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Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James, January 26, 2022

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Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James
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How Women Manage and Mismanage Their Health with Susan Salenger, and End-Time Living with David S. Heeren

Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James

How Women Manage and Mismanage Their Health with Susan Salenger, and End-Time Living with David S. Heeren

Susan Salenger, author of Sidelined: How Women Manage and Mismanage Their Health, explores the reason and impact of women neglecting their own healthcare while being the gatekeeper for ensuring that their loved ones’ healthcare needs are managed properly. And Bible scholar David S. Heeren helps believers prepare for the Second Coming of Jesus by helping them understand what will happen and why. His latest book is End-Time Living: Despite Conflict and Hardship, All Is Well.

Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James

Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James
Show Host
Dr Dravon James

In today’s busy world it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and disconnected. Dr Dravon James helps to inspire, empower, and educate people to live the life of their dreams. Focusing on health, wealth, and relationships, Dr. James offers strategies that work for everyday life.

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positive prayer from Silent Unity the newest in voice-activated technology available on any Alexa enabled device like the Amazon Echo each prayer and meditation on positive prayer will help strengthen guide and comfort you just say Alexa open positive prayer you can ask for specific prayer on topics like healing prosperity and comfort give it a try today<br> thanks for joining us online the voice of an Awakening world<br> Empower yourself and get inspired to build the life of your dreams<br> welcome to Everyday peas with dr. dravon James<br> hello and welcome to our show on Doctor Dre Bond James and this is everyday peace and I'm so super excited to be here with you today as we explore the concept of living a life of Peace everyday piece defined as wholeness completeness nothing missing nothing broken totality how amazing is that I made it it just the lights me every time I say it because it brings it back to my memory that I have the ability that no matter what is going on in the world no matter what's going on in my world and my mind know her mind tries to punish us sometimes I still have the ability to live at peace<br> had the choice is so do you nothing missing nothing broken totality holness completeness piece everyday and so on the program we talked about this philosophy of every day peace and a system for us to achieve our next level of greatness we also bring the guest and the topics that highlight those opportunities for us to learn and to grow and even entertaining sometimes we have some amazing guest on this show and today is just as amazing unbelievable guess today I cannot wait to introduce them to you over the last couple of weeks however we have been talkin about goals that's right with better time to talk about gold then the beginning of the year so how to set them how to make them how to how to progress towards them if you missed any of these episodes I strongly encourage you to please go back and listen to them and you will not be disappointed you can listen to the Past<br> those our entire library of past episodes by the way by subscribing to the doctor dravon James everyday piece podcast on Apple Spotify Google play Stitcher or you can listen on Unity online radio. Org website you can also access these past shows and a lot of free material and just a lot of help by visiting my website the new and improved the fabulous website doctor drayvon if you if you don't visit frequently I encourage you to do so we got wonderful free course the beer we got great interviews up there we got encouragement just things to help us and to remind us that yes no matter what's going on today you can live a life of every day Peace So as you know our theme for 2022 is it's time to improve my life I just love saying that I have<br> it's time to improve my life last week we talked about why we put this theme in the first-person why do we do that because we all need to take personal accountability for achieving the life that we want this is our journey right let's let's achieve the life that we want which brings us to our everyday peace moment so dating back to last year we have been discussing the importance of setting your goals for 2022<br> and setting them in the right way as everyday peacemakers you know that how you set your goals are critical and it's critically important to achieving those goals but we also know when it's time to get to work and I got to tell you this this is the season for action<br> this is the season for Action you could spend your whole life planning waiting for everything to a line just perfectly right this is the season for Action let's think about it if you had a health goal you've been planning it out the best when you know this if you can listen to the past episodes first think of the person you want to become and the habits this person would have I love talking about this because I know that your goals are attainable when you approach them the right way so we're going to be talking more and more about goals as we go on on throughout the year if you have not connected with me and you were struggling with this and the past if you have missed your Mister Mark you haven't hit your goals don't worry about that this is your season this is your year connect with me I got a wonderful wonderful coaching group called l in high heels<br> I know I know I can already hear the men's team leaders and high heels yes this is it is exclusively for women not to worry I do have coaching Goose that I work with both men and women but right now we are enrolling in L and high heels if you are looking to achieve some incredible goals this year check out my website message me you can visit my social medias you guys know but I'll say them again everyday piece on Facebook LinkedIn and Instagram so that being said it's time to get in motion with our goals<br> be going to bring out our first guests of the of the show and our first guest today is Susan Susan Susan Salinger I told you I can say great in the greenroom Susan Salinger she is here to discuss her upcoming book sidelined how women manage and Miss manage their health this is right up my alley I got to tell you Susan and I'm in the healthcare profession for over 30 years<br> this is such an exciting and relevant topics is that I want to welcome you to the show thank you so much and I was so happy to hear that one of your goals are your major goal is to help women improve their lawyer to help people improve their lives cuz my book is designed to help women improve their health care so we're certainly on the same page. No pun intended absolutely and you know what I couldn't help but then when I read about your you're the wonderful work that you're doing I'm like oh my goodness I was convicted you know there's some things in my own house that I need to get on right away and take in and put what started you on this journey of being so passionate about women and and their health Journey<br> well I just had to I had a very bad experience with a doctor many years ago and and I had I agreed to some surgery that I knew I didn't need I had changed medications have some common side effects and he said well he did some tests and everything was fine and normal and he said will you need exploratory surgery and I knew in my gut that I didn't I was absolutely positive but nevertheless the next thing I knew there I was you know line on her for anything wheeled into the operating room with all the tubes that are attached and so ashamed of myself and of course they did the surgery and everything was normal and I went back on the old medication and I was just fine and I thought to myself why did I ignore my gut I couldn't believe I did that so I just started talking to some other women and said I talked to quite a few of them and found that almost all of them had at one point or another just made some sort of medical decision that they later regret it and I began to really do some<br> search I thought it's just this but maybe it was just a particular group of women that I know that I talk to but of course it turned out it wasn't and there's a ton of literature on how women we don't put ourselves first we put our families first wonderful little survey done where women were asked to rate like five things in order of importance and the first thing that we will they fight and I'm as guilty as all of us in a week we first we take care of our children and then here I'm not so guilty but the second thing was there Pat the third thing was their spouses or significant others before 7 I forget but the fifth they will ask them with some cells and so that was also the impetus for me to write the book because I think we really need to put ourselves first and I bet you do you know I got an interject I'm a little surprised that the pets came before the spouse I don't know that I don't know if that rubs anybody else interested in me but I<br> like what laugh when I read in that I laugh when I say it but the reality is that is not funny I mean imagine put in your dog or your cat or maybe your I wanna before yourself and I don't know<br> when you said that you would I really thought about is it that always I've done I could post on social media about this the airlines say put your own oxygen mask on first ladies and the fact that we have not gotten the message I'm really not understanding why you no put your and I include myself in this because it's somewhere along this training that we all go through to become a woman I don't know if it said or putting them in the bottles that we we know we are nurturers but we believe that everybody life is more important than all like we come here just to lie down and be you know absolutely I agree with that 1000% and I think you know throughout history<br> not only medical history but just history women have been devalued and and misunderstood our bodies have been misunderstood I think so many of us have been turn allies this and we can find ourselves and standing in second place and not even know that we're standing there it's just it's a matter of habit medical history and women do not have hundreds of years ago the judge said that a Cellar full of daughters for a house full of daughters with a Cellar full of sour beer the Chinese called as maggots in the rice I mean it's you know it's goes back a long way I'm unfortunately but there it is so interesting right so interesting that we are so awesome and I am maybe I'm an eternal optimist I guess I believe he know that we are all both both know genders are so necessary we know how<br> how can we survive without the male species and how can the male species and I said you know what I say we I mean the human race how can we see if I forgot the female species we are so necessary equally necessary right and I don't know no hierarchy and it equally necessary and that seems that seems really nice to me but but it doesn't see me<br> operate that way I think one of the things I found the most interesting and it really made me feel sad and I and I said I do it too but so many of the women I interviewed blames their illness whatever it was they blamed it on their stress and they saw it isn't as it is a how do I say the manifestation of their inability to manage their stress they felt that by being shipped it was almost a public acknowledgment that they couldn't manage their lives so many of so many of them were operating from a place of Shame and I think that that's one of the things that has women and maybe man I don't think men do it as much but as women we certainly need to overcome that I think it was very important to remember and this is almost my mattress that sells carry Quinn's Healthcare and you can't take care of yourself if you're consist I like you were saying earlier if you consistently blame yourself it's hard to get past that it really<br> and I think that there's two there's a lot you know some people are stressed and get 6 and some people aren't stressed and get sick and there it is we have no control and I can hit that snow is really what we have to realize how many people smoke and get lung cancer and how many people have lung cancer that have never smoked is not a correlation but not always not all alcoholics have liver disease you know it just it just depends to a certain extent not always but to a certain extent why don't you that I love something that you just said I've never and I've got I've been in healthcare for over 30 years I've never heard it said the way you just said that you know people sometimes blame your illness on strep hear that all the time but you took it to this level to just open my eyes like a ha and so women will say you know what I want tuna go with autoimmune diseases cuz they are on the road<br> rap and soul you say okay why I have this autoimmune disease and it's because of stress put on the back and you pointed to something that I think is so true and behind all of that what we're really saying is that and it's my fault because I have an inability to manage stress better you so you see I had not only am I sick physically but I'm also this week individual who has no ability or intelligence over managing stress oh my God you know what I think that just to take it one step further I think that what happened and when you do that to yourself I think that wee wee it makes it more difficult to recover because now not only do we have to get well soon this lie but we have to prepare ourselves emotionally so that our I think that our recovery effort to get split into two directions instead of just focusing on getting physically better get it<br> you're so right because I can I hear this you know okay well<br> is Stress Management could help you then let's just go straight to the solution let's get you some Stress Management not let's not blame you because for doing the best you could doing the most stressful periods of your life and you did it and you're still here and we're so proud of you and here is how we're going to help you help yourself to heal so you can enjoy the next leg of your journey absolutely absolutely not only do they feel that their stress caused their Illness but then they feel guilty for being sick because they can't fulfill their responsibilities whatever they may be whether they're at work or with children or in the household or all of the above and so I think that we lie there until guilty blame ourselves and then we worry about everything else that we can or should be doing and I know that's a problem<br> difficult for women to Bly thinking you were right about autoimmune diseases talk about the women that you interviewed in your very very eye-opening book of the book again is Sidelines how women manage and Miss manage their health tell us how do you find the women you interviewed for the book but I went into all the various support groups and I just put it out there I said that I was a writer and I was interested in doing a book and I would love to hear their stories and I got a lot of replies swim if they were so generous Deborah I can't tell you how a generous everybody was and then the other thing I did is I put together a couple of focus group and this I found mind-boggling as well I put two focus groups together<br> and in each group 100% of the women had never talked about your illness with anyone other than their doctor and that was the other reason I station because I think that we should kick it early with a chronic disease will not pretend. I think that we we need each other and we need support and I think to try to take an illness Journey alone is is a very difficult thing to do and I don't want to come in by that because most women don't want the attention on themselves right there as you mention the beer and then you get this you know it's almost like they don't make yourself a bother you know I can remember it as a kid in here in this crazy you don't want to go over somebody else's house<br> make yourself useful and make yourself quiet and got two positions here right<br> so you think you realize that these people that you've been taking care of you know your whole life and now you need to be taken care of you don't even know how to start that conversation know absolutely ashamed you don't want to talk to anybody about if you don't want anybody to know but I can understand that but you're doing yourself I think the true disservice the one thing you're cutting off any chance and support because then then you're in it by yourself you are not alone I'm actually surprised you tell everybody I do say the same thing to what am I keeping this for you know put it out in the universe let it dispersed and you know get concentrate get that loot it down and it won't be upset<br> how much time do you have cuz I really need somebody to talk to or you going to be sorry I told you get that new in in the maybe that's up we need to start off that way I think you know a lot of times we do feel like no one wants to hear this and you know we are so much advocate for the family and you know even when we have adult children or causes children making sure they're getting a dental appointment make sure this is done when they come home for break that's sort of my life you know right and then I'll go back and look how fast do for this appointment but I don't want to run out of time cuz to me it's so important is it women hesitate to get second opinion and we're misdiagnose so much more often than women and minorities are misdiagnosed 20 to 30 per cent more than the<br> is the population and there's like 12 million people are misdiagnosed annually I mean that's a lot and I think it's so important for women to get second opinion and you know we don't do it because he can wear talk to play nice we don't want to be rude we don't want to hurt the doctor's feelings but I really didn't want to let the time go by without doing just a little bit of 3G and I can't know I appreciate that because I do know that I've heard that that women do not get second opinions and you're probably right you know they don't they don't want to insult the doctor or the ER she is an expert in your field also one thing I can think to is probably time-consuming right with all the other things that they have to do in the course of a day or a week or a month now to do to try to find another practitioner to set the appointment up to find time to go to that<br> it's a lot of work and as we said women are doing the work they'll do it for a loved one they just can't they just choose not to prioritize them self so what can we do how can we change is there to your book is very informative set before you answer that question where can we find the book give us the title and where we can find it again it's called Sidelines and Miss manage their health it's on Amazon and it's on all of the other you know the regular website and I have to put inside line how women manage cuz there's several books that have sideline as their first title so it's all over the Amazon would probably be your best bet<br> everything that I would definitely go on that encourage our listeners to please if you yourself were a woman by this book if you know and love and appreciate a Woman by this book for her she will thank you for what you did Nala sitting in the information she get will be could save her life right but it cut and it's under helped by the book obviously but even if you don't it's a back-of-the-book there's a list of resources that I put a lot of work into and it tells you how to do your research research research research it tells you how to research your your your illness your treatment whatever if you have to and you can't afford the fuck I don't even know what Amazon is charging but just go to the bookstore and don't tell anybody I said this but browse through the back pages and it isn't there so much important information back there<br> oh you're so generous you are so generous yet you're right there's important information the back of the book that you definitely want to take advantage of make sure that you yourself are getting your your appointment let this let this conversation encourage you to be an encouragement to another woman in your life right to judge them a little bit to make that nut and I appreciate how you start up the interview by giving that very personal and vulnerable statement about how you got this exploratory surgery and it was necessary in that how you knew when your gut there is something about that intuition<br> right right I think it's so important to listen to ourselves sometimes I guess if it's an emergency obviously you can't you do what you're told till over the next day I could have gotten stuck in the Pinya and I could have researched I could have weight of it you know I got frightened of what happens and I think that we all need a we get frightened or we get a shame we don't want anybody to know so there's all these reasons that we don't listen to ourselves we don't listen to her. And I think that's where I was at that's where that's where I was really cool inside about improving your life is improving how you think about yourself and how you take care of yourself just what you were saying I think it's so important here. Prioritize now on health care how does that translate to having a female doctor versus a male doctor<br> let you know since you're still out everybody asked me that and I'm going to answer it into wait first of all and I researched that particular question I realize that my doctors are both male and female which frankly I hadn't even thought about but I think the first thing you want to do is find the most competent doctor in gender has nothing to do with confidence in both genders but and there is some of the some of the literature says that women doctors are better some says male doctors are better so I think the answer but just try not to avoid the question but truthfully I think the answer is to thin one make sure you get somebody that you think is confident because you've done your research you know where they've trained you know what the quality of the hospital where they did their internship and residency but the other thing is to find somebody that you're comfortable with and I think that that is equal<br> is important because the more comfortable you are the world the memorials describe your symptoms you won't be intimidated you'll ask more questions and you'll have a much better results you'll have a better. Perhaps a more accurate diagnosis and certainly you'll understand what you have and what the treatment is I think there was I was trying to remember but I think I read something like it mean when trying to find my notes here but it's awesome at least 15 to 20% of us never leave the doctor's office and don't understand what we have and you can't you know that's that's a real disservice to yourself you've got to understand what it is know exactly what you're supposed to do and then of course follow through with thank you so much we are we are at the end of this Susan you have been a breath of fresh air the information you shared with us is as so very important be back after this break with our next guest thank you for being on every day please for dr. Dre by James<br> thank you<br> create and build a life of your dreams welcome back to Everyday Beast with dr. dravon James<br> welcome back I'm dr. Dre Von James this is everyday peace we have a wonderful wonderful guests coming up David Herron David is the author of the book in time living despite conflict and hardship all is well welcome to the show David we're super excited for our discussion, thank you thank you for your welcome I appreciate that so we're talking about the end of times and I got to tell you I know this topic has been talked about written about so many times I've been so many predictions so much beer and hype around is this it is this the end of time and yet you have some refreshing encouraging news about the end of time which I am excited to talk about it before we get right into that really quickly how did you how did you get involved in all this what what led you to be in<br> just did in in spreading this good to hear I'm glad you said that because it was really kind of weird and I'll have it before and I have never experienced anything like this I got the book of Isaiah and by the time I got to the 6 chapter lived someplace kind of stand for something got the conversation ended the conversation I can just picture and he must have been really concerned about it because I was this moment when I was reading it because I was thinking wow why don't I do the same thing and lonely home starting the next day as I read through the rest of the book I began to understand things in the property that I have never understood before<br> obviously I don't know what all more than I did but I thought well I'm going to Alex we got a great time anytime as well bottom line is it's been nine books on this subject are related to it in the last 15 years and I haven't had a chance to retire because I had a chance to help people let me share with people of things that and I have learned that it's important because he put the positive perspective on something to do for should not be afraid of Jesus said clearly do not be afraid don't even worry about it now I'm picking a different context here and there but all of it was related to the end time he said don't worry about it I can I can handle it<br> and you can too if you just have to stand for something. The bottom line is a lot of people want one of them and it's not really an awful thing to be scared but you don't want to let it dominate your resistance to the point where you get obsessed with it and become obsessed in a very negative way the point where their their lives or trying to avoid this anyway can I possibly can this is going to happen in all nations not going to exclude Mr Herrick going to be a hard time but it's going to be sure he said he said he was going to shorten that time. For the sake of the elect people trust him do it<br> right off the top it's not something to be terrified of it is snot<br> well you know I ain't is you talking about it in again for our listening audience we're talkin about the end of times as spoken about in the Bible and David has written amazing book concerning that and we're talking about you know how did how did live in this how to live with this knowing that the end of time is coming but still be I guess I'm good cheer I want to see it that way it's all in time living despite conflict and hardship all is well so much comes to my mind when I when I read the title of the book because despite conflict and hardship while there's conflict and hardship around us to some degree everyday right and so it's almost like our life's journey is preparing us right we have the abilities I want to see it this way we had the ability<br> to develop our faith muscle<br> every day there's going to be something that arises in this moment in this day in this week in this period of time that makes us feel fearful and then in that moment we have the ability to turn to let go of the fear into turn towards faith faith is that we can stay at the same time not go for a far so you have to see what I mean by that when you mention here or do not be afraid do not be afraid the Bible says that so many times I remember reading somewhere I was recently searched and that years and years ago and I can't remember how many times has the phrase in some form or fashion fair not fear not do not be afraid appears in the Bible right and<br> and I thought to myself at that point my life well I'm afraid of everything. This is working out for me right but what I know is that as we grow and develop right the things that you were afraid of 16 15 years ago you seen the Triumph of the Lord over those things in your life or you can bear witness to seeing them in somebody else's life and then it gives you more courage to save up<br> I've seen God do this before I seen this resolved itself before by the way it by the hands of the Lord I just want to build my confidence not in myself necessary but in what God can do right back and he said all is well but it really gotten to me since you know living despite conflict and hardship and we are doing that on free everyday living like that we could see it in her eyes and the Fulfillment of Jesus prophecy<br> I would like to interject something here because God sees God has I just learned this as I was trying to distance to discern what will be the outcome of all this so I missed this. Matthew 24 the sermon that you're talkin about 7 Luke 21 in Mark 13 people who are preachers Paul of this process and forth everything he talks about<br> all kinds of different when she talks about persecutors talks about a therapist lot of its implying a lot of it straight out the Destroyers were destroying everything Raiders were betraying your own family but listen to this and this is from four different parts of of the scriptures the outcome for the for the bad guy all right on Jeremiah 30 15 to 17 it says the devourers will be devoured the enemies will be exiled plunderers will be plundered the spoilers will be despoiled and then it says the persecutors will be shamed Terror will be terrified the Destroyers will be destroyed and the final one is Isaiah 33126 and all of these are our text it<br> with the enzyme in that in that one it says the Traders will be betrayed so start off with that punishment has ordained for the bad guys we don't have a bad guy. He's going to say well okay we're going to let them get away with that. If it is that he loves them and wants to call him back to himself that's his will always happens but he does love people just doesn't love them enough to let them get it to get away it with this terrible Behavior<br> right and I love the fact that you interject it that they're David because I think so often believer some Believers are discouraged by the fact that they don't see you know the traitors of being punished or those who are doing things and a wicked way being punished and it always makes me go back to Jonah in the end people via none of us cuz we none of us and you know you know you are the person that God had a love for them to hear was sending Jonah on this on this trip to go save those people and if they would have turned from their Wicked Ways and you know like there's that verse in the Bible says if my people would turn from their Wicked Ways right and to be a real given the opportunity so that's for people that's going to be like<br> right under stand that and God said well it was because of all those innocent babies and in the innocent domesticated animals that's what he said it wasn't because of the weather going crazy and doing all these dead think I'm going to spare that City at least for now because it's because of babies and domesticated animals got it was what's going on oh I'm so glad you know this is this message is so encouraging and I hope our audience is getting that cuz I'm feeling left it in my spirit is talking about that but we go bad and I think it was a lot and they were traveling but you're doing a time. And God was going to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah I think and he said what if you find one good person there you know I don't think that it down to one but you guys down to 10 and then if the guy<br> what did you find gas. Okay I want to see I knew exactly what it was but it does go to show that we have a loving God and provider and protector and savior and that he does want us to have every opportunity to turn towards him for for our complete salvation and that we do have that opportunity that all is not lost as some would have us to believe because we've made some decisions in our life that we're not a hundred percent of lined with the Savior you know he has made Provisions for our for our missteps and even even are intentional wrongs and that made his is Ludacris's that may sell there is that so we know that there is betrayal and persecution were mentioned by Jesus in the Beatitudes Jesus said when we are<br> persecuted our Heavenly reward is great when we are persecuted are heavily rewards great how should we respond if when we are we may experience hardships like these today you know there's a lot of people who would say you know persecution it appears in so many ways and their life you know because of the results of the coronavirus in this pandemic has been going on forever people are experiencing hardships that are of no fault of their owner people are being wrongly accused wrong how should we approach those things today<br> well I think you I think you answered it along the way it's a matter of trusting him and what he says because he says the outcome is going to be fine it's going to be hard but you can do this and trust me stand firm don't don't runaway don't don't be given if you are scared to tell me about it and it it's it's it's it's not it's not like that's not the way it is because all of us will short of the glory of God but he sent Jesus to take care of that and he did when he died on the cross<br> if we trust in for are accounted for by Jesus is home suffering and death because he was Son of God so he was able to do that when you trust him and then we go from there and in our daily lives we trust him some more I never my life when she was Victorious and her life was amazing I do too much into it that I can remember hearing you talk about trusting God and guns are best thing I will not go back together and they all gathered around all of a sudden<br> he did that tell everybody that she loved them telling us that he loves us and we trust him it will be alright<br> yes I think that is the whole thing and I got to say this but I know we have listeners who are so ready to hear the message that you were giving today is that in my question was he know how do people deal with these hardships now you said trust God you said it's going to know that it's going to be fine don't run away don't run away and so I can I hear that with my inner ear so many ways don't run away from our Lord and savior still keep your trust there but that also could mean don't run away from that situation to that sometimes you're in a situation really go into prayer and meditative prayer and seek the guidance from God because he answered that he has one person may not be the answer that he has for you you have to really see could God have that personal relationship through study and prayer meditation that guides you because he does send people into certain situations to be<br> therefore season 2 impact that we go back to Jonah who was going there to deliver that message for a reason and then you may be the person that he's sitting you know to go through and you know not stay in that situation for whatever reason so I think that's so important that our listening audience get that is that you know trust God no they know that everything is going to be fine and Don't Run Away really lean into that relationship with God so how can we put it but it's more than that because<br> it's it's sometimes it's a situation we get into it seemed like the worst turn out to be the greatest opportunities and that was great and it's the same way in the end at the end of the year and of course the revival can very well be rekindled by hardship it always is always been some real people in real distress that crazy Kimberly scrape revivals and sometimes it's only been a few so according to what Jesus said the way it reads is that yes these bad things are going to happen cuz I'm going to shorten that time and then there is going to be a time which I think is equivalent because I know what I know about his truck so I think these<br> a restoration Revival and if people coming back to him and so that Wednesday return on what is the Bible refers to the Lord Zechariah says that one-third of the human beings on the face of the Earth are going up soon or right now I think it's the numbers probably lowered now 15 years ago<br> Billy G & D James Kennedy I was in church at the time they both said that the people in this world who actually are they then going to be with the Lord and they both indicated that it would be less than 10% of people have to be changed your mind and heart in order for 8% or whatever it is is a billion people in this terrible time. But it also a great opportunity and a great blessing but it's going on with you<br> upside down against them you know this see you people going up there then would have done so if it were not for this. Of time because I never thought about it quite that way is right now we don't have the number is so small but these people are going to convert a change from their ways and it's going to be as a result of this very challenging situation because we do know that happens if you can look right now in our own lives and we can say that for a lot of people and I know people that this is true for that the covid-19 very very difficult for their family for them personally and for their family but what happened is that their family bond was strong<br> didn't buy this very challenging there was no precedent for we didn't have any either we just didn't know if we were living in this constant annoying but at the end and we're still not at the end where was still here in it but what they've come through this is with a tighter bond for those which they call family and I think that and the family of God will be drawn into a closer bond with God and then that's what that's that's Revival concentration camps communist people being persecuted tortured really really bad and is there and he knows a woman who has been beaten to death by Communists are<br> one day it's the woman's 12 year old son shows up want to talk to the guard who killed his mother answer a flower today is my mother's birthday and I want and she said I should love everybody even those who were evil from the evening and so I'm giving you the flower that we normally have for my mother for her birthday well two days later<br> Joseph in the prison is voluntarily giving himself up and they could be called himself told him to see him just like any other could not stand it anymore if you could not do it to him and the love of this little boy turned into a great victory<br> and it took is in it and I see your point I hope I listen to do to it was the life of his mother was the sacrifice to bring that man into the family of God and so would not be angry he is giving this guy who killed his mother of flower right that snacks that's next level understanding but the book is so powerful and it is an encouragement it is it is a light tell us again the title and where our listening audience can get the book<br> since I'm living and it actually can be obtained just anywhere where they sell books if they don't have it in stock they can order it the way it goes down a lot lot of places that the water them on the man but probably probably probably does<br> I have a website in X and X so I think ours are still available at that site so there really a variety place where it might be so I don't think they can I think it's I think it's available I don't think it's totaled out<br> I really got to thank you for taking you said you in the beginning of the show you said you went into retirement and and this is what you've been working on this is your ninth book you said I believe and so because of that once I just checked on Amazon for our listening audience of those of you who are interested in obtaining the book in time living is available is in stock right now on Amazon you can order today at least in my area and have it by Wednesday so I encourage you to really check out this book it's encouragement to to a nation of people who are seeking Comfort during unprecedented times right in, just popped into my head is exactly the time when you said it so Comfort is the word<br> yes and in the end I don't think it was a better time for this book to come out really I don't because there are so many things that people are so curious about the outcome but fear not in your books is dozen such a wonderful job of pointing that out to as I'm super excited excited that you took time out of your day to come and spend time with us on the Doctor dravon James everyday piece show I can't I cannot thank you enough for our listening audience I want to remind you that this show and all of our shows can be listened to and shared with people that you care about by visiting the unity online radio radio<br> dot-org or by subscribing to our podcast on Apple Spotify Google play in Stitcher you can also visit my website it's a great time to do that for a lot of free guess I'm doctor on James I absolutely love you we'll talk next week<br> you've been listening to Everyday piece for dr. Avon James you have the power right now today to make the decisions to take the actions that lead you to your next level of greatness and I would love to walk with you on your journey here some ways we can connect schedule a coaching session contact me again so let dr. Dre Bond James. Calm enrolling my online university course to 2020 Clarity court at The Institute for leadership and lifelong learning International in role of the brilliant life nine weeks online coaching session with me and Keisha Dixon info at Doctor Trayvon purchase my book Freedom is your first break from Amazon thank you for being and every day Peacemaker I absolutely love you<br> thanks for listening this is Unity online radio the voice of an Awakening world<br> is it go if every day worries and find her come with positive prayer from Silent Unity the newest in voice-activated technology available on any Alexa enabled device like the Amazon Echo each prayer and meditation on positive prayer will help strengthen guide and comfort you just say Alexa open positive prayer you can ask for a specific prayer on topics like healing prosperity and comfort give it a try today<br>

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