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Reaching For The Gold, September 24, 2013

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Families come in all shapes
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Learning to Love Yourself and Others

This show deals with families in all their many sizes and shapes. One guest - Carolie Warren - has written a book, entitled "But Mama Why Does Grandpa Get To?" This volume is designed to teach young people about care giving and the role that they might play in this process. In oyher words, it helps them become more mature and meaningful members of a family.

Bob Linscott is Assistant Director of the Boston-based lgbt aging project. This organization helps people form families - or at least support groups - if they do not already have one. It makes lie a bit more comfortable for people who becaue of their alternative life styles have been obliged not the mold themselves into loving units. 

Guest, Bob Linscott

Guest Name
Bob Linscott
Picture of Bob Linscott
Guest Category
Guest Occupation
Advocate for Seniors
Guest Biography

Bob Linscott is assistant director of the Boston-based lgbt aging project. In that position, he works to make certain that aging people with alternative life styles have an opportunity to enjoy as much support as anybody else might. He also works to bring together intergenerational groups. That can become quite a challenge considering the vast social changes that have occurred in the past few decades. At one point, gays, lesbians and others were obligef to hide their identities. Now, young children claim, for example, that they are girls even though they have been designated as being boys. 

Guest, Carolie Warren

Guest Name
Carolie Warren
Carolie Warren
Guest Occupation
Author, Junior High Principal
Guest Biography

Innumerable books have been written about care giving for the elderly. But Carolie Warren's volume - But Mama How Come Grandpa Get's To Put His Feet Up on the Couch?" talks a fresh approach. it is written to help children better understand the need to remain patient and loving when dealing with the elderly. How can they become part of a circle of love that surrounds and supports this person?

An important part of this message: This elder deserves respect becaue of the work they have done on this earth and the fact their efforts helped support many poeple.

Ms. Warren is a principal at a middle school so she has viewed aging from two perspectives: Young people coming into their maturity and aging people leaving their final mark.

Reaching For The Gold

Reaching For The Gold with Harriet Tramer
Show Host
Harriet Tramer

A publishing journalist and a college instructor Harriet finds that these two careers have much in common as they both demand honing communication skills every day. Harriet instructs her students almost exclusively online and her writing is published in print and over the web. Times change but the need to speak to your audience by being concise, yet intriguing, is key.

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