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The Truth About Stem Cells, June 28, 2013

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Debut of The Truth About Stem Cells show
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with Don Margolis

The Debut Show for, The Truth About Stem Cells with Don Margolis, on BBS Radio!

He will tell you what to look out for, and how to get one of the few competent stem cell doctors to look at your case. He will have guest doctors every other week and, of course, he will take your calls.

The Truth About Stem Cells

The Truth About Stem Cells with Don Margolis, banner
Show Host
Don Margolis

The Repair Stem Cell Institute is the world's first stem cell treatment company. How does a guy who spent nearly 40 years as an executive in the insurance business, and is a charter member of the American Academy of Actuaries, come to be known worldwide as a visionary, a humanitarian, and a voice in the wilderness in the world of stem cell medicine?

Margolis describes as his personal mission in life “to bring a major medical benefit to mankind.” Most people who have no medical or scientific training would sit around wondering how to do it. Not Don. In 2003, with the help from the one man in the world he considers the greatest stem cell doctor of all, Dr. Shimon Slavin, he founded the world’s first stem cell treating company, TheraVitae. Within 18 months they became the first stem cell company in the world to treat no-hope heart patients...over 500 in all before politics shut them down as they have shut down most of the stem cell clinics which save and improve lives by the hundreds.

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