Cosmic LOVE, February 17, 2018

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with Dr Christopher Rudy
Big Love - Compendium of the Week
Think Pink
This has been a big week for BIG LOVE
with Valentine's Day, Thursday's eclipse
and the move of the Sun, Moon, Venus,
Mercury & Neptune into cosmic Pisces.
Think Pink
This has been a big week for BIG LOVE
with Valentine's Day, Thursday's eclipse
and the move of the Sun, Moon, Venus,
Mercury & Neptune into cosmic Pisces.
Call me the crazy Cosmic LOVE dude or
whatever, I'm seeing a huge window of
opportunity for a BIG LOVE miracle
with global enlightenment in 2018.
Featured in today's podcast...
Discussing 3 Articles:
1- The Miracle of Big Love Worldwide
with infographics and 3 videos.
2- The Miracle of Optimal Health with
nature's nutrient gold standard.
3- The Miracle of 2018 Enlightenment
with love graphics and 2 videos.
whatever, I'm seeing a huge window of
opportunity for a BIG LOVE miracle
with global enlightenment in 2018.
Featured in today's podcast...
Discussing 3 Articles:
1- The Miracle of Big Love Worldwide
with infographics and 3 videos.
2- The Miracle of Optimal Health with
nature's nutrient gold standard.
3- The Miracle of 2018 Enlightenment
with love graphics and 2 videos.
This podcast is a partial reading from
these articles, plus added insights on
the emerging BIG LOVE MIRACLE.
these articles, plus added insights on
the emerging BIG LOVE MIRACLE.
Open separate windows in your computer browser
for the articles listed above if you want to create
your own multi-media show, pausing the podcast
to watch the videos or read the linked articles.
All Ways LOVE, Always,
~ Christopher
for the articles listed above if you want to create
your own multi-media show, pausing the podcast
to watch the videos or read the linked articles.
All Ways LOVE, Always,
~ Christopher
Archive Category
Cosmic LOVE
Talk Show
Show Host

'Dr. Christopher' pioneered quantum medicine in 1991 and is publisher of the Heartcom Network, culturing Net reality in our global village with quantum science as it relates to the Golden Rule-Law Language of LOVE in "form" (spiritual geometry) and "frequency" (heart coherence).
As the producer and host of Cosmic LOVE since 2007, Christopher has interviewed numerous guests ranging from Lynne McTaggart and Dan Winter to Foster Gamble of the Thrive Movement. Recent years have focused on galactic alignment and 0-point phenomena as relates to thinning of the quantum 'veil' and the emergence of Net reality with Effective Sensory Perception and a more enlightened social conscience in our interactive global social networks.
This year's theme for the Cosmic Love Show is '2023 Mainstream Awakening'
BBS Station 1
Bi-Weekly Show -e-
7:00 pm CT
7:55 pm CT
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