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The Getting Real With Hilary Show, March 5, 2024

Ellie Weisensel Works With a Team From The Spirit World - Yes, It's True
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The Getting Real With Hilary Show
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Ellie Weisensel Works With a Team From The Spirit World - Yes, It's True

The Getting Real with Hilary Show with Hilary Burns

Title: S2 EP19 | Ellie Weisensel Works With a Team From The Spirit World - Yes, It's True

Today's conversation with Ellie Weisensel raised the hair on my body.  We discussed the paranormal, spirits, energy, portals, negative attachments, mediums, and clearing energy fields at hospitals.  You will receive quite the education by watching this interview.  I have a whole new appreciation for the spirit world, especially low-vibration souls who are stuck wandering the earth.

If you've ever heard Abraham Hicks talk about higher vibrations, this conversation will fascinate you.  I didn't realize that the lower ones attracted low-vibration attachments.  It has made me pay more attention to my emotions.

If you have any interest in the paranormal, mediumship, spirits, energy healing or night terrors, please watch the interview and reach out to Ellie.  You will not be disappointed.

Ellie did not plan on going into this field of work.  It happens to run in her family.  

Ellie Weisensel is a Medical Intuitive and Energy Healer.  The ultimate goal of energetic work is to restore your body’s natural flow of energy.  By supporting its own self-healing allows your body to regain energy, balance, and wellness so you can enjoy better health.  If you are struggling to find relief and to start your journey back to the healthy life you truly deserve.

Visit Ellie's website: or
Email her at to set up a free consultation.

In 2023, the U.S. ranked fourth globally in new cancer cases with almost 2 million diagnosed. Additionally, half a million people developed Type 1 Diabetes that year.  And did you know that today’s conventional medicine only treats or manages the symptoms of the disease.  Symptoms are the result of imbalances that have been created from an unknown origin within the body. Ellie will reveal the hidden cause of those unknown imbalances while aligning your body’s energy to support its own healing process.

Use code: ‘Hilary’ to have a free energy session or to get a discount on a heart wall release session.

#EllieWeisensel #hilaryburns #gettingrealwithhilary #realtalk #getreal #getfree #inspiration #thegettingrealwithhilaryshow

The Getting Real With Hilary Show

The Getting Real with Hilary Show with Hilary Burns
Show Host
Hilary Burns

The Getting Real with Hilary Show is a weekly show where ordinary heroes tell their extraordinary stories of how they have triumphed over unexpected challenges. The show is fun, entertaining, and inspires audiences to get real, get connected, and create a life they love.

Our mission is to inspire greatness in our audience, so they can free themselves from the mundane and live the life they are meant to live.

How We Do This:

We bring together powerful guests who have overcome unexpected challenges and triumphed over them. Guests share their powerful stories of transformation and empower our audience to do the same.

BBS Station 1
Weekly Show
12:00 pm CT
12:55 pm CT
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