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The Hostile Zone, September 16, 2024

Foiled ISIS-inspired terror plot targeting Jewish communities in New York City
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Foiled ISIS-inspired terror plot targeting Jewish communities in New York City
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The Hostile Zone with host, Eric Andrew Cinotti

Foiled ISIS-inspired terror plot targeting Jewish communities in New York City - The Hostile Zone With Eric Cinotti

Join The Hostile Zone with your host, Eric Andrew Cinotti, as we cover the breaking news of a foiled ISIS-inspired terror plot targeting Jewish communities in New York City. Federal and Canadian authorities worked together to prevent this attack, planned for the High Holidays. Muhammad Shahzeb Khan, the Pakistani national behind the plot, was arrested, highlighting the ongoing threat of homegrown radicalization. In this episode, we explore the details of the operation, the suspect’s motivations, and the broader implications for national security. Learn how vigilance and proactive intelligence work saved countless lives.

Key Points:

Foiled ISIS Terror Plot: How authorities stopped an ISIS-inspired attack targeting Jewish communities in New York.
Online Radicalization: A deeper look into how digital platforms are used to recruit and radicalize individuals.
Details of the Operation: Insight into how Khan’s plan was dismantled, including his communication with undercover FBI agents.
Implications for National Security: Why this plot highlights the ongoing threat of radicalized individuals acting on extremist ideologies.
Khan’s Arrest: What we know about Khan’s capture and the international collaboration between U.S. and Canadian authorities.

In this episode, Eric Andrew Cinotti breaks down the details of the foiled ISIS-inspired plot in New York City, providing insights into how intelligence agencies and law enforcement worked together to prevent a potential tragedy. This case underscores the need for constant vigilance and proactive measures against online radicalization.

Special Note:
Though Bianca Sea couldn’t join Eric live in this episode as she was recording new music, she lent her heavenly voice to the show’s closing. Her stunning rendition of the National Anthem closed out the episode, showing her love for this great country.

Call to Action:
Stay informed and vigilant! Tune into The Hostile Zone every day to stay updated on the latest breaking news. 360x365, keep your head on a swivel—danger never takes a day off, and neither should we.

Thank You:
Thank you for joining us tonight on The Hostile Zone. We’ll continue to bring you critical updates. Stay safe, and remember: vigilance is our first line of defense.


Eric Cinotti’s full profile: Eric Andrew Cinotti
Read more about the foiled plot: PRLog News Column

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The Hostile Zone

The Hostile Zone with Eric A Cinotti
Show Host
Eric A. Cinotti

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“The Hostile Zone” where Eric pulls back the curtain on corruption, waste, abuse, and fraud; especially public dollars and services. 

Eric A. Cinotti a legal scholar & professional academic, a professor, investigative journalist, commentator, who analyzes the U.S. Constitution, must know legal issues, the government, social issues, and MUCH-MUCH MORE. 

ERIC Speaks the TRUTH-JUST THE FACTS- Get Ready “That’s Life, Our Government, Our Society!”


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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

Welcome to the Hostile Zone. Welcome to the Hostile Zone. You're with the infamous and dangerous and always in your face calling a spade a spade. pulling back that curtain on government waste fraud abuse and police misconduct right here on the hostile zone I'm your humble correspondent eric andrew sanadi eric a sanadi with a real big a eric sanadi miss bianca c again s e a is not here this evening we are hoping her return very soon she has been really working hard on her new uh track so I've heard a little bit of it and sounds pretty good I'm pretty eager to get it on the show so um if you are watching the folk show on the ticker below is all the contact information if you're listening at home on iheart radio or fm or wherever you might be listening then you can reach us at Eric.Sonati at Eric.Sonati at Or you can get us at The Hostile Zone at The Hostile Zone at Lastly, you can always get me at eric at You can catch the show seven nights a week, prime time, and you get to get it in every single podcast platform, usually within thirty minutes after we air on TV or radio. If you I'm not sure what podcast you use or platform. Just Google the Hostile Zone or Bing or whatever you use. The Hostile Zone guaranteed. We're going to be at the top and you're going to have plenty of options on where to listen or watch. Again, thank you very much for coming again another night at the Hostile Zone. As always, I say thank you to the folks because you guys are what make us the success we are. so today is a little interesting episode because I planned on covering the debate and that was the plan I sat through the entire debate watched it and I have formulated some opinions and I am going to cover that but because of some other news tomorrow is or by the time you hear this filming actually it actually is now september eleventh we all know what september eleventh is so with that being said The information we discussed on yesterday's show about intelligence agents and operatives and non-affiliated operatives, et cetera, in the intelligence community, along with some law enforcement assistance, have stopped a terrorist plot. Well, I have some further details for you on that. So we're going to get into that tonight. Tonight, we're covering the breaking news that we kind of started yesterday. We're gonna talk about what could have happened. What are the tragic consequences that would have been for New York City, but for federal agents and the intelligence community at large? Agents working alongside Canadian authorities. That's right, folks. Alongside Canadian authorities have successfully stopped a major ISIS-inspired terror plot. We reported on this yesterday, and here now I'm giving you actual details of what was to happen and when it was to happen and all the details to that. You're going to hear it here and here is where you're going to get it. I'm pulling back the curtain and I'm going to tell it to you like it is. We're not trying to alarm anybody on the show, so please don't don't be alarmed. But I am going to provide you the information and you take it for what you will. OK, so they have Basically, between Canada and the United States, worked and stopped an attack, maybe multiple attacks, that worked to take place in New York City. essentially a Pakistani national named Muhammad. And that's all I'm going to say. He's got two other names, but you know on this show, we don't give notoriety and publicity to people who commit crimes and people who do terror acts because that's what they want. Remember we discussed terrorism yesterday and the definition the second part of terrorism is how it changes your life the second part of terrorism is this individual thinking that they that they are a martyr if they actually went through with the act or that they're a hero amongst other people who want to commit attacks so we're not going to give his full name if you want that you'll get it from another outlet when they release it however he was arrested And he was planning coordinated attack on Jewish communities in New York. I'm going to repeat that. Jewish communities within New York, specifically New York City and Brooklyn. Okay? Let's get to it. As the high holidays approach in the Jewish faith, It's a chilling reminder of the threats that remain ever present in our world. We're going to take you through the details now tonight, and I'm going to give you the plot, the details, and what it means for the ongoing battle of terrorism. We're going to do it. Let's unpack and dive in. But before we do that, we got to start off with our relevant famous quote of the day. These acts shatter steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve. These acts shatter steel, but they cannot dent the American resolve. George W. Bush, September eleventh, two thousand one. That was pretty, pretty relevant. It is September eleventh going into it. So there it is. Talking points on this. The plot. Mohammed is a twenty year old Pakistani national. He was arrested in Canada. a couple days ago. We're talking right here, okay? He was arrested in Canada. However, we're gonna get into the details of how the intelligence community, specifically non-affiliated operators and operatives and undercover personnel, were able to thwart this. If you remember from yesterday's show, we talked about that the actual agents and people who are more open about where they are employed were unable to break into this terror cell. It's the people with the forward-facing job who are working in a job, but really are working in the intelligence community. So they have their forward facing job, whether it be like we said yesterday, a firefighter, a bartender, a real estate agent, whatever they might be, wherever they were, they were working in a forward facing job to get close to this individual and his people to stop this attack. No regular agent was going to walk in and just make this happen. Somebody had to go in and develop. It's called developing the intelligence. They were developing the intelligence, passing it to a handler. It's coming back to an analyst. There's a whole process. And when it becomes actionable in real time, then it step up the level of the operation and they take out the TI, the targeted individual. So this individual planned a specific terror attack on Jewish communities within New York City. He had specifically a date chosen, folks. I'm gonna tell you right now, this was ready to go. This is how close we are. Like I said yesterday, this close. Less than a month from now, we would be dealing with devastating situation in New York City. if these intelligence operators and other members of that community did not do what they did. He planned on October seventh of this year, twenty twenty four, for the anniversary of the Hamas invasion on Israel. So October seven, we remember last year. The terror group Hamas, because they're not they're not a nation, they're not a state or anything. They're a terrorist organization. OK. They're not Palestine. They're a terror organization. People confuse Palestine with Hamas. Hamas is no different than Al-Qaeda or ISIS or anything else. So this individual that I named before, Mohammed, first name, was arrested this week and turned over from Canada to the United States. He's here on our soil now. He planned to attack. on October seventh, which is less than a month from now, Jewish community centers during the height of Jewish holidays. Think about this, okay? Ponder that thought. We're going to take a short break. Ever thought about turning your spare change into serious investments? Let me introduce you to Acorns. This app makes investing as simple as one easy swipe of your credit or debit card. With Acorns, every purchase you make rounds up and invest the difference. Watch your future grow one swipe at a time. Start small, dream big. With Acorns, every bit adds up to something significant. Download Acorns today, forward slash share or use your smartphone camera and scan the QR code on the screen or enter my referral code, five six X J Q P C. Again, referral code, five six X J Q P C and get five dollars for free compliments of me to start investing today just by downloading the app. Download Acorns now. I'm Eric A. Sinati, the host of the syndicated radio TV talk show, The Hostile Zone, right here on iHeartRadio. Welcome back to The Hostile Zone with your humble correspondent, Eric A. Sinati. Continuing on, we were discussing the potential terrorist attack that would have occurred a month from now, but for... that the eager, steady, steadfast intelligence community and the members who work overseas in tandem with allied nations and other law enforcement agencies, they thwarted this and it's not going to happen, at least from this individual. That's what we were discussing. They were going to do it on the seventh of October. He had been radicalized online. Because mind you, I said he was twenty years old. Twenty years old. Radicalized online and undercover, non-affiliated intelligence operatives have gained direct access with him at the beginning of two thousand twenty three. So these members of the IC, the intelligence community, infiltrated close enough to him communicating with him electronically and in person at times for a year almost well actually over a year since it says since mid to late with the planned attack to be the seventh of october of this year a couple weeks from now Yeah, I've been communicating with undercover agents as well as some FBI personnel as well. He had been working and talking with people online. He wanted to actually discuss plans with somebody about building an offline cell of ISIS supporters. It's boggling to me that people today in this day and age think that they can go online and get radicalized. Of course, I mean, you can read this stuff. I don't know how this person thought he wasn't going to be seen and found. He was. He was trying to build a cell of ISIS supporters in Canada so they can attack the United States. Now, I'm going to circle that point, folks. It's not in my notes, but I beat this all the time on the show. Notice that he was in Canada. What is Canada? A border state, a border nation. What are we struggling with in America right now? Securing our borders. So how he intended to get across the border, he was in Canada. So then he could have obviously was planning to come from the Canadian border through New York. Obviously, that would have been the fastest route. I mean, it doesn't take much intellect to figure out that that would be the thought. So again, the focus is on the border. Now, good thing we had excellent intelligence operatives. And also credit to NSA. NSA was big with signals. I know nobody likes the mass surveillance with the scooping of information and data and emails. But again, like I said yesterday's show, he was in Canada. He's not an American citizen from what I understand. But either way, he's in Canada, the Constitution says. does not apply. I know I hold this book up all the time, the United States Constitution, and it is the most mighty book out there, the big testament to our nation, but it doesn't apply in a foreign nation. I said this yesterday. So they managed these persons in the intelligence community, these operators, managed to get close enough to stick with him for a year, and then they grabbed him and brought him and turned him over the United States at the border. He was presented to the United States. Basically, here it is on a silver platter. Unfortunately, these operatives will never get the recognition that they deserve for what they did. It's the way it is. But that's the life that they chose. And without those people, we can't be here today. The nation can't be here today. Somebody has to be willing to do and go where nowhere else will go. or where nowhere else can go because somebody has to do it. And unfortunately, they end up, if they die, they end up a star on the wall. They end up a notch on a spot in Arlington. But nobody will know the true pain and suffering that they went through in their life, whether they survived or did not survive, and what they've done for our nation. No one will ever know. we know on this show we know and we thank you our fans thank you I also want to take this moment to say go to the show's website and subscribe for premium membership because we make donations to military families and people who are in need and we do this with sponsors and subscriptions Go to the subscription page and sign up. It's like two ninety nine. You get direct access to the show. You get you get quick email return if possible. You get priority email. You get backstage photos, scenes, and you also get invited to events and you get some merchandise items and you get autograph of my book. All right. Enough said on that. Let's talk about what's going on here. So he specifically wanted to target Jewish centers with a focus on Shabbat synagogues in New York. Shabbat synagogues in New York, folks. Now, I'm a Jersey person, so I know these places, and I know it's a large Jewish community. I come from that community. I'm Italian, but I came from that community. We grew up together. It's a very large, tight-knit community. They practice their religion together. They do a lot of things together. So this would have been a devastating attack on American soil against America and against the Jewish people. So not only is it an attack on the United States, but it would have been a hate crime on top of it. It's disgusting. What really sickens me is that anybody would ever target a house of God. religious institution regardless of what religion you stand for what it is you believe in people go to synagogues churches and all these places temples because they are being reverent they are celebrating life they are celebrating a higher cause and they are doing good deeds or trying to do good deeds They don't expect to be a part of the next terror attack or the next news cycle. They don't, and they shouldn't be. Sadly, a lot of churches and synagogues are hiring security. And now there's been some talk in certain areas where government is going to put legislation saying they can't do that. I don't know. That could be a topic for another day. But last I understood, there was a separation between church and state. So I don't know. Let's get into more details of what was going to happen. He had it all. He had this very well planned weapons and execution. He intended on using an A.R. fifteen rifle, the military style equipment, because he intended on doing a mass type shooting. Pretty scary stuff, pretty scary stuff. He was not here in the United States. I'm not where there's no information that I have or that I can put out right now. how far he got with gaining access to any weapons, what weapons training he had. But let's just put it like this. The plot was very far and it was going to happen. So again, thank you to the intelligence community. We all know how hard everybody in that community works. And I am happy for America and I'm happy for the Jewish people that this didn't happen. But he wasn't just going to do one. His plan was to attack multiple locations simultaneously, and he literally wanted to call a slaughter. To slaughter. That was his words. I'm quoting that if you're watching. I'm air quoting. He wanted to slaughter as many Jewish people as possible to show his support to ISIS. Right. Remember ISIS in Syria? Under the Trump administration, they were pretty much no longer existent because they were just getting bombarded with drones and missiles from ships and planes and jets and stuff. If you remember the fall of Syria and then ISIS started blowing up churches. That ISIS, you probably haven't heard of him in a while. Here it is again. ISIS support. How much anybody from ISIS was involved with this individual? I'm sure we'll get further on that moving forward. With that, let's take a short break and I'll break into what happened. At the Rembrandt Law Firm, we understand the importance of your constitutional rights. We truly care that we must get a client their desired result. If your freedom is compromised in any way, you call us. We do immigration, state and federal criminal defense, personal injury, bankruptcy, DWIs, family law, real estate law. We want you. to be confident in our ability to represent you. It must have been cold there in my shadow To never have sunlight on your face You were content to let me shine at your age You always wanted to step behind So I was the one with all the blame While you were the one with all the strength A beautiful face without a name, oh soon A beautiful smile to hide the pain Did you ever know that you're my hero? And everything I would like to be I can fly higher than an eagle For you are the wind beneath my wing If I have a fear to go unnoticed But I've got it all here in my heart I want you to know I know the truth Of course I know it I would be nothing without you Did you ever know that you're my hero? You're everything I wish I could be I could fly higher than an eagle For you are the wind beneath my wings Did I ever tell you you're my hero? You're everything, everything I wish I could be I can fly higher than an eagle You are the wind beneath my wings You are the wind beneath my wings Oh, the wind beneath my wing Oh, you, you, you You're the wind beneath my wing Fly, fly, fly away You let me fly so high. Oh, you, you. You're the wind beneath my wings. Oh, you, you, you. The wind beneath my wings. Fly. Welcome back to the Hostile Zone with your humble correspondent Eric A. Sinati right here coming at you iHeartRadio. TV if it's not on your cable provider demand to tell him you want the house files on if not go on to Roku Apple TV fire stick or any of them and you can get the shows there as well and all social media as well and every single podcast so this individual was arrested and he's facing heavy legal penalties he was apprehended in Ormstown Canada and and that was just before he was attempting to cross the border so he was planned and was now trying to make entry. However, he didn't, I guess, to his own, I guess, not really being that bright. The individuals he were working with were undercover intelligence operatives, so they were never going to let him cross the border. But he did attempt, he was going to cross the border, and they stopped him in Armstown, and then he was presented, turned over from these intelligence people to U.S. law enforcement. where now he faces charges for attempting to provide material support to foreign terrorist organization. I'm sure they're going to add on a whole bunch of new stuff, but that alone faces a minimum of a twenty year sentence. So. I don't know. Providing material support to a terrorist organization, if you read between the lines, folks. There's more to this case. because what material support did he provide? So far, we know the plan was to attack Jewish community groups, specifically Shabbat and synagogues during the holy time. He wanted to slaughter as many people to show his allegiance and support to ISIS. Now, when I put my lawyer hat on, I look at this and I say, He's facing charges of attempting to provide material support. Now, here's the thing. I can say with somewhat certainty that I understand where the attempt comes from, because he was actually communicating with undercover intelligence operators, operatives, operators, et cetera. So he actually was not in communication or so it says, where it says attempting, I would guess that that means that the only contact that he made with ISIS, air quoting again, is really with people who were undercover intelligence people, who again, put their life on the line every day, They have to go into communities and act and be just like people in that community so they can gain access to bad actors like this guy. So again, remember these unsung shadow heroes, the silent professionals. So that's a twenty year sentence, and I would attempt to think that that's probably the beginning charge. And I can only imagine how his interrogation process is going right now. I'm sure we'll find out more about that, but. Moving forward, the impact on national security is big. OK, this plot, it just highlights the ongoing continuous risk of homegrown terrorism and digitally radicalized. Homegrown terrorism and digitally radicalized. Let's understand what the difference of the two are. Homegrown terrorist is somebody who is from our home. Now, I guess he was in Canada. and he's a he's a Pakistani national but he was in Canada and they are part of North America so I guess you can kind of call that homegrown he's not like he came from Pakistan directly to do this right now he was here but the key is digital radicalization we talked about this stuff on this show a lot don't believe everything you read on the internet Don't believe everything you see on social media. And if you have children and you have people who are maybe not so connected to the community or maybe a little lost, these are the people they target and they look to turn these people. They're looking for somewhere to belong. generally, and I'm giving you a little psychological analysis here, a little behavioral science right here, a little behavioral analysis for you guys. The bad actors look for vulnerable people who will commit acts of terror on behalf for them. Because again, they don't want to do it themselves. They plan and have somebody else do it because they don't want to die. They don't want to go to prison. They'll have somebody else do it. Just like bin Laden didn't knock down our towers himself. He had other people do it. And then it took us to mitigate him. The rest of the people mitigated themselves in the towers. Think about that one, okay? So they look for people who are withdrawn from society, people that were picked on in school, bullied, people that have family discord issues, people that just are not fitting into society and have nowhere else to go, and they want to have a home. They want to feel part of something. They look for these people. That's why we need to be vigilant. Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. One eighty, one eighty, three sixty-five, three sixty. You must be paying attention. If you have children, you must pay attention even more. Because you don't know where they are on the internet and who they are communicating with. This particular situation worked out for the good. When this individual Muhammad was out there He came across undercover intelligence operators. So, yeah, they played the game with their forward-facing job, and then they got close to him, and they were able to gather the intelligence, which therefore now saved a lot of lives. And it saved a terror across the nation. Forget just the lives that would have been lost on the attack. his alleged slaughter he wanted to do? How about all the family members of the people that would have been slaughtered? How about all the first responders that would have had to respond? How about the people that witnessed it? And how about the rest of the country knowing we were hit? That is terror. It's not just the act. We are very, very lucky and thankful. Now, ISIS may no longer control a territory. We pretty much know that Under the Trump administration, they really, really, really put a heavy foot on ISIS. Really did. Really brought it down. But because they don't have a territory does not mean they don't have the ability to inspire attacks online. And that's a significant challenge for law enforcement and intelligence agencies, specifically for law enforcement, because it is a different plan, plan of actions, SOP, standard operating procedure for law enforcement or intelligence agencies. Law enforcement, really, they really got to pay attention to the Constitution There are certain times we mentioned yesterday, the Pfizer court, the foreign intelligence court, that would be a place to go get a warrant. But there are things that are out there that are just not able for them to do. That's why you have, there are separate agencies, but they are sharing information now. Maybe this didn't happen in previous years, but they're sharing information. So the people that are actually on the ground digging in, and gaining access to intelligence, real-time, actionable. And then they are developing that, providing that to a handler, back to the United States, to an analyst, who then makes that into a report They have names, but we're not going to go specific what they're called. But one of those reports that they would have a name might have redacted sections in it based on who needs to know what. But that report then will end up on the desks of the appropriate people in a bulletin or in a secured place, whoever might need to see that. It worked out here. It might not have worked out. With that said, keep a thought on that. We're going on a short break. Don't make me come looking for you. I better see you back. Ever thought about turning your spare change into serious investments? Let me introduce you to Acorns. This app makes investing as simple as one easy swipe of your credit or debit card. With Acorns, every purchase you make rounds up and invest the difference. Watch your future grow one swipe at a time. Start small, dream big. With Acorns, every bit adds up to something significant. Download Acorns today, forward slash share, or use your smartphone camera and scan the QR code on the screen, or enter my referral code, fifty six X J Q P C. Again, referral code fifty six X J Q P C and get five dollars for free compliments of me to start investing today just by downloading the app. Download Acorns now. I'm Eric A. Sinani, the host of the syndicated radio TV talk show, The Hostile Zone, right here on iHeartRadio. Welcome back. Welcome back. I always appreciate when you sit through the commercial. I know nobody likes commercials, but if you need sponsors, it's just the way it is. Anyway, so I'm glad that we were able to... provide this information tonight, follow up since yesterday about the terror plot. I'm very happy that it didn't happen. But if we have to be cognizant that the bottom line, this is a continuous threat. We have continuous issues going on worldwide. Geopolitically, there is something going on everywhere. And when I was saying yesterday's show, I pretty much knew what this was going to be today. But I was waiting for further information and what to say, but you have to be on the forefront. Okay. Everybody is, is a defender here because it's our country. It's our nation. And if we're not United, remember after nine, we were United. We stand, everybody flew flags. We seem to have drifted away from that, but I hope if you're paying attention to the show tonight, And you understood what would have happened on October seven and how many people would have been quote unquote slaughtered as this gentleman put it. I shouldn't say gentlemen as this terrorist says we would be in a different place. So keep that in mind as we are hating each other because of religious reasons and other stuff. Remember that people want to kill us just because we are Americans. They don't care if you're white, black, Jewish, gay, non-gay, binary, whatever you want to be. If you want to dress up like a clown and hang out at clown parties, it doesn't matter. You are American. They're going to hate you regardless. Now, this specific attack was geared towards the Jewish people, but it was to take place in New York City, the heart metropolis of the United States. So even if it was targeting the Jewish people, it is still an attack on the United States and an attack on our people. Whether it was on Jewish people or not, it's an attack on the United States. They are citizens of this country, and they are Americans no different than me or anybody else. I just want to be clear on that. So as we broke down and explained how this spoiled plot went down, it's very clear that vigilance and proactive intelligence efforts are crucial in the fight against terrorism. Now I'm going to bring this back again to yesterday. Proactive intelligence, absolutely imperative. If you remember, I used Leon Panetta's quote yesterday in yesterday's show. Mr. Panetta said that the quote was something to the effect of good intelligence and then democracy. We talked about it yesterday. I want to pontificate the point further. Proactive intelligence is very crucial. It's vital. But also American rights are paramount. Good intelligence is vital. but the rights of the American people are paramount. Remember that. Okay? Inalienable rights. We have that in the Constitution. So don't confuse proactive intelligence as over you know big brothers big brother and all this proactive intelligence goes to the level of not violating americans rights I'm not saying we should they should be mass surveilling people but we should be looking at communications in foreign countries and in trans and transactions between nations and persons calling hot-bedded areas etc this is why we have silent professionals all around the world who are living a forward-facing job somewhere gathering intelligence. I just want to make sure that nobody confuses when I said proactive intelligence efforts are crucial. They are, but I don't want you to confuse proactive intelligence efforts as saying Sonati supports violating people's constitutional rights. They are God-given inalienable rights that are the fabric foundation of the United States. That is why people like this terrorist want to attack the United States, because we have a document that is so strong that they can't break it. That document will not break. People may violate it and they pay a penalty for it. Maybe not right away, but that's what the courts are for. That's what judges and lawyers and courtrooms are for. I am not promoting mass surveillance. But some surveillance is necessary. So we have to find a happy middle on that. Having worked in this area, I understand how actionable intelligence is and how vital it is for us to do what it is we need to do to keep the people safe. I get that. I know that. Very, very knowledgeable in that area. But at the same time, I'm knowledgeable in the Constitution, and you have to weigh out the options. That's all I'm going to say with that. I don't want to beat that down, but I said proactive intelligence, and I also took apart Leon Panetta's quote yesterday, so I want to make sure you understand. Intelligence is good, but too much intelligence does affect democracy. I don't agree with what Mr. Panetta had to say. I liked the quote. I don't know the context in which he said it, but I can say that too much intelligence does not provide for a good democracy. Because when the people are afraid of their government, because their government is in your bedroom, as I say in this show, is reading everything you do and knows everywhere you go. Let's be real. They have cameras on every street corner now. They are using ring doorbells. get it check it out folks look up ring doorbell and see if they don't have a contract with law enforcement that they're taking people's ring doorbell footage and using it read the fine print whenever you're going to install an app on your phone this isn't even in the script folks I'm just putting it in because it needs to be there whenever you install an app on your phone you ever wonder why they have these great programs but they're free how do you think they make money everybody just says accept except if they slide their fingers and roll through all that print you can't read and they say accept people like me print it out and read it and it you know you scroll for five minutes it's like eighty pages a hundred pages of legal jargon saying they now have ownership to your phone I also want to say that they know they know what is there may not tell you but they know what's there there is collections going on and there's nothing you can do about that let's just hope that they're not reading everything unless that they're getting a warrant but for this particular case it occurred in canada and it does not matter in the sense of the constitution but I just needed to say that because I said the sentence about proactive intelligence and I did not want somebody to try to bot control me later so This gentleman's plan was stopped in time. The threat of radicalization continues to loom large. This is still an ongoing situation. Those intelligence operators are back out there doing their thing, back out where they are. There is radicalization. So if you're on the internet and you have children, See what they're looking at. Make sure that they're not falling into chat rooms and places where they get preyed upon. doesn't take much people post all their sad stuff on facebook twitter and and instagram and snapchat and and what's the other tick tock right so they broke up with their boyfriend they're crying to the world on face on on social media they break up they did they did this this happened that happened nobody likes me everybody hates me I'm being bullied well they put all this out on public And then there's bad actors who want to target the United States. But they're not tough enough, smart enough, or man enough to actually come here themselves and do something. So they will prey upon our youth and say, well, you won't be bullied anymore. You come to us and we'll make you part of our group. You'll stand for something. You'll be part of something. You're not. But people who are easily strayed believe that. And that's what I'm looking right at the camera saying we have to be vigilant on what it is we do on the internet and never go on the dark net. Never, ever go on the dark net. I'm not even going to tell you how to do it because it's accessible, but don't even think about it. You need tools to do it and programs. Don't do it. Bad, bad things happen there. Don't go there. So just remember that this serves as a powerful reminder that the fight against terrorism is far from over. Like I said yesterday, not if, when. We won this one here. Can't win every game. Okay, you just don't win. Nobody wins every fight, every game, everything. So not if, when. So you must stay vigilant. We have to remain aware and engaged. As I always say, danger doesn't take a day off. Neither should you. I don't take a day off. You don't take a day off. We all pay attention and we cooperate. We work together. Maybe we can continue to stop incidents like this from happening. Maybe this could be a show of how we're going to continue to move forward, that whatever plan you plan against us, we're going to figure it out and we're going to stop it. Let that be the plan of how we move forward. We haven't had problems in a long time. I'm glad we stopped this one now but I want to go to a couple minutes here about the debate tonight did you watch the debate there tomas yes I did did you indeed and what did you think of it I thought it went as I thought it would have went I think trump looked very frustrated and confused I won't say confused maybe frustrated yeah I think that they cut them off and they moved them around a lot and wouldn't let them talk on some topics the topics weren't very good topics either they beat on a lot of the same topic too right carrie you watched too right yes I did um and it went just exactly the way I figured it would too I gotta say they did really They really did not moderate, I think, as good as I would have hoped. And I'm not going pro-Trump or anything here because, honestly, I'm going to give a little credit to the vice president, man of vice president. I thought that Vice President Harris actually sounded pretty good. She wasn't giggling and laughing, as she always does. She seemed to be on point. I'm not gonna comment on her opinions, but I'm just gonna say her demeanor, her approach, her execution of her verbiage and how she was gonna do it. I thought it was a different Kamala Harris than we have seen. Do I think that Kamala Harris is what we need in the White House? No, I don't. But that's my personal opinion. To say she did bad tonight would be lying. And that would be fake news that would just pick a candidate and give you a hundred percent they support that person. I thought she sounded pretty good. I thought she came well prepared. She came to the show prepared, that's for sure. There was no giggling. I think that the problem for former President Trump, in my opinion, was that they didn't let him go down certain avenues that he wanted to go. And here's a very key point that I noticed, and I wonder if other people are going to report on this, other news outlets. notice that they had the microphones off normally the microphone stayed on if you rewind to two thousand sixteen trump v hillary clinton trump v clinton remember that that debate where they were standing and walking around and hillary was talking and he made the joke you'd be in jail right um the microphones are on during the other debates microphones are on So that plays a big part, at least in my opinion. Call me wrong. See if other outlets report on this. I noticed that they had microphones turned off. So they totally didn't even allow somebody to fully rebut because the microphone was off. I noticed the microphone to be off quite often for Trump. and I'm not saying that I'm giving him props or anything, but I do think that he wanted to go down an area, one specific one when they were discussing his hush money criminal charges, and then he wanted to talk about people that have done things and weren't charged with crimes. They kind of stopped that conversation, but that was his argument to his situation, and he should have been able to finish that point, at least I think. Yeah, I mean, I'm not out trying to say who won or didn't win. I don't even know. I didn't because I had to film now. I had literally rushed in and we had last minute information on this other story. So I don't even know what other news outlets are saying. I think that the microphones being turned off are definitely a fact changer. in the in the in this process let's see if that I'm going to call it now I think it's going to be something you're going to hear I think you're going to hear it from a lot of people and I think it's going to come out that hey it was a kind of unfair um that's just how I feel let's see how it works I I don't have I'm not going to call either way who won didn't win um I guess we'll see there's more debates to come I think that former President Trump probably was in his mind trying to not. It's very difficult for him. He's up against a woman of color and he's been very much attacked in the media. Right. Let's be real. Let's call it out. Spade a spade. He's not received good media. He doesn't. So if he had sharply attacked back like he did with, let's go back to two thousand sixteen in the Republican primary where he went at it with Ted Cruz and everybody there. That was the Trump you were expecting. He had to walk a fine line here because. She's a woman. and she's a woman of color and I'm sure that that plays into into the factor nobody I know it was even back in sixteen many pundits were talking about don't beat don't go out there and look like you're beating up a woman on the debate try to be a gentleman but he also has to win the debate I don't know that's all I'm gonna we're gonna cover the debate more but we really focused on this terror today so that's the little bit I have on that um Basically, you know, I think it went well. They focused on immigration economy. They talked about mass deportation and tariffs. A tariff is like a tax coming in. You know, going into the election, Trump does have the numbers. He has the numbers and he has the financial backing to do quite well. I think that Kamala did a very good job at distancing herself from the Biden administration. even to the fact of one time making a statement that to former President Trump, she said, you're not running against Biden, you're running against me. But Trump was leaning to the argument about the Biden administration, of which she is the number two person. But she did do very good at distancing herself from Joe Biden. But I think it was a strong performance for her I think it might toss the numbers a little bit. There's always post-debate polls, a jump or a fall. I wouldn't make this the game changer though. She did pop some zingers that obviously maybe a rattle Trump a little bit, probably because he wanted to be the Donald Trump we know, the one that's going to punch back. But I think he was trying to not be so aggressive. Maybe we'll see. how that works out in the polls. If it really is a substantial toss-up with the numbers, maybe we'll see a completely different Donald Trump in the next round. Maybe the next moderators might not turn the mic off. Maybe the mic isn't an issue. Maybe I just noticed it and I thought about it. I don't know. I'm your humble correspondent. I'm a pundit like everybody else. That's what I think. I guess we'll listen around. I'll pay attention tonight after we get off and see what they're saying. But this debate isn't just about politics. It's literally about the character and leadership of America's future. Okay, let's remember, it's not about the candidates. Let's forget the candidate for a minute. Okay, forget the person. Think about the position and what it is that they are going to do or what it is that they have done. What have they shown in the history of public service or business service, whatever they're doing that they show that they've accomplished. And what are they saying they're going to do with those accomplishments? further if they're elected into the next position that's what we should be looking at let's forget about all the side nonsense remember the beginning of the show people want to target and hurt us we need a strong leader we need a leader who is going to be respected maybe a little feared in a way for adversary nations but definitely a president of action, a president that people don't feel they can walk on, and a president that will stand up mighty and say, you strike America, we're coming back twice. That's what we need. We don't need to be in a war everywhere. We can keep our silent professionals doing what they do, doing a very good job. But our military is at the ready. And we need a leader of our nation who is prepared to utilize all resources when necessary in the protection of liberty and justice and the American people and the protection of our rights and our Constitution, regardless if it's Trump or Harris. One of them needs to be standing up as a leader. And who is it going to be? That's for you to decide in November. That's why you need to pay attention, like I say. So my closing tonight. Call to action. And this has to do with the election coming up and the terror stuff we were talking about. Three sixty three sixty five. One eighty forward. One eighty backwards equals one eighty plus one eighty folks equals three sixty. So, three-sixty, keep your head out of swivel, three-hundred and sixty-five days a year. Because you know what? The bad guy is not taking a day off. Terrorists don't go to bed and not wonder what they're going to do to us tomorrow. They're not going on vacation or holiday. They're working all the time. So we need to keep our eyes and ears open, folks. With that, I thank Carrie, my executive producer. Thank you, Tomas. Good job in helping prepare. Miss Bianca's doing a great job with her songs. Don't forget, we'll be on every night of the week. You can catch us on every podcast platform, iHeartRadio, whatever. Just Google the Hostile Zone. Reach out to the show. The best defense against terrorism is a strong United Nation. The best defense against terrorism is a strong United Nation. Remember that. Not United, like UN, a united country. And that quote comes from training purposes within the intelligence community. It's an unattributed quote, meaning it's an unnamed person. The best defense against terrorism is a strong United Nation. The stronger we are, and we look past color, pronoun, religion, and all this stuff, and remember that you're American, that is the best defense against terrorism. With that, we're going to go to the funny joke, and then we're going to go right to Bianca to take us out with pride. So, Tomas, why did the security guard take up painting? He got tired of seeing yellow tape. He got tired of seeing, really? No. Because he was good at drawing the line. La, la, la, la. drawing the line yep anyway folks thank you for coming to the hostile zone I appreciate every one of you thank you reach out to the show you are making us what we are giving you the real deal pulling back that curtain calling a spade a spade eric sanani signing off bianca c is going to take us out with honor pride and glory give it away bianca oh say can you see By the dawn's early light What so proudly we hailed At the twilight's last gleaming Whose broad stripes and bright stars Through the perilous fight We're so gallantly streaming And the rocket's red glare The bombs bursting in air Gave proof through the night That our flag was still there not going anywhere oh say does that star-spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave And the hope of the brave