Of Course Radio, June 24, 2016
Join Sheldon Jo and Scott Krajca as they discuss spiritual places and how they can help your spiritual journey while also keeping the messages of A Course in Miracles in mind. We specifically talk about Mt. Shasta and Sedona, AZ throughout the show. Enjoy!
Of Course Radio

Of Course Radio is a lively broadcast focused on the messages within ‘A Course in Miracles’ as well as in-depth explorations into how we live forgiveness in our daily lives and remember our connection with God/Source.
Our universe, planet and brothers/sisters are going through an immense amount of change right now. Veils are thinning and we all have a great opportunity to shorten the amount of “time” it takes to wake up.
Join Course teacher’s Sheldon Jo and Scott Krajca as they take you on a journey exploring the meaning and practice of ‘A Course in Miracles’ which has been read by millions across the world. Understand what it means to truly practice forgiveness in your day-to-day life and how to remember true joy and happiness.
Show topics: A Course in Miracles, spirituality, metaphysics, healing, mysticism, Christ Consciousness, Holy Spirit
Arts Unity Movement - https://www.artsunitymovement.com/