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The Hillary Raimo Show, January 15, 2020

Joe Martino
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The Hillary Raimo Show
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Censorship in Media with CE News founder Joe Martino

The Hillary Raimo Show with Hillary Raimo

Censorship in Media with CE News founder Joe Martino

Is internet content being censored? Is it truly the reigning in of the internet by internet controllers? Is the narrative being controlled by big brother? This and more with CE News founder Joe Martino. Where we get our information matters. In the third decade of the internet it was the wild Wild West. Content was freely created by all. The awakening was here. But with the fourth decade of the internet (now) tech leaders have vowed a reigning in. Will this video show in your feed? Algorithms are sorting hats. Those who program them are the true decision makers in a digital age. In this interview, Joe Martino discusses how his highly popular platform CE News & Collective-Evolution have been subjected to content censorship and how that has affected his brand. All business persons should pay attention to this. Anyone who depends on the internet for your livelihood should be aware of these sorting hats that direct and control your exposure, how much money you make, and who sees your product. Content sways opinion. The narrative says what to believe. How deep does it go?

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The Hillary Raimo Show

The Hillary Raimo Show
Show Host
Hillary Raimo

The Hillary Raimo Show
Matters for Mind, Body & Spirit Talk Radio

An hour dedicated to inspiring and healing the human spirit.. and raising the collective vibration worldwide... one show at a time...

To all of you,

I would like to personally invite you to listen and call in to speak with me and my invited guests. I will be available on the air for live coaching sessions related to integrating all aspects of self to nurture and inspire healing on all levels. My passion lies in helping others find their own voice as they gain the courage to reach for the stars and follow their dreams. Years of going through my own intimate healing process, and searching for mystical understanding and meaning to my own life, I now dedicate my life to reaching out to others and helping to facilitate hope and meaning into their lives.

This show will be intimately dedicated to YOU, the listeners, and I will be available to all of you on the air as we share our stories, experiences and heal together. Occasionally I will bring on a guest to further that healing with specific knowledge of different healing modalities.

Until then, Live Well.

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