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Evolve 2b, February 3, 2013

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The Debut Show of Evolve 2b
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with Audree Tara Weitzman

The Debut Show of Evolve 2b on BBS Radio!

We open our energy bodies to the high vibrational frequencies and shift our consciousness. This shift in consciousness allows us to become a multidimensional being and we can start to live from the heart.

Evolve 2b

Evolve 2b with Audree Tara, banner
Evolve 2b

Evolve 2b: The Evolution of Consciousness - A Step by Step Guide to your Awakening “you are the change..”

As a teacher and healer, Audree's vision is to provide a safe, nurturing environment for the healing process, to honor her clients/students for where they are chakra, new chakra system, evolutionary energetics system on their own healing journey and to provide a standard of excellence to the field of energetic healing.

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