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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 26 April 2021

Evolve 2b with Audree Tara Weitzman

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Talk Show:
Evolve 2b

Evolve 2b: The Evolution of Consciousness - A Step by Step Guide to your Awakening “you are the change..”

As a teacher and healer, Audree's vision is to provide a safe, nurturing environment for the healing process, to honor her clients/students for where they are chakra, new chakra system, evolutionary energetics system on their own healing journey and to provide a standard of excellence to the field of energetic healing.

Audree Tara Weitzman
Talk Show Host, Meditation Teacher, Workshop Facilitator, Energy Healer, Guide, Conduit, Channel

Evolve 2b: The Evolution of Consciousness
A Step by Step Guide to your Awakening
“you are the change..”

Evolve *Align *Master
We open our energy bodies to the high vibrational frequencies and shift our consciousness. This shift in consciousness allows us to become a multidimensional being and we can start to live from the heart. Never before have we had an opportunity to shed the pain and suffering of our consciousness in this manner.

Grounding Meditations for the Shift in Consciousness - Teach an enlightened understanding of our powerful vibrational energies and the importance of grounding our energy into connection with the Earth. This practice brings one’s energy field into alignment with the earth’s energy, and creates a powerful sense of balance, safety and calm. This holds space for the individual to become responsible for his or her own sense of well- being. It is the foundation for all types of energetic or spiritual work, and is an essential tool for anyone who is interested in personal development, and a must during any transformative time.

This is one hour of experiential meditation, groundbreaking information about your Evolution of Consciousness, your energy anatomy, a new chakra system and our personal connection to the earth’s changing vibrational energy.

Audree gives you practical steps to your evolution of consciousness.

Choose to live in a heart-based way of being, choose a state of higher consciousness…

The discussion and awareness of this time in history and the possibility of change inspired Grounding Meditations for the shift in Consciousness. Science is discussing it; all indigenous cultures have prophesized coming into this new era of peace. But what does this really mean and what are the practical steps to complete the process of evolution?

About Audree Tara

As a teacher and healer, Audree’s vision is to provide a safe, nurturing environment for the healing process of her clients/students honoring where they are in their own healing journey, and to provide a standard of excellence to the field of energetic healing. Through her own meditation practices she expands her knowledge of the global shift in consciousness and maintains a deep respect and honor for the opportunity to share with others in the following areas:

Meditation Teacher

As a meditation teacher and workshop facilitator, Audree developed the Evolutionary Energetics System© and Grounding Meditations for the Global Shift in Consciousness workshops. The objective of these classes is to teach and prepare students for the shift in consciousness that is occurring for all sentient beings, the earth and throughout the universe. Meditation classes teach a series of skills that help new learners and advanced students alike to fully ground the Pranic Tube, align and hold higher vibrational frequencies, evolve the DNA and open the Multi-Dimensional and Aquarian chakras. A history of energetics and groundbreaking information about chakras and mankind’s connection to the earth’s changing vibrational energy are part of the coursework.

Audree Tara, host of Evolve 2b: The Evolution of Consciousness Energy Healer

Audree began her healing career in 2001, and has had healing successes with: stage 4 cancer (ovarian, breast and brain), depression, anxiety, fertility, rape and incest recovery, addiction, grief and loss counseling, transition counseling, job loss and life changes, physical injuries including chronic pain and broken bones, and has identified unknown and hard to diagnose medical aliments. By guiding her clients to develop the tools they need to hold a high vibration frequency, Audree teaches that they can manage and master their own energy field and this empowers them to become participants in their own healing process. Audree also mentors healers. As a healer, Audree uses her skills to access the high vibration field of the human body to discover and heal dis-ease in its many forms.

Audree navigates her healing through the chakras and energy levels beyond the 7 chakras. This is where physical, emotional and spiritual disease first begins to manifest. Working energetically and healing at a cellular level, she works to balance the DNA, Master cells, organs, viruses/parasites, etc., of the body to create physical health and balance.

Audree has the ability to focus on the Multi Dimensional aspects of the soul at a high vibrational frequency and works with soul contracts, vows, past life traumas and negative energetic interferences. Instituting this level of awareness has the ability to clear physical and emotional imbalance and manifest new life experiences and learning patterns without pain and suffering.

As an energy healer, teacher and guide, Audree is a conduit for learning, healing and personal and spiritual growth. Audree can transverse through multi-dimensions and channeled knowledge to receive the full concepts of the soul’s essence and the earth’s profound energetic vibrations. She also communes with nature and animals. She receives direct communion from her guides, the Ascended Masters and souls who have crossed over, including the guides of her clients. She can see, feel, and sense energy.

Audree Tara’s Healing Philosophy

“As a healer I have an in-depth understanding of the experiences we create in order for us to evolve at both a human level and a soul level. I have been very aware of my own healing process. I am constantly using the healing techniques that I have learned to clear myself of any imbalance in my field. This gives me clarity and balance throughout my physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. I cannot heal the pain and suffering of others and know the path of healing unless I have myself gone through the process at some level of awareness.

Dis-ease in whatever challenging form it takes is an opportunity for incredible healing on a physical, emotional, and spiritual dimension. When we question why we are here in this lifetime, one purpose is to heal ourselves. As I continue to grow as a healer, I have found that all pain, suffering or imbalance in life stems from one simple core issue – the lack of self love. This can be measured on different levels. But the “heart” of all issues can be traced right back to our own level of unconditional love. This is where the work starts and the healing journey can expend from this place.”