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Voices of Courage, December 16, 2018

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The Courage to Find Peace Amid the Chaos During the Holidays
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with Julie Potiker

Today we discuss overcoming the stress, challenges, and chaos that often accompany us during the holiday season.


The majority of us are looking forward to having a really great holiday experience with our loved ones, but this time of year can get pretty stressful. We have so much on our minds and things start to seem rather chaotic.

Will we be able to find a parking space at the mall? Will there be enough money to pay for all of these gifts? Will there be enough time to get everything done? 

In order for us to enjoy our holiday festivities this year, we need to give up two things – our worries and fears. If we clutter our minds with the burden of these negative thoughts, we become engulfed in them and allow them to stack on top of one another. Are you ready to lighten your load this holiday season and find the courage to stay calm amid the chaos?

My guest, Julie Potiker, is an author, attorney, and mindfulness expert who shares mindfulness techniques with the world and teaches people how to rewire their brains for more happiness and resilience in their lives.

She joins me today to explain what mindfulness is and how the practice of being mindful can help us enjoy great experiences on a regular basis. Julie also provides helpful tips and strategies for calming our inner critic, practicing mindful self-compassion, and responding skillfully to stressful situations.


We Discuss:

  • Remaining present and enjoying this holiday season amid the chaos going on around us
  • Reconnecting with ourselves and releasing any baggage that’s weighing us down
  • An exercise to help release the worries and fears that create stress and tension
  • Setting the intention to pause and form a skillful response versus a negative reaction
  • The science behind mindfulness and how it rewires our brains for happiness
  • Getting in touch with mindful self-compassion and expressing compassion for others
  • Calming the nagging voice of our “inner critic” and allowing it to become our friend
  • How our core values can be used to provide a course correction if we veer off track
  • 8 tips to help us feel revitalized, empowered, and ready to enjoy a fun-filled holiday season

Learn More About Ken D Foster


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Voices of Courage

Voices of Courage with Ken D Foster
Show Host
Ken D Foster

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