the good Lord let you spend another day on<br> on Earth is a good day I get this Earth Day right<br> lovely you know that's good I enjoyed nothing today so I did not enjoy Earth did not enjoy any sunlight I was in splendour and I enjoyed every moment of it matter fact I'm counting the moments till the show's over so I can go back and enjoy doing nothing again all right so anyway come to the show we're here so much to talk about so little time as usual but you know the fact is that I'm not going to go on and and continuously you know go on about the is real Hamas israel-palestine a mi casa whatever you know and now we're on what what's let's not go there let's let's not discuss that let's let's just discuss even the protesters and I was going to talk about that but I was not going to talk about the destruction inside of the inside<br> I don't want to talk about military today I didn't want to depress everybody on this lovely Earth Day is that they're destroying lovely Mother Earth every time they drop a bomb right<br> or if you if you're part of the UFO or UAP where else that you believe that that they are that the aliens are very upset every time there's a nuclear explosion we did when they were armed are nukes won't lot when we were practicing nukes and renew to practice or whatever launched that it actually dispels some particles into into space which you know I don't know maybe possible maybe not possible but I watched a documentary on on that in the individual with them and they were saying that you know that this stuff going into space and you know interesting enough the sightings of you a piece now in identifying aerial phenomena<br> UAP or UFO cuz you know they got me all they do is they take the same switch the bread and make it a new sandwich change the title and it's a whole new thing you know<br> oh yeah it's like this when your government's screws when the government's screws out the Oaks whether it if they say they organized right they just changed the name folks so think about this UFOs are now you a piece if certain agencies change their name from One agency to another name but they operate the same as tomato tomato tomato or false if you are I made a mistake ever in our life you can't just do okay I'm going to just change my name and that's it it's gone it doesn't exist UFOs don't exist anymore I mean just Google lyrics to naughty and see what you get, if I should change my name<br> just a little bit I want to talk about the protest because you know someone who has as taught at the University level for several years at several state county and private university and college institutions in multiple States how to spice up my professor I did have a lot of Chili Peppers it won't try not to Rate My Professor I don't even know what that site even is a thing anymore but anyway so that you know what are we indoctrinating are are are students to you know I'm not saying that but then they're protesting and the protest or are going far above what I believe it is probably appropriate in in the sense of what the schools are allowing to take place on their campuses<br> you know it went out at since the school is private property like Columbia University NYPD and none of the New York authorities really they don't have much jurisdiction to go unless they were invited in or if they see an actual then they can go but you know what they want and the end in the campuses are allowing I would be so<br> upset of all my life savings for set for all my life of saving for my child's education in order to have him pay for his education for college and stuff and then they pull off this I would be stressful going on for a while and we know the indoctrination I mean having work there I can tell you firsthand that conservatives definitely are not treated the kindest on University campus whether you be a a professor academic Professor or you are a pay student he's just it's just not what is seems to be socially acceptable on in the ivory Halls of Academia<br> pipe it up and then you get when you get called to get called names they lie about you you know I like that again I didn't want to spend my Monday on that I want to talk about some more pressing issues that I think are around the rice okay I want to talk about what the what the Crux and the foundation of this show is and what the new show that I'm watching in the next in the next icycle maybe 10 days a week or so it is the abuse of the government the abuse of power police corruption abuse of police Authority police abuse upon civilian I have a whole slew of cases that we've been researching I have all the case documentation I've interviewed several family members<br> on on either side of the issue I have several cases I have specifically chosen cases across the United States but specifically I did grab a bunch of cases in the state of North Carolina because I have a personal<br> what's a I have personal issue I have a personal interest in the abuse has that North Carolina produces by their own volition or to the day by their own volition and their own the lack of their of training lack thereof compassion lack thereof knowledge lack thereof that I say education now it's the tranny lack thereof training lack thereof education lack thereof Common Sense lack thereof of whatever generally in the case that I have I have a whole bunch of my can bring any up there I'm going to save them for the for the new show but there are several but I did I did see one and it's going to be highlighted in the miniseries that will be putting out soon in and out with a veteran in<br> I want to say that I'm about to I'm going to see if the new show for the new show but there's another show that I'm hosting as well and I'm going to literally dissect these cases and I'm going to dissect them very well and your face stop this way everybody knows it's just like that but this particular one was of a veteran who was was allegedly and I say I'll watch it if it goes there's no video of him doing this and honestly I don't really care if he did anyway but they said that he was panhandling<br> I don't know about you but people always see people holding signs will work for food veteran please help with this individual had his service dog right is service dog and he was at the end the video is horrendous and I have the I have thank you to one of the Auditors out there thank you for the footage we did we did get that the request for a Freedom of Information which they call for you the Freedom of Information or otherwise known as it Oprah open public records act request so we have I have Salu I probably have a while I got a hundred hours worth of a video to go through on several of these ones working on but this specific one in North Carolina the the veteran was in in a medium but are pretty decent size medium and in between oil changes<br> you know okay and you got his service dog it wasn't bothering anybody I spoke with some people in the area for businesses that knew of him and had provided him food and or in a different state different things he has some serious PTSD he may have some other issues I have I have his information but it's very difficult to communicate with him due to not having actual numbers against up in the up both officers were black the original officer and the secondary officer who apparently needed to respond on this because he was such a threat he was such a threat standing there doing absolutely nothing it was following his first amendment right of free speech and following his right to assemble in the public and he did with<br> his service dog after serving multiple tours defending our nation and then and then this this courageous hide behind my badge cop claims to be a veteran to but anyway so if this ends up getting into a verbal altercation with this man and he asked the guy for and identification the man handsome his VA card and the it's a government-issued Veteran Affairs medical card has a picture on it as an expiration date has a barcode on the back and folks if you don't know on the front of it it has Braille so it can be read by a blind person I had mine on me I don't know is that it's in Braille on it and it has a barcode and it's accepted to get onto military installations it's accepted obviously is the government but this officer<br> this particular I'm better than God officer in North Carolina felt that that was not a good enough I can sapper acacian that is homeless and he has a government-issued card that indicates he's he served his Nation thank you for your service sir he has his service dog with him and this officer Estelle is does not is not accepting of that ID before you know it the officer is now physically got his hands on this gentleman<br> it's accepted it's accepted accepted the idea I'd love to go through I have the Asus right here we are we have been working tirelessly you know who you are some of you I have I spoken to happen if people thank you to some of the other first amendment Auditors out there who have screwed my my inbox with video sent it to me in the mail email and other Manors dropping off in a thumb drives with video on it that they got on Freedom of Information I have it all you know so it is what it is so this gentleman is Officer and a Gentleman he was one of the other. They have training about what type<br> I don't know what they happen North Carolina's they have what they called be when they have a college course which is like a couple hours a day for like 4 months or something like that first semester the face be you me and everybody else went and got a Bachelor's degree unless if you're me you have more than that but if you got a Bachelor's degree you have four times the amount of Education that somebody who graduated this be at course. There's no homework they sit in the classroom they take kindergarten level exams whatever this is not every agency so I'm not bad-mouthing every agency but this program is not organized like a police academy where it is where it is in most places and no Brotherhood is that there's no there's no they don't have rather they walk up their own people they do it like like listen to wait for the new show we're going to go we're going to go unavenged Eric a Sonata unhinged<br> I'll text and opinions current events coming to you right here on BBS in a very short time plus we also have a mini series where I've teamed up with another team and production and that will be on a streaming Network coming to you soon you will enjoy that one if you enjoy any of Candace Owens is work that worked on making of a murderer you'll enjoy this when the time comes for that so anyway so and although the video doesn't show this but the officer alleges that he was bit by the dog well it's a service dog and he's a store thing the veteran who has not placed his hands on him<br> when he asked for and identification which he had no right or reason or Meagle legality to provide an ID it was not operating a motor vehicle he was not suspected of committing a crime he had no reason to be identified but you know you know how it is you watch these these shows and thank you to the First Amendment Auditors for all of the influx of information you've been providing us I thank you truly and we will be given the honorable mentions to all of them moving fall but anyway he was the man denied a VA veteran actually offered the ID he did not need to know where in the Constitution says he needs to do that<br> what he did but this idea was not good enough for this officer he wanted a another ID I don't know did you want one from you sir did you want one from you did you say it was signed by you cuz you're King Almighty I don't know I don't know maybe you wanted your cheap the sign I don't know or whoever's but you sniff to get the job I do anyway so moving forward does he not know any other type of ID other than the Carolina apparently when you when you enter the great state of North Carolina<br> exactly the most military friendly that's what it says I don't know I want to be the first guy to go there and take the steak a spray paint can put a big circle with a line through it because trust me North Carolina is not knocked big zero not the most friendly<br> I'm thinking next time you see a sign like that that's going to be at property nothing I didn't do it I have nothing to do it I do I don't think that's why I actually spoke with a with a colleague of mine who works up in in Virginia near the northern Virginia and agency in Northern Virginia have a couple miles outside of DC and we were laughing because he used to work and got some cases down here in town in North Carolina and he said he was actually at Fort Fort Bragg working which is now Fort Liberty don't get me started on why we got to change the names of all our bases across the country<br> wake me up we're going it's all okay before I'm sorry it is what it is at Fort Bragg so anyway so he was so this particular friend of mine who is who works in Virginia and he was talking about laughing about the same thing about the most the most military currently no it's not but it is not the most built that is probably one of the most anti-military areas that there is going but anyway so it is not me putting an X through the most military State okay I'll do much better than that I'm going to take you to court I'm not going to have spray paint on your side I'm going to spray paint you across to this paper across all the TV screens about who you really are. I don't need a can of paint to do that from Molly's or whatever then this officer or whatever he want their claims he is<br> is a item play Vee to protect the terror of he was not protecting or serving anybody the dog bit him but he faced the dog nobody saw the dog by him Witnesses from the local businesses with whom I spoke into to I've spoken to two of the business owners on either side of the corner who witnessed the entire incident on on on bail from the beginning they wash it or do they sell whole thing of ice or ice or there I spoke with them I saw the videos I saw store videos<br> from both stores who happen to have facing at their door and I happen to be facing where this incident occurred I guess this Police Department didn't think maybe before they open your big mouth and lie as they do quite often that they didn't check with local people if they had video to because they said the dog allegedly bit but what's just dropped because that would just be saying giving him the benefit of the doubt there's no better for the doubt video shows dog never bet you so don't lie and he said talk get me on his boots because if he said it's okay to meet at the show Mark with the dogs get him on his boot<br> then the dog is seen running away any case the dog and then the veteran is crying on the ground screaming for help asking why are you doing this to me why is my face morph into the ground and these officers are accosting him while he's on the ground and ultimately he's charged and interesting Lee enough dismissed the charges because I guess they realized that they made another grave mistake but this happened over and over again and if we the people don't bring this to the public and we don't make this a front full conversation then we are failing as good citizens of our country We are failing the constitution in this book right here they caught the United States Constitution it starts off with we<br> the people in order to form a more perfect union and if you're watching I'm not even holding I'm holding up I'm not reading it that's in my head because I know that we the people in order to form a more perfect union have this document the prostitution there are many cases the only thing that he cares about so many cases so I can go down like a family member you know like harming your family member that's so harsh we go down that was here in 2013 there was an<br> and actually and actually one that ended his statement was that in people stop and get food and stopping you know what they're open several and I got a list here Jonathan Ferrell Johnny Rush Andrew Brown jr. I can go down the list these are just North Carolina ones that I've been compiled we can go down<br> I'm going to be home when she was just go there I'm not going to go on a specific one but I took some pretty good pretty good notes Here on on this here there is that this is been an issue in the South we know that the South I guess the South just does not catch up with everybody else I don't understand but obviously they were some civil rights issues here and we know that there was some issues in in North Carolina we know that there was issues and briefly discuss Mississippi how many times Mississippi m i s s i s s i m i s s i s s i p p i drive anywhere so anyway so it's been issues but the bottom line is we're going back here for a power to goes back years and years and years and I'm not going to go start from the beginning but I don't mind the fact that really into police brutality<br> and the police over which is you know a lot of people say oh the guy that takes this job and abuses his position that was the guy that was picked on in school was the loser was the one that got beat up the one that had no friends the one that couldn't get a girl so you know why not kick in your uniform right why not pull over somebody and have a little fun conversation try to get a phone number you know cuz you're not going to get the phone number to club or because you're probably have other than putting on that jacket and tie and badge you're probably a loser<br> or whatever<br> do you want to do with the case in New Jersey where a true person flowers are state trooper sent flowers to my roses to a woman that he pulled over and that actually changed the whole system on how you can run license plate<br> why am I sad place used to be in a place that and they have what they call the empty tea which is in the car dmdc was the was the machine and they have a program called info card and then there you can run licenses registration stuff like that but now it's changing it and things may have changed since then again as technology department to talk about the specifics of what programs are pretty much the same but Nanny was keeping record of who ran who and when they were running licenses of it was printing out in headquarters that you hear from you ran out that address that was this was a long time ago that one I'm talking about but that was just an innocent but<br> some of the factors are included in employee portal ER people can taking these positions and having very little formal real train having very little education to begin with a lot of places do not require anything more than a GED or high-school general equivalency or a high school diploma not say anything's wrong with these things I'm not making fun of anybody but I'm setting up a time when it got a Bachelor's degree in criminal justice criminology crime crime scene investigation sociology how about that a little little bit of knowledge on on society and how people intertwine with each other psychology and criminology how may be a Criminal Mind may work how about just taking a social issues course but now they'll just take a couple months course at<br> College run by a college you no end but ever so this end of it they tasered the dog<br> it's just one instance folks one instance but the other thing we have to look at is the militarization of law enforcement in America there's a program that where the the military when they have Surplus items Weatherby armored vehicles and different different things they will they will auction at or even give them to law enforcement agencies across the nation which is a good thing<br> depending on what it is your offer you know we don't we do not need local law enforcement to be rolling down your street with armored vehicles yeah I like like those big army military Hummers now yes there are absolutely 100% firstly we support law enforcement on this ship okay nobody here is anti-government are in Taiwan from we are anti we are anti scump person that does things that they shouldn't do use their position because it makes them feel good or they're getting some other personal game we don't like that we don't support that so let's get that right out in the open the show has been out for less than a year this show hear the hostiles<br> we're doing very well thank you both for your numbers and for watching and tuning into the show remember<br> say it again from Constable on patrol to take the college course that is a wannabe Police Academy ask if they know what cop stand for your brakes are all the friends on my car but they don't even know where is where does the word sheriff come from, not because they want to do instead of a couple of a couple weeks and then in a class somewhere and now they have all its authority to drive around and just been terrorized people who share cultural Shayari<br> Siri Siri Siri Siri Siri when staff Origins of of of policing in the United States where it came from a lot of came from England you know it's a constable Constable on patrol people used to use the word foot was in the people call cops a pig to have a certain type of shoes they are so they just called cops to Pig well the old word used to be flat foot why would they call them because they booked all day up and down but that's probably the best time in America for policing was when the worst thing and I talked about this on the show for the worst thing that ever happened in American criminal justice and American law enforcement is the creation of air conditioning and vehicles is an you take a lazy officer who used to walk up and down the main street in his town checking all the doors at night of the businesses and let them know<br> door's unlocked maybe somebody is in there that doesn't belong or maybe the business owner themself forgot to lock the door so that's what they're there for their there to be proactive policing not react if you would have learned that if you took a college course to and not just a basic law enforcement training class at a college run by a college now by a police organization do you want to be proactive law enforcement not reactive so proactive was the old school flat foot when he walked and they had to call box on the on the on the corner he would walk from one corner to the next and when you got to the next one you can pick up the call box and it would ring Police Headquarters and if it goes to some places New York City and Philadelphia what are they still have some of the remanence just like the old fire box that you can pull the thing for emergency cuz I got a call box and they would they would walk and they got they became acquainted with the neighbors so they would know the people in the air<br> they work like the mailman mailman in some areas in the north primarily or in in the last rural areas they walk they know what's going on in the neighborhood they are your best proactive police that you have are they supposed to supposed people you know the mail to mail carrier I don't say mailman cuz I don't want to you know the male carry the mailwoman or mailman they know they're they're they're wrapped they know where it what they know what car should be where at what time they know who they know whose home it was not they know cuz they walk it every day so they know a lot of times a lot of credit is not given to the postal carriers but they report a lot of a lot of stuff that they see and they do save a lot of people because they see things that shouldn't be going on when a moving truck is moving all your furniture out of your house but they know geez Bianca see if I talk to her<br> how to put a change of address in her mail is still coming I'm delivering it why is there a U-Haul in her driveway and seven guys carrying all the furniture out when I know that she's recording a show right now the one they created air conditioning and and and then at least the cars they didn't have air conditioning so the windows were open you can yell help right or you could or they had their arm at least out the window and wait they had some resemblance of communication are two way communication instead of a car with the windows rolled up and presumably music playing a podcast a movie we seen plenty I actually have footage I actually have footage from body camps some of these officers forgot to turn off body cams and they're watching movies<br> in their car while they're driving you my friend around the phone and it's I have I have it when I'm going to bring folate eventually this guy in North Carolina by the way another one he pulled somebody over and issued a summons to them for talking on the phone while they were driving right they are going to be burnt<br> they said is just moving thinking it was actually navigation and they took it off and moved it out of the way they were not actually using the phone and they were actually able way around the proof from the phone carrier they got a copy this person went and got a thank God they reached out to me so they have got a copy from Verizon of all the incoming and outgoing so they were able to prove that there was no text messages nothing was being done on the phone other than having Maps open which you're allowed to have so this officer pull this person over accuse them wrongfully and who by the way was not polite was very rude who is very condescending your typical that you see on YouTube towards that you know towards John Q public<br> the first if it's alright you know they're trying to rationalize the situation they're trying to be reasonable with the officer they listen I really wasn't this what the New York to just did not want to hear it so ultimately this person they poked the bear this person was like I'm not going to pay this ticket even though it wasn't a big ticket because of all the audio out there and video out there it's easy it's easier to catch people doing stupid thing all this officer was in his car watching a movie on his iPad in the car the Ashley used<br> bmdc computer he used partially that the cover the screen so he could balance his iPad on there to watch the movie and his body cam footage was running while we made the motor vehicle stopped and the movie was still playing and the body cam footage from which I've seen<br> and I don't want to say the movie however it is a good movie folks I did enjoy the movie so I'm not going to say what movie is what he has the movie on<br> he starts talking about this person he pulled them over movie still going on the body cam footage you can hear the movie you could see the movie you can hear the movie Danny gets out of the car issues a summons for somebody else doing exactly what he's doing but even worse he's watching a movie<br> while driving a vehicle blocking the screen of his government-issued computer so he could have his iPad on watching a movie and then he has the nerve to pull over another vehicle issue a motor vehicle summons for using a device that they shouldn't be using the operating a vehicle while he himself is doing that same very thing and when he goes back to his car<br> he had it on pause the unpause the movie while he wrote the ticket bodycam catching the whole thing funny instances of these folks and you hear about them all day long everywhere but it just this that is the big elephant in the room and I think that if we want to fix a lot of things in this country we have to get back to basics we have to get back to Our Roots our foundation what are four Founders what their philosophy was and what they were created they were creating a new nation under God<br> a new nation under God yes I said if God forbid on my Lord I said it three times now hit me up I said God<br> enough no more all right I did it and I don't want somebody to say that I said the word and then they'll fit they complained because there anyway the document money<br> isn't it God still on our money in God we trust all others pay cash when we actually read it it's all about taking that offer our nation was created with Dad and that's it and I said you would when you go to court you still raise your hand anyway so<br> the fact is that we need we need to go back to basics but we need to go back to our principles life liberty and the pursuit of happiness is what our nation was created life liberty and the pursuit of happiness and you Noah and the pursuit of property cuz the streets are paved in gold in the United States aren't they<br> I mean I don't know about you I want to believe that that still exists unfortunately we have racial disparities where everybody is going at it with each other we're supposed to be the Melting Pot I believe we are the Melting Pot but I believe when you come to a place you would assimilate to be the same because you went to that place because you wanted to be there so if you're going to go to that place that you should be what it is that you want to go be right I mean if you are going if if I'm going to go to buy say I was in Okinawa right now so yes I don't speak Japanese or maybe I do but if I did right if I don't expect when I was there I didn't expect when I left bar and food into the area or I flew to the Mets<br> Osaka or ever I didn't expect anything I knew where I was and I knew that is as their nation and I'm there I'm a guest in their home and I did go by by their rules and I need to respect the way they speak the way they act the way they do well when you can't when you come to this country you should do the same I think on the screen when you're being filmed or whatever and disrespecting our right and a beta and they beat up and they said that when I saw that by far they have it there but they have a true Police Academy<br> separated from everybody else they have that date day they do physical training daily they have a real police academy just like New Jersey has a real police academy just like most places have real Academy classes that some places have stupid courses at the college but anyway so the Back to Basics where I was saying that one where the guy gave the finger he was an illegal yeah yeah come here illegally through the porous border and it in the South right and then and then they beat beat up a law enforcement NYPD officer a police officer New York City and they were taking him when he was on the ground and then this guy gets released and he gives the finger it's just a disgrace<br> you know I blame the parents<br> I blame the parents but I blame what in the world was our system Thinking by knowing that the first purse the first thing that this person did he apparently was coming to this nation right to temper because he wanted to be in America but obviously he didn't want to conform to what America is just wanted to come here and then what's the first thing they do they break the law coming here so right away they broke the law the governor governor Abbott of Texas has the right idea and it's a crime and their want to prosecute them in the state of Texas before Crossing into the United States border the porous border with all the holes in it Crossing into our country when they come here. Time they come here they are committing a crime when they come so their First Act of saying thank you America for accepting me<br> the First Act they do is break our law and we allow that and then they end up in New York City or wherever and if what do they do they don't even get there even say thank you for themselves and thank you to everybody else that yes I did break the law and come into your country and now I'm reaping the benefits of getting free stuff and and I'm up in New York City now I'm getting a trip to New York City how they get their somebody paid to get the mail didn't walk in and walk to New York City somebody paid for me to get to New York City and what did he do he assaulted NYPD and then I blame our system think I just walked out and gave the finger as he left the court but that's a whole other story to get to what is the Crux of the problem<br> and I'll say it again it's the vehicle when the car was created yes we need it we need vehicles for one person obviously police need police cars because a you need to transport people I need to get the places quickly also need to have they also took away that interaction with the police in the public<br> do you know they have what National Night Out now one night a year one day in July and then and that's supposed to make up for the 364 other days of the year that your your officers drive around in a car with the windows up listening to music and radio shows and podcasts and even like this guy watching a movie with the windows up there are oblivious to what's going on and then they order just oblivious they're just looking for something to do so they're looking for you to have your phone in your hand and he's assuming and you know what happens when they assume they make an<br> are you with me so when you assume you make it a SS out of you and me so<br> I don't know air conditioning is was the thing that I remember we talked about it when I was in school and I discussed it in multiple classes for social problems in Florida police and community policing I can name the courses that I took which each course was longer than then I be wet course he's one course was longer than their entire training that they offer but anyway all night on that tangent that is going to be in to spin show that's coming out soon and the docu-series it's a docu-series we're going to be highlighting me and a other other people in in the in the business are going to be highlighting some specific cases<br> but what about what about the escalation getting back to that veteran who is out there with the son and he didn't have a sign but they said but I will work for food whatever he can even have that. But either way if he did or he didn't but he didn't we just say for the sake of in generalization whatever it was he was slammed to the ground I also watch I also was given a video recently other a girl 18 years old<br> pulled over by an officer who had been on the job for less than a couple months pulled over an 18 year old girl he was a white officer she was a white girl pulled her over 18 years old just turned 18 hold her over for speeding 7 miles an hour over the speed limit<br> 7 miles an hour<br> folks I'm going to leave it at the bank about that just think about the 7 miles an hour easy to do yes how to forward back and forth because it's very hard when you're learning to adjust your foot to get to that number 7 Mile and you know it was was I don't know what he uses use radar did he use a star scar can you use laser what and what kind of car did he pays the vehicle where you get behind the car and you actually have to have a certain amount of distance between you and the car 2 seconds between point a and point B and then you drive for a. Of time in your whatever is on your your speedometer should be roughly what their speed is that spacing but again<br> calibration word of the day again is was the the the odometer and speedometer calibrated on the police car was the speedometer calibrated on this 18 year old girls car<br> we got I don't even know what form he is he also alleged that she had a like a light bulb out the headlight up this was daytime and it wasn't raining<br> I don't know you go pick it out one you know daytime daytime no rain no rain I don't know headlights one light out I don't know what do anyway so then I mean the headlight broke in the only way to check your state I'm running lights and I do know that some states have the law if the wipers are on the lights must be on you know New Jersey has that rule lights on wiper wipers on lights on<br> those are your parking lights they go on automatically when you put the lights on but anyway so<br> the bottom the story on this with the girl was he yanked from the car and threw her to the ground he opened your car door he opens I know right I got the video the open the car door I don't know why and then he gets his body cam on but again the businesses that this occurred in the two different places and her father has a website out there sign the petition of putting attaching in the description to the show this particular website for the family who is signing petition against the officer and the department because when the guy didn't have the body cam on because he lied and but then the business owners of where of where this occurred not the dog the girl<br> look up to the car and he open the door open the door supposed to do that and then I'm coming on a time crunch and I want you to get one song in so he open the door she was trying to fun before her ID he didn't and he said that he arrested her for for failing to produce ID and resisting arrest she was looking for her ID and when he slammed into the ground guess what underneath her body was her idea and her phone cuz she was trying to get it out but he didn't give her a chance to and then he arrested her for her forgotten for resisting which openly was dismissed because when you read the statute she didn't actually resist he open the door for silly without permission and then afterwards to search the Quarry Wiggly searching of the vehicle they need a warrant or incident to arrest an incident to arrest include what is in reach of the person suspected of a crime whatever<br> is an Arm's Reach of them while she was out of the car and they searched the car after she was in cuffs in the back of the the police car so the bottom line is why do they search the whole car the link will be in in the episode you can check out the website the father set up a full website or the video from the two stores and from motorists passing by that filmed it on their phone excetera pulling on Miss Bianca and you have a song and then we going to how much will time crunch<br> this was only<br>we could play<br> when does Batman<br>the whole<br> I miss Bianca unbelievable unbelievable so unfortunately okay you got to give the shout out because I let you know we don't know if that's the rules and thank you for coming to the hostiles don't get another day. Stay tuned for more we will be again later tonight on our sister Network kktc 99.9 and we will be available again every other night and shake your favorite podcast of them or just Google the hostiles on Miss Bianca how do we end this show with Pride and Glory<br>not going anywhere<br> use your voice to the hostiles on speaker Cincinnati Zone I hear everything everywhere for everyone else see you next Monday for more outrageous talk where we pull back the curtain and hold no punches or maybe you have a great week and remember everyone treat others time treat your family Kinder and always love our country<br>