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The Balanced Millionaire, August 14, 2019

Ngan Nguyen
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The Balanced Millionaire
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Guest, Ngan Nguyen

The Balanced Millionaire with Eileen Mendel

Guest, Ngan Nguyen

One Million Steps: Lessons From A Legendary Hike

Author Bio:

Ngan Nguyen ( is the author of One Million Steps: Lessons From A Legendary Hike and Self-Defined Success: You Have Everything It Takes, and the founder/CEO of Cintamani Group, an executive coaching and consulting firm. Nguyen coaches on leadership and empowers entrepreneurs as an intuitive strategist. With over a decade of business strategy experience as an advisor to Fortune 100 companies, Nguyen is also a certified master-level intelligent leadership executive coach with John Mattone and was an analyst for McKinsey & Company. Nguyen graduated with a double honors degree in biochemistry-biophysics and bioengineering from Oregon State University and completed a research fellowship at MIT in nanotechnology. 

Book Description:

Stretching 500-miles across the northern part of Spain is the Camino Francés, or the French Way, of the Camino de Santiago. A pilgrimage to the Spanish city of Santiago de Compostela. Dating back to the 8th century, it has hosted kings and queens, Roman armies and legions of Catholic pilgrims. In recent years it has attracted people from all backgrounds and in 2017 alone, over 300,000 hikers, known as “peregrinos,” or pilgrims walk the path.

It was by fate that I found this path and it became one of the greatest adventures of my life. Over a million steps crossing the rugged Pyrenees and spanning undulating plains before winding through lush hillsides. The path was a unique window into historical, natural and cultural beauty, but even more than that, it was a walk into more depth within my own being. It became a journey of healing and self-discovery.

The many gifts, lessons, and miracles that I came to discover along this path allowed me to see how the path mirrors our journey to any destination we have in mind. Arriving at Santiago de Compostela, I was transformed and the gifts the path brought me was more than I ever thought was possible.

In this book, I tell the story of that adventure as well as the countless powerful lessons I learned in the hope that it may of service to you. May the lessons I learned shine more light on your journey to whatever destination that may be pulling at your consciousness at this moment.

Buen Camino - Good Way to You.

Discussion Questions:

  • What inspired you to hike the Camino de Santiago?

  • What were some of the most memorable experiences of the Camino?

  • What are the major takeaways/lessons from walking this path?

  • What were the most challenging moments?

  • What did it feel like to walk into Santiago?

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The Balanced Millionaire

The Balanced Millionaire with Eileen Mendel
Show Host
Eileen Mendel

THE BALANCED MILLIONAIRE: "For High Achieving Professionals Who Want To Elevate Their Business and Maintain A Balanced Life".


Learn from successful entrepreneurs how they grew their companies from the ground up and learned the hard way what it took to get to 6-7 figurers and more. Expert guest reveal their secrets and actions that got them through toughest of professional challenges, and how it drove their success to higher profits and personal triumphs.

You have limitless potential. Eileen guides you to think and act more expansively. Train your mind to think beyond current conditions. Once you immerse yourself, you cannot go back to your old habits.

Learn the processes of creating a transformation in yourself and translating this to your career, which will also change the three other key areas of your life—your relationships, health, time, money and...FREEDOM!

Shifting Direction...You can change course and propel yourself into a proven new way of thinking that will lead to personal growth, generation of fresh ideas, and a flourishing business. You will learn how to live the lifestyle of your choosing, without dictating external stresses.

Interested in being a FEATURED GUEST on The Balanced Millionaire? Let’s chat and schedule a date for you to be on the show! 

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