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The Getting Real With Hilary Show, December 27, 2022

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The Getting Real With Hilary Show
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Guest, Lenear Bassett-King (Pen Name: L. Elaine), romance novel writer

The Getting Real with Hilary Show with Hilary Burns

Guest, Lenear Bassett-King

(Pen Name: L. Elaine)


Amazon L.Elaine Page:

Website (under construction for new book 4)

Author bio:

L. Elaine lives in Maryland, just outside her hometown of Washington, DC. She has three sons, a daughter-in-law, and a granddaughter, whose eyes sparkle each time she gets a new idea! Almost a decade ago. With coaxing from a dear friend at work, she decided to write her own romance novel to see if she would enjoy crafting beautiful stories of love set in exotic locales.  And she does, so she continues to write. Besides reading and writing, L. Elaine enjoys traveling, teaching, meeting people and tasting food from foreign lands.  She considers herself a lifelong learner with lots left to discover!

The Getting Real With Hilary Show

The Getting Real with Hilary Show with Hilary Burns
Show Host
Hilary Burns

The Getting Real with Hilary Show is a weekly show where ordinary heroes tell their extraordinary stories of how they have triumphed over unexpected challenges. The show is fun, entertaining, and inspires audiences to get real, get connected, and create a life they love.

Our mission is to inspire greatness in our audience, so they can free themselves from the mundane and live the life they are meant to live.

How We Do This:

We bring together powerful guests who have overcome unexpected challenges and triumphed over them. Guests share their powerful stories of transformation and empower our audience to do the same.

BBS Station 1
Weekly Show
12:00 pm CT
12:55 pm CT
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