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Passionate Living with Nicole Brandon

Passionate Living with Nicole Brandon and guest, Prezentz

Calling from Lake Arrowhead! Transformation, Energetics, Meditation, Mediumship, Secret Singing, Realms of Consciousness, Spiritualism

Life Changes with Filippo with Filippo Voltaggio and guest Michael Simonson

The Debut Show of Evolve 2b on BBS Radio!

We open our energy bodies to the high vibrational frequencies and shift our consciousness. This shift in consciousness allows us to become a multidimensional being and we can start to live from the heart.

Raymon Grace will be our guest this week. He is a native of the mountains of Virginia and has spent 35 years doing healing work and teaching dowsing and psychic development. He is a frequent teacher at the Ozark Research Institute's Power of Thought School, and he lectures across the country at dowsing conferences and alternative healing seminars. His style is unique, and he tells stories in a down-to-earth mountain man way. Among those he has learned from are Rolling Thunder, Cherokee Medicine Man, and Chief Two Trees, Cherokee Chief and Healer.