X Squared Radio, September 21, 2005
The Debut of X-Squared Radio talk radio show with Dr. Brooks Alexander Agnew, PhD on BBS Radio.
Brooks Agnew was born in 1955 in Southern California as the son of a NASA contract engineer. He is the descendant of the Agnew and Ross clans of ancient Scotland. Sir Andrew Agnew and Edward the Bruce were best friends and shared the defense of Rosslyn and the region of Galloway in Scotland. Their families married one another for centuries, from which comes the host of this program, X-Squared Radio.
Brooks is the product of numerous public and private schools, became a published author at age 13 and assisting with lab research at UCLA's Brain Research Institute at age 16. He was an instructor of Mathematics at Gaston College, professorial assistant with Evironmental Chemistry at Tennessee Technological University, and instructed graduate students at Western Kentucky University in the field of Instrumental Analysis. He graduated with honors in the top 0.1% of graduating seniors from Tennessee Technological University in Chemistry and Mathematics, continuing his studies to achieve a Masters Degree in Quality (statistics) and a PhD in Physics. He began contracting in 1998 for numerous Fortune 100 companies. He retired from full-time employment as an engineer for the automotive industry at age 43 and led numerous billon-dollar coporations through TS-16949 and ISO-9000 certifications making possible more than $400 million in new earnings and providing more than 500 jobs in the United States. His projects and more than 1 thousand technical publications earned him US patents and the rank of SixSigma Black Belt with more than $500 million recovered or earned from his process improvements.
In 2004, with his co-author EJ Clark, he wrote and self-published Volume One of The Ark of Millions of Years that discussed the origin and destiny of the Earth. It quickly became a national best seller. Volume Two was published in 2006, and Volume Three was published in 2008. All three Volumes remain in the top 1% of books for sale on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. He keeps a busy lecture schedule and hosts X-Squared Radio each week live between 5-8PM Pacific Time. In 2006, he became the expedition leader for The North Pole Inner Earth Expedition, heralded by many as the greatest expedition in history. He has filmed, or been featured in, a half-dozen scientific documentaries awakening millions to the mysteries of the universe and of the Earth. Hence, he became an Earth explorer.
X-Squared Radio came online in September 2005, after Brooks had appeared on numerous radio programs promoting his new book. He was offered a one-hour spot on Wednesday evenings, which quickly blossomed into three hours every Sunday evening between 8-11 PM Eastern time. It has grown at a rate of 50% per quarter and is currently the largest drawing Webcast radio progam in North America with more than 10 million listeners.
He is currently the President of Sirius Energies Corporation. Their mission statement is to displace as many gasoline-powered vehicles as possible with plug-in electric vehicles. The first all-electric pickup truck rolled off the Kentucky assembly line on Monday, December 28th, 2009. Look for the pilot plant to produce 300 pickup trucks per month by next year's end and the new plant to produce more than 30,000 electric pickup trucks annually by 2012. Are you ready for the change?
X Squared Radio

Dr. Brooks Agnew hosts a paranormal internet talk radio program interviewing top authorities on the mysteries of the Earth and the Universe. Hundreds of millions of people listen to talk radio while they travel or work. But in the audio sea of tinkling voices, one voice is emerging as master of the scientific domain.
A renaissance-man with a passion for discovery, Brooks A. Agnew, PhD has excited millions of people with the greatest story on the universe. His best-selling book, The Ark of Millions of Years, is changing the foundations of science and religion. He believes in the unlimited potential of mankind.
DR. BROOKS ALEXANDER AGNEW, PhD, an author, explorer, electronics engineer and physicist, is one of the most successful pioneers with ground probing radar technology, in the world. This technology is currently utilized in the Mars Express program.