Dare To Dream, April 14, 2024
Dare to Dream with Debbi Dachinger
Guest, Adam Apollo, CEO Superluminal Systems, CoreNexus, UNIFY Cofounder, Unified Physicist, Resonance Academy, D’Jedi: Guardian Alliance, Sacred Sexuality. Ancient Wisdom and Unified Physics. Bridging Science and Consciousness.
🌟 Join Adam Apollo, Debbi Dachinger and many notable presenters who are speaking in September at the Portal to Ascension Glastonbury UK Conference. Join us! Tickets: https://ascensionglastonbury.com/ref/2/ 🌟
ADAM APOLLO: Ecstasy with the universe; The Physics of Spacetime!
1) How does the physics of spacetime suggest that the Akashic Records are all around us?
2) Experiencing the Divine directly
3) What future technology will allow us to travel between star systems and meet cultures from other worlds?
4) How about this future for humanity on Earth?
My guest Adam Apollo has offered insights on global transitions, physics, technology, human spirituality, and the future as a "Next Generation Leadership" ambassador at the White House, in multiple NEXUS and other summits at the United Nations, and at conferences and festivals around the world. He served as Chief of Business Development for the 2020 Fund, and organized two Prayer Runs for World Peace with indigenous elders and youth from all over North America. He is a cofounder of the UNIFY movement which reaches 100M people each month, and two education and technology-based companies: Access Granted and Superluminal Systems. He is an active faculty member, author, and the lead systems architect for several international online academies, including the Resonance Academy for Unified Physics and the Guardian Alliance Academy for self-mastery, with over 150,000 active students of all ages from around the world across these schools. He’s been featured on GAIA TV shows, Coast to Coast AM on multiple occasions, feature films and more. Over the past few years Adam Apollo supported development of a new quantum computer resistant encryption system with Crown Sterling and advised on many cryptocurrency initiatives. He is now building a decentralized social operating system that has a revolutionary 3D starship dashboard and regenerative impact engine for gamification of planetary transformation: CoreNexus™. Adam Apollo is dedicated to achieving a sustainable and thriving interplanetary culture. To learn more: AdamApollo.com Adam and I and other notable presenters are speaking in September at the Portal to Ascension Glastonbury UK Conference. Tickets: https://ascensionglastonbury.com/ref/2/

My guest Adam Apollo has offered insights on global transitions, physics, technology, human spirituality, and the future as a "Next Generation Leadership" ambassador at the White House, in multiple NEXUS and other summits at the United Nations, and at conferences and festivals around the world. He served as Chief of Business Development for the 2020 Fund, and organized two Prayer Runs for World Peace with indigenous elders and youth from all over North America. He is a cofounder of the UNIFY movement which reaches 100M people each month, and two education and technology-based companies: Access Granted and Superluminal Systems. He is an active faculty member, author, and the lead systems architect for several international online academies, including the Resonance Academy for Unified Physics and the Guardian Alliance Academy for self-mastery, with over 150,000 active students of all ages from around the world across these schools. He’s been featured on GAIA TV shows, Coast to Coast AM on multiple occasions, feature films and more. Over the past few years Adam Apollo supported development of a new quantum computer resistant encryption system with Crown Sterling and advised on many cryptocurrency initiatives. He is now building a decentralized social operating system that has a revolutionary 3D starship dashboard and regenerative impact engine for gamification of planetary transformation: CoreNexus™. Adam Apollo is dedicated to achieving a sustainable and thriving interplanetary culture.
To learn more: Adam and I and other notable presenters are speaking in September at the Portal to Ascension Glastonbury UK Conference. Tickets: https://ascensionglastonbury.com/ref/2/
Dare To Dream

The award-winning DARE TO DREAM Podcast is your #1 transformation conversation.
"Dare to Dream" podcast, with host, Debbi Dachinger, offers cutting-edge conversation on metaphysics, quantum creating, channeling, healing, UFO's, paranormal and extraterrestrials. For 16 years Debbi hosts this award-winning podcast.
Join Debbi on Instagram: @daretodreampodcast and @debbidachinger
Debbi is a Book Writing coach, so you pen and publish an engaging book. Her company launches your book to a guaranteed international bestselling status & it’s fully-done-for-the-author, plus she is the best coach for how to be Interviewed on podcast shows for big results. Learn how now - get your free how-to media videos: https://debbidachinger.com/gift
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