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New Reality Solutions, February 11, 2022

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Getting What You Want to Come to You
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Both your unconscious mind and your spiritual self know the answer

Topic: “Getting What You Want to Come To You”

Why do many people struggle to get what they want while it seems so easy for others


Is the Law of Attraction Scientific or is it really about Spirituality? What if Science and Spirit were proving to be one and the same?

How can you access it to achieve your desired outcomes more easily?

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Here’s what we want to answer tonight, and we’re going to try to be as non-technical as possible:

1. Why do many people struggle to get what they want while it seems so easy for others 

2. Is the Law of Attraction Scientific or is it really about Spirituality? What if Science and Spirit were proving to be one and the same?

3. How can you access it to achieve your desired outcomes more easily?

4. What are the roles quantum physics and of your conscious & subconscious mind in getting what you want?  

FOUNDATIONAL CONCEPTS - Quantum Physics Science

Everything is ENERGY. 

--Thoughts are electrical, and tell the quantum what you want

--Emotions are magnetic and create a frequency (your vibe)

    Higher emotions of love, peace, joy, gratitude and compassion create a higher frequency

    Lower emotions of hate, anger and revenge create a lower frequency

--Higher frequency emotions are magnetic to all the good things in life

--Karma is not punishment, it is the frequency you are creating through your thoughts, feelings and actions that creates the “what goes around, comes around.”

Everything has a frequency

--Music creates sound waves, and each note has a different frequency or wavelength (remember in school the sine wave)


Frequencies that match then entrain.  When they entrain long enough and with enough intensity and no interference, they direct matter.

--Quantum Entanglement


--Homeopathy – like heals like

--What you want has a frequency

Your emotions are sending energy signals – SELF-TALK.

--You create what you want with your thoughts

--You become magnetic to what you want with your feelings

Focus on the WHAT, and the WHY, not the HOW

FOUNDATIONAL CONCEPTS - Mind/Brain/Consciousness science 

--Your subconscious mind and how it helps you

“You have to create it to see it,” Marina Jacobi

--Avoid “don’t,” “Not,” and “No”, “want” and “Try”

--Acting “AS IF” you have already accomplished your goal.

--Having the higher, good feelings of love, joy, gratitude, peace brings good things, people and experiences into your life because you are vibing with good things.

FOUNDATIONAL CONCEPTS – The Spiritual Aspect, Your Intuition & The Universe (Higher Power)

--Take inspired action (the still, small voice)

--Using your intuition to “hear” internal messages about the steps to take Make an action plan based on this

--Amazing “coincidences”


1-Dominant Thought and Review of Goals

Clear Pictures

Strong Emotions


2-AFFORMATIONS what are they?

3-Turn negative statements into positive, or at least possibilities

4-Notice the slightest amount of good things (your evidence) – keep an evidence journal

(Note: evidence can even just be that the sun is shining or that your kid got an A on their test) – anything good to raise your feeling that life is good)

Other evidence is specific to your goal – you may want an extra $1K and you get $50 as a gift, or someone buys you a cup of coffee, or you find a penny – that’s abundance

5-Everything comes in the right time – don’t watch the calendar and get upset if your big goal doesn’t manifest in your time frame.  The Universe orchestrates perfect timing. (TRUST)

Use mind-body-spirit techniques to break down and remove negative, limiting beliefs

Headlined Show, New Reality Solutions February 11, 2022

Mind-Body Science
Broadcast Date

Getting What You Want to Come to You 

•    Why do many people struggle to get what they want while it seems so easy for other people to attract amazing results quickly?

•    Is the Law of Attraction Scientific or is it really about Spirituality?

•    What if Science and Spirit were proving to be one and the same?

•    How can you access both science and spirit to achieve your desired outcomes more easily?

•    What are the roles of your conscious mind and your unconscious mind in manifesting what you want in your external reality?

From movies like “What the Bleep Do We Know” and “The Secret,” people have been excited about the Law of Attraction, yet so many seem to struggle to get the kinds of results they hear, see, and read about.  What is the real science behind how this works?  Both your unconscious mind and your spiritual self know the answer!


On Friday, February 11th at 9pm EST / 6pm PST, join Dr. Art Emrich and Dr. Christina Winsey on the New Reality Solutions show, as we explore, explain, and most of all help you to leverage the Law of Attraction and the process of manifestation in simple but powerful ways.

New Reality Solutions

New Reality Solutions with Dr Christina Winsey and Dr Art Emrich
Dr Christina Winsey and Dr Art Emrich

New Reality Solutions

On this call-in live show, Dr. Art Emrich, Ph.D. and Dr. Christina Winsey, D.C. want to be your guides, assisting and empowering you to create your new reality for greater happiness, less stress, more health and success.  These two dynamic co-hosts will help you learn how to take charge of your own amazing mind and emotions, so that you will better navigate these chaotic and stressful times with more ease than you thought possible.

The caterpillar goes from chaos to order, struggling within its chrysalis, looking like a soupy mess, before it becomes a butterfly and lives its beautiful NEW REALITY. Humans also struggle (especially in these challenging times). Someone once said, “Growth is messy,” but it’s a vital part of creating a life you love. We all need support while on the road to greater happiness, peace of mind, self-confidence, success and well-being.

Dr. Art and Dr. Chris want to empower you to heal yourself in mind, body, and spirit so that you can achieve success in whatever is important to you. You will discover, first-hand, some of the tools and techniques they have successfully used with countless clients.

Some of the topics they will tackle include:

  • Wrangling in a racing mind,

  • Solving sleep problems,

  • Depressive feelings

  • Help for PTSD sufferers,

  • Addiction recovery and stopping negative, addictive habits,

  • Reducing stress overwhelm and managing the unavoidable life stressors more effectively.

  • Controlling fears,

…and many other nagging challenges that reduce your happiness, success and well-being.

From time-to-time the show will also include revealing fireside chats and fascinating interviews. You will find answers and solutions that help you tap into and own your inner power, based on the amazing, holistic discoveries in neuro, behavioral, and health sciences, quantum physics, law of attraction, laser coaching, neuro-linguistic programming, emotional freedom and so much more.

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