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The Getting Real With Hilary Show, September 10, 2024

How Do We Respond to Trauma with Stephen Rowley
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The Getting Real With Hilary Show
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How Do We Respond to Trauma with Stephen Rowley

The Getting Real With Hilary Show with Hilary Arnow Burns

S2 EP43 | How Do We Respond to Trauma with Stephen Rowley

Today's conversation covered many topics including Steven's memoir, his search for his birth mother, trauma, Jungian psychology and the Willows, where 30,000 babies were born during the 40's and 50's mainly for adoptions.  We covered how our culture has changed since those shameful days when young women were "sent away" to have their babies.

Steven talks about how he works with people with trauma, and how he helps them move from victim to responsible for their lives.  Steven's memoir is fascinating and not only discusses how adopted children have a psychic, subconscious longing, but also his journey through the educational system.  Steven spent 40 years in education, getting a PhD from Stanford in Education and is now a Psychotherapist working with clients to create a new empowering story about their lives.

Stephen Rowley, Ph.D., is a psychotherapist practicing in Bainbridge Island, Washington. His professional past includes serving as an elementary school teacher and principal, and a school district superintendent in Washington and California. He has been a college professor at three universities, teaching courses in educational administration and organizational theory. He holds a Ph.D. in Administration and Policy Analysis from Stanford University.

His new book is: The Lost Coin: A Memoir of Adoption and Destiny (Chiron Publications, Sept. 2023). Learn more at

Stephen Rowley’s website:

The Getting Real With Hilary Show

The Getting Real with Hilary Show with Hilary Burns
Show Host
Hilary Burns

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The Getting Real with Hilary Show is a weekly show where ordinary heroes tell their extraordinary stories of how they have triumphed over unexpected challenges. The show is fun, entertaining, and inspires audiences to get real, get connected, and create a life they love.

Our mission is to inspire greatness in our audience, so they can free themselves from the mundane and live the life they are meant to live.

How We Do This:

We bring together powerful guests who have overcome unexpected challenges and triumphed over them. Guests share their powerful stories of transformation and empower our audience to do the same.

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