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Chuck and Julie Show, May 10, 2021

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Chuck and Julie Show
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Guests, Arash Mosaleh and Rep. Dave Williams, homeless camps and rising gasoline and transportation taxes

The Chuck & Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden

Guests, Arash Mosaleh and Rep. Dave Williams

Citizens file suit to stop a huge homeless camp from being set up in their neighborhood. Social Media Influencer Arash Mosaleh brings us up to date on their fight. Plus Rep. Dave Williams on a massive gasoline and transportation tax hike disguised as a “fee” that’s being rammed through the Colorado legislature.

Satsang with G

Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 18 May 2021

Satsang with G - Discussing Spirituality, Non Duality, Happiness, Prosperity and All the Stuff That Matters

Satsang with G with GP Walsh
Talk Show:
Show Host:
GP Walsh - Greg Walsh

Satsang with G - Discussing Spirituality, Non Duality, Happiness, Prosperity and All the Stuff That Matters

To question is to live. To abandon assumptions and discover the truth is to live forever.

It is a deep exploration of the things that matter most to us all. Sometimes when we don’t even know it.

What if every single thing you have ever experienced or will ever experience, all the happiness or pain you have or will have in your life is a direct result of the image you hold of yourself? What would you do with that tidbit or information?

Satsang is a place to question, to explore, to contemplate. Not superficially but deeply. Each we we discuss and answer the questions that most matter to us all.

Questions we must answer:

  • What am I?
  • What is this all about?
  • What happens when I die?
  • What happened before I was born?
  • Why is the world so messed up?
  • Can I do anything about it?
  • How can I lead a spiritual life in a materialistic world?
  • Do I matter?
  • Do I deserve love
  • How do I find real self-acceptance?

Whether the question is as mundane as money or as profound as the meaning of life, I can assure you, “Satsang with G” will give you a new perspective that makes an immediate, transformative difference in your life.

So, are you concerned about health, money, romance, success, the future of the world? Every question has at its roots a set of beliefs that you hold about yourself. Beliefs that have simply never been questioned.

G invites you to bring your questions about whatever matters to you. Just don’t be surprised that the answer takes you deep into the heart of your true self.

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GP Walsh
New York
New YorkUSA
Spiritual Teacher

Join the thousands who have been touched by GP Walsh's wisdom, humor and infectious spirit

Master Coach, Author, Speaker, Storyteller, Spiritual Master & Energy healer for almost 40 years, he weaves his mastery of the most powerful personal development tools and spiritual practices, and a practical, cultivated wisdom, into a totally engaging live event. It feels like you’re being entertained when, in fact, you are being transformed.

Listen to what leaders and luminaries have to say about GP

“GP is a master storyteller, painting vivid pictures using just his remarkable voice, his captivating expressions and gestures and a seemingly unlimited supply of characterizations.

As entertaining and engaging as he is, that actually pales in the face of the depth of the message he delivers: the incredible power of courage and the innate value we all possess.

Teacher? Actor? Storyteller? Leader? Sage? GP is all of the above.”

– John Gray Author of 17 books, including the New York Times #1 Best-Selling Book of the last decade, “Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus”

“GP Walsh is a master speaker who will leave you spellbound.

As I listened to his compelling speech, I laughed, cried, and felt transformed from insight after insight.

He offered me a deep journey into my soul.”

– Marci Shimoff, #1 NY Times Bestselling Author: Happy for No Reason, Love For No Reason, Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul

“As the co-author of the ‘Chicken Soup for the Soul’ series, I am more familiar than most with good stories. And I have had the privilege of hearing some of the best storytellers and speakers in the world. GP Walsh is one of those.

It is a rare talent that can keep an audience absolutely mesmerized while delivering teaching and insights that are profound and life changing. Whether you are a company, a college, an association or an organization GP will take you on a journey you will not soon forget and will touch you in ways that will effect everything you do.

Take it from a story expert, have GP at your next event.”

Jack Canfield – The World’s #1 Success Coach and Co-Author of “Chicken Soup for the Soul” and “The Success Principles


Inner Reconciliation is the centerpiece of all the training GP provides. More than a process or technique it is a comprehensive way of working with all modalities and techniques of healing, transformation and restoration.

But, beyond all that, Inner Reconciliation restores you to a sense of wholeness, not by making you better, but by bringing you to a place of unconditional love for yourself.


Guest, Dave Williams

Guest Name
Dave Williams
Dave Williams, and family
Guest Category
Guest Occupation
Colorado Representative House District 15
Guest Biography

Dave grew up in a military family where hard work and sacrifice were taught. It is here that he learned the importance of our country and its impact on the world. A deep commitment to faith, patriotism, and civic duty are the cornerstones of his upbringing, as well as continual sources of strength and guidance.

Dave met his wife, Emily, his senior year of high school. They dated during their early years of college and married shortly after. They had their first child in December 2016.

He has served in several leadership capacities in both small business and local politics. Dave currently serves as Vice-President of Logistics for a manufacturing support services company where he helps bring businesses together to find tailored solutions for their customers.

From 2011-2013, Dave served as Vice-Chairman of the El Paso County Republican Party. While serving, he showed a steadfast commitment to the cause of liberty and freedom. Dave believes we need to encourage and hold accountable our elected representatives to support such principles.

In 2016, Dave was the first Latino elected to House District 15. He is providing new energy and enthusiasm that will help strengthen our community and Colorado. Dave is committed to working with the grassroots to further the cause of liberty and ensure that freedom is passed on to future generations.

Chuck and Julie Show

Chuck and Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden
Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden

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The Chuck and Julie Show are longtime radio hosts and commentators. Their program is a live Internet call-in talk show providing thought provoking information, conversation and entertainment. They are dedicated to free speech and critical thinking and any and all opinions are welcome. If you want the truth straight up and enjoy passionate debate this is the show for you.

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4:55 pm CT
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