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A Fireside Chat, September 25, 2010

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A Fireside Chat
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My Guest tonight is ECHAN DERAVY, Director of the groundbreaking film, Earth Pilgrims.   We spoke about the film as a literal Pilgrimage, and expanded upon the idea presented by Nasseim Haramein that Earth herself, our solar system and galaxy are all on their own Pilgrimage - venturing into NEW and UNKNOWN territory every moment at millions of miles per second.  The film weaves wonderful wisdom from the leading spiritual "movers and shakers" of our time; such as Satish Kumar, Wade Davis, Graham Hancock, Peace Pilgrim, Nassim Haramein, Coleman Barks and Sufi wisdom through RUMI.  The film follows Echan around the globe to the spiritual "hot spots" and ancient sites in the Andes, where an annual pilgrimage is made up the mountain, using cactus juice, joy and love.  This is a journey beyond our world of strife, which demonstrates NEW possibilities, uplifts, inspires and informs.  Echan's amazing insight, humor and wisdom FILLED this show to overflowing, and it's a power packed hour that you don't want to miss!


You can download EARTH PILGRIMS from Amazon dot com immediately for under $2.00.  This is a paradigm shifting film; better yet, own it and share it with everyone you know!

Guest, Echan Deravy

Guest Name
Echan Deravy
Echan Deravy, J.C. Gabriel, Scottish Pilgrim, Author, Speaker, Interpreter, Profound Spiritual Thinker and Film Director
Guest Occupation
Scottish Pilgrim, Author, Speaker, Interpreter, Profound Spiritual Thinker, Film Director
Guest Biography

Echan Deravy

Echan Deravy, a lifelong pilgrim from Scotland, passed through 75 countries before settling in Japan where he established himself as an author and public speaker on issues of planetary concern, metaphysics, spirituality, and remote viewing. Echan has become a vital link between Japanese culture and the West, acting as interpreter for figures such as Graham Hancock and leader of many journeys with Japanese to sacred sites around the planet. He currently has over a dozen books in print in Japanese and a series of DVD talks recorded over the last 6 years-all in Japanese. His key concern is conscious evolution. Find his homepage at


Earth Pilgrims: A spiritual adventure documentary with profound thinkers and insights that lead us on a journey to discover our own inner solutions to the global problems that surround us.

On a planet in peril, in a world swamped with problems, how can we - as individuals - make a difference? How can we make the world a better place? Earth Pilgrims is a spiritual adventure documentary that journeys across four continents, beginning in the eastern Buddhist pilgrimage tradition, moving westwards across the old world through to the new. Featured are profound interviews with great thinkers and important figures including Graham Hancock, Satish Kumar, Nassim Haramein, Wade Davis and Peace Pilgrim who share their own insights as to how the grand pilgrimage of life is affected by everything we do.

The underlying message of the film is that we cannot fix the world problems around us with external solutions because they do not work. But each of us is a part of the whole, and if we can work on ourselves to become more aware and productive people, then we are already making a difference in the world, and making it a better place.

To prove the point, the film climaxes at 16,000ft among 60,000 Quechua Indians making the annual Qoyllur Rit'i pilgrimage of gratitude to water, and to the spirits and forces that surround and uphold them, leaving us with the insight that, as the Hopi say, we are the one's we've been waiting for, and that if we just realise this and accept our burden, we can leap from the jaws of imminent destruction into a new era of human consciousness on this planet.

The Earth Pilgrims film crew had an ordeal of altitude sickness and headaches climbing to 16,000ft in order to capture this magnificent ceremony on film. However the harmony that emerged between us as outsiders and the 60,000 indigenous pilgrims astonished us all and we were greeted without a hint of discord or unwelcome. The sense was that the shamanic cactus ceremony undertaken in preparation for this pilgrimage had brought us into a mental and emotional space that the Quechua natives easily related to.

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A Fireside Chat

A Fireside Chat with Lance White, aka Zany Mystic
Show Host
Lance White, aka Zany Mystic

The focus of these inter-connected shows spanning 8 plus years is the practical and metaphysical application of ancient wisdom and future technologies. 

The shift into 'new dimensions' is instant and already is... visionaries have paved 'the way'. Let's unite as a unified quantum field of Consciousness, Light and profound Joy. 

Change the world within, sitting cozy, warm and loved with: A Fireside Chat with the Zany Mystic!

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