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Dont Panic Its Organic, October 6, 2018

Vanita Lott in clinic
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Dont Panic Its Organic
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with Vanita Lott

Guest this week is Vanita Lott, a Certified Nurse Midwife, RN, BSN, Awakening Birth Now Transformational Holistic Pregnancy Coach 'For Women Wanting a Better Way'! We'll be examining the Unnecessary Cesarean Epidemic, the need to focus on more hands-on health and wellness in maternity care, the dangers of over-use of technology in birth, and how important clean, organic nutrition is best for mother and baby!

Guest, Vanita Lott

Guest Name
Vanita Lott
Vanita Lott, Certified Nurse Midwife, RN, and BSN
Guest Occupation
Certified Nurse Midwife, RN, and BSN
Guest Biography

About Vanita Lott:

As a Certified Nurse Midwife, RN, and BSN, my passion is sharing my 35 years of experience, knowledge and wisdom to empower women to make fully informed choices for a safer, easier and more beautiful birth. Today’s extreme techno-medical approach treats birth as a disaster waiting to happen and imposes many dubious interventions on even normal labors. Our maternity care system has become infected with the profit and power-driven agendas of insurance companies; hospital, pharmaceutical and medical supply corporations; and even the medical societies. Despite pretty labor rooms and more female Ob/Gyns, the cesarean rates skyrocketed. Unbelievably, our current system was never designed to be mother & baby friendly and has been criticized as pseudo-scientific by independent researchers. Our dangerous “unnec-cesarean” epidemic is the most glaring example that this very unbalanced approach needs a dramatic overhaul to become wellness & prevention oriented to meet the real needs of mothers, babies and their families.


  • Called to be midwife at the age of 16 while reading about the U.S. Air Force’s CNMs.
  • Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing from William Patterson College in New Jersey in 1981. Cum Laude (with Honors).
  • Frontier School of Midwifery, graduated with GPA of 3.87 in 1997.
  • American College of Nurse-Midwives board certified.
  • Hospital experience including high-risk in N.J., N.Y., Washington, Arizona, Nevada, and California.
  • Professional & community lecturer, seminar leader and researcher.
  • Avid student of alternative holistic healing practices, including naturopathy, herbal medicine, sound and spiritual healing.
  • Certified yoga teacher and Reiki (hands-on-healing) practitioner.
  • Loves kayaking, hiking, ecstatic dance, yoga, meditation, being in nature, being with family & friends.

Dont Panic Its Organic

Don’t Panic It’s Organic with andy Lopez aka Invisible Gardener
andy Lopez aka Invisible Gardener

Listen to

Don’t Panic It’s Organic!

Banish pesticides and chemical fertilizers

from your garden.

The Invisible Gardener is here

to show you how to work with

Mother Nature instead of against her.

What are you putting in your soil? How are you dealing with garden pests and diseases? Conventional horticulture assaults the earth with pesticides and chemicals, sucking essential nutrients from the soil with each harvest. Organic gardening offers a healthier, more productive, and more sustainable alternative.

andy Lopez, a.k.a. the Invisible Gardener, started his business in 1970 and through this show he will reveal how to work in partnership with your garden while consuming less energy and producing fewer greenhouse gases.

Under Andy’s expert tutelage, you’ll discover -

  • the importance of having 'living' soil 
  • natural tree care by understanding the Law of Cause and Effect how you can control bark beetles and other pests and diseases
  • natural disease control by using a Refractometer to get Brix readings
  • what Brix is and how you can use it for your garden
  • the correct way to make use of compost and mulch, and why we make it in the first place
  • natural pest control, the Greater the Stress, the Greater the Pest
  • you will know what Brix is and how you can use it for your garden
  • the correct way to make and use compost and mulch, and why we make it in the first place
  • natural pest control: my motto is the Greater the Stress, the Greater the Pest
  • organic lawn care and weed control
  • natural spraying methods
  • how to reduce your garden’s water needs
  • what the role of Mycelium is and how to help it
  • what rock dust is and how to use it

Conventional horticulture still clings to the claim that organic and conventional growing methods yield the same results. Andy reveals the flaws in this argument, proving organic practices and heirloom seed use can actually increase harvests. 

Even if organic and conventional growing methods had the same results, which would you prefer: soil leached of nutrients by chemical overuse, or rich, natural loam cultivated by your own hands and Andy’s practical, proven methods?

A real gardener knows the answer instinctively. Don’t Panic Go Organic - you’ll never regret it.

The Invisible Gardener show will be a mix of andy’s gardening wisdom along with electronic music he writes himself. He is also an environmentalist and his shows reflect this. Listen to him live on every Sat Mornings 1 to 1:55 pm pst

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