Conscious Thought with Leo, November 25, 2015

Conscious Thought with Leo with Magdalena Winkler and guest Richard West, Soul contract removal. Soul contract is still not very well known topic and so is not well know the Soul contract removal. Find out how and when do we create Soul contracts and how they impact our human life's...this contacts can be very old and you can clear them any time...your life may change totally and you may be amazed about all the contact we make and totally not aware of them...more ....great info Richard, thank you Magdalena
Guest, Richard West

Soul Contract Removal and Why Its Important
Without getting all technical, and new agey about it... in this context, the soul is you. You are the soul or being that has (theoretically) made agreements with others.
1. An agreement between two or more parties for the doing or not doing of something specified.
2. A binding agreement between two or more persons or parties; especially : one legally enforceable
Simply stated we are talking about agreements that you have made before coming into this human existence, before coming into this incarnation as a human. So you could say, as a Soul, but not born into a physical human form, you have theoretically or actually made some binding agreements. These agreements are between you and the counter parties.
1. to invalidate or cause to no longer be ineffective, as by voiding or canceling: Her license was revoked.
2. to take back or withdraw; cancel; rescind: to revoke a law.
Conscious Thought with Leo

"Conscious Thought with Leo"
(We wake up from unconscious to conscious self in Leo)
Tune in and experience the following:
- Conscious thought with Leo is dedicated to personal growth and global transformation support for awakening global community
- An information highway helping everyone expand out to reach all those who are searching
- Becoming aware of our thoughts, emotions, beliefs, behaviors and patterns, and how they impact our bodies and lifes
- Learning why we repeat cycles of patterns and how to consciously face what is not serving US
- Learning how energies within the environment impact us
- Learning to become conscious beings without blame and aware of information overload
- Waking up the passionate heart of Leo and strong sense of self with co-operation of intellect and heart for balanced living.