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Insight Out...the Naked Truth with Errol Strider and Rochelle Alicia Strider

Tonight's featured phrase is "It's About Time"

Miracle-Minded Radio

Please join Sheldon Jo and Scott Krajca for another episode of Of Course Radio focused on forgiveness and A Course in Miracles. In this episode Sheldon and Scott recite quotes from A Course in Miracles and take you through a guided meditation. The main topic of discussion is: What would Jesus think? The idea is this: If Jesus (and eventually the discussion leads to Mary Magdalene as well) were walking around today, how would they think their way through today’s times by applying forgiveness and A Course in Miracles.

Miracle-Minded Radio

Join Sheldon Jo and Scott Krajca as they discuss A Course in Miracles and how to apply it and forgiveness in your daily life.

Sri and Kira Live with Sri Kam Kaa and Kira Raa

The Truth about FEAR!  What is the TRUTH and what is the ILLUSION?

Miracle-Minded Radio

Join Sheldon Jo and Scott Krajca as they discuss the recent violence of police shootings of black men, Dallas police shootings and violence that is rampant throughout the world and how to look upon these issues from the lense of true forgiveness and A Course in Miracles.

‘A Course in Miracles’ quotes are read and a guided meditation is led by Scott. Please enjoy and send comments to

Miracle-Minded Radio

Join Sheldon Jo and Scott Krajca as they discuss spiritual places and how they can help your spiritual journey while also keeping the messages of A Course in Miracles in mind. We specifically talk about Mt. Shasta and Sedona, AZ throughout the show. Enjoy!

Miracle-Minded Radio

Join Sheldon Jo and Scott Krajca in the powerful 26th Episode of Of Course Radio - Miracle-Minded Radio with A Course in Miracles. In this episode Sheldon and Scott read quotes from A Course in Miracles, take you on a guided meditation and then discuss the following:

  • Relationship and special relationships
  • Current affairs of American politics
  • Homelessness and Poverty
  • How to apply A course in Miracles and forgiveness to everything
Miracle-Minded Radio

Of Course Radio with Scott Krajca & Sheldon Jo. Join Sheldon and Scott as they take you on a guided meditation and discuss current time with A Course in Miracles and true forgiveness in mind.

Miracle-Minded Radio

Of Course Radio with Scott Krajca & Sheldon Jo. Episode 24 marks the return of Sheldon and Scott after taking several months off. Topics include: a deep guideded meditation with Holy Spirit by Sheldon, current/intense times and how to practice true forgiveness with A Course in Miracles.

Sri and Kira Live with Sri Kam Kaa and Kira Raa

April 2016!  The roaring LION of powerful momentum is asking:  ARE YOU READY to DIVE into your truth without doubt as you live the life you want?  Or, are you standing at the precipice; afraid to leap into the unknown?