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Relationship Help Show, March 27, 2018

Is Your Family History Ruining Your Relationship Life? Guest, Johanna Lynn
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E37 - Is Your Family History Ruining Your Relationship Life?
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​Guest, Johanna Lynn, Clinical Hypnotherapist

Relationship Help Show with Dr Rhoberta Shaler, The Relationship Help Doctor

​Guest, Johanna Lynn, Clinical Hypnotherapist

All that happened to you in life affects everything that is currently happening in your life. If you are not getting the results in life and relationships that you want, then, you want to listen to this episode for sure. 

#1 INTRO to Today's Show

#2 Raised by a Hijackal®? You Might Believe This Deep Down...and It's a Lie! 

Unless you've had a reason or taken the time to think deeply about the home your grew up in, you might not recognize that you had a relentlessly difficult, toxic parent. If you did, the things you learned before you even could walk are affecting everything, on auto-pilot. That Hijackal parent taught you who you were and what to expect from life, and that parent lied to you. Really!  Listen in. 

When you recognize what you were raised in, you'll recognize the need for help to change a few things. Schedule a free consultation with Dr. Shaler HERE. 

Enjoy her videos on YouTube HERE. 

#3 GUEST Johanna Lynn Part 1 Inherited Family Ties and Traits

Why are you comfortable being treated in ways that make you uncomfortable? Learn how your nervous system learned this. Families share operating systems, family patterns, family traits. Learn how your inner images of yourself and your family play out in your life now. Epigenetic patterns. 

#4 GUEST Johanna Lynn Part 2 Inherited Family Ties and Traits

Did you have an emotionally unavailable parent? Did you have an absent parent? The loss that this created is part of your "emotional body." Trust. Where did you learn to trust, or why not to trust? Your family! Listen as Johanna and Dr. Shaler share the impact of your family on your daily life today. 

Learn more about Johann Lynn HERE

#5 Are You Waiting For Someone Else To Go First?

Are you afraid to bring up issues, or talk about your feelings? Many people hope their partners will bring up problems. That doesn't work well. Dr. Shaler helps you know how to approach a problem, and how to talk it through. 


Affirmation for the week. 

Stay in touch. Subscribe to Dr. Shaler's TIPS FOR RELATIONSHIPS HERE

Guest, Johanna Lynn

Guest Name
Johanna Lynn
This week's guest - Johanna Lynn, Clinical Hypnotherapist
Guest Occupation
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Guest Biography

Johanna facilitates transformative group work, providing solutions for the emotional patterns we all inherit from our families. She is committed to resolving the painful patterns that live out from generation to generation. Like a detective, she listens to the facts of your family history, down to the words you use to describe your challenges. These clues lead her directly to the most effective resolution for you. The intention in her work is to contribute to world peace, one family at a time.

Relationship Help Show

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Show Host
Photo of Rhoberta Shaler, PhD, the Relationship Help Doctor

The Relationship Help Show:  Handling Hijackal® Havoc offers the insights, strategies, and skills you need to recognize what's really going on in the crazy-making relationships in your life. Relentlessly difficult people and relationships in can cause you to constantly second-guess yourself and question your sanity.

Get relationship advice directly from Dr. Rhoberta Shaler, The Relationship Help Doctor. Learn from her expert guests. Each one has a very unique voice on solving relationship problems with particularly difficult people 

Are these relationship issues on your mind?

  • Are you with a Hijackal?  Free ebook, How To Spot A Hijackal, 
  • Want to know how your relationship can shift and you can grow closer?
  • Or, need to know if it's time to leave? 
  • Need insights into troubling behavior patterns?
  • Want to deepen your emotional intimacy?
  • Need to distance yourself from toxic people?
  • Can't communicate...or someone won't?
  • Trying to figure out what's your problem and what is theirs? 
  • Does every conversation quickly become an argument?
  • Have you been discarded by a relentlessly difficult person, a Hijackal?
  • Are you with one? Or, leaving one? 

You will get help with those here!  

What is a Hijackal, exactly? 

A person who hijacks relationships–for their own purposes–while scavenging them for power, status, and control.

They make you question your sanity and second-guess yourself constantly. That’s their game…and, they are very good at it!

Every time you think of being near a Hijackal®, you get anxious. Why? Because the main purpose of Hijackal behavior is to win.

Recognizing chronically difficult people requires admitting that they not only like to win, they have to win. Yes, to win…and in all circumstances and at all times. Yes, they will give you the illusion of agreeing with you…but, only when it suits their purposes, or their longer “game.”

Know one? I’m thinking you must because you’ve found yourself here on this page with me. You’re ready to escape the Hijackal Trap.

It might be your partner, ex,  parent,  co-worker, or someone in any organization–family, workplace, government, court, church, community project, board, or association.

We have all had interaction - at some level, at some time - with a Hijackal... whether we knew it or not. They are unavoidable. AND being in a relationship with a Hijackal - whether at home, work or play - requires some insights and knowledge to navigate and keep yourself safe and sane. 

Those are the things we discuss a lot here. Join us. 

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