Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James, February 8, 2022
Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James
Finding Flow with Mark Halpern, and The Malignant Powers of Groupthink with Radhia Gleis
Learn from Mark Halpern, D.C., how to get rid of anxiety with a powerful process that eliminates the circumstances, habits, or experiences that don’t serve you. And Radhia Gleis discusses her new book, The Followers, and the damaging impact of being controlled within a cult.
Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James

In today’s busy world it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and disconnected. Dr Dravon James helps to inspire, empower, and educate people to live the life of their dreams. Focusing on health, wealth, and relationships, Dr. James offers strategies that work for everyday life.
sometimes you feel so alone and overwhelmed you don't know where to turn these days it seems like there is no end to our problem we invite you to connect with silent Unity the 24 hour Prayer Ministry where someone is waiting to pray with you right now since 1890 silent Unity has always been there no judgment or Dogma just the one affirming the best for you call 816-969-2002 day you can also connect online at unity prayer vigil. Org<br>practical spirituality positive messages this is Unity online radio. Org<br> the voice of an Awakening world<br> Empower yourself and get inspired to build the life of your dreams<br> welcome to Everyday peas with Dr Dre Bond James Bond James and this is everyday a piece I'm super excited to be here with you today as we explore the concept of living a life of Peace everyday piece defined as wholeness completeness nothing missing nothing broken totality that excites me every time I say it so on this program we talked about the philosophy everyday piece and a system for us to achieve our next level of greatness I hope that I hope that discharges you you can feel it in every part of your body you at your next level of greatness using everything that has children your life The Good The Bad and everything in between we bring you the guest in the topics that highlight opportunities for us to learn grow and even be<br> 2 Chainz so if you missed a show last week you missed two amazing guess we had Connie Huebner who talked to us about using the energy of the Divine mother to heal and improve every area of our life we also talked to author and life coach Michael Taylor about his book if Jesus were a coach Michael gave us great tips for using the teachings of the Bible in our daily life so what a great way to to go back and listen to those two wonderful guests and get some pointers and moving to your next life of greatness using the energy of divine mother and learning to use the teachings of the Bible in your daily life if you miss this show or any of our past episodes you can always go back and listen to them at by subscribing to the Doctor Dre Bond James everyday piece podcast on Apple Spotify Google Play<br> where you can listen to them on Unity online radio. Org if I highly encourage you to go back and do that there is some wonderful Jewels some nuggets there for you to help you achieve your next level of greatness in this year you can also access past shows interviews that I've done wisdom's you can expect from my book Freedom is your Birthright free teachings and life coach glasses on my website at dr. Dre Bond james.com if you have not yet book that bookmark that mean your favorite go ahead and do that today you will be glad that you did some wonderful wonderful opportunities for growth and development on Doctor Dre Bond James. Cam website<br> also if you are not part of our exclusive fun just engaging in support of website called L and high heels you can find us on Facebook and you can join by visit my Facebook page or you can subscribe at being on my go to my website or on any social media Instagram as well I encourage you to do that if you are looking on how absolutely how you need some support and how to move to the next level of greatness whether it's in your health your wealth or your relationships join the saps leaf regroup learn how to do just that so we have been talkin about our theme for the year for 2022 you know we got to have a focus point right we are focusing on this statement it's time to improve my life that make you happy it makes me happy it's time to improve my life and with that everything that we're talking about this year everything that we've<br> this year is being grateful for where we are and using the energy of gratitude to move us to where we want to be so that leaves me to our everyday peace moment and our topic for every piece moment today is Ghost mall to win big ghost mall to win big what do we mean by that what we ought to hear people say go big or go home and I don't know about you when I hear go big or go home I actually kind of really do want to just go home because I'm thinking to myself gosh it took much so much energy and effort to get to this level and if you're looking for more energy more effort I may not be able to some is that up so maybe you can just count me out but here's some encouraging news for you know we're not going to count you out you were going to get to your next level you're going to achieve those goals you're going to become the person that you've always wanted to be by making small<br> consistent efforts every day I'm talking about things that only take about 2 to 5 minutes and if you can't think of anything you have a gold and that's even more of a reason to reach out to me go on my website hit comment connect with me get out of Discovery call with me they're absolutely free I can give you some pointers on how to go small to win big to 25 minutes a day just tweaking some of your activities to get those huge results that you want because when we make change easy we get consistent improvement in our life so that is her everyday peace moment for today I'm super excited that you that you're here that you're here cuz we got some amazing guess purse today our first guest is dr. Mark hauber how burn you guys know I can mess up a last name I'm sure I said it said it wrong right my apologies were going to fix it but he is a chiropractor and author Electric<br> certified heart math practitioner who is also certified in additional healing modalities including psych-k and he is here to share his personal and professional life with us he is at as an extraordinary presence is being a winner in all things it and just being an extraordinary guy intellectually that done some wonderful things athletically but he says that he's been living a double life to the outside world he appears to be confident and capable as a as a chiropractor growing practice athletic sports but suffers from or suffered from past tense in xiety crippling anxiety and is here to share with us today how he overcame that he's offering a six-week course to help you or one of your loved ones also overcome that so Mark welcome to the show<br> I thank you for having me oh I'm super excited I told you before we came on the air this subject really interest me as I know professionals who are in the same<br> situation in life so tell us a little bit about where you were and how you were able to discover this healing modality<br> I just turned 50 so is Miles still in the last year but Mike's for the journey started when I was a child I love around by 12:13 do you need anything about the Galloping in your body that chemical released<br> a neurological problem ingrained in your body and that's what happened to me it was just over and over the same spot patterns the same insecurities over and over and over again he's really a lock in powderly I lost ability to become bad or become angry is all anxiety every emotion as anxiety I was always anxious and in my twenties and had my 30 and because of who I am I mean I've got partly spiritual background partly scientific background to get rid of my Approach is to try everything every every Western approach until one day I should I not answering cuz it's not really what happens when do you start looking for answers in life we get a little bit of something and then not not not as big as you'd like and then you move on to another<br> hopeful of change I mean disappointment because it didn't work as well as I would like four years are these medications cognitive behavior therapy and energy work and shaming and when it snow all over the year that I found something that was being one of them the name when it really work needs to start the process is called heart not to hurt my fuses with breast and it still wasn't using your ability to create an emotion and what happened between your heart and your brain<br> 40 times stronger than the bread I wanted to be in the more you start to practice the emotional state you want to be in the most you know your feet are in the more emotional than gratitude and love and joy and you need to come you're not really what I did is I started this evolution of how in the moment<br> I love everything is just said because one thing the very beginning and then why don't I don't want to listen to miss this is you mentioned that this anxiety started when you were younger and younger person and it was the thoughts that created the chemical imbalance right because the thoughts were creating something and they were perpetual and then after goes on for a long. Of time it sort of takes on a life of its own night but I think it's so very important that we we we start there the very beginning that understanding that we do have this incredible ability to re-regulate ourselves back to re regular even the chemical imbalance inside of you that created this anxiousness right so starting there is so very important and realizing that if we can start it we can stop it which is what you've discovered this is how to go back and how to read<br> regulated and you mentioned the heart math which I'm sure people are familiar with how difficult was it for you to<br> to actually start seeing results<br> what we are suggesting I started with a book and give you sores from the heart and the brain and got a biofeedback equipment that helps you learn this technique but you don't need to read the books and you don't need to use the technology I used it all but you don't really need to some people enjoy it and some people don't let you know don't find it necessary but you don't like anything I just tried it a little bit and I got a little bit more relaxed and I didn't really put my full attention in 11 when I have my first what I would call Blake Smith because her Matthews has three things I mentioned one is the way you believe in this bird is feeling different emotion and the emotional part is that is the most important part being able to feel a specific emotion<br> sitting on my bed and I was hooked up to a heart monitor and you can start changing technique<br> and it's because you came back but if you do it properly properly and then it will tell you when you're in this is he allowed to be in the same frequency as a heart what can I what can I what can I steal something about lifting things and nothing was working and so I was getting frustrated which is exactly the opposite of what you want to do before I took a break and I just think of right now that will create an emotional response<br> employees called in the moment my daughter that I was about six years old when I thought you know what I'm just going to picture her jumping in my arms giving me a hug visualize my daughter's think about it I literally felt her hands around I felt the warm I felt the kiss that you gave me on my cheek but but our bodies just feeling that hug and a moment directly to trim green and made it beat and I felt this this fool is this Sensation that went through my entire body and it was completely in Balance instantly uplifted I felt like everything was right in my world I felt like I was in the right place at the right time and everything was functioning in the way the only way I can describe it was a balance and it wasn't a source Optical concerts anymore this was a reality I was feeling it and it didn't take hours to accomplish<br> a shocking that's what was in that moment that I realize that when we feel the emotion you can literally change your physiological State and second really revolutionize everything including that was back in 2011 and then ask about us going to teach me patience and I started to learn that are not pictures one way to get your body into a sociological coherent and you can also do it through all of your senses you can do it to spite and sound and touch and smell and taste and you do it to Nature into the state of anybody so it's just about utilizing the world around you and your own physiology and be able to change it and so we are going to teach people how to do that<br> this is an exciting and I know you have two courses coming up where you're helping people to work through their anxiety and utilizing this process tells a bit about those courses and when they're going to take place sure there's some calm or 2022 if you go to that landing page you can actually download the book for free I want to read it and start doing the work to change the live you also can access 50% off the launch of the course and workbook and that's on the on the on that page launched is on Monday February 21st<br> and again on Saturday March 12th there's two different starting and so you can access any of those starts with a 50% off coupon so what I really wanted really dive in and take the six weeks it's time for you to see her driving her own life to figure out what works for you to learn how to use your own body to learn how to use the true that you have to create the state of coherence where you before more lives are more inspired you don't feel pain if you sleep better you able to handle the world around you and deal with the people in your life in a much different way but then we would cook here and sent you the most resilient up with these stupid and I want to teach people how to do that on a regular basis on a day-to-day basis<br> this is such an important work because anxiety is crippling for most people and what we have to know is that life is happening right now it is happening there are days when we're going to experience that are just so overwhelming so busy and they're going to be disappointing things in the more we are equipped<br> to handle the fluctuation of things as they come into our lives and more balanced that we are the better life experience we're going to have it it's almost as a losing battle to believe that weekend prepare for every external event that's going to happen right but it's so much within our control to know how to handle those events to emotionally be prepared to handle those things as they happen you know we want to be as prepared as possible obviously an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure we've all heard that a thousand times but being able to I think the best bang for our buck is going to be knowing how to manage ourselves from the inside out and I love the idea of using the five senses and you talk about the you know the feeling that you got and then you could really not only remember but you were engaged and all five senses practically with your six-year-old daughter jumping into your arms<br> it seems to me that a lot of that work and I don't know what you're with your degree of anxiety was when you were doing that work but I know for myself and maybe many others sometimes when you're in the midst of being anxious about anything is kind of hard to recall right because you're so you're so I don't know you're so out of the moment let's say it that way you so I have the moments hard to recall so it seems to me that must be some type of work you can do ahead of time to get yourself ready so when you do feel the same zeiders anxiousness welling up in urine and I think this course is good for everybody let me just say that because I don't know anybody who doesn't deal with anxiety who doesn't deal with anxious behavior that there may be different degrees of it but hey if you were if you don't have crippling anxiety but you you know you do experience anxiety we all do how much better with your life be<br> if you knew how to handle it instead of letting it handle you so back to that question that I kind of jumped over there seems to be some kind of self-awareness techniques that have to be done when you're not in the interstate with is that true<br> there isn't and the fact is like in the book I use this term I called it fight or flight then another which fighter fighter that's a distressed and I called it spider fight them because what I developed this ability that I will be at home having a panic attack or anxious or just really be on myself and he said that's not the moment to make the best decision that's not the moment to do the best work that's not the moments you have come up with the plan but what I have is this this this voice inside of my head you can call it intuition I call it my inner voice whatever you want to call it but it would say to me I know you really are in a bad state right now but go get in the shower because the water is going to help or you know this is just your blood sugars are in 6 hours go put something in your mouth eat something get your buns for they're done and then we can think about the show it's almost like there's a little voice that will tell you the little things that you can do<br> get yourself into a better frame of mind and in many cases it's simply just taking a break and then taking a breath another just pause and you just happened to your nose still up your stomach just like a balloon and then blow out for your mouth like pursed lips and it slowly so it sounds something like this<br> an incident with an Outfitter slits like<br> evolve in Ultra and as long as the out-breath used to stimulate the relaxation system of your body and so just I take you two or three elongated breath you now should be in a different physiological states with least reassess the situation to reassess what the best movies to reassess what what is the best or Sebastian and I think most people just so many decisions in the state of firefighting stress that they're making a rash decision for not making the best decisions and then us doing the best work so even if you can't do a full technique to get yourself on the bus or headspace 30 seconds<br> I love this in and I hope our listeners caught that because that's a great a great tip that you gave that elongated for Athena breeding in through the nose and extending the belly button all the way out in the net-long XL do pursed lips helps to regulate the body you know I'm engaged the parasympathetic nervous system and it's so funny that you were talking about this as is you're talking I have this technique and it sounds for Phil to make me smile you were saying it you don't really think about it and<br> taking care of a middle schooler and maybe that resonates with me because I have two kids are in college now but I remembered the middle school middle school ages you know there was a lot of tears and that you know because there's so much going on with the kids and all of that in the thing to do when they came home really anxious like that was you know to really know so I can get them to breed to get me know let them cry or whatever and then it started asking some questions can I get you something to eat would you like a glass of water why don't you put your put your head on my lap for perfume is let me rub your back in a while you heal up and down and it's okay you're this is a safe space and so once they got through all of that right with no questioning no judgement just you know what what let's figure out what you need right now because you know you're home with Mommy and we're safe so let's figure out what you need and I think that sometimes we forget to do that parenting on ourselves know we're rushing me we got deadlines we have this and we got that<br> really we start becoming the biggest Pusher of ours and we start pushing and engaging herself and we look around that that person who's got the whip to our backs has us and we need to be to be able to disengage and say hold on a second when is the last time you had something to eat I love the idea but let's go take a warm shower let's go do that Schofield let's reconnect you know I always tell people that you can get outside and get some some of your face or better yet take your shoes off and get some Earth and your feet all of your things to help being Gage's right to do to stop that you know that that sympathetic response in there that that stress response this is a wonderful opportunity I think for people to work with you and I love the fact that here you are on the surface and then and there so many people who are hiding in the shadows because of their position in life and you know but here you are the successful guy on the surface you got everything going on but you're You're vulnerable enough to say here's what's going on with me here's what was going on with me<br> and that you've done the work to do to unpack this to figure out what's going on and then you're reaching back with your six-week course say to other people no matter where you are on the scope of anxiety it doesn't have to be this way you can help them to to gain your life back I'll say it that way cuz anxiety really does strip you of your life so we've got just about less than a minute left here a couple seconds tell us how we can help we can get to your course again www.cox Sheeran revolution.com 2022 you'll be able to get the free ebook you'll see there the discount code for the course and the workbook I really recommend anybody encourage anybody that wants to change her license and learn how to create a system that will work for them and start your own volition<br> wonderful thank you for being here with us Mark will be back after these messages<br> awaken to the divine within you're listening to Unity online radio. Org<br> create and build a life of your dreams welcome back to Everyday Beast with dr. dravon James<br> welcome back to the show on Doctor Dre by James this is everyday piece we're onto our second guess radhia gliese she is author of the book The followers Holy Hill and The Disciples of narcissistic leaders how my years in a notorious cult parallel today's cultural Mania about her experience with a cult in the parallels with today's cultural climate this is going to be a riveting conversation very very timely Rida welcome to the show happy to be here so I'm excited to have you so the malignant powers of groupthink and I told you just before we went on the air that if that isn't so timely for today and it's in the culture that we live in right now this group thinking and how malignant it can be we will be lose our ability to think for ourselves right so I wanted one<br> to the beginning of your story and we have about 18 minutes away but if you could please tell us you know how this happened how'd you get into this quote how did you get out and then give us the lessons that we can use today is even if you don't get in the cult like this I agree that this malignant power of groupthink is dangerous so let's just start with how you get it<br> well basically I'm<br> I put my book in three sections so that I could try to walk you through from the time I was young you know because I wanted to talk about the characteristics that a driver to to want to be a part of something whether it's to belong somewhere to have a group of like-minded people in your life and also these there's all kinds of different psychological things that you know how to drive a person to look for that and I grew up in Los Angeles the most 50 60s and 70s most days we were like dr. James if you ever saw the the series Mad Men<br> yes okay that's that was my life that was my parents you know it was they were the entrepreneur class they were very into themselves you know a lot of space that just referred to it is cocktail time but the narcissistic themselves so you know in Psychology they talk about something called secure attachment and I never had secure attachment as a child you know how are you there I have never child I had to let you know I had to immediately go into the adult world or I was nowhere so you know I think from a psychological standpoint I was always looking for a family a home you know where where I could be a part of something instead of having to<br> fit into somebody else's world you know so this was a group of like-minded people it didn't start out as a cult when I first when I first met the leader she wasn't the leader at the time there was only four of us you know four of us in a room we were all talking about a particular type of medication that was passed down from maharaji and divine Union we were interested in seeking God realization would be a a word or terminology that they would use or Enlightenment and so I was sticking up for a lot of reasons I grew up a Catholic although I left Catholicism in an early age I was really in a morgue with the Saints<br> I wanted to be a saint not oh look at me on a beautiful person but I wanted that Union whatever that transcendental state that we we learn about in Catholic School in all of that I wanted that transcendental Union so I sent out on the pursuit and I and I was you know I took comparative religions in freshman year I was 14 and we were talking about Hinduism and Buddhism and Christianity and all kinds of isms and the teacher was talking in Hinduism of the word name called Nirvana and I asked him what that meant and he said well they're Yogi's in India that through a certain meditation experience God directly amount of Nirvana<br> so I was in Hot Pursuit of that and I went for another fourteen years looking for Nirvana or anyone who could show me that and then I found someone who claimed that they could and that was that was that was this group which was really small and I didn't get involved until he was moved to LA with him so when I met them there were about fifteen all meditating with this particular type of meditation practice know about the meditation it wasn't about him but she has narcissistic Tendencies nobody really knew what was in those days but he has narcissistic tendencies<br> but little did we know that we would feed it into a malignant narcissism<br> so in the beginning it was she don't connect to God's love and after a while the message became connect to my love you know and the elders in the group were all you know connecting to this medication and after a while she stopped showing those techniques to new generations coming in and he would start change strategy change the programming to you can only experience this through me so he started to see himself like a Jesus for a Buddha<br> and you know so it started to grow like that into the Distortion of being subject to a malignant narcissist<br> and so and it all started that I love I love the fact that you bring it to the beginning is we all want to be a part of something right every action is connected to in this is every action is connected to some inner need that we have every action for meeting to sleeping to Putin and going to the movies to every action is connected to an action that we have and so being able to acknowledge what is a real need and then being able to discern the evolved form is so very important and it's it's Howell to easy but it's quite it's quite easy given the fact that you eat a person may have felt alone and all their Endeavors to get involved in something that<br> seems on the surface to really meet that need but the undercurrent of which is a<br> damaging for lack of a better better terms it see you in this cold and you're in this environment in the individual who doesn't sound like it started out that way necessary but they obviously had some needs of their own and is Progressive down this dangerous path you just automatically on your own wake up and realize that this is dangerous or was there some pivotal moment that said oh shocks<br> yeah I know it didn't happen like that you know in a lot of people you know I've been asked I've been interviewed many many times and I'm going to ask you to write articles and the last article I wrote was called the dangers of group think this was an interview or written interview and they ask me typically everybody says how did you escape and I always say you know that that where is a very dramatic<br> way of sensationalizing groups or Cults estate makes it sound like we were you know chained up in some dungeon somewhere I didn't escape the buddhafield I I left now it took me a long time to leave I wanted to leave in 1995 but I didn't leave until 2006 and the reason why is because even though I started to see you know I was an elder so close to the best way to explain what my relationship was to him was I was sort of like his Michael Cohen<br> my father was a big-time lawyer and I was in a healthcare practitioner so I was his adviser on both legal and medical issues and I always say you know I really understand Michael Cohen because when you are the adviser to the most powerful person in your little world what do you think that does to your mind your ego and I know as a spiritual teacher and I was initiated in 1984 he stopped initiating people in 1988 I think 88 or 89 yet we still remained with him for 20 some odd years so he kept these people dangling on this carrot for like 18 years to get what he<br> try to get from them you know but for the ones that were initiated our experience in that meditation had little to do with him so I didn't need him anymore but I needed my community<br> so this is like this for my best friend's this was my family this would be for people that Not only was our lifestyle supported which was very healthy very healthy very ensconced in our discipline where you could not get that on the outside so you weren't going to get any kind of support for that and also like these were people that to things that they understood me and I understood them and also because groups like this date they breed exceptionalism<br> so you start to believe that there's nothing out there that that ain't all pales in comparison to you and what's your experience is so not starts to wear off on the followers and they start to feel like they're sectional like they're the ones that know the secret to no one else does so that becomes its own trap you know where do you go you know you if you left not only did he enforce the idea that if you left you would betray but if you left you would go into the desert alone and forsaken you know so it's much more complex than just saying why didn't you leave or you know did you escape for whatever it it doesn't really happen like that it's much more nuanced and it's in his much more Insidious than a lot more dangerous in my mind.<br> I mean what there's different types of dangerous. Let me not say more dangerous but to to enslave or entrap someone's mind is the ultimate right so it for you for you to feel as though you can't leave and you know makes me think about that old story when they say no you can help you can an elephant being so strong but after a while you can just put a rope around him in time to Little Pony when they won't move because their mind believes that there is that they can't so that that is actually probably the that is the goal of every enslavement entrapment is to get the mind and the body will follow right cuz if you if you have the body without the Mind Xscape is coming but if you have them but mind the body will follow so I think that's even more more more dangerous and more Insidious talking about this for for for the reason of thinking about in today's culture and let's bring it to this I hear<br> cutie Harper have in today's culture group thinking how are you seeing that and how are you how's your people be empowered not to be sucked into the malignant powers of group thing yeah it's very very complex today because because our life and our world is so complex in our our communication system is so complex so we can we can manipulate the population in a half a second on the internet you know for example you know we will we find our phones become almost their own cult you know there's two different kinds of a Socratic teaching means you put an idea out there and basically you you can add you can subtract you can question and you walk away with your own conclusions but when<br> an idea is nonsense to cradoc if it comes dogma and then you don't question you're not allowed and we're dealing with this on so many levels today it is frightening and more and more people are becoming vicious in their response you know where we're no longer having intelligent conversations about anyting it's it's we're labeling each other we're putting up for you or you know in the powers that be don't use one word or one Strays to basically put up a hand and and stop the conversation<br> Battleship that is a malignant form of mental manipulation and this whole thing was sort of triggered this whole book was triggered my book is called the followers holy hell and the disciples narcissistic leader holy hell is in quote because this is based on the video or the video of the documentary that was released in 2016 about the group about the bush<br> Chris Woodside this was presented in Sundance and then CNN bought it and then Netflix bought it as top 10 documentary and now it's on Amazon but that is about my group I'm in that film and when that came out oh my God I will give you Goosebumps movie came out is when I really found the details of the abuse the sexual abuse of my brothers and I was ten years after I left so when that happens I was again re-traumatized when that I had went to Sunday and I'm sitting there you know almost instantly with my friends and there is my life laid out on the big screen with a whole bunch of strangers and I have never seen it before so I was in a shock you know and that's what I decided to do the research<br> flight booked because I started to see what happened to me but I started to see that this is happening in my country and I wanted to explore why how does this happen still people say to me all the time it's really funny Doctor James it's like I can't thank you because people think that people who get involved in culture groups like this or manipulated by narcissists are either stupid or uneducated or gullible in our image characterized people like that because they insulate themselves from that they'd be filled at their immune to being that kind of person and<br> you think that the millionaires in the lawyers that got taken by Bernie Madoff or stupid or uneducated he was a con man and a really good one it's not about education is stupidity it's about human nature and it's malignant or what you're afraid of and gives you at least the illusion that that's what you'll get from them in return for your adulation for your you know really for your allowing them to control you that's what the hell I did narcissist is all about they don't care about you they only care about themselves so when Donald Trump came into office<br> going to look at my book and you keep screwing hard to talk about a president of the United States and not fake or not assume that it's political<br> but this is not about politics this is about pathology and I know people have said to me Walt Cult of Obama as there was no Cult of Reagan or bush Clinton or the presidents before us is one you know when you go from a from a little sign on your front lawn to flag the size of a midsize car when you wave it with with a combination of that and other giant flags that you're waiting on the back of a truck in a parade down a thing we saw this in Nazi Germany to ranks and although I just want to say we're careful to say that we're in would not endorsing one political view of another You're simply talking about how we as a group of people as a society can avoid<br> think how we can still maintain you can support him ever you want to support me where all the support that but being able to maintain your independent thought process is one thing I will say for certain is that this comes to my mind is you talk to me cuz I can see this everywhere I can see it in I know in Corporate America I can see it everywhere where we don't take seriously the right to freedom of thought and speech right when we feel as though we have a right to condemn someone for having an alternate Viewpoint no matter how irrational it may seem they do have a right to voice their opinion and we've seen a lot of that even with the pandemic in the right no matter what side of the fence you falling on that we've seen people who have been just vilified for what fruit for one view over another view and instead of saying all my gosh how wonderful it is to live in a country where it's okay and it is expect<br> it that we all have individualistic viewpoints so that we all are not marching to the beat of the same drum it's okay weeks and there are there dangers with that right I think we as a country are equipped to we've been room since since the beginning of time to embrace differences to embrace a culture right<br> so we have to be careful when we use the word<br> section of my book in the first chapter it says what is it called it's complicated and so there was nothing to do with like you know I just mentioned you know they're there was no called of this president or is that it doesn't mean because you like someone that you like a particular policy or you like a particular political persuasion that you're in a cult that is not what I'm talking about what I'm talking about is when you have extreme behavior when you have bullying of the opposite side when you have this anger towards and you mentioned it whether it has to do with kovid today is now in a heightened perspective of you cannot feel this way or this idea of exceptionalism<br> where is this and you're that and so it's an us-and-them instead of all of us all of us as a human race all of us has an American all of us as you know as a country unified know where divided right now and that is called mentality that's us versus them and that's a very very dangerous slippery slope that were at work and all that comes to my mind when you're saying that is that where is the tolerance for difference right that has to be you know that that's how we make beautiful music and movies is because we find this is tolerance for different and then even if we go A Step Beyond then we find the appreciation for difference because when someone I'm provides you with a different opposing Viewpoint it gives you an opportunity to look Inward and say oh in to reevaluate not saying that you're going to change your mind you may very well not change your mind but it all<br> do the opportunity to re-evaluate it without that I think we we destroy the mystery of life if we all just show up and think about how boring it would be right if we all just showed up with the same Viewpoint is almost like every girl showing up to the dance with the same dress on okay here we want to feel as though every voice matters in the reason why every voice matters is because every voice represents maybe a bowl Li different Viewpoint or even a slightly different Viewpoint with their own personal experience and something that you said I don't want to go away from this I want to go back and tell you how to get this book was something that you said in the very beginning of this is this longing at a at a very early age or any age to belong to something to be connected to something to find meaning in the universe to find meaning in our life<br> wonderful Quest is a wonderful Quest but we have to be mindful in in all of that to keep her eyes open and to be forever I guess for lack of a better term to beat forever acknowledging that there are predators out there there are unhealthy people out there right now to take advantage of our vulnerability to have that sort of self-confidence to be able to get out there and do that that if there's a difference between that and a malignant narcissism is not a character flaw that is a pathology and a very dangerous pathology because it is insurable and so you can tell when you're in the Scooby and you mention this earlier<br> this could be a spouse it could be a boss it could be your you know preacher it should be all different kinds of people in your life and get ready I don't want I don't want to ever get 10 seconds that I don't want to end without telling our listening audience again the name of the book and where they can get it this is powerful information that you're giving<br> okay fair enough<br> and the disciples narcissistic leaders you can get it so I'm going to spell it for you are a d r a t h i n g l e i s.com you can get you can get it on Amazon you can get it at Barnes & Noble<br> thank you for listening this is Unity online radio the voice of an Awakening world<br> you've been listening to every day keeps the doctor Trevon James you have the power right now today to make the decisions to take the actions that lead you to your next level of greatness and I would love to walk with you on your journey here some ways we can connect schedule a coaching session contact me again so let dr. Dre Bond James. Calm enrolling my online university course to 2020 Clarity court at The Institute for leadership and lifelong learning International in role of the brilliant life nine weeks online coaching session with me and Keisha Dixon info at the back to Trayvon james.com purchase my book Freedom is your first break from Amazon thank you for being an everyday Peacemaker I absolutely love you<br> sometimes you feel so alone and overwhelmed you don't know where to turn these days it seems like there is no end to our problems we invite you to connect with silent Unity the 24 hour Prayer Ministry where someone is waiting to pray with you right now since 1890 silent Unity has always been there no judgment or Dogma just the one of her being the best for you call 816-969-2002 day you can also connect online at unity prayer vigil. Org<br>