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The Author and Artist Hour, May 24, 2022

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The Author and Artist Hour
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Book Reviews and their importance to authors.

The Author and Artist Hour with Kez Wickham St George and Toni Lontis

Book Reviews and their importance to authors.

1. Toni. What is so important to have a book review

Kez A book review enlightens those you have a published book, it can lead to sales and promotions of your work.

2. Toni. A good book review used to be written and for more in-depth way of connecting to your readers, this can be done on Good reads and Amazon these are the more two popular ones. Is that your opinion Kez?

Kez. Most definitely, and still is extremely popular. How ever in the digital world, it comes down to two things. Often missed is the back of the page if it’s powerful it can lead to interviews and promotions. it’s proven that when a person picks your book up, they read what is known as the blurb first.

3. Toni. What would I look for in a review

Kez. A combination of the authors skill that can either educate you this can happen in the synopsis or the prologue

If it’s a digital review the reviewer has a short window to speak unless its on a promotional platform such as ToniTv or other platforms.

4. Toni. A book review can be the cause of great conversation, in groups is the entire book read?

Kez. Yes, a book a month is the norm for book groups, That is not to say it can take longer to read a book, its up to the group.

5. Toni. In a written review what are the main points to bring up and the media changing things that any review can be published immediately.

Kez. The skill of the author, the flow of the story told, was the reader enticed to read more of this author is what will attract a good review. Yes media is changing the way we review books.

6. Toni. What are your suggestion to have a book review Kez.

Kez. Iv been reviewing books for over two years, I find the most important one is to have a digital review than find a reader to read your book and write a review for you. Make sure you agree with all reviews before they are posted.

7. Toni . Why do you do book reviews Kez? And why do you like an actual copy of it in your hand.

Kez. There is nothing like the feel and smell of a new book, once its sent to me I take photos then review. If its an eBook there is no way you can see me holding the book to the screen and reading from it.

Iv been an author for quite a while Toni, I enjoy what I do knowing it may have perked interest somewhere somehow. It also gives me a chance to read others work.

8. Toni. How has book reviews on your own novels helped you.

Kez. Written reviews have been wonderful, I chose to go digital first so that flags were waved about the book and who my Publisher was, I found that was a huge plus for promotions and sales.

9. Toni, can you tell us the difference between a synopsis, a prologue and the blurb. what is your go to when you deliver a book review

Kez. A prologue is actually part of the story ..a synopsis is the summery of the entire book. The blurb is what is written on the back cover of the book. Or it can be merged. The Blurb is a paragraph that is descriptive of the book, its lie a advert or promotion of the story. My go to instantly is the blurb. I can soon tell if the books for me.

10. Toni, Is there a platform that authors can go to promote their own books

Kez. There are many, a short video of your self-talking about your book, is one. Using a paid interview digital platform is another. Or asking for people to write one , there are also paid written reviewers to contact.

11.Toni . Where would you advise the audience that are authors to begin to promote their work.

Kez. Either one, as long as your books are being promoted by readers and your book is out there being read. That is the ultimate goal of the majority of writers.

The Author and Artist Hour

The Author and Artist Hour with Kez Wickham St George and Toni Lontis
Kez Wickham St George

Kez is ever the storyteller and a popular speaker at many local events; However mentoring others to tell their stories has become a large part of Kez’s life, running creative writing workshops for those that have a story to tell.

Encouraging and mentoring others to follow their passion for writing has resulted in four of her writing protégés becoming published authors. Kez also invites published authors in fiction to contact her, as she enjoys introducing their work to Facebook and Instagram by video.

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