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Relationship Help Show, August 2, 2017

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E4 - Settling is for Buildings; and Why Your Ideal Partner May be Eluding You
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Guest: Lori Peters

No one wants to "settle" in a relationship. Dr. Rhoberta Shaler talks about dating expectations and the consequences of having too few or too many. Guest, Lori Peters, creator of the Happiness Hangout show, shares her story of looking for Mr. Right and what happened that took so long to find him. Lori got married just shortly before the show. It all worked out. Listen in.

Why Your Ideal Partner May Be Eluding You.

Today's guest, Lori Peters, was wondering that exact thing. Now, she's found Mr. Right and they're married. Lori will talk about her journey, and what she learned along the way.

My topic: Settling is for Buildings; not Relationships.

You turn thirty. Your friends are all married, or living with someone. Your perspective changes, and you end up "settling." Not a good idea! Here's why, and what you can do to make things better.

Guest, Lori Peters

Guest Name
Lori Peters
Lori Peters
Guest Occupation
Guest Biography

Lori Peters is a writer who has been published and featured in several media outlets including Huffington Post, Your Tango, Brides, Fox News Magazine and more. Lori’s first book, Getting Married At Last: My Journey From Hopelessness To Happiness is available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle.

She also provides numerous professional and fun presentations around happiness and well-being for various types of audiences. Her Happiness Hangout® Radio Show on bbsradio has gained thousands of listeners as she and her guests dive into deep and interesting topics around personal relationship happiness.

Lori Peters is proud of her 25 year career in higher education. Currently, she is a College Educator teaching Counseling and has been doing personal development presentations for over 25 years. Currently, she facilitates Live Happy-Live Better, a customizable program for various audiences who want to enhance their happiness in personal or professional relationships or increase wellbeing in their life. She has volunteered on a national level for thirty years and had the opportunity to be part of a team that runs a major non-profit with over 100,000 members. She is passionate about work-life balance, relationships, and helping people to feel their best during times of challenge. Lori earned her Bachelors in Business and Masters in Counseling and Higher Education.

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Relationship Help Show

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Photo of Rhoberta Shaler, PhD, the Relationship Help Doctor

The Relationship Help Show:  Handling Hijackal® Havoc offers the insights, strategies, and skills you need to recognize what's really going on in the crazy-making relationships in your life. Relentlessly difficult people and relationships in can cause you to constantly second-guess yourself and question your sanity.

Get relationship advice directly from Dr. Rhoberta Shaler, The Relationship Help Doctor. Learn from her expert guests. Each one has a very unique voice on solving relationship problems with particularly difficult people 

Are these relationship issues on your mind?

  • Are you with a Hijackal?  Free ebook, How To Spot A Hijackal, 
  • Want to know how your relationship can shift and you can grow closer?
  • Or, need to know if it's time to leave? 
  • Need insights into troubling behavior patterns?
  • Want to deepen your emotional intimacy?
  • Need to distance yourself from toxic people?
  • Can't communicate...or someone won't?
  • Trying to figure out what's your problem and what is theirs? 
  • Does every conversation quickly become an argument?
  • Have you been discarded by a relentlessly difficult person, a Hijackal?
  • Are you with one? Or, leaving one? 

You will get help with those here!  

What is a Hijackal, exactly? 

A person who hijacks relationships–for their own purposes–while scavenging them for power, status, and control.

They make you question your sanity and second-guess yourself constantly. That’s their game…and, they are very good at it!

Every time you think of being near a Hijackal®, you get anxious. Why? Because the main purpose of Hijackal behavior is to win.

Recognizing chronically difficult people requires admitting that they not only like to win, they have to win. Yes, to win…and in all circumstances and at all times. Yes, they will give you the illusion of agreeing with you…but, only when it suits their purposes, or their longer “game.”

Know one? I’m thinking you must because you’ve found yourself here on this page with me. You’re ready to escape the Hijackal Trap.

It might be your partner, ex,  parent,  co-worker, or someone in any organization–family, workplace, government, court, church, community project, board, or association.

We have all had interaction - at some level, at some time - with a Hijackal... whether we knew it or not. They are unavoidable. AND being in a relationship with a Hijackal - whether at home, work or play - requires some insights and knowledge to navigate and keep yourself safe and sane. 

Those are the things we discuss a lot here. Join us. 

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