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ET Yoga, May 8, 2008

ET Yoga
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ET Yoga
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Guest, Dr. N.Rajgopal

Dr N.Rajgopal, Indian Reputed and much sought after,Vedic Astrologer,channels the Immortal Himalayan Master, Mahavatar Babaji and helps people solve any kind of problem,with Sri Babaji's Guidance, in each and every case, through a Special Divine method called as MindScope.

He is the ONLY Astrologer in India who does Mindscope Readings,with the help and guidance of his Guru, Sri Mahavatar Babaji. (Yes,same Babaji as mentioned in
Yoganandaji's Book-Autobiography Of A Yogi)

MindScope is one of the most unique guidance to mankind through which planetary afflictions and deficiencies or adverse conjunctions can be traced or marked within minutes,without the aid of horoscope and just by the Photo of the Client.The system does not depend on the horoscope or data required for casting a horoscope such as date,time and place of birth,whereas to scientifically find the planetary afflictions from astrological point of view,the astrologer cannot do without the above basic data.

Dr. N. Rajgopal checks the deep rooted problems of a person or planetary afflictions or curses, stumbling blocks etc., affecting the growth and progress in life just by touching the the person's photograph, even before reading the horoscope, all with the divine guidance of his Divine Guru Mahavatar Sri Babaji.His specific remedies have solved several deep rooted problems and changed the lives of many. His forefathers were the Royal astrologers for the Tanjore Maharajas/Kings. He completed his Post-Graduations, Bachelor Degree in Medicine, a couple of Management Diplomas and specialized training programmes in various topics, besides specialization in Astrology and Gemmology. His Educational Qualifications are: BASM, M.D(A.M), M.A, PGDBA, PGDFTM, LMICAS, FMARP and he has taken Special Training from IIMM, IIPM, IIM, ESCI, ISABS. He served private companies, MNCs, big Corporate houses holding a variety of middle and senior positions. He has been teaching Management, Taxation, HR etc. at various forums.He has his own Astrological consultation office at Bangalore City, India, which offers services based on MindScope combined with Astrology, Numerology, Gemmology to individuals, Corporates, etc..

ET Yoga

ET Yoga with Charles Green, banner
Show Host
Charles Green


Charles Green passed away March 22, 2024

Charles was unique, a healer with infinite love, that sought to help others gain insight and healing, find peace and joy, and elevate their invaluable spirit to ever higher levels of union and awareness with all that is! He will be missed beyond measure! We loved Charles and everything he stood for! 

ET Yoga is a combination of extra-terrestrial information integrated with the wisdom of the great Yoga Masters related to the concept of Self Realization. Yoga meaning 'Union of you and your Higher Self.' ET Yoga is actually a new Yoga - the Yoga of Belief. Extra-terrestrial and Yogic information complement each other and thus the marriage of the two. Specifically the ET information is mostly about the concept that 'Thought Creates', 'Belief is Everything' and these concepts help us to become more self empowered. The bulk of the Yoga information comes from Sri. Ramana Maharshi, Sri Swami Satchidananda, Baba Ram Dass, Paramahansa Yogananda and Mooji. The ET information is primarily from Andromedan, Sirian, Pleiadian, Arcturian, and Essassani sources. It turns out that the more you learn about the way the universe works (The Ultimate Truths of Reality) the more you know about the human body; so the concepts cross connect. Thus ET Yoga also reflects the concepts that create excellent health, the ability to maintain it and to fix issues as they arise without the need for mainstream medical. Specific meditations, concepts and techniques related to a spiritual journey are also detailed on ET Yoga. The concepts that "If you believe it, it is" and "The whole world is your teacher" are guiding principles supporting the concept that it is your thoughts, definitions, emotions and intentions that create your experience in this dimension. You cannot experience what you are not the vibration of. The website at was designed as a one stop shop for those seeking perfect health and an outline for a spiritual path. The E-books there also connect to about 250 pages on the internet to save the seeker's time. The site is called 'Healing the Known and Unknown'.

"I copied every one of your ET Yoga programs since I listen to them multiple times each week and I have labelled them by the important topics you covered. From my perspective, ET Yoga was one of the most important programs on the net for attaining enlightenment, truth and true knowledge. Thanks you for the months of powerful information delivered with love and sincerity." John Boston U.S.A.

"ET Yoga continues to be a source of amazing information. I love your show and I always learn many new things"  Sharon U.S.A.

"I am an avid listener to Dr. Fred Bell and I discovered your program by happenstance or by fate or divine intervention. I enjoyed what you have to say about health immunity, DNA and longevity. You and Dr. Bell are on the same page so to speak." Alex Parkridge, Ill.

'ET Yoga is intelligent, thought provoking and consciousness uplifting. Charles weaved a variety of topics masterfully in a concise understandable conversational format that will uplift your life and allow more light to reflect on the planet." Drew Connecticut

"I want to thank you for your radio show, since listening, I have embraced a remembering that seems to pull the hologram together in 3D. I've read 'Cosmic Voyage' by Courtney Brown, have purchased,  and using Egyptian Healing Rods, beginning to read Patricia Cori's 'Sirian Revelations', watched Bashar's "Crystal Light Show' and series on You-tube, so much I've learned. And other synchronistic occurrences, you mentioned David Hudson, I own the 3 DVDS, plus, I have ordered and used 'White Powder Gold' from Ascension Alchemy, And most recently, you gave a website which ties to my recent affiliation with the Ashtar Galactic Command where I found the downloaded 'Bringers of the Dawn'. Thanks Paul Dayton Ohio

"Thanks you for ET Yoga. You offer amazing and profound insights into the nature of reality which are not only deeply interesting but practically useful. I am heartened by the correspondence between your statements and 'A course in Miracles'. It is encouraging when teachings concur." Alan London, England

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