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Relationship Help Show, January 30, 2018

BULLYING: At Home, at work, at School. What to do to make it stop.
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E29-BULLYING: At Home, at work, at School. What to do to make it stop.
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Guests, Dr Gary Salyer and Dr Nekeshia Hammond

Relationship Help Show with Dr Rhoberta Shaler

​INTRO:  Bullies at Work, ADHD, Raising Emotionally Healthy Children 

SEG 2:  How To Handle Bullies at Work  Dr. Rhoberta Shaler
SEG 3:  Bullies, ADHD, Raising Emotionally Healthy Children  Dr. Nekeshia Hammond Part 1 
SEG 4 : Bullies, ADHD, Raising Emotionally Healthy Children, Dr. Nekeshia Hammond Part 2 
SEG 5 : IHTM -  It Happened To Me  Dr. Gary Salyer 

Guest, Dr Gary Salyer

Guest Name
Dr Gary Salyer
Dr. Gary Salyer - Safe to Love Again
Guest Category
Guest Occupation
creator of the Safe to Love Again™ Workshop and the Extraordinary Couples™ and Extraordinary Singles™ Retreats
Guest Biography


Dr. Gary Salyer speaks to audiences across the country as a featured expert, inspirational speaker on how to create the love we all deserve. He is an expert in Attachment Theory, the science of relationships, Bert Hellinger's Family Systems approach and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). As a master transformational relationship coach, Dr. Gary helps people re-write the rules for love in their brains.

Dr. Salyer is the creator of the Safe to Love Again™ Workshop and the Extraordinary Couples™ and Extraordinary Singles™ Retreats. He is also a highly sought after guest on various podcasts, TV and radio shows such as The Aware Show on Hay House Radio.

Smart, savvy, professional women in their thirties, forties and fifties who are tired of the heartache in their love lives are resonating with the message of ‘safe to love again.’ Gary’s biggest passion is to help both singles and couples discover how they can have a loving sweetheart lying beside them at night, rather than a lonely pillow or a frustrated, distant partner.

Among Dr. Salyer’s strongest gifts is his ability to help clients stop making themselves wrong, no matter what painful patterns are happening in their relationships. Because of his innovative new theory on how to change people’s brain ‘wiring’ for love, both singles and couples experience deep shifts with lasting results that happen in an easy, natural way.


FREE GIFT: "Love Notes with Dr. Gary Salyer” - A collection of short, heartfelt and practical 3-4 minute videos that are designed to help both singles and couples find and create the love they deserve.  One engaged couple in Oregon claims these videos saved their engagement and they are now happily married after implementing the insights and tools that are taught in these videos.

Each brief video will both inspire and show how you can create more real love in your life now, delivered to your inbox twice a week.  Go to; scroll down and fill out the form in the section called “Love Inspirations.”

Guest, Dr. Nekeshia Hammond

Guest Name
Dr. Nekeshia Hammond
Guest Category
Guest Occupation
Guest Biography

Dr. Nekeshia Hammond was raised in Orlando, Florida and now resides in the Tampa Bay area with her spouse and 5-year-old son. When not working, she greatly enjoys spending time with her family and learning about the joys of life through the eyes of her young son.

Dr. Hammond is the owner of Hammond Psychology & Associates, a private practice designed to help children, teens, families, and adults. She has over a decade of experience working in the field of psychology. She has also been featured in various TV, radio, and magazines throughout the country, and she is the TV host of Parenting Explained with Dr. Hammond. The show features parenting experts who provide their knowledge about different parenting issues, such as education, mental health, family bonding, and self-care, to name a few, and episodes will begin airing in early 2018. To learn more about the shows, please visit:

Dr. Hammond is the author of The Practical Guide to Raising Emotionally Healthy Children; Finding Balance in a Stressful World: A Short Guide for Today's Busy Mom; as well as ADHD Explained: What Every Parent Needs to Know (to be released on May 8, 2018).

In her spare time, she enjoys reading, yoga, traveling, and serving on boards to help the community. She is the 2018 Immediate Past President of the Florida Psychological Association. It has been her honor and privilege to serve as the FPA president in 2017 and give back to a profession that gives so much to people. Additionally, she serves on the Board of Directors for the Ryan Nece Foundation, where there are many programs that help community members through "the power of giving."

Relationship Help Show

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Show Host
Photo of Rhoberta Shaler, PhD, the Relationship Help Doctor

The Relationship Help Show:  Handling Hijackal® Havoc offers the insights, strategies, and skills you need to recognize what's really going on in the crazy-making relationships in your life. Relentlessly difficult people and relationships in can cause you to constantly second-guess yourself and question your sanity.

Get relationship advice directly from Dr. Rhoberta Shaler, The Relationship Help Doctor. Learn from her expert guests. Each one has a very unique voice on solving relationship problems with particularly difficult people 

Are these relationship issues on your mind?

  • Are you with a Hijackal?  Free ebook, How To Spot A Hijackal, 
  • Want to know how your relationship can shift and you can grow closer?
  • Or, need to know if it's time to leave? 
  • Need insights into troubling behavior patterns?
  • Want to deepen your emotional intimacy?
  • Need to distance yourself from toxic people?
  • Can't communicate...or someone won't?
  • Trying to figure out what's your problem and what is theirs? 
  • Does every conversation quickly become an argument?
  • Have you been discarded by a relentlessly difficult person, a Hijackal?
  • Are you with one? Or, leaving one? 

You will get help with those here!  

What is a Hijackal, exactly? 

A person who hijacks relationships–for their own purposes–while scavenging them for power, status, and control.

They make you question your sanity and second-guess yourself constantly. That’s their game…and, they are very good at it!

Every time you think of being near a Hijackal®, you get anxious. Why? Because the main purpose of Hijackal behavior is to win.

Recognizing chronically difficult people requires admitting that they not only like to win, they have to win. Yes, to win…and in all circumstances and at all times. Yes, they will give you the illusion of agreeing with you…but, only when it suits their purposes, or their longer “game.”

Know one? I’m thinking you must because you’ve found yourself here on this page with me. You’re ready to escape the Hijackal Trap.

It might be your partner, ex,  parent,  co-worker, or someone in any organization–family, workplace, government, court, church, community project, board, or association.

We have all had interaction - at some level, at some time - with a Hijackal... whether we knew it or not. They are unavoidable. AND being in a relationship with a Hijackal - whether at home, work or play - requires some insights and knowledge to navigate and keep yourself safe and sane. 

Those are the things we discuss a lot here. Join us. 

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