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Quantum Mindfulness Radio, July 7, 2014

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A Diagnosis is Just a Word: Disempowering the Energies of the Illusion with Special Guest Staci Marshall (Episode #8)
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with Joel Ayala Ayapana RN, BSN, BA

Quantum Mindfulness Radio with Joel Ayala Ayapana RN, BSN, BA

Headlined Show, Quantum Mindfulness Radio July 7, 2014

Staci Marshall
Broadcast Date

A Diagnosis is Just a Word: Disempowering the Energies of the Illusion with Special Guest Staci Marshall

On the next highly anticipated broadcast of Quantum Mindfulness Radio, join Joel Ayala Ayapana as he interviews and shares the miraculous journey of Staci Marshall...

Staci Marshall is an alternative medicine proponent who is passionate in sharing how she reversed her Stage 2 Triple Negative Breast Cancer in 8 months without the use of “traditional” medicine or therapies. By adopting a raw, natural & healthy lifestyle as well as incorporating supplements & other holistic modalities, her personal journey has now inspired many to look at their current lifestyles and begin the transition into energetic, positive & self-healing human beings. She was also selected as The Radical Remission Project’s Healing Story of the Month for May 2014. Staci has a degree in Psychology from CSUFullerton and has been actively involved in the Holistic & Metaphysical communities. She is currently earning her B.A. degree in Parapsychic Science from the American Institute of Holistic Theology (AIHT).

Staci Marshall was such a wealth of innately born Knowledge and Heart-Felt Wisdom... that she NOW holds the Title of "Synergistic Health & Wellness Consultant" for Quantum Mindfulness Radio. She will be making frequented appearances on the show to provide listeners with vital tips and post-diagnosis recommendations for Healthy Living & Feeling.

Staci Marshall:

Radical Remission Project:

Staci Marshall:

Operation Blueberry Melt:


Music provided for by World-Reknown INSPIRATION and Multi-Award Winning Singer & Songwriter Paul Luftenegger as his MUSIC is featured at the conclusion of this broadcast with his Award-Winning Single and Highly Recognized Album Release - "Diamond Light" by Paul Luftenegger. And you can be able to know more about the AMAZING Paul Luftenneger by CLICKING on the following LINKS:

The Book of Positive Light: Remembrance of the Heart by Joel A. Ayapana 
Quantum Mindfulness Radio with Joel Ayala Ayapana RN, BSN, BA

Quantum Mindfulness Radio

Quantum Mindfulness with Joel Ayala Ayapana, banner
Show Host
Joel Ayala Ayapana

The initial intention of this one-hour online radio talk show was meant to focus and embrace upon the essence of Quantum Mindfulness, a term that I have coined as a state of awareness that can be utilized as the tools, the shielding, and the armor of resilience - where the theoretical constructs and to where the most profound and amazing of findings discovered by the variable schools of Quantum Theory are integrated with Heart-Centered Research Based Science, NLP, DBT, Perceptual Modification, and in Active Participative Knowing. But as I began to learn from the basic elements of the book that I had just recently published, The Book of Positive Light: Remembrance of the Heart, and as I began to slowly re-read the inspiration of its spiritually channeled pages, I began to evolve in Spirit through an understanding of Self. And as I began to evolve, the talk show had also gradually evolved the same in heightening awareness and in potentiality as it was being observed at a much broadened sense of how I had viewed my internal environment.

As a Registered Nurse, I have utilized many elements of this philosophy and approach and along with the many other learned experiences that I have acquired along this journey from the many spirited and wisdom-filled souls that I have encountered from countless numbers of fascinating conversations. And I have done so, within my practice, in coordination with the application of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy in 1:1 Patient Interventional Therapy and in Group Therapy Sessions on several Psychiatry Units throughout my integrative and holistic career as a nurse. This, alone, has greatly allowed for me to, not only heal myself in many ways, but it has also allowed for me to assist my clients along the road to recovery from addiction, an improved understanding to perceptual modification, the utilization of heightened forms of spiritual and emotional coping from anxiety, stress, and depression, resilience-building techniques, self-empowerment, heart-centered consciousness and coherence, and in initiating the change agent process to Unity Consciousness and Global Awareness. On the other hand, as a newly acclaimed public speaker, I have also presented my findings from the miraculous and inspiring effectiveness of this particular approach collaboratively with my own life experiences throughout several speaking events in Northeastern Ohio.

Now, as furthered evolution has enveloped the content matter of this show to other deepening layers of multi-dimensionality, the theme of this one hour broadcast, additionally, lies within the intention to integrating the many facets of the human experience with interviews and of personal accounts explained by some of the most compelling and of inspirational guests invited to the show - of motivational speakers, experts, song writers, singers, musicians, authors, actors and actresses, and researchers. Together, in conversation, the limitless menu of topics for discussion can consist of subject matter drawn from Quantum Theory, Integrative Medicine, Alchemy, the meta-physical, the unexplained and miraculous, the philosophical, the synchronistic, the intriguing nature of variabled belief systems, spirituality, the esoteric, the paranormal, the Ancients, ancient civilizations, Sacred Geometry, the Mystery Schools, and in the many other facets of the explored, the subjective, and uncharted realms of the human experience. This can all be covered from one inspiring show to the very next whilst leaving the dedicated listener intrigued with wonder, self-empowerment, limitlessness, and bliss. 

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