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Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James, February 15, 2022

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Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James
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Body Astrology with Claire Gallagher

Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James

Body Astrology with Claire Gallagher

Claire Gallagher discusses her book Body Astrology: A Cosmic Guide to Health, Healing, and Harnessing the Power of the Planets.

Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James

Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James
Show Host
Dr Dravon James

In today’s busy world it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and disconnected. Dr Dravon James helps to inspire, empower, and educate people to live the life of their dreams. Focusing on health, wealth, and relationships, Dr. James offers strategies that work for everyday life.

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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

Empower yourself with ojiya power meditation closely guarded for centuries this rare ancient technique attack to empower you with clear calm energy in just minutes are you ready to experience the easiest deepest most Blissful meditation ever weekend Adventure now at Power<br>listening to the voice of an Awakening world<br> Empower yourself and get inspired to build the life of your dreams<br> welcome to Everyday Peds with dr. dravon James<br> hello and welcome to our show I'm Doctor drayvon James and this is everyday piece I am super excited to be here with you today as we explore the concept of living a life of Peace everyday piece to bind is wholeness completeness nothing missing nothing broken totality oh my goodness you just excites me especially today we're celebrating lunch today so to be whole to be complete with nothing missing and nothing broken totality and more than that because you already that did you off did you know that you're already a piece but to recognize that to be aware of that that is really a beautiful thing so on this program we talked about the philosophy of everyday peace as a system for us to achieve our next level of greatness we also bring on the guest in the topics that highlight opportunities for us to do just that guitar next level of greatness to learn and to grow into be entertained he can<br> any better than that really can't so last week we had two amazing guess we talked with and our first guess was dr. Mark Halpern who talked to us about dealing with anxiety finding flow in the new journey in the present moment and he talked about some wonderful techniques to get rid of anxiety and so we all know what it's like to feel anxious and to whatever degree and he has some wonderful tips on how to deal with anxiety on all levels so I encourage you to go back and listen to the show for that our second guess last week was Rowdy a place and she is the author of the followers holy hell and Disciples of narcissistic leaders and she talked about the malignant powers of group think now I don't know about you but I think back to my mom and she said everybody had a notion to jump off the bridge would you jump off at 2 sounds funny as adults but sometimes we do get into<br> just groupthink going along with the flow just you know reciting the whatever the common conversation is when she talked about how that could be dangerous so the malignant hours of groupthink I encourage you that if you missed that show or any of our past shows to go back and listen to them you'll find them in lightning and a great asset As you move along your journey you can access our entire library of shows by subscribing to the doctor dravon James everyday piece podcast on Spotify Google Play stitches or you can listen on the unity online radio. Org website you can also access lots of information about the everyday a peaceful philosophy the movement if you will on my website I'm dr. Dre Von James the website is chock-full of great things guys there are free<br> self development things such as improving your self-esteem and pooping yourself confidence there are all kinds of great articles there's great interviews just a wonderful resource to really help you to call about the life and existence that you want today now so I encourage you to go on there and visit that website book Market if you have not joined our Facebook group leaders in high heels I strongly encourage you to do that did you know that little ship skills are transferable you can use them to improve your health your wealth any relationships so we talked about all the fun leadership in the leaders in high heels and if you are not there the Facebook group may want to check it out today<br> so you know our theme for 2022 with the beginning our theme is it's time to improve my life I love that I love saying that it's time to improve my life and I love that takes ownership it might you reclaim your ownership position that knowing that it it it is up to be if it if it is up to be is up to you so that brings me to our to my everyday peace moment that our talk today is everything love everything love did you know that the love that you speak for those for the we all seek love some form or fashion doesn't always have to be romantic right but the love that we seek we must first cultivate in ourselves we was we are the leader imagine that was talking about leaders in high heels imagine that you are the leader and how the world receives us so we can must first<br> fall head-over-heels in love with herself and demonstrate that to herself every day know what does that look like you know I coached a lot of people that's going to ask me this question does it look like splurging on you know extravagant things with absolutely if you can afford that but if that means that that's going to put you in debt and you're going to have you no more debt at the end of the month and you do money that's not really self-love is it self-love so you being comfortable with your with where you are and loving yourself in that place irregardless of what your external world looks like it all isn't inside job you deciding that yes right now just the way that you are you are worthy of your 100% attention you're one-hundred-percent respect and adoration yes we all have room to improve but that's the best way to improve is the first accept and acknowledge and loving yourself right where you are that encourages and teaches other people how to love you so that is our everyday peace moment today we have a bath<br> fabulous guest today and we're talkin about everything love and I just really Falls right into place and our guest today is Claire Gallagher she is a nutritionist a certified strength and conditioning specialist and an astrologer clear Gallagher guides Us in the healing powers of each planet and how to use food movement and lifestyle to realign and Empower our self welcome to the show clear hi dr. Dray line and so happy to be here thanks for having me a cosmic guide to help healing in harnessing the power of the planet<br> all things love songs so glad you're here yes me too I am the thing I love most about astrology is that it is definitely a pathway into Deeper Self trust and Shopkin popcorn which is exactly what self love is all about so perfect timing I guess eclectic kind of nutrition specialist and a house that all come to be<br> yeah that's a great question is quite a long story but the three story is I have a history with chronic illness and if I was very young when it occurred I was in my early twenties and so that just kind of took me out on a piecemeal healing self journey and eventually I found my way to getting a dual master's degree in acupuncture and in nutrition and while I was there studying I just happened across this amazing medical astrology, conference and I discovered this is actually what I'm here to do and so I started merging all of my skills together and here I am now the fifth book called body astrology which takes my background in nutrition my background the movement my background in Chinese<br> I love how that just came together you know there is no Randomness or chaos in the universe we all know that and he thought you already had these things in your in your repertoire you go to this conference and you know what all pulled together for you so that is just proof positive that if we really go with it and listen to it which is a you do a lot of work around that the answers they are the answers they are so I want to start at the very beginning you know we're talkin about body astrology and being able to use the planet and I got to take told you before we came in the air this just fascinates me to know that again I do not believe there is any Randomness in the universe at all and no matter how random are chaotic life since I believe there is an order in the system that is just phenomenal and your your story right there just proves that so the idea of being able to you<br> use the power of the planet and I guess we have to understand a little bit about the planets in order to be able to use a power right<br> so how do we get started but where's what where does it where does a person start obviously your book<br> yeah well it's just if anyone's listening and has had experiences with astrology in the past and they left feeling overwhelmed I totally get it because it is a very complex system we often in modern-day think of astrology just as friend signs but if you really get into it it's very technical it's very mathematical it can make your eyes roll there's so much information so I greatly to start is<br> we'll just understanding that the lunar cycle actually that's a really accessible entry point into astrology and that's really not scary for anyone it makes sense to people and it's a really wonderful way to start living life in a way that compassionate and flexible instead of rigid and Rule oriented and an external pressure oriented<br> okay awesome start with the Moon is because everybody can see it and everybody can follow it and it basically models are energetic flow throughout the month or throughout the day if they did the time it's moving through all of these diaper changes and experiences which model for us that it is okay to move through all these diapers energetic ups and downs and emotionally know I really think that's where we need to start is just with the moon cycle it doesn't matter if you're a Virgo or a Sagittarius it doesn't matter what your chart looks like<br> the power of the Moon and its model for a concession to life design is a wonderful place to begin implementing astrology and I love that compassionate light is on because something that you said is what I tell my clients as well if we are we are meant to have a rainbow of emotions if not would have been designed with them right and back there some disorders if you can't feel your emotions simply leads to some really sad disorders and so I love the fact that you talked about you and allowing for that with s the moon Progressive Progressive and I know nothing's all the great terminology so can I purchase beer with me through these different stages it doesn't mean you have to go in your head<br> are there head first into you know deep down anxiety or depression what you are aware that this is a time. This is a time for four more quiet reflection may be hearing so just being in that place in having it awareness helps you to manage you know they talk about emotional intelligence and helps you to manage yourself better right not having to go into those Deep Dark Places what I've noticed with living a life that's modeled after the moon if you give yourself permission to have those down and less extreme in less than 10 darker it's me allow ourselves to Wayne to rest to relax bag cuz you left I do believe there is less intensity emotionally<br> in terms of six addresses in the darkness I think it can become a less intense experience rest relax we've destroyed to prevent those larger than it does that make sense you know I'm here is just like smiling because I knew this was obviously this is the day of love right and I knew this was the great conversation to have because what we're talkin about is really self-awareness right but this being able to talk to you lie something that's been placed here for us the moon cycle right things to say that this is the season that I mean right this thing you know as the moon Progressive and allow yourself to rest I think there's a lot of pee<br> will feel like if they're not up on 100% And Go and all of the time they'll get less accomplished but I know there's I work in healthcare I work in healthcare But A promise is over 30 years I tell you all the time if you take breaks you get more done when you allow yourself to rest you get more. I have to remind myself of that sometime because there's this there's this case that the world moves that was almost has like a whip at your back go faster go further you know who passed and we know somewhere within us that this is not the best way to utilize my energy I do you do need time down where you can relax and turn the mine off and go into the body we need this we need to I'm so glad that the Moon is here but right forever forever without fail it does not fail us at models that so for those of us who do not know<br> how to watch the cycle of the moon where do we start there's all sorts of an app on the phone and type of weather app really do you need in order to follow the Moon is that you can find on whether the Weather Channel or is really just and that's why I love it it's just really accessible and so today the Moon is waxing face so it's about to be the full moon on Wednesday<br> has to do is go on the schedule to me through this experience how can I nourish myself in a way that's going to sustain me cuz it's not about frittering away the brightness storing and sustaining ourselves that we have juice and to go through the rest of the cycle hopefully that answers your question really any weather apps but this week is all about the full moon<br> oh and I love how you said that so as you say it said that I'm thinking about my week and I actually on Sundays at the mess of oh my gosh am I prepared to do you know this week's it's just a little insane crazy busy and I thought to myself know you're not but you're going to have to do it anyway so it's good so it's good to know and they have this conversation I'm sure there are other people out there who are feeling the same thing this week is going to be he knows it's jam-packed good stuff but it's a lot of it and but to know that he was here is the thing in order to be whole complete nothing missing nothing broken to make this a definition of peace and every day peace knowing this that yes you going to have the baby busy this week but again Going Back Into Love how do I nourish myself so that you giving the best of U2 the activities right wonderful good good stuff good stuff and again I want to tell mention the name of the book tell our listeners<br> the name of the book and where they can get the book where you can order it from my public service which is roots bucks r o s t b o l k that's a great way to start so we're going to start with the moon understanding to help us understand again we're talking about how to listen to use the plan is to empower our health so listening to a watching the lunar cycle will help us know what we need to do to know where's our self and at least know what's going on what else can we do<br> let's stick with the moon for a second because we can get much cheaper and you can personalize it for lady with the moon was doing something right and it was in a zodiac sign so just like we're all born with a specific Sunshine like I'm a Virgo Traits dr. Dre. Do you know what your sun sign is my sun sign OK is cancer<br> cancer traits in your eye cancer but on the day you were born the moon was also in the zodiac sign right and so you have to open apps to figure out where your moon was because it's noon time but this is essential and body astrology because what it does is it described how he might feel nourished and steam by ourselves and taken care of in ancient astrology you've been very difficult as energy flows how the body assimilate and digest food how the body skills and so in the next hour you need help Rhythm and so knowing the zodiac sign that your moon was in on the day you were born is a stuck that your listeners can take Beyond<br> I was just watching the lunar cycle<br> so that's what I think I think I hear you talking about is that I've heard it said that we all have three signs right is it the sun I don't know right so that the Moon is Amore back your mood but I remember my three ones I think you and no one is Scorpio and I can't remember the other one it's the one with the scales is what's that Libra I call it your body astrology Triad so the main signs that you're going to want to look at your moon sign and then your Rising also called the ascendant sign and beastly signs really make up your persona or personality<br> embody astrology they really make up your anatomy and that's why they can be exceptionally important the sun is all about your vital for it is the life that are green that keeps Us Alive the Moon is about how we take care of our physical bodies how that vital force moved and you send it is more about how it's more about our physical structure it's also more about immunity to add anybody astrology in the book about being self-aware right. It is a life coach I know I always give people who are so really confused about that you know how to be aware of those of how to know more about them so we should know more about herself than anybody else knows about us<br> or that we know about anybody else right we've come into this existence into this embodiment in this body that were at so we really need to know who we are and how we take and a great way and I think a great portal into who we are at least one way in is through astrology knowing something about how we're wired you know it's so important to help you to understand yourself better and also to take care of yourself better to you know you have some of those answers as to why is too why you behave or feel a certain way and it doesn't look like maybe anyone else in your family feels that way it gives you some some knowledge about yourself so this is this is great at the book is great the information you provide hit and I love how user-friendly it is too because of the name on it can be can be a very complex topic it is just really yeah it's technically can be very Tactical<br> so that I really wanted to meet sorry go ahead<br> I really wanted to make this book accessible for first-time astrology readers so if you've never read an astrology both if you know nothing about it I tried my best to ride in a way where you would be like. It I totally understand so I'm so glad you said that she's with by the same thing that really easy read but a very very interesting very it is a good way to learn more about yourself and to heal yourself if you're looking for some ways to talk about oh how can I support myself through with ever Health Journey you happen to be on how can you support yourself best up a great way to do that is to use the the planets and things of that nature and so you were talking about the movie we're talking about<br> weather is rainy what's going on there what US how else can we use the moon to support us<br> I think that<br> what we kind of talked about all the way to the Moon can support us but we can about your little bit deeper something I forgot to say the beginning which would have been great to say the beginning is bad all of the zodiac signs rule body part so like a Gemini and a Pisces and Virgo and where the defendant was or the rising sign when you are born really kind of unveils the bits and pieces of your Anatomy that might be really important in your health store over your life doesn't mean that these parts of the body will be nice or anything like that<br> extra support for commercial break we're going to come back and to know that I do this part is ruled by this planet and and how that could help us to support that part of the body again we listen to Clair Gallagher and she discusses her book on our show will be right back after this play<br> discover the power within Unity online radio. Org do boys have been Awakening world<br> create and build a life of your dreams welcome back to Everyday Beast with dr. dravon James<br> welcome back to our show I'm dr. Von James this is everyday peace and we're here today with the fabulous author clear Gallagher she's discussing her book body astrologer astrology a cosmic guy to help healing and harnessing the power of the planets this book is available wherever books are sold you're going to want to get this book because if you're looking for what is how can you get some advantage on achieving your goals you know we're talkin about that this year 2022 or talk about it's time for me to improve but what better way to do that than to have a great understanding of what makes you tick what makes you you and how it how to take that information and get further along in your goals we've been talking about this far using the cycle of the moon and to support our dreams and desires by allowing you to support our emotional health<br> allowing it to support our physical rest and that dream things that nature and just before the break we talked about introducing the topic of the planets controlling parts of the body who knew that I certainly did not look so let's continue talking about that little bit this is been happening since forever and ever and ever and so this is really really old medicine and back in the day if you are sufficient to open an e r k i n s medicinal book you will see pictures of what they called the zodiacal manso pictures of the zodiac do if you think your positions are correlated different signs zodiac sign Sagittarius<br> ears and Jerry cancer don't answer we think of cancer are type of me is like the mother of the zodiac but actually it was everything in the body that gives the skin is like the breast or the stomach because it holds our food or the rib cage because it holds our vital organs it's anything that covers and chairs the long answer to the symbolism goes throughout the Zodiac and so if you know hey my sons and cancer or my moon is an Aquarius or my rising sign is Libra then you can look at body astrology because I listened all out for you and see which parts of the body are really important for you to pay attention to and the nurse to out your lifetime the basics and then I'm planets are a little different so Planet like Mars Mercury and Sun they travel through the Zodiac right in the real<br> sky and see if we can get that as a medical system planets move through the zodiac signs and they exert forces like Mars or Mercury quick and stained or Venus sauce and stuff and so if we were to assign they exert forces in create change in the body in this is why you can be a cancer but maybe not experienced that's going on in your cancer body parts until a later date because the units are always moving and exerting changed in the sky and it's clearly didn't reflected in our physical bodies<br> how do you hang a doctor drayvon yes it makes such good sense it makes you know and I know that people born under that zodiac sign are the quintessential mother right they have this mothering aspect and it makes sense that they would rule over things of sustenance right what mothers do and and nourishing and yeah at that and I did not know that Physicians back in the day work I also astrology is that how we need and I think we need more doctors that are interested in astrology cuz if you watch patients charts I wish I did when I was in clinic I would watch my patience chart because they would come in with rashes or a flare of an autoimmune disease and I would watch how planets would correlate with these different ups and downs and their health experience<br> so it really is a unique window into the body's working<br> you know it as you were saying that to what I what I was thinking you know if you have that knowledge of yourself or your position has that knowledge of your caretaker it helps you to be less anxious during trying times of your therapy whatever that therapy is you know you know that we have times when you're receiving your baby doing everything everything right but then maybe the lab work doesn't look exactly the way you would expect it to spite your exertion in that area it's not a time to give up you just look and see what's going on say okay well this is you know I got two days in this season here and you know once once whatever and I don't know all the terminology is but you understand what I'm saying when we move into the next cycle will see different results to allows you to be easier and more loving with yourself and I'm not saying that to take good care of course you have to be a cold participant in your great life absolutely and back you have to be the leader in that this you know what<br> talking about you is things that support your effort does not like you sit back through your hands up in the air like a sera que sera you participate but these are tools to help you to build towards the light when the health condition that you want and I just love the idea of you don't pass me that back in the day providers and positions were in tune to this and we're able to do that so that's what we call those Transit twin planets are moving in the sky today and attacking your chart and your fax but what's great about body astrology is that we can usually identify and I help you with this in the book we can identify what what planet is a symbol of the illness or<br> Health experience I'm going through and what's that planet need to email move through this experience what does it need to feel supported and when we support that quote Planet will really supporting just an aspect of ourselves or an aspect of our body is ample a lot of times illness is correlated with Saturn Saturn is a planet that creates limit increased efficiency it says no a lot for is nutrition is acting for stability it needs the planet all of hardness though it wants<br> it wants to be 15 because we're having illnesses that correlate with Saturn give you all types of ideas of how to take care of Saturn that you're actually taking care of yourself<br> oh my goodness this is fascinating I want to give you for just in case we have some losers who are just coming on give us the name of the book again and is it available as an audiobook<br> that's a great question the book is called body astrology and I'm cold all over in case you didn't know and it's not yet available as an audio books available to Kindle and it's a beautiful hardcover illustrated book so I highly recommend that but it's not a audiobook just yet I love the fact you said it's a beautiful hardcover book cuz I'm getting the feeling that it probably has like a lot of great images in it as well so I definitely definitely worth investing in at the time to get something for yourself what loving what could you give yourself is more loving right then introspection into how you can utilize the planets to help you reach your health goals in all other types of goals in your life so I didn't know that about Saturn either I hear people say that I owe you and your Saturn Saturn return I recently read read somewhere about you know being in a<br> trying and this is so much terminology guys this week and have you on here for a whole month just teaching on the straw to trust me it would it would be worth it because if people really can utilize and I know that they can decide if like well if you if it's true I believe that it's true but if people are willing to take the time to invest in really invest in how you can utilize some untapped resources to help you achieve your goal this is what this whole years about for us on this show and then that's a great Bond James everyday piece show it's time for me to improve my life and that means we're going to be exposed to some new Concepts in maybe maybe some old Concepts but using them in some new ways because I know astrologist not new to everybody but knowing how you can utilize it is part of your day-to-day life to guide you on the pathway to achieving the things that you want to achieve with your body with your health<br> no better use of your time absolutely support and I support this book and I support this whole this whole line of conversation and talk so she talking about food and you know obviously we know that food is essential essential to us having the the light and make it being able to nurse this vehicle we called the body to each planet and helps us to our healing powers how do we how can we use food to help us to heal for those of us who are not needing to heal how come you use food to maintain her what's the role of food we hear so much about no getting rid of sugar get rid of carbs I saw this show this movie last week and they were joking about all these things had to get rid of in the guy said in the movie he's here with what else is there left to eat<br> he was making fun but I know a lot of people do feel that way. We were all born with a really unique Mac are unique astrology charts and you're going to let this Saturday Bond all of the planets and signs are correlated with every food in the universe if we met at the symbol we can connect it with a planet so actually in body astrology I created all these charts that list all the foods that correlate with different planets and different sign really mean you got to eat this or don't eat this when when you're a particular sign actually don't talk in that way I don't find it exactly what you're saying is that going to go like I was reading about Saturn return well it's Saturday. For you what kind of foods<br> like and how can I support my body and the Saturn transit or Saturday. By giving myself for example root vegetables belong to pattern 16 and stay with you for many hours going to Saturn and that's just one way that we can use astrology to sustain and support us is like I'm having a difficult time I believe these are the foods that take care of that planet<br> add add more than to our diet instead of removed from our diet wow wow<br> isn't that something and so what I'm seeing here is cross-correlation right so if you're in your season of Saturn and you're saying that you either you may be experiencing this where things are hard and you and what's up with the Saturn is crying out for his stability right it's asking to be nearest right and you mention root vegetables right so that<br> those things are hearty right they make it you that tequila is the hearty meals that make you feel really like a warm cozymeal makes me feel really loved on in my opinion right so knowing that help to me and seems as though it would help give some relief<br> to whatever hardness that you're feeling right even those foods make you send me to cause you to rest more to write because in your belly is full of root vegetables and things that nature is healthy as they are they have a heaviness to them which makes you feel like I had to pick one that were overworked and it's really important that food is something we go to to rest as well or creates a feeling of like so I can sleep now or oh I can slow down and that's part of why in my opinion...<br> yeah so there is a correlation there is it there is at what I'm hearing there is a way that we can really support ourselves that we can get we can feel even more loved right because we're talkin about love today and this is a way to even feel more loved because I would imagine that if you're in your season of old being overworked that you may feel a little less you know like you're not being provided for like you you're not loved and so this is a way to support that season right now don't know why you're feeling it first of all don't go off the rails and you know as they say burn up other parts of your life that are not really the reason this is more of a you get into the core reason I called let me try this could you imagine feeling entirely different about your day but I just need a eating some fruit and vegetables having some grills<br> sweet potatoes or whatever and feeling oh my gosh I feel charge at the love the world looks sweet and kind again as opposed to going to start an argument with people because you just build but you know all of these things that and I don't mean to make light of them because they're so happy if we understand ourselves better<br> it means we can love our self more completely which means we can show up as our authentic self for us for ourselves and we can be more compassionate and empathetic in our dealings with others it's a win-win situation for everyone<br> I did this is really weird about body astrology how to heal your body how how to listen to your body let's talk a little bit about that too because I think a lot of times we are so overwhelmed and moving that we're not listening what it had a practice of being able to just listen<br> one of the things at this is the most common complaint I hear from my nutrition classes I feel so disconnected and how to do first is normalize the fact that a lot of us feel that way and it doesn't mean that there's something wrong with them and I plead back to the culture that we live in because it's noisy and there's a lot of misinformation about food what to eat what not to eat how to work out how not to work out in this a lot of list using don't and it is only natural if we're listening and consuming that information is being bombarded by it all the time it's only natural for us to feel confused about what our innate means actually are in the one of the first things that I encourage people to do is to turn the volume down of all of that external information because how are we supposed to hear<br> and that constant bombardment also breaks trust with her body and so we end up really not listening and then we end up eventually feeling like the body not speaking at all. The Mickey space for the body to talk is very practical and very important and some people might think that stuff is consilii but it is vital we don't usually give the body a chance to speak and then we get mad we haven't given an opportunity and then I'm kind of silly but it's building off but I just said<br> I encourage my clients to ask their body question so for example under the waxing moon which is correlated with adding more I will have a client put a hand on their body or their chest their heart and ask the body wouldn't need right now I'm listening and if they don't get an answer that's cool just say I'm here when you're ready to talk and so kind of cheesy about it but like opening at the line of communication with the body and is very practical way is how I like to start with people<br> I love that I am so I am just asking questions and being patient you know I know for many of us the first time that you actually slow down put your hand on your belly or your chest area like he's mentioned and<br> affirm Yourself by asking yourself what do you need your inner self probably is going to start jumping around there like what thanks but that is that is so loving right is to stop and then you know to realize that your inner self is probably in shock and it may take a while before you really can decipher what that voice is saying because we've been conditioned to ignore it for so long right it's not that it's not talkin it's just that we've been ignored would become very very good at ignoring it so it as we continue to ask those questions and just be patient you don't dunk and love the fact you make don't lose patience don't become frustrated because you don't hear right away just love on that<br> you know an inn in and come back frequently and often make a practice of it and even but I love the idea to of Silence like<br> do you find that just being able to carve out time will you can sit in silence in some form or fashion would increase your ability to connect<br> oh yes I lived it<br> also a creative standpoint do I find that information and content and social media and I have my body is crazy I love my favorite pastime is to sit and stare out the window and stared I love it I love it because you know what is why not why not rights we need that warm something coffee whatever you going to have just sit there and you know as you say that you know I was just doing a break something is practice at my grandmother<br> but I remember she used to say just come here and sit here for a little while so we need to sit on the porch in the in the evening sometimes early in the morning to get my daughter and I had gotten to that practice in the summertime just sitting on the front porch is this order just sitting and it's wonderful to be in that place and just let your body and your mind wander and just beat be present yeah great stuff for people who have not given himself the time to sit sit sit and stare I love it you'll find it after a while your brain so it will leave you alone it will just stop<br> and I love that you know that place with the brain will just stop going through a thousand thoughts a minute it was a stop and you can hear you know crickets or you can hear the sound of your heart beat you really become in this moment so it's a beautiful beautiful way to watch how the how the mind will settle in is it okay I understand you know so that I'm disciplining that coming back into the body so very important for having a healthy journey and enjoying your journey and give you your yourself time to<br> time to catch up<br> it's time to catch up an end to get back in step with the rhythm of the universe maybe that's why I made more than catch up because we're always going so fast but to get back and step to get back in the Rhythm so very important that we have about 34 minutes left any other tips that you can give our listeners for really knowing how how they can do this again tell us the name of the book where we can get the book and some tips of what we can do to jump start our journey back to health using your systems<br> you're at so the book is called body astrology and it's available now wherever books are sold and I think my biggest catch it but it's so important it's really discovered that less is more so if you get the book and you start just start really really smell start with learning what is my moon sign is my moon in Aries is it in Taurus is in Gemini and sink into that and ask what is that sign need to feel nourished what does it mean to feel seen and supported start really slow I'd start there and then like we start at started the segment with at the beginning I would start with the lunar cycle just once in awhile<br> where is the moon and it stays is it noon do I need to<br> I'll be gentle as and re-emerging into the light is it building in momentum is it. Need to rest and just allow yourself to be created with the symbols that it is not without its it's simple but it is very profound so small but profound and I love that smaller profound we're not worried about going fast and heavy this is us getting back and flow utilizing some resources that are available for us here in the universe clear you've been a wonderful guest thank you for joining us today I'm Doctor Trevon James this is everyday peace will we come together once a week to really get a better understanding on what all here available for us right now to help support us as we improve<br> lose our lives I hope that you are all jazzed and excited about this if you have not visited my website at Dr.Dre Von James I encourage you to go there today grab some of those free gifts that are out there in until next week please know that I absolutely love you<br> you've been listening to Everyday teeth for dr. Avon James you have the power right now today to make the decisions to take the actions that lead you to your next level of greatness and I would love to hear some ways we can connect schedule a coaching session contact me as info at Dr Graber on enroll in my online university course to 2020 Clarity court at The Institute for leadership and lifelong learning International in role of the brilliant life nine weeks online coaching session with me and Keisha Dixon purchase my book Freedom is your Birthright from Amazon thank you for being at every day Peacemaker I absolutely love you<br> thanks for listening this is Unity online radio the voice of an Awakening world<br> Empower yourself with ojiya power meditation closely guarded for centuries this rare ancient technique attacks dress to empower you with clear calm energy and just minutes are you ready to experience the easiest deepest most Blissful meditation ever leak in the adventure now at Power<br>

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